Summary: | Purpose of the article is to analyze the ideas expressed by M. Hrushevsky, V. Vynnychenko, S. Petliura, E. Konovalets, S. Bandera, A. Melnyk, and others on the Ukrainian-Moscow confrontation. The research methodology is based on systemic and structural approaches, on the methods of comparative, logical and structural-functional analysis, including an interdisciplinary approach. Scientific novelty. The views of the majority of Ukrainian national leaders on the nature of their current and future armed confrontations between Ukraine and Moscovia (Russia) are revealed. It is determined that the views of S. Petliura and S. Bandera most clearly justified the approaches to military confrontation. It was noted that the works of most Ukrainian leaders noted the multi-vector and insidious actions of Moscovia in the war against Ukraine. It was found that the works of S. Bandera to some extent predict the attack of Moscovia on Ukraine after gaining its last independence. Conclusions. Every leader of the Ukrainian movement during the twentieth century faced the issue of confrontation with Moscow imperialism. Most of them tried to avoid this issue at at first, but later were forced to lead the struggle. S. Petliura and S. Bandera were the most involved in understanding and theorizing the issue of the war with Moscovia. Their theories differed in their approaches to different historical realities and had much in common in the context of recognizing Moscow as an insidious and hybrid enemy, to use a modern expression. The most valuable in modern realities are the ideas of S. Bandera, because he has already understood the nuclear status of Moscovia (Russia) and proposed the most effective way to rid the world of this threat - national revolutions for the peoples enslaved by Moscow. The thesis about the inadequacy of Ukraine's liberation as a result of the revolution, formulated by S. Bandera, also clearly defined the next stage that Ukraine is going through in 2022 during Putin's Moscovia attack - the National Defense War.