Summary: | The present paper aims to investigate some semi-separation axioms relating to the Alexandroff one point compactification (Alexandroff compactification, for short) of the digital plane with the Marcus-Wyse ($ MW $-, for brevity) topology. The Alexandroff compactification of the $ MW $-topological plane is called the infinite $ MW $-topological sphere up to homeomorphism. We first prove that under the $ MW $-topology on $ {\mathbb Z}^2 $ the connectedness of $ X(\subset {\mathbb Z}^2) $ with $ X^\sharp\geq 2 $ implies the semi-openness of $ X $. Besides, for the infinite $ MW $-topological sphere, we introduce a new condition for the hereditary property of the compactness of it. In addition, we investigate some conditions preserving the semi-openness or semi-closedness of a subset of the $ MW $-topological plane in the process of an Alexandroff compactification. Finally, we prove that the infinite $ MW $-topological sphere is a semi-regular space; thus, it is a semi-$ T_3 $-space because it is a semi-$ T_1 $-space. Hence we finally conclude that an Alexandroff compactification of the $ MW $-topological plane preserves the semi-$ T_3 $ separation axiom.