Summary: | Twenty years after the Science Law, the current regulatory and organisationalframework of scientific research in Spain is examined with considerationof its distinguishing features. With this in mind, the article examines, first,the regulations defining the scientific powers of the State, the autonomousregions, local institutions and universities in terms of constitutional jurisprudenceand the recent statutory reforms. It then systematises by formal typeand material purpose the regulations passed while exercising their respectivepowers, as well as the organisational forms of the scientific government.This analysis suggests some degree of imitation and parallelism betweenthe autonomous regional and state regulations, possibly due to its regulatoryarticulation and the lack of co-ordination and convergence of scientificpolicies. As a result, the study finally looks at the regulations required bythis inter-governmental co-ordination and collaboration and the bodies andprocedures by which it could better be articulated, as well as reviewing somerecent political initiatives which aimed to overcome this lack of collaboration.