Summary: | The publication analyzes the foreign experience of analyzing the content of publications on the Internet, in particular the experience in monitoring socio-political information and the institution of presidency in the leading media of the network. The paper presents results of research to determine peculiarities of the foreign media coverage of the activities and the image of Volodymyr Zelensky as the President of Ukraine, basing on monitoring of foreign information resources on the Internet. The general principles, technology of the conducted monitoring and methodology of work with the database «Institute of the Presidency in Foreign Mass Media» in the software environment «IRBIS64», which was created in the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine to save and process monitoring results. Fragments of the results of the analysis of the content of publications (n = 254) about the President of Ukraine, which were included in the database as a result of monitoring for the period April-December 2019, are presented.The relevance of the publication is due mainly to the increasing role of information resources of the global network and the need to use foreign experience in creating effective technologies to examine information flows generated in the network. The purpose of the article is to review foreign experience in analyzing the content of publications on the Internet and determine the feasibility of using monitoring tools in studies of information flows of socio-political topics.After analyzing the foreign experience of monitoring the content of publications on the Internet, we recognized the advisability of using monitoring tools in studies of information flows on socio-political issues, including the institution of the presidency and the activities of presidents of certain countries in the world. Monitoring of the content of information space is widely used in the world. The monitoring is traditionally based on content analysis. There is a shift in the methodology of its usage towards qualitative methods to assess the content of texts. Monitoring of traditional print media is giving way to monitoring of information resources on the Internet.The results of the analysis of monitoring materials on coverage of the activities of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the information resources of the global network were carried out during 2019, confirmed the possibility of identifying general trends in the coverage of the institute of presidents and individual political and state figures in the global information space and outlined the prospects for using monitoring of the content of network resources as presidential institute analytical research tool.