Summary: | Words are speakers for human adventure, but often they difficultly come over in memory’s labyrinth. Esthetical knowledge allows to be in contact with the most inner mind plot. Psychoanalytical view and experimental data underlined multiplicity of expressive codes, show an interpersonal process of mirroring which start with Self state regulation and seem to confirm transposition in esthetic object of personal identity. Esthetical productions are a natural, available alphabet. The “images” realized in different contexts of expressive therapy intevention exemplify and confirm the theoretical arguments. The language of arts can welcome, transform and make intelligible the original and unaware emotional chaos. The evocative quality in the relation between masterpiece and interpreter, between interpreter and fruitor/user can be similar to the model of intimacy mother-child. Creative potential and disruptive potential are both present in human condition. It’s necessary to join courage of creation with patience and measure of therapy to promote a creative and vital process that can be speaker of primary experience.