Summary: | In the light of the
potential negative consequences of dishonest behaviors for individuals and
societies, researchers from different disciplines have aimed to investigate
situation and person factors shaping the occurrence and extent of such
behaviors. The present study investigates the roles of a situation factor, the
baseline probability of observing a favorable outcome, and a person factor,
trait Honesty-Humility from the HEXACO Model of Personality, in shaping
dishonest behavior. Next to main effects, a person-situation interaction
between these factors was tested. Across three studies with 5,297 participants
overall, we find that a higher baseline probability of observing a favorable
outcome and lower levels in Honesty-Humility are linked to more dishonest
behavior, whereas there was no strong evidence for an interaction between these
factors. By testing the assumed effects in two different cheating paradigms,
this study additionally allows to disentangle previously found effects of (a)
the distance between an observed and the favorable outcome and (b) the baseline
probability of observing a favorable outcome.