Summary: | The purpose of this work was to evaluate the impact of the forest harvesting in forests planted of Pinus maestrensis Bisse, in the Area of Handling» Los Numeros», Guisa municipality, it belongs to the Enterprise Unit Base of Silvículture Management of Guisa, of the Integral Forestry Enterprise Granma. The investigation was developed in two fundamental stages: the evaluation of the pine forest before the pruning and the valuation after this. A characterization of the structure of the pine forest using the indexes of diversity of Simpson and Shannon was carried out, comparing it before and after the harvesting, several dasometric parameters were calculated to the mass in tweeted and demolished, A commercial disbarment was carried out and it was valued the effect of the operations in the site The outputs indicated that the structure of the forest of Pinus maestrensis before the harvesting, was characterized by a vegetable diversity in the arboreal stratum, being inadequate for a, pure and homogeneous forest, low regimen of commercial handling for the absence of silvicultural treatments that guarantees the good execution of the objectives established by the administration and their preferential production. The effect of the harvesting on the pine forest was negative, with loss of the accompanying vegetation and devastation of the under forest, affecting to the soil and to the physiognomy of the site, with the subvaloration of subordinate products and the not observation to the norms of reduced impact.