Summary: | Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique that is commonly used for the visualization of newborn infant brains, both for clinical and research purposes. One of the main challenges with scanning newborn infants, particularly when scanning without sedation in a research setting, is movement. Infant movement can affect MR image quality and therewith reliable image assessment and advanced image analysis. Applying a systematic, stepwise approach to MR scanning during the neonatal period, including the use of the feed-and-bundle technique, is effective in reducing infant motion and ensuring high-quality images. We provide recommendations for one such systematic approach, including the step-by-step preparation and infant immobilization, and highlight safety precautions to minimize any potential risks. The recommendations are primarily focused on scanning newborn infants for research purposes but may be used successfully for clinical purposes as well, granted the infant is medically stable. Using the stepwise approach in our local research setting, our success rate of acquiring high-quality, analyzable infant brain MR images during the neonatal period is as high as 91%.