Summary: | 'Aim: 'Following changes to the age at which our primary vision screening programmes are delivered we aimed to assess the impact of this change of practice on final vision outcomes. 'Methods: 'This is a retrospective notes review of visual outcomes of children failing from two primary vision screening programmes: group A who were screened at pre-school age (3.5 years old) and group B who were screened at school entry age (4–5 years old). Results: Group A: coverage at screening 2742/4567 (60%), start visual acuity (VA) 0.516 logMAR (range 0.175–1.500), end VA 0.195 logMAR (range 0.00– 0.800). Group B: coverage at screening 5842/6082 (96%), start VA 0.514 logMAR (range 0.225–1.500), end VA 0.209 logMAR (range 0.00–1.200). Conclusion: Children in group B achieved the same visual outcome as group A in a shorter episode length and with a larger proportion of the target group screened.