Summary: | Global reporting initiatives (GRI) guidelines has received wide spread acceptance across the globe
in the area of sustainability reporting. Several studies conducted in developed countries proved the
effectiveness of the GRI index. In order to enjoy the benefits attributable to sustainability reporting,
many developing nations claim compliance with the GRI index. However, the extent of compliance
with the index remain sketchy. The objective of this research is to discuss this challenge by
measuring the extent of sustainability disclosure in the Nigerian oil and gas companies using the
Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) framework as yardstick. The study used secondary data collected
from the annual report and accounts of eight (8) selected oil and gas companies listed on Nigerian
Stock Exchange (NSE). Weighted disclosure index was used to measure the level of compliance with
sustainability disclosure among these companies. T-test was used to find the means difference of the
selected companies using company characteristics. The findings reveal that there is significance
level of compliance with sustainability disclosure requirement by the companies. It also reveals
yearly improvement in the means compliance across the study period. In addition, companies
complied more with the requirement under strategy and analyses than other categories of the
disclosure requirement. It also shows that big companies complied more with the disclosure
requirement than small companies. However, profitability and audit quality of the companies have
no significance difference in influencing level of disclosure. The study further suggests for future
research the assessment of value relevance of this level of compliance. : Sustainability Disclosure