Итог: | A new detector, the Fermilab Holometer, consists of separate yet identical 39-meter Michelson interferometers. Strain sensitivity achieved is better than 10[superscript -21]/√Hz between 1 to 13 MHz from a 130-h data set. This measurement exceeds the sensitivity and frequency range made from previous high frequency gravitational wave experiments by many orders of magnitude. Constraints are placed on a stochastic background at 382 Hz resolution. The 3σ upper limit on Ω[subscript GW], the gravitational wave energy density normalized to the closure density, ranges from 5.6×10[superscript 12] at 1 MHz to 8.4×10[superscript 15] at 13 MHz. Another result from the same data set is a search for nearby primordial black hole binaries (PBHB). There are no detectable monochromatic PBHBs in the mass range 0.83–3.5×10[superscript 21] g between the Earth and the Moon. Projections for a chirp search with the same data set increase the mass range to 0.59-2.5×10[superscript 25] g and distances out to Jupiter. This result presents a new method for placing limits on a poorly constrained mass range of primordial black holes. Additionally, solar system searches for PBHBs place limits on their contribution to the total dark matter fraction.