Summary: | We show that the normalized Higgs production p[subscript T] and y[subscript h] distributions are sensitive probes of Higgs couplings to light quarks. For up and/or down quark Yukawa couplings comparable to the SM b quark Yukawa the ūu or d[overbar]d fusion production of the Higgs could lead to appreciable softer p[subscript T] distribution than in the SM. The rapidity distribution, on the other hand, becomes more forward. We find that, owing partially to a downward fluctuation, one can derive competitive bounds on the two couplings using ATLAS measurements of normalized p[subscript T] distribution at 8 TeV. With 300 fb[superscript −1] at 13 TeV LHC one could establish flavor non-universality of the Yukawa couplings in the down sector.