Summary: | This article presents a detailed analysis and design of an ultra-wideband (3.1 GHz – 10.6 GHz) notch antennas in a two-element MIMO system with high isolation performance. The wideband spectrum is notched at the WiMAX band at 5.8 GHz centre frequency using a highly selective electromagnetic bandgap structure coupled to the antenna feeding lines. An array of electromagnetic bandgap structure is used to achieve wideband isolation between the two elements. The two antenna elements achieve wideband reflection coefficient for good matching below -10 dB, except the notch where it becomes higher than – 2 dB. On the other hand, the antenna elements have a minimum of 20 dB isolation. Thanks to the achieved results, the antenna MIMO elements have small envelop correlation (less than 0.05) and also small channel capacity loss (less than 0.2 bit/s/Hz). The obtained results are verified using experimental measurements and all circuit/ EM needed simulations.