Summary: | O b j e c t i v e s. To develop a control system for the movement of a mobile robot along a color-contrast line, as well as to find the values of the coefficients of a proportional-integral-differentiating (PID) controller that allows the robot to move along the line at a given speed.M e t ho d s. To adjust the values of the coefficients of the PID controller, methods of enumeration, automatic tuning and a genetic algorithm are used.Re s u l t s. A software package for tuning the PID controller of the educational mobile robot RoboCake, designed to move along a closed color-contrast line at a given speed, has been developed. The software package consists of a simulation model of the specified robot in the Simulink environment, several virtual traces-polygons and a specialized solver based on the developed genetic algorithm. With the help of the proposed fitness function, a mobile robot control system that satisfies the stated conditions is implemented. Based on the conducted model experiments, the desired values of the parameters of the PID controller are obtained.Co n c l u s i o n. A comparison of the effectiveness of various methods of tuning the PID controller is carried out. The developed software package is designed to solve the practical problem of moving a mobile robot along a color-contrast line at a speed of 1 m/s. The results obtained can be used to study methods of evolutionary tuning of stabilization systems for transport robots, ensuring their movement without overshoot.