Summary: | We estimated the effects of breast- and formula-feeding on cholesterol and bile acid metabolism for 1.5 years after weaning in 35 newborn baboons that were breast-fed (n = 12) or fed one of two formulas with high (n = 11) or low (n = 12) polyunsaturated/saturated (P/S) fatty acid composition. Infants were weaned at 15 weeks to a high cholesterol, saturated fat diet. Because formula P/S ratio did not affect any variable for 1.5 years after weaning, the data were averaged for the two formula groups. After weaning, serum cholesterol and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations among the infant diet groups were not different until after 52 weeks of age. From 70 to 97 weeks of age, serum cholesterol and high density lipoprotein-2 (HDL2)-cholesterol (HDL2-C) concentrations were lower (P < 0.04) among baboons that were breast-fed as infants compared with those fed formulas. We observed no significant postweaning differences in low density lipoprotein (LDL)-C, HDL3-C, or serum apolipoprotein A-I, B, or E concentrations. At 97 weeks of age baboons that were breast-fed until 15 weeks compared with those formula-fed had a 25% lower total bile acid synthetic rate (36.6 vs. 48.6 mumol/day per kg body weight, P < 0.02) due principally to a 29% lower cholic acid synthetic rate (23.2 vs 32.5 mumol/day per kg body weight, P < 0.004). Baboons breast-fed as infants had a 44% higher hepatic LDL-receptor mRNA concentration than those formula-fed (1.45 vs. 1.01 pg mRNA/micrograms total RNA, P < 0.003).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)