Summary: | A performance evaluation study was undertaken with 14 coconut genotypes which include eleven tall and three dwarf
genotypes. Among the 14 coconut genotypes, eight exotic and six indigenous were from diverse geographical origins. All
the coconut genotypes showed variation for yield, yield contributing characters and quality traits. East Coast Tall recorded
maximum plant height while Laccadive Ordinary recorded maximum stem girth. With respect to leaf characters, Philippines
Ordinary recorded maximum number of leaves while Jamaica Tall recorded maximum petiole length followed by Fiji Tall.
With respect to the flowering traits, Philippines Ordinary recorded the maximum number of inflorescence per palm. The tall
genotype, Laccadive micro recorded maximum number of female flowers. Length of stalk was highest in tall genotype Strait
Settlement Green. Exotic tall genotype, Jamaica Tall recorded maximum spadix length. For the yield characters, Laccadive
Ordinary recorded the highest number of bunch per palm per year by followed by Jamaica tall while Laccadive Micro
recorded maximum number of nuts per bunch, number of nut per palm followed by Andaman Ordinary. For the nut
characters studied, the exotic tall coconut genotype Jamaica Tall recorded maximum whole nut weight, dehusked nut weight,
husk weight, husk thickness, kernel weight, shell weight, shell thickness followed by Laccadive Ordinary and Philippines
Ordinary. On the other hand, Laccadive Ordinary recorded maximum kernel thickness and nut length. Andaman Ordinary
recorded maximum nut breadth followed by Philippines Ordinary. With respect to quality traits, the indigenous tall
genotypes Andaman Ordinary recorded maximum copra content and in case of oil content Laccadive Ordinary recorded
maximum followed by Andaman Ordinary.