Summary: | The ascension of firms of Iberian origin and Latin-American call the attention as much of academics as of executives of international corporations. We tried to detach the Latin-American and Iberian multinational corporations. We tried to understand the subjects: Which done the entrance model adopt in the exterior for the Mexican and Spanish companies in the segment of telecommunications in Latin America? Which points in common there is in this process? Why the choice for these destinies? The results indicate: Telefônica; Telmex and América Móvil accomplished intensive acquisitions of companies in Latin America. The chosen destiny for these firms of Spanish and Mexican origin follows a process of incremental internationalization, in search of markets with cultural and psychic identities close. Both companies knew how to take advantage of the desregulation opportunity and opening of the market of telecommunications in elapsing of the decade of 90. The reason for the choice of these destinies was mainly the know-how lack in international operations, what turned easier the adaptation of the knowledge stopped by these companies in the search of similar markets.