Význam komponentů senzorimotorické responze a EMG signálů v závislosti na typu stimulů při šermu The significance of sensorimotor response components and EMG signals depending on stimuli type in fencing

Cílem této studie bylo zkoumat reakční čas (RČ), pohybový čas (PČ) a elektromyografické signály za podmínek taktilní, akustické a vizuální stimulace. Studie se zúčastni...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zbigniew Borysiuk
Format: Article
Published: Palacky University 2008-01-01
Series:Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica
Online Access:http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/8
Summary:C&iacute;lem t&eacute;to studie bylo zkoumat reakčn&iacute; čas (RČ), pohybov&yacute; čas (PČ) a elektromyografick&eacute; sign&aacute;ly za podm&iacute;nek taktiln&iacute;, akustick&eacute; a vizu&aacute;ln&iacute; stimulace. Studie se z&uacute;častnily dvě skupiny osob &ndash; jedna zahrnovala pokročil&eacute; &scaron;erm&iacute;ře (n = 12, průměrn&yacute; věk 22,3), kteř&iacute; se &scaron;ermu věnuj&iacute; průměrně 8,3 roku, druh&aacute; pak zahrnovala zač&iacute;naj&iacute;c&iacute; &scaron;erm&iacute;ře (n = 15, průměrn&yacute; věk 14,8), kteř&iacute; se &scaron;ermu věnuj&iacute; průměrně 2,8 roku. V&yacute;zkumn&yacute;m n&aacute;strojem užit&yacute;m při t&eacute;to studii byl inovativn&iacute; syst&eacute;m povrchov&eacute; elektromyografie s perifern&iacute;m vybaven&iacute;m umožňuj&iacute;c&iacute;m zaznamenat reakce &uacute;častn&iacute;ků na taktiln&iacute;, akustickou a vizu&aacute;ln&iacute; stimulaci. Syst&eacute;m umožňoval zaznamen&aacute;vat zvl&aacute;&scaron;ť RČ a PČ. &Uacute;častn&iacute;ci byli vystaveni čtyřiceti pěti n&aacute;hodně volen&yacute;m stimulům pro každ&yacute; typ stimulace. Testovan&iacute; &scaron;erm&iacute;ři reagovali nejrychleji na taktiln&iacute; stimuly, d&aacute;le na akustick&eacute; stimuly a teprve mnohem pomaleji na stimuly vizu&aacute;ln&iacute; (p &lt; 0,01). Zku&scaron;eněj&scaron;&iacute; &scaron;erm&iacute;ři vykazovali ve srovn&aacute;n&iacute; se zač&iacute;naj&iacute;c&iacute;mi &scaron;erm&iacute;ři v&yacute;znamně niž&scaron;&iacute; hodnoty RČ, PČ a EMG. Obě skupiny vykazovaly při taktiln&iacute;ch, akustick&yacute;ch a vizu&aacute;ln&iacute;ch testech sn&iacute;ženou hodnotu sign&aacute;lu EMG, což podporuje hypot&eacute;zu. Při vizu&aacute;ln&iacute;m stimulačn&iacute;m testu byla tak&eacute; pozorov&aacute;na m&iacute;rn&aacute; shoda sign&aacute;ln&iacute;ch křivek EMG. Lze formulovat z&aacute;věr, že vizu&aacute;ln&iacute; percepce snižuje u zač&iacute;naj&iacute;c&iacute;ch &scaron;erm&iacute;řů muskul&aacute;rn&iacute; napět&iacute; (p &lt; 0,050). The purpose of the present study was to examine reaction time, movement time (MT) and electromyography signals under conditions of tactile, acoustic and visual stimulation. Two groups of subjects took part in the study – one consisting of advanced fencers (n = 12, average age 22.3) having practiced fencing for an average of 8.3 years; and the other consisting of novice fencers (n = 15, average age 14.8) having practiced fencing for an average of 2.8 years. The research tool applied in the study was an innovative system of surface electromyography with peripheral equipment that enabled participants’ reactions to tactile, audio and visual stimulation to be recorded. The system made it possible to record RT and MT separately. The subjects were exposed to forty five stimuli in a randomized manner for each type of stimulation. The tested fencers responded fastest to tactile stimuli, then to acoustic stimuli, and in a much slower way to visual stimuli (p < 0.01). The advanced fencers exhibited significantly lower values of RT, MT, and EMG in comparison with the novice fencers. Both groups exhibited a decrease in the EMG signal value during the tactile, acoustic and visual stimulation trials, supporting the hypothesis. A slight coincidence of EMG signal curves was also observed in the visual stimuli test. It can be concluded that visual perception lowers muscle tension in novice fencers (p < 0.050).