Summary: | The reduced inertia in the power system due to renewable energy integration introduces operation challenges in frequency stability and control. The current options for virtual inertia and frequency support are limited by the energy resources and the power electronic interface. Considering the demand on response speed and energy capacity, a general virtual synchronous machine (VSM) control based on various forms of energy storage systems (ESS) is proposed. The steady-state energy variation of energy storage is found to be proportional to the virtual damping or governor gain, while inversely proportional to the integral gain of system frequency control. It is found that the size of energy storage can be at the second time scale (for example, 6.8 p.u.·s) for VSM implementation, which is significantly smaller than the conventional hour-scale energy storage in the power system. Based on energy dynamic analysis, stability requirement, and bandwidth separation rules, an energy recovery control is designed to maintain constant state of charge (for example, 50%) while avoiding conflicts with frequency regulation. The time scale of the designed energy recovery control loop (for example, hundreds of seconds) is longer than the secondary frequency control. The effectiveness of the proposed control is verified through comprehensive case studies.