Summary: | At the end of the paper production process, reducing its moisture content is achieved by passing
the finished product in continuous flow through an electric oven. This paper assumes humidity control, which in
turn determine the electrical conductivity of the paper.
The operating principle of non-contact method is: a transmitting coil Tx supplied with alternating
current at an audio frequency is placed on the paper comes out of the oven. A reception coil Rx is located at a
short distance, s, away from the Tx coil. The magnetic field varies in time and emission Tx coil induces circular
currents of very low intensity in wet paper. These currents generate a secondary magnetic field Hs , which is
sensed by the receiver Rx coil together with the magnetic field Hp.
The ratio of the secondary magnetic field Hs and Hp primary magnetic field (Hs \ Hp) is directly
proportional to the conductivity of the paper. Thus it is possible to build a device to measure the conductivity of
paper contactless electromagnetic technique.