Summary: | During botanical expeditions focused on the study of Annonaceae in Thailand, specimens resembling <i>Friesodielsia glauca</i> were collected from the lower part of peninsular Thailand but were believed to differ from that species in vegetative, flower, and fruit characters. A morphological investigation of the new specimens and species complex was conducted. Specimens (including types of <i>F. glauca</i> and similar species collected from Thailand and adjacent regions) were examined in the following herbaria: A, BK, BM, BKF, E, K, KEP, KKU, L, PSU, QBG, SING, and US. As a consequence, the new species <i>Friesodielsia parvimitra</i>, endemic to peninsular Thailand, is described and illustrated. The conservation status of the new species was provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR, B2ab(iii)) following the IUCN’s guidelines. In addition, <i>F. argentea</i>, previously regarded <i>F. glauca</i>, is reinstated here as a distinct species based on several morphological differences and is reported as a new record from Thailand. Photographs, line drawings, and a revised key to <i>F. glauca</i> and similar species are presented.