Summary: | Background: Rhinophyma is a disease on which many articles are published in the international medical literature, mainly on treatment. The clinical study of the involvement of the nasal skin, the supporting structures of the tip of the nose and the presence of lesions with a clinically malignant appearance are important for the comprehensive diagnosis of the disease.
Objective: To present the new clinical classification of rhinophyma.
Development: Rhinophyma is classified into 4 types. Type 1, phymatous growth that does not affect the nasal contour; type 2, phymatous growth with involvement of the nasal contour; type 3, giant rhinophyma, and type 4 rhinophyma associated with a clinically malignant lesion. The new clinical classification of rhinophyma is presented, through clinical cases, the involvement of the nasal anatomical subunits, the nasal contour, the stability of the columella, the visibility of the nostrils, as well as the presence of clinically malignant lesions that differentiate from clinical form the types of rhinophyma. It is classified into 4 types which will have an impact on the diagnosis and treatment planning, as well as the prevention of sequelae that are difficult to correct to achieve aesthetic, functional and emotional stability of the patient with rhinophyma.