Konsep Ideal Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Tinjauan Psikologis dan Paedagogik

Abstract   This article talks about the ideal concept of PAI teachers in psychological and pedagogical boxing. With the study of literature studies, this study tries to trace the literatures that talk about the ideal PAI teacher in both perspectives. Data collection using documentation method...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Saefiyani, M. Misbah
Format: Article
Published: IKA STAIN Purwokerto 2022-05-01
Series:Jurnal Kependidikan
Online Access:https://ejournal.uinsaizu.ac.id/index.php/jurnalkependidikan/article/view/7702
Summary:Abstract   This article talks about the ideal concept of PAI teachers in psychological and pedagogical boxing. With the study of literature studies, this study tries to trace the literatures that talk about the ideal PAI teacher in both perspectives. Data collection using documentation methods and data analysis with comparative analysis techniques. Researchers analyzed the assessment of PAI teacher concepts in psychological and pedagogical reviews using two approaches, namely normative then using physiological approaches. The results of his research are the ideal teacher in terms of psychological is a PAI teacher who has a Muslim personality, who has Islamic religious values, chooses, and decides something, and does based on Islamic values. Usually personality tends to characterize the word “taqwa” which is often interpreted to do all the commandments of God and avoid His prohibitions; The ideal of a PAI teacher in pedagogical terms  is a PAI teacher who emphasizes professionalism or expertise in teaching in his field. While in terms of psychological it emphasizes more on the personality of the teacher. Because he is a person who is treated and imitated (believed in his words and exemplified his actions, certainly in truth) because the teacher as a figure or example for his students. They are PAI teachers who can be categorized as ideal according to education experts as well as being able to know the various ways that are done to be able to realize the ideal PAI teachers, so as to produce the coveted PAI teachers.   Keywords Ideal PAI Teacher, Psychological Perspective, Pedagogic Perspective   Abstrak   Artikel ini berbicara tentang konsep ideal guru PAI dalam tinjuan psikologis dan pedagogis. Dengan kajian studi kepustakaan, penelitian ini mencoba menelusuri literatur-literatur yang berbicara tentang guru PAI ideal dalam kedua perspektif tersebut. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan analisa datanya dengan tehnik analisis perbandingan (komparatif). Peneliti menganalisis pengkajian konsep guru PAI dalam tinjauan psikologis dan paedagogis menggunakan dua pendekatan, yaitu normatif kemudian menggunakan pendekatan fisiologis. Hasil penelitiannya adalah; guru yang ideal dari segi psikologis adalah seorang guru PAI yang berkepribadian muslim, yang memiliki nilai-nilai agama Islam, memilih dan memutuskan sesuatu, serta berbuat berdasarkan nilai-nilai Islam. Biasanya kepribadian cenderung bercirikan kata taqwa yang sering diartikan mengerjakan segala perintah Allah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya; Keidealan seorang guru PAI dari segi pedagogis adalah guru PAI yang menekankan pada profesionalitas atau keahlian dalam mengajar di bidangnya. Sedangkan dari segi psikologis itu lebih menekankan pada kepribadian guru. Sebab ia adalah orang yang digugu dan ditiru (dipercaya perkataannya dan dicontoh perbuatannya, tentunya dalam kebenaran) karena guru sebagai figur atau teladan bagi siswa-siswanya. Mereka adalah guru-guru PAI yang dapat dikategorikan ideal menurut para ahli pendidikan sekaligus dapat mengetahui berbagai cara yang dilakukan untuk dapat merealisasikan guru-guru PAI yang ideal, sehingga dapat menghasilkan guru PAI yang didambakan.   Kata Kunci Guru PAI Ideal, Perspektif Psikologis, Perspektif Pedagogik.