Summary: | As inorganic nitrogen compounds are essential for basic building blocks of life (e.g., nucleotides and amino acids), the role of biological nitrogen-fixation (BNF) is indispensible. All nitrogen fixing microbes rely on the same nitrogenase enzyme for nitrogen reduction, which is in fact an enzyme complex consists of as many as 20 genes. However, the occurrence of six genes viz., nifB, nifD, nifE, nifH, nifK, and nifN has been proposed to be essential for a functional nitrogenase enzyme. Therefore, identification of these genes is important to understand the mechanism of BNF as well as to explore the possibilities for improving BNF from agricultural sustainability point of view. Further, though the computational tools are available for the annotation and phylogenetic analysis of nifH gene sequences alone, to the best of our knowledge no tool is available for the computational prediction of the above mentioned six categories of nitrogen-fixation (nif) genes or proteins. Thus, we proposed an approach, which is first of its kind for the computational identification of nif proteins encoded by the six categories of nif genes. Sequence-derived features were employed to map the input sequences into vectors of numeric observations that were subsequently fed to the support vector machine as input. Two types of classifier were constructed: (i) a binary classifier for classification of nif and non-nitrogen-fixation (non-nif) proteins, and (ii) a multi-class classifier for classification of six categories of nif proteins. Higher accuracies were observed for the combination of composition-transition-distribution (CTD) feature set and radial kernel, as compared to the other feature-kernel combinations. The overall accuracies were observed >90% in both binary and multi-class classifications. The developed approach further achieved >92% accuracy, while evaluated with blind (independent) test datasets. The developed approach also produced higher accuracy in identifying nif proteins, while evaluated using proteome-wide datasets of several species. Furthermore, we established a prediction server nifPred ( to assist the scientific community for proteome-wide identification of six categories of nif proteins. Besides, the source code of nifPred is also available at The developed web server is expected to supplement the transcriptional profiling and comparative genomics studies for the identification and functional annotation of genes related to BNF.