Summary: | The theoretical part of this work describes main legal normative documents which regulate the process of conditional release of convicts. Based on the analysis which was carried out on a number of foreign and domestic scientific publications, the author identified and de-scribed the main criteria taken into account in making a decision whether to recommend a convict for a conditional release as well as the major challenges in implementing condi-tional release. Using empirical analysis (content analysis and statistical data processing was performed on the key work results of a psychological service unit with 46 subjects), we iso-lated and described the main types of psychological work carried out with convicts in cor-rectional facilities. We also formulated major criteria for the psychological service experts to make decisions (of indicative and prognostic character) as to whether to recommend a convict for paroling. From the theoretical and empirical analysis we distil certain recom-mendations whose further research and consideration might (in our opinion) improve the efficiency of conditional release implementation.