Summary: | The aim of the article. The aim of the research paper is studying scientific and methodological foundations of trade enterprise adaptive potential complex assessment with taking into account industry characteristics of their functioning.
The results of the analysis. The complex assessment methodology for adaptive potential of trade enterprise is elaborated; it bases on the system of multicriterion assessments of its resource potential and dynamic abilities and allows identifying of the level of trade enterprise adaptive potential. Criteria of sufficiency, mobility and efficiency are proposed for assessment of resource component of adaptive potential. Sufficiency is defined as compliance with standard actual magnitude of potential with taking into account the economic activity level; mobility is the speed of changes, efficiency is quality characteristics of trade enterprise resource potential. Comparison of actual values of indices is proposed for calculation criteria of sufficiency, mobility and efficiency of potential realization. These indices reflect the absolute value, rate of changes, potential efficiency and profitability of the use of trade enterprises local components of the resource potential with basic values which are relevant average industry indices during certain time period.
Infrastructure abilities, learning abilities and managerial reconfiguration abilities are defined in the structure of dynamic abilities. The objects of infrastructure abilities are resources and processes of their involvement and coordination for solving of operational and strategic tasks of trade enterprises. Learning ability is defined as the willingness of staff to acquire the knowledge needed for adaptation of trade enterprises to the new conditions and use of knowledge in economic activities. Managerial reconfiguration abilities are associated with monitoring of the market situation and necessity understanding and choosing transformation methods of existing system of resources and competencies for strategic goals achieving. Comparison of actual values with their maximum possible indices according to expert evaluation is recommended for abilities’ level determining. Calculation of the integral index of trade enterprise adaptive potential is proposed conducting with use of radar method, which provides division of the circle at equal sectors whose number corresponds to the number of indices which reflect the state of resources and dynamic abilities of the entity.
Conclusions and directions for future researches. The level of adaptive potential according the selection of trade enterprises is determined as a result of the research. It is concluded that retailers compared to other trade enterprises have higher adaptive potential and it should be considered during the adaptation strategies forming and substantiation of adaptation measures portfolio for trade enterprises.