Summary: | The pandemic has transformed various aspects of everyday life. Since it first spread in 2020 until this day, the world has drastically reduced face-to-face interaction, resulting in almost all daily activities have been adapted to the virtual world. Social media, the bridge that connects people at this time when social distancing is imposed, records public issues and opinions in these difficult times. Entering the post-pandemic era, social media plays an important role in recording the world's journey to deal with the impact of COVID-19. This study examines the dissemination of information in one of the social media that is widely used by the world's population, Twitter. With the quantitative method, the distribution of information on Twitter related to what issues are being discussed post-pandemic is analyzed. The trend of information in this application shows the focus mainly fell on various social issues that affect many people, especially regarding economic recovery. The results of this study can be used as a source of information or a reference source, and can also be used as data in predicting various kinds of post-pandemic activities.