Summary: | This report attempts to draw out the main messages covered during a session on “Approaches to Resource Management for the Nexus” (International conference on Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Synergies and Tradeoffs: Governance and Tools at various Scales held in Bonn, Germany, on 19th and 20th of May 2014). In this session, the audience was reminded of the importance to think about geography and topography to understand trade-offs in the WEF Nexus, and in particular to consider transboundary linkages across nations and ecosystems. Building on a large body of case studies, another presenter put forth the necessity to implement resource management across traditional (FAO) sectors (water, land use …) and along common guidelines. A framework was introduced to that effect. The remaining two speakers introduced new technical tools in resource allocation. Their common denominator is that they integrate models and model approaches of different disciplines.