Summary: | INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Primipara Breastfeeding Motivation Scale (PBMS). METHODS: This is a methodological study conducted with 400 primiparous women who have applied to the Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital in the Istanbul Province between December 2017 and December 2018, and who are in their postnatal 6th month. The study data were obtained using the Turkish language version of the 'Data Collection Form' and the 'Primipar Breastfeeding Motivation Scale'. The PBMS measurements were tested by conducting validity and reliability analyses. The validity analysis for the data was conducted using the content validity index, the exploratory factor analysis, the confirmatory factor analysis, the reliability analysis, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and the Cronbach's Alfa reliability coefficient. In evaluating the data, number/percentage, t test on dependent and independent groups, correlation analysis, Cronbach's α analysis, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used. It was understood that motivation increased parallel to an increase in points on a scale with four sub-dimensions. RESULTS: PBMS is a 37-item scale developed to evaluate the postnatal breastfeeding motivation in primipara. A test-retest measurement was conducted at fortnightly intervals in order to evaluate the constancy of the scale in time. As a result, no difference was found between point averages (p=0.435). In the internal consistency analysis conducted to determine the scale's reliability, the reliability coefficient was found as α=0.884 for the value ascribed to breastfeeding dimension, α= 0.825 for the self-effectiveness dimension, α= 0.686 for the midwife support dimension, and α=0.873 for the expectation of success dimension. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was found that the Turkish language version of PBMS is a valid and reliable tool in identifying the breastfeeding motivation of mothers.