Summary: | Summary: Science, engineering, and medicine ultimately demand fast information processing with ultra-low power consumption. The recently developed spin-orbit torque (SOT)-induced magnetization switching paradigm has been fueling opportunities for spin-orbitronic devices, i.e., enabling SOT memory and logic devices at sub-nano second and sub-picojoule regimes. Importantly, spin-orbitronic devices are intrinsic of nonvolatility, anti-radiation, unlimited endurance, excellent stability, and CMOS compatibility, toward emerging applications, e.g., processing in-memory, neuromorphic computing, probabilistic computing, and 3D magnetic random access memory. Nevertheless, the cutting-edge SOT-based devices and application remain at a premature stage owing to the lack of scalable methodology on the field-free SOT switching. Moreover, spin-orbitronics poises as an interdisciplinary field to be driven by goals of both fundamental discoveries and application innovations, to open fascinating new paths for basic research and new line of technologies. In this perspective, the specific challenges and opportunities are summarized to exert momentum on both research and eventual applications of spin-orbitronic devices.