Summary: | Introduction. Current economic situation is transforming the management of the national enterprises. This outlines the need for new management approaches focused more on modern technologies which optimize management, economic growth and enhance competitive strengths at the national and international markets. The development of innovative management with its subprocesses is getting more and more relevant. Efficient innovative performance of the economic units and high target indicators mainly depend on the subprocesses’ adjustment to the global economic changes.
Purpose. The paper aims to prepare scientific and practical recommendations for designing the technologies for the innovation management implementation, management typology and unification, and the development of a balanced innovation management system for the national enterprises. This system could ensure their timely adjustment to the constant changes.
Materials and Methods. The author applies the methods of structural analysis and synthesis, generalization, analogy, system analysis, and optimization.
Results. The paper describes the management technology models for the enterprise’s innovative processes. Unlike the existing models, the offered ones could visualize their coherent structure, organize end-to-end innovation management, and evaluate the dynamics and quality of inter-process interactions. This could algorithmize the activities aimed to boost the innovative performance of the national enterprises. Scientific findings and suggestions are likely to be useful to adjust the innovation policy, determine the prospects and the fundamental direction of economic growth for national enterprises at the time of global changes.
Conclusion. The scientific recommendations and findings from this work can become methodological tools for the industrial enterprises’ managers to solve the economic growth tasks and to strengthen their competitiveness. Strategically, further research could develop the existing approaches to enterprises’ innovation management, unify methodological tools of innovation management with modern digital technologies.
Keywords: enterprises’ innovation development efficiency, enterprises’ innovative activity, management process, management implementation strategy, management efficiency monitoring