Summary: | The article examines Giorgio Caproni's Ultima Preghiera, a poem in the collection Il seme del piangere from
1959. Within this collection, which includes poems written in the period 1950-1958, Ultima preghiera is part
of the last section entitled Versi livornesi, which bears the dedication "To my mother, Anna Picchi" and which
brings together twenty-two poems of various lengths (written in the years 1954-58) all centred on the figure of
the poet’s mother. In the first part of the article, a close reading of the poem aims to highlight the autonomy of
the text through the analysis of its linguistic, rhythmic, metric, and thematic characteristics. The text will then
be analysed in the context of Versi livornesi, showing the thematic and formal affinities between this poem and
the others devoted to the mother – and more generally within Caproni's lyric production – aiming at an overall
interpretation of the poem. In conclusion, some cursory considerations on the limits of interpretation, inspired
by Umberto Eco, will be presented.