Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV

Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading p...

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Main Authors: Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Asilar, E., Bergauer, T., Brandstetter, J., Brondolin, E., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Flechl, M., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V. M., Grossmann, J., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., König, A., Krammer, N., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I., Pree, E., Rad, N., Rohringer, H., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Spanring, M., Spitzbart, D., Waltenberger, W., Wittmann, J., Wulz, C.-E., Zarucki, M., Chekhovsky, V., Mossolov, V., Suarez Gonzalez, J., De Wolf, E. A., Di Croce, D., Janssen, X., Lauwers, J., Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Remortel, N., Abu Zeid, S., Blekman, F., D’Hondt, J., De Bruyn, I., De Clercq, J., Deroover, K., Flouris, G., Lontkovskyi, D., Lowette, S., Moortgat, S., Moreels, L., Python, Q., Skovpen, K., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Parijs, I., Beghin, D., Brun, H., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Delannoy, H., Dorney, B., Fasanella, G., Favart, L., Goldouzian, R., Grebenyuk, A., Karapostoli, G., Lenzi, T., Luetic, J., Maerschalk, T., Marinov, A., Randle-conde, A., Seva, T., Starling, E., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Vannerom, D., Yonamine, R., Zenoni, F., Zhang, F., Cimmino, A., Cornelis, T., Dobur, D., Fagot, A., Gul, M., Khvastunov, I., Poyraz, D., Roskas, C., Salva, S., Tytgat, M., Verbeke, W., Zaganidis, N., Bakhshiansohi, H., Bondu, O., Brochet, S., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., Caudron, A., David, P., De Visscher, S., Delaere, C., Delcourt, M., Francois, B., Giammanco, A., Komm, M., Krintiras, G., Lemaitre, V., Magitteri, A., Mertens, A., Musich, M., Piotrzkowski, K., Quertenmont, L., Saggio, A., Vidal Marono, M., Wertz, S., Zobec, J., Beliy, N., Aldá Júnior, W. L., Alves, F. L., Alves, G. A., Brito, L., Correa Martins Junior, M., Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Pol, M. E., Rebello Teles, P., Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Coelho, E., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, D., Fonseca De Souza, S., Huertas Guativa, L. M., Malbouisson, H., Melo De Almeida, M., Mora Herrera, C., Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Sanchez Rosas, L. J., Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Thiel, M., Tonelli Manganote, E. J., Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F., Vilela Pereira, A., Ahuja, S., Bernardes, C. A., Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez, Gregores, E. M., Mercadante, P. G., Novaes, S. F., Padula, Sandra S., Romero Abad, D., Ruiz Vargas, J. C., Aleksandrov, A., Hadjiiska, R., Iaydjiev, P., Misheva, M., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M., Sultanov, G., Dimitrov, A., Glushkov, I., Litov, L., Pavlov, B., Petkov, P., Fang, W., Gao, X., Yuan, L., Ahmad, M., Bian, J. G., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Chen, M., Chen, Y., Jiang, C. H., Leggat, D., Liao, H., Liu, Z., Romeo, F., Shaheen, S. M., Spiezia, A., Tao, J., Wang, C., Wang, Z., Yazgan, E., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Zhao, J., Ban, Y., Chen, G., Li, Q., Liu, S., Mao, Y., Qian, S. J., Wang, D., Xu, Z., Avila, C., Cabrera, A., Chaparro Sierra, L. F., Florez, C., González Hernández, C. F., Ruiz Alvarez, J. D., Courbon, B., Godinovic, N., Lelas, D., Puljak, I., Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M., Sculac, T., Antunovic, Z., Kovac, M., Brigljevic, V., Ferencek, D., Kadija, K., Mesic, B., Starodumov, A., Susa, T., Ather, M. W., Attikis, A., Mavromanolakis, G., Mousa, J., Nicolaou, C., Ptochos, F., Razis, P. A., Rykaczewski, H., Finger, M., Carrera Jarrin, E., Abdelalim, A. A., Mohammed, Y., Salama, E., Dewanjee, R. K., Kadastik, M., Perrini, L., Raidal, M., Tiko, A., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Kirschenmann, H., Pekkanen, J., Voutilainen, M., Järvinen, T., Karimäki, V., Kinnunen, R., Lampén, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Lehti, S., Lindén, T., Luukka, P., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Talvitie, J., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Faure, J. L., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Ghosh, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Hamel de Monchenault, G., Jarry, P., Kucher, I., Leloup, C., Locci, E., Machet, M., Malcles, J., Negro, G., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Sahin, M. Ö., Titov, M., Abdulsalam, A., Amendola, C., Antropov, I., Baffioni, S., Beaudette, F., Busson, P., Cadamuro, L., Charlot, C., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Jo, M., Lisniak, S., Lobanov, A., Martin Blanco, J., Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Ortona, G., Paganini, P., Pigard, P., Salerno, R., Sauvan, J. B., Sirois, Y., Stahl Leiton, A. G., Strebler, T., Yilmaz, Y., Zabi, A., Zghiche, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Bloch, D., Brom, J.-M., Buttignol, M., Chabert, E. C., Chanon, N., Collard, C., Conte, E., Coubez, X., Fontaine, J.-C., Gelé, D., Goerlach, U., Jansová, M., Le Bihan, A.-C., Tonon, N., Van Hove, P., Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Bernet, C., Boudoul, G., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Depasse, P., El Mamouni, H., Fay, J., Finco, L., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Grenier, G., Ille, B., Lagarde, F., Laktineh, I. B., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Pequegnot, A. L., Perries, S., Popov, A., Sordini, V., Vander Donckt, M., Viret, S., Khvedelidze, A., Tsamalaidze, Z., Autermann, C., Feld, L., Kiesel, M. K., Klein, K., Lipinski, M., Preuten, M., Schomakers, C., Schulz, J., Zhukov, V., Albert, A., Dietz-Laursonn, E., Duchardt, D., Endres, M., Erdmann, M., Erdweg, S., Esch, T., Fischer, R., Güth, A., Hamer, M., Hebbeker, T., Heidemann, C., Hoepfner, K., Knutzen, S., Merschmeyer, M., Meyer, A., Millet, P., Mukherjee, S., Pook, T., Radziej, M., Reithler, H., Rieger, M., Scheuch, F., Teyssier, D., Thüer, S., Flügge, G., Kargoll, B., Kress, T., Künsken, A., Müller, T., Nehrkorn, A., Nowack, A., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Stahl, A., Aldaya Martin, M., Arndt, T., Asawatangtrakuldee, C., Beernaert, K., Behnke, O., Behrens, U., Bermúdez Martínez, A., Bin Anuar, A. A., Borras, K., Botta, V., Campbell, A., Connor, P., Contreras-Campana, C., Costanza, F., Diez Pardos, C., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Eren, E., Gallo, E., Garay Garcia, J., Geiser, A., Gizhko, A., Grados Luyando, J. M., Grohsjean, A., Gunnellini, P., Guthoff, M., Harb, A., Hauk, J., Hempel, M., Jung, H., Kalogeropoulos, A., Kasemann, M., Keaveney, J., Kleinwort, C., Korol, I., Krücker, D., Lange, W., Lelek, A., Lenz, T., Leonard, J., Lipka, K., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Meyer, A. B., Mittag, G., Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Ntomari, E., Pitzl, D., Raspereza, A., Roland, B., Savitskyi, M., Saxena, P., Shevchenko, R., Spannagel, S., Stefaniuk, N., Van Onsem, G. P., Walsh, R., Wen, Y., Wichmann, K., Wissing, C., Zenaiev, O., Aggleton, R., Bein, S., Blobel, V., Centis Vignali, M., Dreyer, T., Garutti, E., Gonzalez, D., Haller, J., Hinzmann, A., Hoffmann, M., Karavdina, A., Klanner, R., Kogler, R., Kovalchuk, N., Kurz, S., Lapsien, T., Marchesini, I., Marconi, D., Meyer, M., Niedziela, M., Nowatschin, D., Pantaleo, F., Peiffer, T., Perieanu, A., Scharf, C., Schleper, P., Schmidt, A., Schumann, S., Schwandt, J., Sonneveld, J., Stadie, H., Steinbrück, G., Stober, F. M., Stöver, M., Tholen, H., Troendle, D., Usai, E., Vanelderen, L., Vanhoefer, A., Vormwald, B., Akbiyik, M., Barth, C., Baur, S., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., Colombo, F., De Boer, W., Dierlamm, A., Freund, B., Friese, R., Giffels, M., Haitz, D., Harrendorf, M. A., Hartmann, F., Heindl, S. M., Husemann, U., Kassel, F., Kudella, S., Mildner, H., Mozer, M. U., Müller, Th., Plagge, M., Quast, G., Rabbertz, K., Schröder, M., Shvetsov, I., Sieber, G., Simonis, H. J., Ulrich, R., Wayand, S., Weber, M., Weiler, T., Williamson, S., Wöhrmann, C., Wolf, R., Anagnostou, G., Daskalakis, G., Geralis, T., Giakoumopoulou, V. A., Kyriakis, A., Loukas, D., Topsis-Giotis, I., Karathanasis, G., Kesisoglou, S., Panagiotou, A., Saoulidou, N., Kousouris, K., Evangelou, I., Foudas, C., Kokkas, P., Mallios, S., Manthos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Paradas, E., Strologas, J., Triantis, F. A., Csanad, M., Filipovic, N., Pasztor, G., Surányi, O., Veres, G. I., Bencze, G., Hajdu, C., Horvath, D., Hunyadi, Á., Sikler, F., Veszpremi, V., Zsigmond, A. J., Beni, N., Czellar, S., Karancsi, J., Makovec, A., Molnar, J., Szillasi, Z., Bartók, M., Raics, P., Trocsanyi, Z. L., Ujvari, B., Choudhury, S., Komaragiri, J. R., Bahinipati, S., Bhowmik, S., Mal, P., Mandal, K., Nayak, A., Sahoo, D. K., Sahoo, N., Swain, S. K., Bansal, S., Beri, S. B., Bhatnagar, V., Chawla, R., Dhingra, N., Kalsi, A. K., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kaur, S., Kumar, R., Kumari, P., Mehta, A., Singh, J. B., Walia, G., Kumar, Ashok, Shah, Aashaq, Bhardwaj, A., Chauhan, S., Choudhary, B. C., Garg, R. B., Keshri, S., Kumar, A., Malhotra, S., Naimuddin, M., Ranjan, K., Sharma, R., Bhardwaj, R., Bhattacharya, R., Bhattacharya, S., Bhawandeep, U., Dey, S., Dutt, S., Dutta, S., Majumdar, N., Modak, A., Mondal, K., Mukhopadhyay, S., Nandan, S., Purohit, A., Roy, A., Roy, D., Roy Chowdhury, S., Sarkar, S., Sharan, M., Thakur, S., Behera, P. K., Chudasama, R., Dutta, D., Jha, V., Kumar, V., Mohanty, A. K., Netrakanti, P. K., Pant, L. M., Shukla, P., Topkar, A., Aziz, T., Dugad, S., Mahakud, B., Mitra, S., Mohanty, G. B., Sur, N., Sutar, B., Banerjee, S., Chatterjee, S., Das, P., Guchait, M., Jain, Sa., Kumar, S., Maity, M., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Sarkar, T., Wickramage, N., Dube, S., Hegde, V., Kapoor, A., Kothekar, K., Pandey, S., Rane, A., Sharma, S., Chenarani, S., Eskandari Tadavani, E., Etesami, S. M., Khakzad, M., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Naseri, M., Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S., Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F., Safarzadeh, B., Zeinali, M., Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Calabria, C., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., De Filippis, N., De Palma, M., Errico, F., Fiore, L., Iaselli, G., Lezki, S., Maggi, G., Maggi, M., Miniello, G., My, S., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, A., Pugliese, G., Radogna, R., Ranieri, A., Selvaggi, G., Sharma, A., Silvestris, L., Venditti, R., Verwilligen, P., Abbiendi, G., Battilana, C., Bonacorsi, D., Borgonovi, L., Braibant-Giacomelli, S., Campanini, R., Capiluppi, P., Castro, A., Cavallo, F. R., Chhibra, S. S., Codispoti, G., Cuffiani, M., Dallavalle, G. M., Fabbri, F., Fanfani, A., Fasanella, D., Giacomelli, P., Grandi, C., Guiducci, L., Marcellini, S., Masetti, G., Montanari, A., Navarria, F. L., Perrotta, A., Rossi, A. M., Rovelli, T., Siroli, G. P., Tosi, N., Albergo, S., Costa, S., Di Mattia, A., Giordano, F., Potenza, R., Tricomi, A., Tuve, C., Barbagli, G., Chatterjee, K., Ciulli, V., Civinini, C., D’Alessandro, R., Focardi, E., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Russo, L., Sguazzoni, G., Strom, D., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Piccolo, D., Primavera, F., Calvelli, V., Ferro, F., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., Brianza, L., Brivio, F., Ciriolo, V., Dinardo, M. E., Fiorendi, S., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Malberti, M., Malvezzi, S., Manzoni, R. A., Menasce, D., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pauwels, K., Pedrini, D., Pigazzini, S., Ragazzi, S., Redaelli, N., Tabarelli de Fatis, T., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., Di Guida, S., Fabozzi, F., Fienga, F., Iorio, A. O. M., Khan, W. A., Lista, L., Meola, S., Paolucci, P., Sciacca, C., Thyssen, F., Azzi, P., Bacchetta, N., Benato, L., Bisello, D., Boletti, A., Carlin, R., Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A., Checchia, P., Dall’Osso, M., De Castro Manzano, P., Dorigo, T., Dosselli, U., Gozzelino, A., Lacaprara, S., Lujan, P., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A. T., Montecassiano, F., Pozzobon, N., Ronchese, P., Rossin, R., Simonetto, F., Torassa, E., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zumerle, G., Braghieri, A., Magnani, A., Montagna, P., Ratti, S. P., Re, V., Ressegotti, M., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I., Vitulo, P., Alunni Solestizi, L., Biasini, M., Bilei, G. M., Cecchi, C., Ciangottini, D., Fanò, L., Lariccia, P., Leonardi, R., Manoni, E., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V., Menichelli, M., Rossi, A., Santocchia, A., Spiga, D., Androsov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Boccali, T., Borrello, L., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M. A., Dell’Orso, R., Fedi, G., Giannini, L., Giassi, A., Grippo, M. T., Ligabue, F., Lomtadze, T., Manca, E., Mandorli, G., Martini, L., Messineo, A., Palla, F., Rizzi, A., Savoy-Navarro, A., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Barone, L., Cavallari, F., Cipriani, M., Daci, N., Del Re, D., Di Marco, E., Diemoz, M., Gelli, S., Longo, E., Margaroli, F., Marzocchi, B., Meridiani, P., Organtini, G., Paramatti, R., Preiato, F., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Biino, C., Cartiglia, N., Cenna, F., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Degano, A., Demaria, N., Kiani, B., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V., Monteil, E., Monteno, M., Obertino, M. M., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Pinna Angioni, G. L., Ravera, F., Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Shchelina, K., Sola, V., Solano, A., Staiano, A., Traczyk, P., Belforte, S., Casarsa, M., Cossutti, F., Della Ricca, G., Zanetti, A., Kim, D. H., Kim, G. N., Kim, M. S., Lee, J., Lee, S., Lee, S. W., Moon, C. S., Oh, Y. D., Sekmen, S., Son, D. C., Yang, Y. C., Lee, A., Kim, H., Moon, D. H., Oh, G., Brochero Cifuentes, J. A., Goh, J., Kim, T. J., Cho, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Gyun, D., Ha, S., Hong, B., Jo, Y., Kim, Y., Lee, K., Lee, K. S., Lim, J., Park, S. K., Roh, Y., Almond, J., Kim, J., Kim, J. S., Lee, H., Nam, K., Oh, S. B., Radburn-Smith, B. C., Seo, S. h., Yang, U. K., Yoo, H. D., Yu, G. B., Choi, M., Kim, J. H., Lee, J. S. H., Park, I. C., Choi, Y., Hwang, C., Yu, I., Dudenas, V., Juodagalvis, A., Vaitkus, J., Ahmed, I., Ibrahim, Z. A., Md Ali, M. A. B., Mohamad Idris, F., Wan Abdullah, W. A. T., Yusli, M. N., Zolkapli, Z., Reyes-Almanza, R, Ramirez-Sanchez, G., Duran-Osuna, M. C., Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., Heredia-De La Cruz, I., Rabadan-Trejo, R. I., Lopez-Fernandez, R., Mejia Guisao, J., Sanchez-Hernandez, A., Carrillo Moreno, S., Oropeza Barrera, C., Vazquez Valencia, F., Pedraza, I., Salazar Ibarguen, H. A., Uribe Estrada, C., Morelos Pineda, A., Krofcheck, D., Butler, P. H., Ahmad, A., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H. R., Saddique, A., Shah, M. A., Shoaib, M., Waqas, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Frueboes, T., Górski, M., Kazana, M., Nawrocki, K., Szleper, M., Zalewski, P., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Misiura, M., Olszewski, M., Pyskir, A., Walczak, M., Bargassa, P., Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C., Di Francesco, A., Faccioli, P., Galinhas, B., Gallinaro, M., Hollar, J., Leonardo, N., Lloret Iglesias, L., Nemallapudi, M. V., Seixas, J., Strong, G., Toldaiev, O., Vadruccio, D., Varela, J., Afanasiev, S., Bunin, P., Gavrilenko, M., Golutvin, I., Gorbunov, I., Kamenev, A., Karjavin, V., Lanev, A., Malakhov, A., Matveev, V., Palichik, V., Perelygin, V., Shmatov, S., Shulha, S., Skatchkov, N., Smirnov, V., Voytishin, N., Zarubin, A., Ivanov, Y., Kim, V., Kuznetsova, E., Levchenko, P., Murzin, V., Oreshkin, V., Smirnov, I., Sulimov, V., Uvarov, L., Vavilov, S., Vorobyev, A., Andreev, Yu., Dermenev, A., Gninenko, S., Golubev, N., Karneyeu, A., Kirsanov, M., Krasnikov, N., Pashenkov, A., Tlisov, D., Toropin, A., Epshteyn, V., Gavrilov, V., Lychkovskaya, N., Popov, V., Pozdnyakov, I., Safronov, G., Spiridonov, A., Stepennov, A., Toms, M., Vlasov, E., Zhokin, A., Aushev, T., Bylinkin, A., Chadeeva, M., Markin, O., Parygin, P., Philippov, D., Polikarpov, S., Rusinov, V., Andreev, V., Azarkin, M., Dremin, I., Kirakosyan, M., Terkulov, A., Baskakov, A., Belyaev, A., Boos, E., Demiyanov, A., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Kodolova, O., Korotkikh, V., Lokhtin, I., Miagkov, I., Obraztsov, S., Petrushanko, S., Savrin, V., Snigirev, A., Vardanyan, I., Blinov, V., Skovpen, Y., Shtol, D., Azhgirey, I., Bayshev, I., Bitioukov, S., Elumakhov, D., Kachanov, V., Kalinin, A., Konstantinov, D., Mandrik, P., Petrov, V., Ryutin, R., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Adzic, P., Cirkovic, P., Devetak, D., Dordevic, M., Milosevic, J., Rekovic, V., Alcaraz Maestre, J., Barrio Luna, M., Cerrada, M., Colino, N., De La Cruz, B., Delgado Peris, A., Escalante Del Valle, A., Fernandez Bedoya, C., Fernández Ramos, J. P., Flix, J., Fouz, M. C., Gonzalez Lopez, O., Goy Lopez, S., Hernandez, J. M., Josa, M. I., Moran, D., Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A., Puerta Pelayo, J., Quintario Olmeda, A., Redondo, I., Romero, L., Soares, M. S., Álvarez Fernández, A., de Trocóniz, J. F., Missiroli, M., Cuevas, J., Erice, C., Fernandez Menendez, J., Gonzalez Caballero, I., González Fernández, J. R., Palencia Cortezon, E., Sanchez Cruz, S., Vischia, P., Vizan Garcia, J. M., Cabrillo, I. J., Calderon, A., Chazin Quero, B., Curras, E., Duarte Campderros, J., Fernandez, M., Garcia-Ferrero, J., Gomez, G., Lopez Virto, A., Marco, J., Martinez Rivero, C., Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P., Matorras, F., Piedra Gomez, J., Rodrigo, T., Ruiz-Jimeno, A., Scodellaro, L., Trevisani, N., Vila, I., Vilar Cortabitarte, R., Abbaneo, D., Akgun, B., Auffray, E., Baillon, P., Ball, A. H., Barney, D., Bianco, M., Bloch, P., Bocci, A., Botta, C., Camporesi, T., Castello, R., Cepeda, M., Cerminara, G., Chapon, E., d’Enterria, D., Dabrowski, A., Daponte, V., David, A., De Gruttola, M., De Roeck, A., Deelen, N., Dobson, M., du Pree, T., Dünser, M., Dupont, N., Elliott-Peisert, A., Everaerts, P., Fallavollita, F., Franzoni, G., Fulcher, J., Funk, W., Gigi, D., Gilbert, A., Gill, K., Glege, F., Gulhan, D., Harris, P., Hegeman, J., Innocente, V., Jafari, A., Janot, P., Karacheban, O., Kieseler, J., Knünz, V., Kornmayer, A., Kortelainen, M. J., Krammer, M., Lange, C., Lecoq, P., Lourenço, C., Lucchini, M. T., Malgeri, L., Mannelli, M., Martelli, A., Meijers, F., Merlin, J. A., Mersi, S., Meschi, E., Milenovic, P., Moortgat, F., Mulders, M., Neugebauer, H., Ngadiuba, J., Orfanelli, S., Orsini, L., Pape, L., Perez, E., Peruzzi, M., Petrilli, A., Petrucciani, G., Pfeiffer, A., Pierini, M., Rabady, D., Racz, A., Reis, T., Rolandi, G., Rovere, M., Sakulin, H., Schäfer, C., Schwick, C., Seidel, M., Selvaggi, M., Silva, P., Sphicas, P., Stakia, A., Steggemann, J., Stoye, M., Tosi, M., Treille, D., Triossi, A., Tsirou, A., Veckalns, V., Verweij, M., Zeuner, W. D., Bertl, W., Caminada, L., Deiters, K., Erdmann, W., Horisberger, R., Ingram, Q., Kaestli, H. C., Kotlinski, D., Langenegger, U., Rohe, T., Wiederkehr, S. A., Backhaus, M., Bäni, L., Berger, P., Bianchini, L., Casal, B., Dissertori, G., Dittmar, M., Donegà, M., Dorfer, C., Grab, C., Heidegger, C., Hits, D., Hoss, J., Kasieczka, G., Klijnsma, T., Lustermann, W., Mangano, B., Marionneau, M., Meinhard, M. T., Meister, D., Micheli, F., Musella, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pandolfi, F., Pata, J., Pauss, F., Perrin, G., Perrozzi, L., Quittnat, M., Reichmann, M., Sanz Becerra, D. A., Schönenberger, M., Shchutska, L., Tavolaro, V. R., Theofilatos, K., Vesterbacka Olsson, M. L., Wallny, R., Zhu, D. H., Aarrestad, T. K., Amsler, C., Canelli, M. F., De Cosa, A., Del Burgo, R., Donato, S., Galloni, C., Hreus, T., Kilminster, B., Pinna, D., Rauco, G., Robmann, P., Salerno, D., Schweiger, K., Seitz, C., Takahashi, Y., Zucchetta, A., Candelise, V., Doan, T. H., Jain, Sh., Khurana, R., Kuo, C. M., Lin, W., Pozdnyakov, A., Yu, S. S., Kumar, Arun, Chang, P., Chao, Y., Chen, K. F., Chen, P. H., Fiori, F., Hou, W.-S., Hsiung, Y., Liu, Y. F., Lu, R.-S., Paganis, E., Psallidas, A., Steen, A., Tsai, J. f., Asavapibhop, B., Kovitanggoon, K., Singh, G., Srimanobhas, N., Boran, F., Cerci, S., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z. S., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I., Girgis, S., Gokbulut, G., Guler, Y., Hos, I., Kangal, E. E., Kara, O., Kayis Topaksu, A., Kiminsu, U., Oglakci, M., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Sunar Cerci, D., Tali, B., Turkcapar, S., Zorbakir, I. S., Zorbilmez, C., Bilin, B., Karapinar, G., Ocalan, K., Yalvac, M., Zeyrek, M., Gülmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Tekten, S., Yetkin, E. A., Agaras, M. N., Atay, S., Cakir, A., Cankocak, K., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Ball, F., Beck, L., Brooke, J. J., Burns, D., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Davignon, O., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Heath, G. P., Heath, H. F., Jacob, J., Kreczko, L., Newbold, D. M., Paramesvaran, S., Sakuma, T., Seif El Nasr-storey, S., Smith, D., Smith, V. J., Brew, C., Brown, R. M., Calligaris, L., Cieri, D., Cockerill, D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I. R., Williams, T., Auzinger, G., Bainbridge, R., Borg, J., Breeze, S., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., Casasso, S., Citron, M., Colling, D., Corpe, L., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., De Wit, A., Della Negra, M., Di Maria, R., Elwood, A., Haddad, Y., Hall, G., Iles, G., James, T., Lane, R., Laner, C., Lyons, L., Magnan, A.-M., Malik, S., Mastrolorenzo, L., Matsushita, T., Nash, J., Nikitenko, A., Palladino, V., Pesaresi, M., Raymond, D. M., Richards, A., Rose, A., Scott, E., Seez, C., Shtipliyski, A., Summers, S., Tapper, A., Uchida, K., Vazquez Acosta, M., Virdee, T., Wardle, N., Winterbottom, D., Wright, J., Zenz, S. C., Cole, J. E., Hobson, P. R., Khan, A., Kyberd, P., Reid, I. D., Symonds, P., Teodorescu, L., Turner, M., Zahid, S., Borzou, A., Call, K., Dittmann, J., Hatakeyama, K., Liu, H., Pastika, N., Smith, C., Bartek, R., Dominguez, A., Buccilli, A., Cooper, S. I., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., West, C., Arcaro, D., Avetisyan, A., Bose, T., Gastler, D., Rankin, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., Sulak, L., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Cutts, D., Garabedian, A., Hadley, M., Hakala, J., Heintz, U., Hogan, J. M., Kwok, K. H. M., Laird, E., Landsberg, G., Mao, Z., Narain, M., Pazzini, J., Piperov, S., Sagir, S., Syarif, R., Yu, D., Band, R., Brainerd, C., Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P. T., Erbacher, R., Flores, C., Funk, G., Gardner, M., Ko, W., Lander, R., Mclean, C., Mulhearn, M., Pellett, D., Pilot, J., Shalhout, S., Shi, M., Smith, J., Stolp, D., Tos, K., Tripathi, M., Bachtis, M., Bravo, C., Cousins, R., Dasgupta, A., Florent, A., Hauser, J., Ignatenko, M., Mccoll, N., Regnard, S., Saltzberg, D., Schnaible, C., Valuev, V., Bouvier, E., Burt, K., Clare, R., Ellison, J., Gary, J. W., Ghiasi Shirazi, S. M. A., Hanson, G., Heilman, J., Kennedy, E., Lacroix, F., Long, O. R., Olmedo Negrete, M., Paneva, M. I., Si, W., Wang, L., Wei, H., Wimpenny, S., Yates, B. R., Branson, J. G., Cittolin, S., Derdzinski, M., Gerosa, R., Gilbert, D., Hashemi, B., Holzner, A., Klein, D., Kole, G., Krutelyov, V., Letts, J., Macneill, I., Masciovecchio, M., Olivito, D., Padhi, S., Pieri, M., Sani, M., Sharma, V., Simon, S., Tadel, M., Vartak, A., Wasserbaech, S., Wood, J., Würthwein, F., Yagil, A., Zevi Della Porta, G., Amin, N., Bhandari, R., Bradmiller-Feld, J., Campagnari, C., Dishaw, A., Dutta, V., Franco Sevilla, M., George, C., Golf, F., Gouskos, L., Gran, J., Heller, R., Incandela, J., Mullin, S. D., Ovcharova, A., Qu, H., Richman, J., Stuart, D., Suarez, I., Yoo, J., Anderson, D., Bendavid, J., Bornheim, A., Lawhorn, J. M., Newman, H. B., Nguyen, T., Pena, C., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J. R., Xie, S., Zhang, Z., Zhu, R. Y., Andrews, M. B., Ferguson, T., Mudholkar, T., Paulini, M., Russ, J., Sun, M., Vogel, H., Vorobiev, I., Weinberg, M., Cumalat, J. P., Ford, W. T., Jensen, F., Johnson, A., Krohn, M., Leontsinis, S., Mulholland, T., Stenson, K., Wagner, S. R., Alexander, J., Chaves, J., Chu, J., Dittmer, S., Mcdermott, K., Mirman, N., Patterson, J. R., Quach, D., Rinkevicius, A., Ryd, A., Skinnari, L., Soffi, L., Tan, S. M., Tao, Z., Thom, J., Tucker, J., Wittich, P., Zientek, M., Abdullin, S., Albrow, M., Alyari, M., Apollinari, G., Apresyan, A., Apyan, A., Bauerdick, L. A. T., Beretvas, A., Berryhill, J., Bhat, P. C., Bolla, G., Burkett, K., Butler, J. N., Canepa, A., Cerati, G. B., Cheung, H. W. K., Chlebana, F., Cremonesi, M., Duarte, J., Elvira, V. D., Freeman, J., Gecse, Z., Gottschalk, E., Gray, L., Green, D., Grünendahl, S., Gutsche, O., Harris, R. M., Hasegawa, S., Hirschauer, J., Hu, Z., Jayatilaka, B., Jindariani, S., Johnson, M., Joshi, U., Klima, B., Kreis, B., Lammel, S., Lincoln, D., Lipton, R., Liu, M., Liu, T., Lopes De Sá, R., Lykken, J., Maeshima, K., Magini, N., Marraffino, J. M., Mason, D., McBride, P., Merkel, P., Mrenna, S., Nahn, S., O’Dell, V., Pedro, K., Prokofyev, O., Rakness, G., Ristori, L., Schneider, B., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Soha, A., Spalding, W. J., Spiegel, L., Stoynev, S., Strait, J., Strobbe, N., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, N. V., Uplegger, L., Vaandering, E. W., Vernieri, C., Verzocchi, M., Vidal, R., Wang, M., Weber, H. A., Whitbeck, A., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bortignon, P., Bourilkov, D., Brinkerhoff, A., Carnes, A., Carver, M., Curry, D., Field, R. D., Furic, I. K., Gleyzer, S. V., Joshi, B. M., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., Kotov, K., Ma, P., Matchev, K., Mei, H., Mitselmakher, G., Rank, D., Shi, K., Sperka, D., Terentyev, N., Thomas, L., Wang, J., Wang, S., Yelton, J., Joshi, Y. R., Linn, S., Markowitz, P., Rodriguez, J. L., Ackert, A., Adams, T., Askew, A., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V., Johnson, K. F., Kolberg, T., Martinez, G., Perry, T., Prosper, H., Saha, A., Santra, A., Yohay, R., Baarmand, M. M., Bhopatkar, V., Colafranceschi, S., Hohlmann, M., Noonan, D., Roy, T., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M. R., Apanasevich, L., Berry, D., Betts, R. R., Cavanaugh, R., Chen, X., Evdokimov, O., Gerber, C. E., Hangal, D. A., Hofman, D. J., Jung, K., Kamin, J., Sandoval Gonzalez, I. D., Tonjes, M. B., Trauger, H., Varelas, N., Wang, H., Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Bilki, B., Clarida, W., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Gandrajula, R. P., Haytmyradov, M., Khristenko, V., Merlo, J.-P., Mermerkaya, H., Mestvirishvili, A., Moeller, A., Nachtman, J., Ogul, H., Onel, Y., Ozok, F., Penzo, A., Snyder, C., Tiras, E., Wetzel, J., Yi, K., Blumenfeld, B., Cocoros, A., Eminizer, N., Fehling, D., Feng, L., Gritsan, A. V., Maksimovic, P., Roskes, J., Sarica, U., Swartz, M., Xiao, M., You, C., Al-bataineh, A., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Boren, S., Bowen, J., Castle, J., Khalil, S., Kropivnitskaya, A., Majumder, D., Mcbrayer, W., Murray, M., Royon, C., Sanders, S., Schmitz, E., Tapia Takaki, J. D., Wang, Q., Ivanov, A., Kaadze, K., Maravin, Y., Mohammadi, A., Saini, L. K., Skhirtladze, N., Toda, S., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Anelli, C., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Calvert, B., Eno, S. C., Feng, Y., Ferraioli, C., Hadley, N. J., Jabeen, S., Jeng, G. Y., Kellogg, R. G., Kunkle, J., Mignerey, A. C., Ricci-Tam, F., Shin, Y. H., Skuja, A., Tonwar, S. C., Benvenuti, A. C., Chatterjee, R. M., Evans, A., Hansen, P., Hiltbrand, J., Kalafut, S., Kubota, Y., Lesko, Z., Mans, J., Nourbakhsh, S., Ruckstuhl, N., Rusack, R., Turkewitz, J., Wadud, M. A., Acosta, J. G., Oliveros, S., Avdeeva, E., Bloom, K., Claes, D. R., Fangmeier, C., Gonzalez Suarez, R., Kamalieddin, R., Kravchenko, I., Monroy, J., Siado, J. E., Snow, G. R., Stieger, B., Dolen, J., Godshalk, A., Harrington, C., Iashvili, I., Nguyen, D., Parker, A., Rappoccio, S., Roozbahani, B., Alverson, G., Barberis, E., Hortiangtham, A., Massironi, A., Morse, D. M., Orimoto, T., Teixeira De Lima, R., Trocino, D., Wood, D., Charaf, O., Hahn, K. A., Mucia, N., Odell, N., Pollack, B., Schmitt, M. H., Sung, K., Trovato, M., Velasco, M., Dev, N., Hildreth, M., Hurtado Anampa, K., Jessop, C., Karmgard, D. J., Kellams, N., Lannon, K., Loukas, N., Marinelli, N., Meng, F., Mueller, C., Musienko, Y., Planer, M., Reinsvold, A., Ruchti, R., Smith, G., Taroni, S., Wayne, M., Wolf, M., Woodard, A., Alimena, J., Antonelli, L., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L. S., Flowers, S., Francis, B., Hart, A., Hill, C., Ji, W., Liu, B., Luo, W., Puigh, D., Winer, B. L., Wulsin, H. W., Cooperstein, S., Driga, O., Elmer, P., Hardenbrook, J., Hebda, P., Higginbotham, S., Lange, D., Luo, J., Marlow, D., Mei, K., Ojalvo, I., Olsen, J., Palmer, C., Piroué, P., Stickland, D., Tully, C., Norberg, S., Barker, A., Barnes, V. E., Das, S., Folgueras, S., Gutay, L., Jha, M. K., Jones, M., Jung, A. W., Khatiwada, A., Miller, D. H., Neumeister, N., Peng, C. C., Qiu, H., Schulte, J. F., Sun, J., Wang, F., Xie, W., Cheng, T., Parashar, N., Stupak, J., Adair, A., Chen, Z., Ecklund, K. M., Freed, S., Geurts, F. J. M., Guilbaud, M., Kilpatrick, M., Li, W., Michlin, B., Northup, M., Padley, B. P., Roberts, J., Rorie, J., Shi, W., Tu, Z., Zabel, J., Zhang, A., Bodek, A., de Barbaro, P., Demina, R., Duh, Y. t., Ferbel, T., Galanti, M., Garcia-Bellido, A., Han, J., Hindrichs, O., Khukhunaishvili, A., Lo, K. H., Tan, P., Verzetti, M., Ciesielski, R., Goulianos, K., Mesropian, C., Agapitos, A., Chou, J. P., Gershtein, Y., Gómez Espinosa, T. A., Halkiadakis, E., Heindl, M., Hughes, E., Kaplan, S., Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R., Kyriacou, S., Lath, A., Montalvo, R., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Saka, H., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Sheffield, D., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thomas, S., Thomassen, P., Walker, M., Delannoy, A. G., Foerster, M., Heideman, J., Riley, G., Rose, K., Spanier, S., Thapa, K., Bouhali, O., Castaneda Hernandez, A., Celik, A., Dalchenko, M., De Mattia, M., Delgado, A., Dildick, S., Eusebi, R., Gilmore, J., Huang, T., Kamon, T., Mueller, R., Pakhotin, Y., Patel, R., Perloff, A., Perniè, L., Rathjens, D., Safonov, A., Tatarinov, A., Ulmer, K. A., Akchurin, N., Damgov, J., De Guio, F., Dudero, P. R., Faulkner, J., Gurpinar, E., Kunori, S., Lamichhane, K., Libeiro, T., Mengke, T., Muthumuni, S., Peltola, T., Undleeb, S., Volobouev, I., Greene, S., Gurrola, A., Janjam, R., Johns, W., Maguire, C., Melo, A., Ni, H., Padeken, K., Sheldon, P., Tuo, S., Velkovska, J., Xu, Q., Arenton, M. W., Barria, P., Cox, B., Hirosky, R., Joyce, M., Ledovskoy, A., Li, H., Neu, C., Sinthuprasith, T., Wang, Y., Wolfe, E., Xia, F., Harr, R., Karchin, P. E., Poudyal, N., Sturdy, J., Thapa, P., Zaleski, S., Brodski, M., Buchanan, J., Caillol, C., Dasu, S., Dodd, L., Duric, S., Gomber, B., Grothe, M., Herndon, M., Hervé, A., Hussain, U., Klabbers, P., Lanaro, A., Levine, A., Long, K., Loveless, R., Polese, G., Ruggles, T., Savin, A., Smith, N., Smith, W. H., Taylor, D., Woods, N., Abercrombie, Daniel Robert, Allen, Brandon Leigh, Azzolini, Virginia, Barbieri, Richard Alexander, Baty, Austin Alan, Bi, Ran, Brandt, Stephanie Akemi, Busza, Wit, Cali, Ivan Amos, D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria, Demiragli, Zeynep, Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo, Goncharov, Maxim, Hsu, Dylan George, Hu, Miao, Iiyama, Yutaro, Innocenti, Gian Michele, Klute, Markus, Kovalskyi, Dmytro, Lai, Yue Shi, Lee, Yen-Jie, Levin, Amy Elizabeth, Luckey Jr, P David, Maier, Benedikt, Marini, Andrea Carlo, McGinn, Christopher Francis, Mironov, Camelia Maria, Narayanan, Siddharth Madhavan, Niu, Xinmei, Paus, Christoph M. E., Roland, Christof E, Roland, Gunther M, Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob Maxillian Henry, Stephans, George S. F., Tatar, Kaya, Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru, Wang, Ta-Wei, Wyslouch, Boleslaw
Other Authors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Format: Article
Published: American Physical Society 2018
Online Access:
_version_ 1826199932377235456
author Sirunyan, A. M.
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
Ambrogi, F.
Asilar, E.
Bergauer, T.
Brandstetter, J.
Brondolin, E.
Dragicevic, M.
Erö, J.
Flechl, M.
Friedl, M.
Frühwirth, R.
Ghete, V. M.
Grossmann, J.
Hrubec, J.
Jeitler, M.
König, A.
Krammer, N.
Krätschmer, I.
Liko, D.
Madlener, T.
Mikulec, I.
Pree, E.
Rad, N.
Rohringer, H.
Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
Spanring, M.
Spitzbart, D.
Waltenberger, W.
Wittmann, J.
Wulz, C.-E.
Zarucki, M.
Chekhovsky, V.
Mossolov, V.
Suarez Gonzalez, J.
De Wolf, E. A.
Di Croce, D.
Janssen, X.
Lauwers, J.
Van Haevermaet, H.
Van Mechelen, P.
Van Remortel, N.
Abu Zeid, S.
Blekman, F.
D’Hondt, J.
De Bruyn, I.
De Clercq, J.
Deroover, K.
Flouris, G.
Lontkovskyi, D.
Lowette, S.
Moortgat, S.
Moreels, L.
Python, Q.
Skovpen, K.
Tavernier, S.
Van Doninck, W.
Van Mulders, P.
Van Parijs, I.
Beghin, D.
Brun, H.
Clerbaux, B.
De Lentdecker, G.
Delannoy, H.
Dorney, B.
Fasanella, G.
Favart, L.
Goldouzian, R.
Grebenyuk, A.
Karapostoli, G.
Lenzi, T.
Luetic, J.
Maerschalk, T.
Marinov, A.
Randle-conde, A.
Seva, T.
Starling, E.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
Vannerom, D.
Yonamine, R.
Zenoni, F.
Zhang, F.
Cimmino, A.
Cornelis, T.
Dobur, D.
Fagot, A.
Gul, M.
Khvastunov, I.
Poyraz, D.
Roskas, C.
Salva, S.
Tytgat, M.
Verbeke, W.
Zaganidis, N.
Bakhshiansohi, H.
Bondu, O.
Brochet, S.
Bruno, G.
Caputo, C.
Caudron, A.
David, P.
De Visscher, S.
Delaere, C.
Delcourt, M.
Francois, B.
Giammanco, A.
Komm, M.
Krintiras, G.
Lemaitre, V.
Magitteri, A.
Mertens, A.
Musich, M.
Piotrzkowski, K.
Quertenmont, L.
Saggio, A.
Vidal Marono, M.
Wertz, S.
Zobec, J.
Beliy, N.
Aldá Júnior, W. L.
Alves, F. L.
Alves, G. A.
Brito, L.
Correa Martins Junior, M.
Hensel, C.
Moraes, A.
Pol, M. E.
Rebello Teles, P.
Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E.
Carvalho, W.
Chinellato, J.
Coelho, E.
Da Costa, E. M.
Da Silveira, G. G.
De Jesus Damiao, D.
Fonseca De Souza, S.
Huertas Guativa, L. M.
Malbouisson, H.
Melo De Almeida, M.
Mora Herrera, C.
Mundim, L.
Nogima, H.
Sanchez Rosas, L. J.
Santoro, A.
Sznajder, A.
Thiel, M.
Tonelli Manganote, E. J.
Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.
Vilela Pereira, A.
Ahuja, S.
Bernardes, C. A.
Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez
Gregores, E. M.
Mercadante, P. G.
Novaes, S. F.
Padula, Sandra S.
Romero Abad, D.
Ruiz Vargas, J. C.
Aleksandrov, A.
Hadjiiska, R.
Iaydjiev, P.
Misheva, M.
Rodozov, M.
Shopova, M.
Sultanov, G.
Dimitrov, A.
Glushkov, I.
Litov, L.
Pavlov, B.
Petkov, P.
Fang, W.
Gao, X.
Yuan, L.
Ahmad, M.
Bian, J. G.
Chen, G. M.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M.
Chen, Y.
Jiang, C. H.
Leggat, D.
Liao, H.
Liu, Z.
Romeo, F.
Shaheen, S. M.
Spiezia, A.
Tao, J.
Wang, C.
Wang, Z.
Yazgan, E.
Zhang, H.
Zhang, S.
Zhao, J.
Ban, Y.
Chen, G.
Li, Q.
Liu, S.
Mao, Y.
Qian, S. J.
Wang, D.
Xu, Z.
Avila, C.
Cabrera, A.
Chaparro Sierra, L. F.
Florez, C.
González Hernández, C. F.
Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.
Courbon, B.
Godinovic, N.
Lelas, D.
Puljak, I.
Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M.
Sculac, T.
Antunovic, Z.
Kovac, M.
Brigljevic, V.
Ferencek, D.
Kadija, K.
Mesic, B.
Starodumov, A.
Susa, T.
Ather, M. W.
Attikis, A.
Mavromanolakis, G.
Mousa, J.
Nicolaou, C.
Ptochos, F.
Razis, P. A.
Rykaczewski, H.
Finger, M.
Finger, M.
Carrera Jarrin, E.
Abdelalim, A. A.
Mohammed, Y.
Salama, E.
Dewanjee, R. K.
Kadastik, M.
Perrini, L.
Raidal, M.
Tiko, A.
Veelken, C.
Eerola, P.
Kirschenmann, H.
Pekkanen, J.
Voutilainen, M.
Järvinen, T.
Karimäki, V.
Kinnunen, R.
Lampén, T.
Lassila-Perini, K.
Lehti, S.
Lindén, T.
Luukka, P.
Tuominen, E.
Tuominiemi, J.
Talvitie, J.
Tuuva, T.
Besancon, M.
Couderc, F.
Dejardin, M.
Denegri, D.
Faure, J. L.
Ferri, F.
Ganjour, S.
Ghosh, S.
Givernaud, A.
Gras, P.
Hamel de Monchenault, G.
Jarry, P.
Kucher, I.
Leloup, C.
Locci, E.
Machet, M.
Malcles, J.
Negro, G.
Rander, J.
Rosowsky, A.
Sahin, M. Ö.
Titov, M.
Abdulsalam, A.
Amendola, C.
Antropov, I.
Baffioni, S.
Beaudette, F.
Busson, P.
Cadamuro, L.
Charlot, C.
Granier de Cassagnac, R.
Jo, M.
Lisniak, S.
Lobanov, A.
Martin Blanco, J.
Nguyen, M.
Ochando, C.
Ortona, G.
Paganini, P.
Pigard, P.
Salerno, R.
Sauvan, J. B.
Sirois, Y.
Stahl Leiton, A. G.
Strebler, T.
Yilmaz, Y.
Zabi, A.
Zghiche, A.
Agram, J.-L.
Andrea, J.
Bloch, D.
Brom, J.-M.
Buttignol, M.
Chabert, E. C.
Chanon, N.
Collard, C.
Conte, E.
Coubez, X.
Fontaine, J.-C.
Gelé, D.
Goerlach, U.
Jansová, M.
Le Bihan, A.-C.
Tonon, N.
Van Hove, P.
Gadrat, S.
Beauceron, S.
Bernet, C.
Boudoul, G.
Chierici, R.
Contardo, D.
Depasse, P.
El Mamouni, H.
Fay, J.
Finco, L.
Gascon, S.
Gouzevitch, M.
Grenier, G.
Ille, B.
Lagarde, F.
Laktineh, I. B.
Lethuillier, M.
Mirabito, L.
Pequegnot, A. L.
Perries, S.
Popov, A.
Sordini, V.
Vander Donckt, M.
Viret, S.
Khvedelidze, A.
Tsamalaidze, Z.
Autermann, C.
Feld, L.
Kiesel, M. K.
Klein, K.
Lipinski, M.
Preuten, M.
Schomakers, C.
Schulz, J.
Zhukov, V.
Albert, A.
Dietz-Laursonn, E.
Duchardt, D.
Endres, M.
Erdmann, M.
Erdweg, S.
Esch, T.
Fischer, R.
Güth, A.
Hamer, M.
Hebbeker, T.
Heidemann, C.
Hoepfner, K.
Knutzen, S.
Merschmeyer, M.
Meyer, A.
Millet, P.
Mukherjee, S.
Pook, T.
Radziej, M.
Reithler, H.
Rieger, M.
Scheuch, F.
Teyssier, D.
Thüer, S.
Flügge, G.
Kargoll, B.
Kress, T.
Künsken, A.
Müller, T.
Nehrkorn, A.
Nowack, A.
Pistone, C.
Pooth, O.
Stahl, A.
Aldaya Martin, M.
Arndt, T.
Asawatangtrakuldee, C.
Beernaert, K.
Behnke, O.
Behrens, U.
Bermúdez Martínez, A.
Bin Anuar, A. A.
Borras, K.
Botta, V.
Campbell, A.
Connor, P.
Contreras-Campana, C.
Costanza, F.
Diez Pardos, C.
Eckerlin, G.
Eckstein, D.
Eichhorn, T.
Eren, E.
Gallo, E.
Garay Garcia, J.
Geiser, A.
Gizhko, A.
Grados Luyando, J. M.
Grohsjean, A.
Gunnellini, P.
Guthoff, M.
Harb, A.
Hauk, J.
Hempel, M.
Jung, H.
Kalogeropoulos, A.
Kasemann, M.
Keaveney, J.
Kleinwort, C.
Korol, I.
Krücker, D.
Lange, W.
Lelek, A.
Lenz, T.
Leonard, J.
Lipka, K.
Lohmann, W.
Mankel, R.
Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.
Meyer, A. B.
Mittag, G.
Mnich, J.
Mussgiller, A.
Ntomari, E.
Pitzl, D.
Raspereza, A.
Roland, B.
Savitskyi, M.
Saxena, P.
Shevchenko, R.
Spannagel, S.
Stefaniuk, N.
Van Onsem, G. P.
Walsh, R.
Wen, Y.
Wichmann, K.
Wissing, C.
Zenaiev, O.
Aggleton, R.
Bein, S.
Blobel, V.
Centis Vignali, M.
Dreyer, T.
Garutti, E.
Gonzalez, D.
Haller, J.
Hinzmann, A.
Hoffmann, M.
Karavdina, A.
Klanner, R.
Kogler, R.
Kovalchuk, N.
Kurz, S.
Lapsien, T.
Marchesini, I.
Marconi, D.
Meyer, M.
Niedziela, M.
Nowatschin, D.
Pantaleo, F.
Peiffer, T.
Perieanu, A.
Scharf, C.
Schleper, P.
Schmidt, A.
Schumann, S.
Schwandt, J.
Sonneveld, J.
Stadie, H.
Steinbrück, G.
Stober, F. M.
Stöver, M.
Tholen, H.
Troendle, D.
Usai, E.
Vanelderen, L.
Vanhoefer, A.
Vormwald, B.
Akbiyik, M.
Barth, C.
Baur, S.
Butz, E.
Caspart, R.
Chwalek, T.
Colombo, F.
De Boer, W.
Dierlamm, A.
Freund, B.
Friese, R.
Giffels, M.
Haitz, D.
Harrendorf, M. A.
Hartmann, F.
Heindl, S. M.
Husemann, U.
Kassel, F.
Kudella, S.
Mildner, H.
Mozer, M. U.
Müller, Th.
Plagge, M.
Quast, G.
Rabbertz, K.
Schröder, M.
Shvetsov, I.
Sieber, G.
Simonis, H. J.
Ulrich, R.
Wayand, S.
Weber, M.
Weiler, T.
Williamson, S.
Wöhrmann, C.
Wolf, R.
Anagnostou, G.
Daskalakis, G.
Geralis, T.
Giakoumopoulou, V. A.
Kyriakis, A.
Loukas, D.
Topsis-Giotis, I.
Karathanasis, G.
Kesisoglou, S.
Panagiotou, A.
Saoulidou, N.
Kousouris, K.
Evangelou, I.
Foudas, C.
Kokkas, P.
Mallios, S.
Manthos, N.
Papadopoulos, I.
Paradas, E.
Strologas, J.
Triantis, F. A.
Csanad, M.
Filipovic, N.
Pasztor, G.
Surányi, O.
Veres, G. I.
Bencze, G.
Hajdu, C.
Horvath, D.
Hunyadi, Á.
Sikler, F.
Veszpremi, V.
Zsigmond, A. J.
Beni, N.
Czellar, S.
Karancsi, J.
Makovec, A.
Molnar, J.
Szillasi, Z.
Bartók, M.
Raics, P.
Trocsanyi, Z. L.
Ujvari, B.
Choudhury, S.
Komaragiri, J. R.
Bahinipati, S.
Bhowmik, S.
Mal, P.
Mandal, K.
Nayak, A.
Sahoo, D. K.
Sahoo, N.
Swain, S. K.
Bansal, S.
Beri, S. B.
Bhatnagar, V.
Chawla, R.
Dhingra, N.
Kalsi, A. K.
Kaur, A.
Kaur, M.
Kaur, S.
Kumar, R.
Kumari, P.
Mehta, A.
Singh, J. B.
Walia, G.
Kumar, Ashok
Shah, Aashaq
Bhardwaj, A.
Chauhan, S.
Choudhary, B. C.
Garg, R. B.
Keshri, S.
Kumar, A.
Malhotra, S.
Naimuddin, M.
Ranjan, K.
Sharma, R.
Bhardwaj, R.
Bhattacharya, R.
Bhattacharya, S.
Bhawandeep, U.
Dey, S.
Dutt, S.
Dutta, S.
Ghosh, S.
Majumdar, N.
Modak, A.
Mondal, K.
Mukhopadhyay, S.
Nandan, S.
Purohit, A.
Roy, A.
Roy, D.
Roy Chowdhury, S.
Sarkar, S.
Sharan, M.
Thakur, S.
Behera, P. K.
Chudasama, R.
Dutta, D.
Jha, V.
Kumar, V.
Mohanty, A. K.
Netrakanti, P. K.
Pant, L. M.
Shukla, P.
Topkar, A.
Aziz, T.
Dugad, S.
Mahakud, B.
Mitra, S.
Mohanty, G. B.
Sur, N.
Sutar, B.
Banerjee, S.
Bhattacharya, S.
Chatterjee, S.
Das, P.
Guchait, M.
Jain, Sa.
Kumar, S.
Maity, M.
Majumder, G.
Mazumdar, K.
Sarkar, T.
Wickramage, N.
Chauhan, S.
Dube, S.
Hegde, V.
Kapoor, A.
Kothekar, K.
Pandey, S.
Rane, A.
Sharma, S.
Chenarani, S.
Eskandari Tadavani, E.
Etesami, S. M.
Khakzad, M.
Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.
Naseri, M.
Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S.
Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F.
Safarzadeh, B.
Zeinali, M.
Felcini, M.
Grunewald, M.
Abbrescia, M.
Calabria, C.
Colaleo, A.
Creanza, D.
Cristella, L.
De Filippis, N.
De Palma, M.
Errico, F.
Fiore, L.
Iaselli, G.
Lezki, S.
Maggi, G.
Maggi, M.
Miniello, G.
My, S.
Nuzzo, S.
Pompili, A.
Pugliese, G.
Radogna, R.
Ranieri, A.
Selvaggi, G.
Sharma, A.
Silvestris, L.
Venditti, R.
Verwilligen, P.
Abbiendi, G.
Battilana, C.
Bonacorsi, D.
Borgonovi, L.
Braibant-Giacomelli, S.
Campanini, R.
Capiluppi, P.
Castro, A.
Cavallo, F. R.
Chhibra, S. S.
Codispoti, G.
Cuffiani, M.
Dallavalle, G. M.
Fabbri, F.
Fanfani, A.
Fasanella, D.
Giacomelli, P.
Grandi, C.
Guiducci, L.
Marcellini, S.
Masetti, G.
Montanari, A.
Navarria, F. L.
Perrotta, A.
Rossi, A. M.
Rovelli, T.
Siroli, G. P.
Tosi, N.
Albergo, S.
Costa, S.
Di Mattia, A.
Giordano, F.
Potenza, R.
Tricomi, A.
Tuve, C.
Barbagli, G.
Chatterjee, K.
Ciulli, V.
Civinini, C.
D’Alessandro, R.
Focardi, E.
Lenzi, P.
Meschini, M.
Paoletti, S.
Russo, L.
Sguazzoni, G.
Strom, D.
Viliani, L.
Benussi, L.
Bianco, S.
Fabbri, F.
Piccolo, D.
Primavera, F.
Calvelli, V.
Ferro, F.
Robutti, E.
Tosi, S.
Benaglia, A.
Brianza, L.
Brivio, F.
Ciriolo, V.
Dinardo, M. E.
Fiorendi, S.
Gennai, S.
Ghezzi, A.
Govoni, P.
Malberti, M.
Malvezzi, S.
Manzoni, R. A.
Menasce, D.
Moroni, L.
Paganoni, M.
Pauwels, K.
Pedrini, D.
Pigazzini, S.
Ragazzi, S.
Redaelli, N.
Tabarelli de Fatis, T.
Buontempo, S.
Cavallo, N.
Di Guida, S.
Fabozzi, F.
Fienga, F.
Iorio, A. O. M.
Khan, W. A.
Lista, L.
Meola, S.
Paolucci, P.
Sciacca, C.
Thyssen, F.
Azzi, P.
Bacchetta, N.
Benato, L.
Bisello, D.
Boletti, A.
Carlin, R.
Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A.
Checchia, P.
Dall’Osso, M.
De Castro Manzano, P.
Dorigo, T.
Dosselli, U.
Gozzelino, A.
Lacaprara, S.
Lujan, P.
Margoni, M.
Meneguzzo, A. T.
Montecassiano, F.
Pozzobon, N.
Ronchese, P.
Rossin, R.
Simonetto, F.
Torassa, E.
Zanetti, M.
Zotto, P.
Zumerle, G.
Braghieri, A.
Magnani, A.
Montagna, P.
Ratti, S. P.
Re, V.
Ressegotti, M.
Riccardi, C.
Salvini, P.
Vai, I.
Vitulo, P.
Alunni Solestizi, L.
Biasini, M.
Bilei, G. M.
Cecchi, C.
Ciangottini, D.
Fanò, L.
Lariccia, P.
Leonardi, R.
Manoni, E.
Mantovani, G.
Mariani, V.
Menichelli, M.
Rossi, A.
Santocchia, A.
Spiga, D.
Androsov, K.
Azzurri, P.
Bagliesi, G.
Boccali, T.
Borrello, L.
Castaldi, R.
Ciocci, M. A.
Dell’Orso, R.
Fedi, G.
Giannini, L.
Giassi, A.
Grippo, M. T.
Ligabue, F.
Lomtadze, T.
Manca, E.
Mandorli, G.
Martini, L.
Messineo, A.
Palla, F.
Rizzi, A.
Savoy-Navarro, A.
Spagnolo, P.
Tenchini, R.
Tonelli, G.
Venturi, A.
Verdini, P. G.
Barone, L.
Cavallari, F.
Cipriani, M.
Daci, N.
Del Re, D.
Di Marco, E.
Diemoz, M.
Gelli, S.
Longo, E.
Margaroli, F.
Marzocchi, B.
Meridiani, P.
Organtini, G.
Paramatti, R.
Preiato, F.
Rahatlou, S.
Rovelli, C.
Santanastasio, F.
Amapane, N.
Arcidiacono, R.
Argiro, S.
Arneodo, M.
Bartosik, N.
Bellan, R.
Biino, C.
Cartiglia, N.
Cenna, F.
Costa, M.
Covarelli, R.
Degano, A.
Demaria, N.
Kiani, B.
Mariotti, C.
Maselli, S.
Migliore, E.
Monaco, V.
Monteil, E.
Monteno, M.
Obertino, M. M.
Pacher, L.
Pastrone, N.
Pelliccioni, M.
Pinna Angioni, G. L.
Ravera, F.
Romero, A.
Ruspa, M.
Sacchi, R.
Shchelina, K.
Sola, V.
Solano, A.
Staiano, A.
Traczyk, P.
Belforte, S.
Casarsa, M.
Cossutti, F.
Della Ricca, G.
Zanetti, A.
Kim, D. H.
Kim, G. N.
Kim, M. S.
Lee, J.
Lee, S.
Lee, S. W.
Moon, C. S.
Oh, Y. D.
Sekmen, S.
Son, D. C.
Yang, Y. C.
Lee, A.
Kim, H.
Moon, D. H.
Oh, G.
Brochero Cifuentes, J. A.
Goh, J.
Kim, T. J.
Cho, S.
Choi, S.
Go, Y.
Gyun, D.
Ha, S.
Hong, B.
Jo, Y.
Kim, Y.
Lee, K.
Lee, K. S.
Lee, S.
Lim, J.
Park, S. K.
Roh, Y.
Almond, J.
Kim, J.
Kim, J. S.
Lee, H.
Lee, K.
Nam, K.
Oh, S. B.
Radburn-Smith, B. C.
Seo, S. h.
Yang, U. K.
Yoo, H. D.
Yu, G. B.
Choi, M.
Kim, H.
Kim, J. H.
Lee, J. S. H.
Park, I. C.
Choi, Y.
Hwang, C.
Lee, J.
Yu, I.
Dudenas, V.
Juodagalvis, A.
Vaitkus, J.
Ahmed, I.
Ibrahim, Z. A.
Md Ali, M. A. B.
Mohamad Idris, F.
Wan Abdullah, W. A. T.
Yusli, M. N.
Zolkapli, Z.
Reyes-Almanza, R
Ramirez-Sanchez, G.
Duran-Osuna, M. C.
Castilla-Valdez, H.
De La Cruz-Burelo, E.
Heredia-De La Cruz, I.
Rabadan-Trejo, R. I.
Lopez-Fernandez, R.
Mejia Guisao, J.
Sanchez-Hernandez, A.
Carrillo Moreno, S.
Oropeza Barrera, C.
Vazquez Valencia, F.
Pedraza, I.
Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.
Uribe Estrada, C.
Morelos Pineda, A.
Krofcheck, D.
Butler, P. H.
Ahmad, A.
Ahmad, M.
Hassan, Q.
Hoorani, H. R.
Saddique, A.
Shah, M. A.
Shoaib, M.
Waqas, M.
Bialkowska, H.
Bluj, M.
Boimska, B.
Frueboes, T.
Górski, M.
Kazana, M.
Nawrocki, K.
Szleper, M.
Zalewski, P.
Bunkowski, K.
Byszuk, A.
Doroba, K.
Kalinowski, A.
Konecki, M.
Krolikowski, J.
Misiura, M.
Olszewski, M.
Pyskir, A.
Walczak, M.
Bargassa, P.
Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.
Di Francesco, A.
Faccioli, P.
Galinhas, B.
Gallinaro, M.
Hollar, J.
Leonardo, N.
Lloret Iglesias, L.
Nemallapudi, M. V.
Seixas, J.
Strong, G.
Toldaiev, O.
Vadruccio, D.
Varela, J.
Afanasiev, S.
Bunin, P.
Gavrilenko, M.
Golutvin, I.
Gorbunov, I.
Kamenev, A.
Karjavin, V.
Lanev, A.
Malakhov, A.
Matveev, V.
Palichik, V.
Perelygin, V.
Shmatov, S.
Shulha, S.
Skatchkov, N.
Smirnov, V.
Voytishin, N.
Zarubin, A.
Ivanov, Y.
Kim, V.
Kuznetsova, E.
Levchenko, P.
Murzin, V.
Oreshkin, V.
Smirnov, I.
Sulimov, V.
Uvarov, L.
Vavilov, S.
Vorobyev, A.
Andreev, Yu.
Dermenev, A.
Gninenko, S.
Golubev, N.
Karneyeu, A.
Kirsanov, M.
Krasnikov, N.
Pashenkov, A.
Tlisov, D.
Toropin, A.
Epshteyn, V.
Gavrilov, V.
Lychkovskaya, N.
Popov, V.
Pozdnyakov, I.
Safronov, G.
Spiridonov, A.
Stepennov, A.
Toms, M.
Vlasov, E.
Zhokin, A.
Aushev, T.
Bylinkin, A.
Chadeeva, M.
Markin, O.
Parygin, P.
Philippov, D.
Polikarpov, S.
Rusinov, V.
Andreev, V.
Azarkin, M.
Dremin, I.
Kirakosyan, M.
Terkulov, A.
Baskakov, A.
Belyaev, A.
Boos, E.
Demiyanov, A.
Ershov, A.
Gribushin, A.
Kodolova, O.
Korotkikh, V.
Lokhtin, I.
Miagkov, I.
Obraztsov, S.
Petrushanko, S.
Savrin, V.
Snigirev, A.
Vardanyan, I.
Blinov, V.
Skovpen, Y.
Shtol, D.
Azhgirey, I.
Bayshev, I.
Bitioukov, S.
Elumakhov, D.
Kachanov, V.
Kalinin, A.
Konstantinov, D.
Mandrik, P.
Petrov, V.
Ryutin, R.
Sobol, A.
Troshin, S.
Tyurin, N.
Uzunian, A.
Volkov, A.
Adzic, P.
Cirkovic, P.
Devetak, D.
Dordevic, M.
Milosevic, J.
Rekovic, V.
Alcaraz Maestre, J.
Barrio Luna, M.
Cerrada, M.
Colino, N.
De La Cruz, B.
Delgado Peris, A.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Fernandez Bedoya, C.
Fernández Ramos, J. P.
Flix, J.
Fouz, M. C.
Gonzalez Lopez, O.
Goy Lopez, S.
Hernandez, J. M.
Josa, M. I.
Moran, D.
Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.
Puerta Pelayo, J.
Quintario Olmeda, A.
Redondo, I.
Romero, L.
Soares, M. S.
Álvarez Fernández, A.
de Trocóniz, J. F.
Missiroli, M.
Cuevas, J.
Erice, C.
Fernandez Menendez, J.
Gonzalez Caballero, I.
González Fernández, J. R.
Palencia Cortezon, E.
Sanchez Cruz, S.
Vischia, P.
Vizan Garcia, J. M.
Cabrillo, I. J.
Calderon, A.
Chazin Quero, B.
Curras, E.
Duarte Campderros, J.
Fernandez, M.
Garcia-Ferrero, J.
Gomez, G.
Lopez Virto, A.
Marco, J.
Martinez Rivero, C.
Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.
Matorras, F.
Piedra Gomez, J.
Rodrigo, T.
Ruiz-Jimeno, A.
Scodellaro, L.
Trevisani, N.
Vila, I.
Vilar Cortabitarte, R.
Abbaneo, D.
Akgun, B.
Auffray, E.
Baillon, P.
Ball, A. H.
Barney, D.
Bianco, M.
Bloch, P.
Bocci, A.
Botta, C.
Camporesi, T.
Castello, R.
Cepeda, M.
Cerminara, G.
Chapon, E.
Chen, Y.
d’Enterria, D.
Dabrowski, A.
Daponte, V.
David, A.
De Gruttola, M.
De Roeck, A.
Deelen, N.
Dobson, M.
du Pree, T.
Dünser, M.
Dupont, N.
Elliott-Peisert, A.
Everaerts, P.
Fallavollita, F.
Franzoni, G.
Fulcher, J.
Funk, W.
Gigi, D.
Gilbert, A.
Gill, K.
Glege, F.
Gulhan, D.
Harris, P.
Hegeman, J.
Innocente, V.
Jafari, A.
Janot, P.
Karacheban, O.
Kieseler, J.
Knünz, V.
Kornmayer, A.
Kortelainen, M. J.
Krammer, M.
Lange, C.
Lecoq, P.
Lourenço, C.
Lucchini, M. T.
Malgeri, L.
Mannelli, M.
Martelli, A.
Meijers, F.
Merlin, J. A.
Mersi, S.
Meschi, E.
Milenovic, P.
Moortgat, F.
Mulders, M.
Neugebauer, H.
Ngadiuba, J.
Orfanelli, S.
Orsini, L.
Pape, L.
Perez, E.
Peruzzi, M.
Petrilli, A.
Petrucciani, G.
Pfeiffer, A.
Pierini, M.
Rabady, D.
Racz, A.
Reis, T.
Rolandi, G.
Rovere, M.
Sakulin, H.
Schäfer, C.
Schwick, C.
Seidel, M.
Selvaggi, M.
Sharma, A.
Silva, P.
Sphicas, P.
Stakia, A.
Steggemann, J.
Stoye, M.
Tosi, M.
Treille, D.
Triossi, A.
Tsirou, A.
Veckalns, V.
Verweij, M.
Zeuner, W. D.
Bertl, W.
Caminada, L.
Deiters, K.
Erdmann, W.
Horisberger, R.
Ingram, Q.
Kaestli, H. C.
Kotlinski, D.
Langenegger, U.
Rohe, T.
Wiederkehr, S. A.
Backhaus, M.
Bäni, L.
Berger, P.
Bianchini, L.
Casal, B.
Dissertori, G.
Dittmar, M.
Donegà, M.
Dorfer, C.
Grab, C.
Heidegger, C.
Hits, D.
Hoss, J.
Kasieczka, G.
Klijnsma, T.
Lustermann, W.
Mangano, B.
Marionneau, M.
Meinhard, M. T.
Meister, D.
Micheli, F.
Musella, P.
Nessi-Tedaldi, F.
Pandolfi, F.
Pata, J.
Pauss, F.
Perrin, G.
Perrozzi, L.
Quittnat, M.
Reichmann, M.
Sanz Becerra, D. A.
Schönenberger, M.
Shchutska, L.
Tavolaro, V. R.
Theofilatos, K.
Vesterbacka Olsson, M. L.
Wallny, R.
Zhu, D. H.
Aarrestad, T. K.
Amsler, C.
Canelli, M. F.
De Cosa, A.
Del Burgo, R.
Donato, S.
Galloni, C.
Hreus, T.
Kilminster, B.
Pinna, D.
Rauco, G.
Robmann, P.
Salerno, D.
Schweiger, K.
Seitz, C.
Takahashi, Y.
Zucchetta, A.
Candelise, V.
Doan, T. H.
Jain, Sh.
Khurana, R.
Kuo, C. M.
Lin, W.
Pozdnyakov, A.
Yu, S. S.
Kumar, Arun
Chang, P.
Chao, Y.
Chen, K. F.
Chen, P. H.
Fiori, F.
Hou, W.-S.
Hsiung, Y.
Liu, Y. F.
Lu, R.-S.
Paganis, E.
Psallidas, A.
Steen, A.
Tsai, J. f.
Asavapibhop, B.
Kovitanggoon, K.
Singh, G.
Srimanobhas, N.
Boran, F.
Cerci, S.
Damarseckin, S.
Demiroglu, Z. S.
Dozen, C.
Dumanoglu, I.
Girgis, S.
Gokbulut, G.
Guler, Y.
Hos, I.
Kangal, E. E.
Kara, O.
Kayis Topaksu, A.
Kiminsu, U.
Oglakci, M.
Onengut, G.
Ozdemir, K.
Sunar Cerci, D.
Tali, B.
Turkcapar, S.
Zorbakir, I. S.
Zorbilmez, C.
Bilin, B.
Karapinar, G.
Ocalan, K.
Yalvac, M.
Zeyrek, M.
Gülmez, E.
Kaya, M.
Kaya, O.
Tekten, S.
Yetkin, E. A.
Agaras, M. N.
Atay, S.
Cakir, A.
Cankocak, K.
Grynyov, B.
Levchuk, L.
Ball, F.
Beck, L.
Brooke, J. J.
Burns, D.
Clement, E.
Cussans, D.
Davignon, O.
Flacher, H.
Goldstein, J.
Heath, G. P.
Heath, H. F.
Jacob, J.
Kreczko, L.
Newbold, D. M.
Paramesvaran, S.
Sakuma, T.
Seif El Nasr-storey, S.
Smith, D.
Smith, V. J.
Belyaev, A.
Brew, C.
Brown, R. M.
Calligaris, L.
Cieri, D.
Cockerill, D. J. A.
Coughlan, J. A.
Harder, K.
Harper, S.
Olaiya, E.
Petyt, D.
Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.
Thea, A.
Tomalin, I. R.
Williams, T.
Auzinger, G.
Bainbridge, R.
Borg, J.
Breeze, S.
Buchmuller, O.
Bundock, A.
Casasso, S.
Citron, M.
Colling, D.
Corpe, L.
Dauncey, P.
Davies, G.
De Wit, A.
Della Negra, M.
Di Maria, R.
Elwood, A.
Haddad, Y.
Hall, G.
Iles, G.
James, T.
Lane, R.
Laner, C.
Lyons, L.
Magnan, A.-M.
Malik, S.
Mastrolorenzo, L.
Matsushita, T.
Nash, J.
Nikitenko, A.
Palladino, V.
Pesaresi, M.
Raymond, D. M.
Richards, A.
Rose, A.
Scott, E.
Seez, C.
Shtipliyski, A.
Summers, S.
Tapper, A.
Uchida, K.
Vazquez Acosta, M.
Virdee, T.
Wardle, N.
Winterbottom, D.
Wright, J.
Zenz, S. C.
Cole, J. E.
Hobson, P. R.
Khan, A.
Kyberd, P.
Reid, I. D.
Symonds, P.
Teodorescu, L.
Turner, M.
Zahid, S.
Borzou, A.
Call, K.
Dittmann, J.
Hatakeyama, K.
Liu, H.
Pastika, N.
Smith, C.
Bartek, R.
Dominguez, A.
Buccilli, A.
Cooper, S. I.
Henderson, C.
Rumerio, P.
West, C.
Arcaro, D.
Avetisyan, A.
Bose, T.
Gastler, D.
Rankin, D.
Richardson, C.
Rohlf, J.
Sulak, L.
Zou, D.
Benelli, G.
Cutts, D.
Garabedian, A.
Hadley, M.
Hakala, J.
Heintz, U.
Hogan, J. M.
Kwok, K. H. M.
Laird, E.
Landsberg, G.
Lee, J.
Mao, Z.
Narain, M.
Pazzini, J.
Piperov, S.
Sagir, S.
Syarif, R.
Yu, D.
Band, R.
Brainerd, C.
Burns, D.
Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.
Chertok, M.
Conway, J.
Conway, R.
Cox, P. T.
Erbacher, R.
Flores, C.
Funk, G.
Gardner, M.
Ko, W.
Lander, R.
Mclean, C.
Mulhearn, M.
Pellett, D.
Pilot, J.
Shalhout, S.
Shi, M.
Smith, J.
Stolp, D.
Tos, K.
Tripathi, M.
Wang, Z.
Bachtis, M.
Bravo, C.
Cousins, R.
Dasgupta, A.
Florent, A.
Hauser, J.
Ignatenko, M.
Mccoll, N.
Regnard, S.
Saltzberg, D.
Schnaible, C.
Valuev, V.
Bouvier, E.
Burt, K.
Clare, R.
Ellison, J.
Gary, J. W.
Ghiasi Shirazi, S. M. A.
Hanson, G.
Heilman, J.
Kennedy, E.
Lacroix, F.
Long, O. R.
Olmedo Negrete, M.
Paneva, M. I.
Si, W.
Wang, L.
Wei, H.
Wimpenny, S.
Yates, B. R.
Branson, J. G.
Cittolin, S.
Derdzinski, M.
Gerosa, R.
Gilbert, D.
Hashemi, B.
Holzner, A.
Klein, D.
Kole, G.
Krutelyov, V.
Letts, J.
Macneill, I.
Masciovecchio, M.
Olivito, D.
Padhi, S.
Pieri, M.
Sani, M.
Sharma, V.
Simon, S.
Tadel, M.
Vartak, A.
Wasserbaech, S.
Wood, J.
Würthwein, F.
Yagil, A.
Zevi Della Porta, G.
Amin, N.
Bhandari, R.
Bradmiller-Feld, J.
Campagnari, C.
Dishaw, A.
Dutta, V.
Franco Sevilla, M.
George, C.
Golf, F.
Gouskos, L.
Gran, J.
Heller, R.
Incandela, J.
Mullin, S. D.
Ovcharova, A.
Qu, H.
Richman, J.
Stuart, D.
Suarez, I.
Yoo, J.
Anderson, D.
Bendavid, J.
Bornheim, A.
Lawhorn, J. M.
Newman, H. B.
Nguyen, T.
Pena, C.
Spiropulu, M.
Vlimant, J. R.
Xie, S.
Zhang, Z.
Zhu, R. Y.
Andrews, M. B.
Ferguson, T.
Mudholkar, T.
Paulini, M.
Russ, J.
Sun, M.
Vogel, H.
Vorobiev, I.
Weinberg, M.
Cumalat, J. P.
Ford, W. T.
Jensen, F.
Johnson, A.
Krohn, M.
Leontsinis, S.
Mulholland, T.
Stenson, K.
Wagner, S. R.
Alexander, J.
Chaves, J.
Chu, J.
Dittmer, S.
Mcdermott, K.
Mirman, N.
Patterson, J. R.
Quach, D.
Rinkevicius, A.
Ryd, A.
Skinnari, L.
Soffi, L.
Tan, S. M.
Tao, Z.
Thom, J.
Tucker, J.
Wittich, P.
Zientek, M.
Abdullin, S.
Albrow, M.
Alyari, M.
Apollinari, G.
Apresyan, A.
Apyan, A.
Banerjee, S.
Bauerdick, L. A. T.
Beretvas, A.
Berryhill, J.
Bhat, P. C.
Bolla, G.
Burkett, K.
Butler, J. N.
Canepa, A.
Cerati, G. B.
Cheung, H. W. K.
Chlebana, F.
Cremonesi, M.
Duarte, J.
Elvira, V. D.
Freeman, J.
Gecse, Z.
Gottschalk, E.
Gray, L.
Green, D.
Grünendahl, S.
Gutsche, O.
Harris, R. M.
Hasegawa, S.
Hirschauer, J.
Hu, Z.
Jayatilaka, B.
Jindariani, S.
Johnson, M.
Joshi, U.
Klima, B.
Kreis, B.
Lammel, S.
Lincoln, D.
Lipton, R.
Liu, M.
Liu, T.
Lopes De Sá, R.
Lykken, J.
Maeshima, K.
Magini, N.
Marraffino, J. M.
Mason, D.
McBride, P.
Merkel, P.
Mrenna, S.
Nahn, S.
O’Dell, V.
Pedro, K.
Prokofyev, O.
Rakness, G.
Ristori, L.
Schneider, B.
Sexton-Kennedy, E.
Soha, A.
Spalding, W. J.
Spiegel, L.
Stoynev, S.
Strait, J.
Strobbe, N.
Taylor, L.
Tkaczyk, S.
Tran, N. V.
Uplegger, L.
Vaandering, E. W.
Vernieri, C.
Verzocchi, M.
Vidal, R.
Wang, M.
Weber, H. A.
Whitbeck, A.
Acosta, D.
Avery, P.
Bortignon, P.
Bourilkov, D.
Brinkerhoff, A.
Carnes, A.
Carver, M.
Curry, D.
Field, R. D.
Furic, I. K.
Gleyzer, S. V.
Joshi, B. M.
Konigsberg, J.
Korytov, A.
Kotov, K.
Ma, P.
Matchev, K.
Mei, H.
Mitselmakher, G.
Rank, D.
Shi, K.
Sperka, D.
Terentyev, N.
Thomas, L.
Wang, J.
Wang, S.
Yelton, J.
Joshi, Y. R.
Linn, S.
Markowitz, P.
Rodriguez, J. L.
Ackert, A.
Adams, T.
Askew, A.
Hagopian, S.
Hagopian, V.
Johnson, K. F.
Kolberg, T.
Martinez, G.
Perry, T.
Prosper, H.
Saha, A.
Santra, A.
Sharma, V.
Yohay, R.
Baarmand, M. M.
Bhopatkar, V.
Colafranceschi, S.
Hohlmann, M.
Noonan, D.
Roy, T.
Yumiceva, F.
Adams, M. R.
Apanasevich, L.
Berry, D.
Betts, R. R.
Cavanaugh, R.
Chen, X.
Evdokimov, O.
Gerber, C. E.
Hangal, D. A.
Hofman, D. J.
Jung, K.
Kamin, J.
Sandoval Gonzalez, I. D.
Tonjes, M. B.
Trauger, H.
Varelas, N.
Wang, H.
Wu, Z.
Zhang, J.
Bilki, B.
Clarida, W.
Dilsiz, K.
Durgut, S.
Gandrajula, R. P.
Haytmyradov, M.
Khristenko, V.
Merlo, J.-P.
Mermerkaya, H.
Mestvirishvili, A.
Moeller, A.
Nachtman, J.
Ogul, H.
Onel, Y.
Ozok, F.
Penzo, A.
Snyder, C.
Tiras, E.
Wetzel, J.
Yi, K.
Blumenfeld, B.
Cocoros, A.
Eminizer, N.
Fehling, D.
Feng, L.
Gritsan, A. V.
Maksimovic, P.
Roskes, J.
Sarica, U.
Swartz, M.
Xiao, M.
You, C.
Al-bataineh, A.
Baringer, P.
Bean, A.
Boren, S.
Bowen, J.
Castle, J.
Khalil, S.
Kropivnitskaya, A.
Majumder, D.
Mcbrayer, W.
Murray, M.
Royon, C.
Sanders, S.
Schmitz, E.
Tapia Takaki, J. D.
Wang, Q.
Ivanov, A.
Kaadze, K.
Maravin, Y.
Mohammadi, A.
Saini, L. K.
Skhirtladze, N.
Toda, S.
Rebassoo, F.
Wright, D.
Anelli, C.
Baden, A.
Baron, O.
Belloni, A.
Calvert, B.
Eno, S. C.
Feng, Y.
Ferraioli, C.
Hadley, N. J.
Jabeen, S.
Jeng, G. Y.
Kellogg, R. G.
Kunkle, J.
Mignerey, A. C.
Ricci-Tam, F.
Shin, Y. H.
Skuja, A.
Tonwar, S. C.
Benvenuti, A. C.
Chatterjee, R. M.
Evans, A.
Hansen, P.
Hiltbrand, J.
Kalafut, S.
Kubota, Y.
Lesko, Z.
Mans, J.
Nourbakhsh, S.
Ruckstuhl, N.
Rusack, R.
Turkewitz, J.
Wadud, M. A.
Acosta, J. G.
Oliveros, S.
Avdeeva, E.
Bloom, K.
Claes, D. R.
Fangmeier, C.
Gonzalez Suarez, R.
Kamalieddin, R.
Kravchenko, I.
Monroy, J.
Siado, J. E.
Snow, G. R.
Stieger, B.
Dolen, J.
Godshalk, A.
Harrington, C.
Iashvili, I.
Nguyen, D.
Parker, A.
Rappoccio, S.
Roozbahani, B.
Alverson, G.
Barberis, E.
Hortiangtham, A.
Massironi, A.
Morse, D. M.
Orimoto, T.
Teixeira De Lima, R.
Trocino, D.
Wood, D.
Bhattacharya, S.
Charaf, O.
Hahn, K. A.
Mucia, N.
Odell, N.
Pollack, B.
Schmitt, M. H.
Sung, K.
Trovato, M.
Velasco, M.
Dev, N.
Hildreth, M.
Hurtado Anampa, K.
Jessop, C.
Karmgard, D. J.
Kellams, N.
Lannon, K.
Loukas, N.
Marinelli, N.
Meng, F.
Mueller, C.
Musienko, Y.
Planer, M.
Reinsvold, A.
Ruchti, R.
Smith, G.
Taroni, S.
Wayne, M.
Wolf, M.
Woodard, A.
Alimena, J.
Antonelli, L.
Bylsma, B.
Durkin, L. S.
Flowers, S.
Francis, B.
Hart, A.
Hill, C.
Ji, W.
Liu, B.
Luo, W.
Puigh, D.
Winer, B. L.
Wulsin, H. W.
Cooperstein, S.
Driga, O.
Elmer, P.
Hardenbrook, J.
Hebda, P.
Higginbotham, S.
Lange, D.
Luo, J.
Marlow, D.
Mei, K.
Ojalvo, I.
Olsen, J.
Palmer, C.
Piroué, P.
Stickland, D.
Tully, C.
Malik, S.
Norberg, S.
Barker, A.
Barnes, V. E.
Das, S.
Folgueras, S.
Gutay, L.
Jha, M. K.
Jones, M.
Jung, A. W.
Khatiwada, A.
Miller, D. H.
Neumeister, N.
Peng, C. C.
Qiu, H.
Schulte, J. F.
Sun, J.
Wang, F.
Xie, W.
Cheng, T.
Parashar, N.
Stupak, J.
Adair, A.
Chen, Z.
Ecklund, K. M.
Freed, S.
Geurts, F. J. M.
Guilbaud, M.
Kilpatrick, M.
Li, W.
Michlin, B.
Northup, M.
Padley, B. P.
Roberts, J.
Rorie, J.
Shi, W.
Tu, Z.
Zabel, J.
Zhang, A.
Bodek, A.
de Barbaro, P.
Demina, R.
Duh, Y. t.
Ferbel, T.
Galanti, M.
Garcia-Bellido, A.
Han, J.
Hindrichs, O.
Khukhunaishvili, A.
Lo, K. H.
Tan, P.
Verzetti, M.
Ciesielski, R.
Goulianos, K.
Mesropian, C.
Agapitos, A.
Chou, J. P.
Gershtein, Y.
Gómez Espinosa, T. A.
Halkiadakis, E.
Heindl, M.
Hughes, E.
Kaplan, S.
Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R.
Kyriacou, S.
Lath, A.
Montalvo, R.
Nash, K.
Osherson, M.
Saka, H.
Salur, S.
Schnetzer, S.
Sheffield, D.
Somalwar, S.
Stone, R.
Thomas, S.
Thomassen, P.
Walker, M.
Delannoy, A. G.
Foerster, M.
Heideman, J.
Riley, G.
Rose, K.
Spanier, S.
Thapa, K.
Bouhali, O.
Castaneda Hernandez, A.
Celik, A.
Dalchenko, M.
De Mattia, M.
Delgado, A.
Dildick, S.
Eusebi, R.
Gilmore, J.
Huang, T.
Kamon, T.
Mueller, R.
Pakhotin, Y.
Patel, R.
Perloff, A.
Perniè, L.
Rathjens, D.
Safonov, A.
Tatarinov, A.
Ulmer, K. A.
Akchurin, N.
Damgov, J.
De Guio, F.
Dudero, P. R.
Faulkner, J.
Gurpinar, E.
Kunori, S.
Lamichhane, K.
Lee, S. W.
Libeiro, T.
Mengke, T.
Muthumuni, S.
Peltola, T.
Undleeb, S.
Volobouev, I.
Wang, Z.
Greene, S.
Gurrola, A.
Janjam, R.
Johns, W.
Maguire, C.
Melo, A.
Ni, H.
Padeken, K.
Sheldon, P.
Tuo, S.
Velkovska, J.
Xu, Q.
Arenton, M. W.
Barria, P.
Cox, B.
Hirosky, R.
Joyce, M.
Ledovskoy, A.
Li, H.
Neu, C.
Sinthuprasith, T.
Wang, Y.
Wolfe, E.
Xia, F.
Harr, R.
Karchin, P. E.
Poudyal, N.
Sturdy, J.
Thapa, P.
Zaleski, S.
Brodski, M.
Buchanan, J.
Caillol, C.
Dasu, S.
Dodd, L.
Duric, S.
Gomber, B.
Grothe, M.
Herndon, M.
Hervé, A.
Hussain, U.
Klabbers, P.
Lanaro, A.
Levine, A.
Long, K.
Loveless, R.
Polese, G.
Ruggles, T.
Savin, A.
Smith, N.
Smith, W. H.
Taylor, D.
Woods, N.
Abercrombie, Daniel Robert
Allen, Brandon Leigh
Azzolini, Virginia
Barbieri, Richard Alexander
Baty, Austin Alan
Bi, Ran
Brandt, Stephanie Akemi
Busza, Wit
Cali, Ivan Amos
D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria
Demiragli, Zeynep
Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo
Goncharov, Maxim
Hsu, Dylan George
Hu, Miao
Iiyama, Yutaro
Innocenti, Gian Michele
Klute, Markus
Kovalskyi, Dmytro
Lai, Yue Shi
Lee, Yen-Jie
Levin, Amy Elizabeth
Luckey Jr, P David
Maier, Benedikt
Marini, Andrea Carlo
McGinn, Christopher Francis
Mironov, Camelia Maria
Narayanan, Siddharth Madhavan
Niu, Xinmei
Paus, Christoph M. E.
Roland, Christof E
Roland, Gunther M
Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob Maxillian Henry
Stephans, George S. F.
Tatar, Kaya
Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru
Wang, Ta-Wei
Wyslouch, Boleslaw
author2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
author_facet Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Sirunyan, A. M.
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
Ambrogi, F.
Asilar, E.
Bergauer, T.
Brandstetter, J.
Brondolin, E.
Dragicevic, M.
Erö, J.
Flechl, M.
Friedl, M.
Frühwirth, R.
Ghete, V. M.
Grossmann, J.
Hrubec, J.
Jeitler, M.
König, A.
Krammer, N.
Krätschmer, I.
Liko, D.
Madlener, T.
Mikulec, I.
Pree, E.
Rad, N.
Rohringer, H.
Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
Spanring, M.
Spitzbart, D.
Waltenberger, W.
Wittmann, J.
Wulz, C.-E.
Zarucki, M.
Chekhovsky, V.
Mossolov, V.
Suarez Gonzalez, J.
De Wolf, E. A.
Di Croce, D.
Janssen, X.
Lauwers, J.
Van Haevermaet, H.
Van Mechelen, P.
Van Remortel, N.
Abu Zeid, S.
Blekman, F.
D’Hondt, J.
De Bruyn, I.
De Clercq, J.
Deroover, K.
Flouris, G.
Lontkovskyi, D.
Lowette, S.
Moortgat, S.
Moreels, L.
Python, Q.
Skovpen, K.
Tavernier, S.
Van Doninck, W.
Van Mulders, P.
Van Parijs, I.
Beghin, D.
Brun, H.
Clerbaux, B.
De Lentdecker, G.
Delannoy, H.
Dorney, B.
Fasanella, G.
Favart, L.
Goldouzian, R.
Grebenyuk, A.
Karapostoli, G.
Lenzi, T.
Luetic, J.
Maerschalk, T.
Marinov, A.
Randle-conde, A.
Seva, T.
Starling, E.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
Vannerom, D.
Yonamine, R.
Zenoni, F.
Zhang, F.
Cimmino, A.
Cornelis, T.
Dobur, D.
Fagot, A.
Gul, M.
Khvastunov, I.
Poyraz, D.
Roskas, C.
Salva, S.
Tytgat, M.
Verbeke, W.
Zaganidis, N.
Bakhshiansohi, H.
Bondu, O.
Brochet, S.
Bruno, G.
Caputo, C.
Caudron, A.
David, P.
De Visscher, S.
Delaere, C.
Delcourt, M.
Francois, B.
Giammanco, A.
Komm, M.
Krintiras, G.
Lemaitre, V.
Magitteri, A.
Mertens, A.
Musich, M.
Piotrzkowski, K.
Quertenmont, L.
Saggio, A.
Vidal Marono, M.
Wertz, S.
Zobec, J.
Beliy, N.
Aldá Júnior, W. L.
Alves, F. L.
Alves, G. A.
Brito, L.
Correa Martins Junior, M.
Hensel, C.
Moraes, A.
Pol, M. E.
Rebello Teles, P.
Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E.
Carvalho, W.
Chinellato, J.
Coelho, E.
Da Costa, E. M.
Da Silveira, G. G.
De Jesus Damiao, D.
Fonseca De Souza, S.
Huertas Guativa, L. M.
Malbouisson, H.
Melo De Almeida, M.
Mora Herrera, C.
Mundim, L.
Nogima, H.
Sanchez Rosas, L. J.
Santoro, A.
Sznajder, A.
Thiel, M.
Tonelli Manganote, E. J.
Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.
Vilela Pereira, A.
Ahuja, S.
Bernardes, C. A.
Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez
Gregores, E. M.
Mercadante, P. G.
Novaes, S. F.
Padula, Sandra S.
Romero Abad, D.
Ruiz Vargas, J. C.
Aleksandrov, A.
Hadjiiska, R.
Iaydjiev, P.
Misheva, M.
Rodozov, M.
Shopova, M.
Sultanov, G.
Dimitrov, A.
Glushkov, I.
Litov, L.
Pavlov, B.
Petkov, P.
Fang, W.
Gao, X.
Yuan, L.
Ahmad, M.
Bian, J. G.
Chen, G. M.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M.
Chen, Y.
Jiang, C. H.
Leggat, D.
Liao, H.
Liu, Z.
Romeo, F.
Shaheen, S. M.
Spiezia, A.
Tao, J.
Wang, C.
Wang, Z.
Yazgan, E.
Zhang, H.
Zhang, S.
Zhao, J.
Ban, Y.
Chen, G.
Li, Q.
Liu, S.
Mao, Y.
Qian, S. J.
Wang, D.
Xu, Z.
Avila, C.
Cabrera, A.
Chaparro Sierra, L. F.
Florez, C.
González Hernández, C. F.
Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.
Courbon, B.
Godinovic, N.
Lelas, D.
Puljak, I.
Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M.
Sculac, T.
Antunovic, Z.
Kovac, M.
Brigljevic, V.
Ferencek, D.
Kadija, K.
Mesic, B.
Starodumov, A.
Susa, T.
Ather, M. W.
Attikis, A.
Mavromanolakis, G.
Mousa, J.
Nicolaou, C.
Ptochos, F.
Razis, P. A.
Rykaczewski, H.
Finger, M.
Finger, M.
Carrera Jarrin, E.
Abdelalim, A. A.
Mohammed, Y.
Salama, E.
Dewanjee, R. K.
Kadastik, M.
Perrini, L.
Raidal, M.
Tiko, A.
Veelken, C.
Eerola, P.
Kirschenmann, H.
Pekkanen, J.
Voutilainen, M.
Järvinen, T.
Karimäki, V.
Kinnunen, R.
Lampén, T.
Lassila-Perini, K.
Lehti, S.
Lindén, T.
Luukka, P.
Tuominen, E.
Tuominiemi, J.
Talvitie, J.
Tuuva, T.
Besancon, M.
Couderc, F.
Dejardin, M.
Denegri, D.
Faure, J. L.
Ferri, F.
Ganjour, S.
Ghosh, S.
Givernaud, A.
Gras, P.
Hamel de Monchenault, G.
Jarry, P.
Kucher, I.
Leloup, C.
Locci, E.
Machet, M.
Malcles, J.
Negro, G.
Rander, J.
Rosowsky, A.
Sahin, M. Ö.
Titov, M.
Abdulsalam, A.
Amendola, C.
Antropov, I.
Baffioni, S.
Beaudette, F.
Busson, P.
Cadamuro, L.
Charlot, C.
Granier de Cassagnac, R.
Jo, M.
Lisniak, S.
Lobanov, A.
Martin Blanco, J.
Nguyen, M.
Ochando, C.
Ortona, G.
Paganini, P.
Pigard, P.
Salerno, R.
Sauvan, J. B.
Sirois, Y.
Stahl Leiton, A. G.
Strebler, T.
Yilmaz, Y.
Zabi, A.
Zghiche, A.
Agram, J.-L.
Andrea, J.
Bloch, D.
Brom, J.-M.
Buttignol, M.
Chabert, E. C.
Chanon, N.
Collard, C.
Conte, E.
Coubez, X.
Fontaine, J.-C.
Gelé, D.
Goerlach, U.
Jansová, M.
Le Bihan, A.-C.
Tonon, N.
Van Hove, P.
Gadrat, S.
Beauceron, S.
Bernet, C.
Boudoul, G.
Chierici, R.
Contardo, D.
Depasse, P.
El Mamouni, H.
Fay, J.
Finco, L.
Gascon, S.
Gouzevitch, M.
Grenier, G.
Ille, B.
Lagarde, F.
Laktineh, I. B.
Lethuillier, M.
Mirabito, L.
Pequegnot, A. L.
Perries, S.
Popov, A.
Sordini, V.
Vander Donckt, M.
Viret, S.
Khvedelidze, A.
Tsamalaidze, Z.
Autermann, C.
Feld, L.
Kiesel, M. K.
Klein, K.
Lipinski, M.
Preuten, M.
Schomakers, C.
Schulz, J.
Zhukov, V.
Albert, A.
Dietz-Laursonn, E.
Duchardt, D.
Endres, M.
Erdmann, M.
Erdweg, S.
Esch, T.
Fischer, R.
Güth, A.
Hamer, M.
Hebbeker, T.
Heidemann, C.
Hoepfner, K.
Knutzen, S.
Merschmeyer, M.
Meyer, A.
Millet, P.
Mukherjee, S.
Pook, T.
Radziej, M.
Reithler, H.
Rieger, M.
Scheuch, F.
Teyssier, D.
Thüer, S.
Flügge, G.
Kargoll, B.
Kress, T.
Künsken, A.
Müller, T.
Nehrkorn, A.
Nowack, A.
Pistone, C.
Pooth, O.
Stahl, A.
Aldaya Martin, M.
Arndt, T.
Asawatangtrakuldee, C.
Beernaert, K.
Behnke, O.
Behrens, U.
Bermúdez Martínez, A.
Bin Anuar, A. A.
Borras, K.
Botta, V.
Campbell, A.
Connor, P.
Contreras-Campana, C.
Costanza, F.
Diez Pardos, C.
Eckerlin, G.
Eckstein, D.
Eichhorn, T.
Eren, E.
Gallo, E.
Garay Garcia, J.
Geiser, A.
Gizhko, A.
Grados Luyando, J. M.
Grohsjean, A.
Gunnellini, P.
Guthoff, M.
Harb, A.
Hauk, J.
Hempel, M.
Jung, H.
Kalogeropoulos, A.
Kasemann, M.
Keaveney, J.
Kleinwort, C.
Korol, I.
Krücker, D.
Lange, W.
Lelek, A.
Lenz, T.
Leonard, J.
Lipka, K.
Lohmann, W.
Mankel, R.
Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.
Meyer, A. B.
Mittag, G.
Mnich, J.
Mussgiller, A.
Ntomari, E.
Pitzl, D.
Raspereza, A.
Roland, B.
Savitskyi, M.
Saxena, P.
Shevchenko, R.
Spannagel, S.
Stefaniuk, N.
Van Onsem, G. P.
Walsh, R.
Wen, Y.
Wichmann, K.
Wissing, C.
Zenaiev, O.
Aggleton, R.
Bein, S.
Blobel, V.
Centis Vignali, M.
Dreyer, T.
Garutti, E.
Gonzalez, D.
Haller, J.
Hinzmann, A.
Hoffmann, M.
Karavdina, A.
Klanner, R.
Kogler, R.
Kovalchuk, N.
Kurz, S.
Lapsien, T.
Marchesini, I.
Marconi, D.
Meyer, M.
Niedziela, M.
Nowatschin, D.
Pantaleo, F.
Peiffer, T.
Perieanu, A.
Scharf, C.
Schleper, P.
Schmidt, A.
Schumann, S.
Schwandt, J.
Sonneveld, J.
Stadie, H.
Steinbrück, G.
Stober, F. M.
Stöver, M.
Tholen, H.
Troendle, D.
Usai, E.
Vanelderen, L.
Vanhoefer, A.
Vormwald, B.
Akbiyik, M.
Barth, C.
Baur, S.
Butz, E.
Caspart, R.
Chwalek, T.
Colombo, F.
De Boer, W.
Dierlamm, A.
Freund, B.
Friese, R.
Giffels, M.
Haitz, D.
Harrendorf, M. A.
Hartmann, F.
Heindl, S. M.
Husemann, U.
Kassel, F.
Kudella, S.
Mildner, H.
Mozer, M. U.
Müller, Th.
Plagge, M.
Quast, G.
Rabbertz, K.
Schröder, M.
Shvetsov, I.
Sieber, G.
Simonis, H. J.
Ulrich, R.
Wayand, S.
Weber, M.
Weiler, T.
Williamson, S.
Wöhrmann, C.
Wolf, R.
Anagnostou, G.
Daskalakis, G.
Geralis, T.
Giakoumopoulou, V. A.
Kyriakis, A.
Loukas, D.
Topsis-Giotis, I.
Karathanasis, G.
Kesisoglou, S.
Panagiotou, A.
Saoulidou, N.
Kousouris, K.
Evangelou, I.
Foudas, C.
Kokkas, P.
Mallios, S.
Manthos, N.
Papadopoulos, I.
Paradas, E.
Strologas, J.
Triantis, F. A.
Csanad, M.
Filipovic, N.
Pasztor, G.
Surányi, O.
Veres, G. I.
Bencze, G.
Hajdu, C.
Horvath, D.
Hunyadi, Á.
Sikler, F.
Veszpremi, V.
Zsigmond, A. J.
Beni, N.
Czellar, S.
Karancsi, J.
Makovec, A.
Molnar, J.
Szillasi, Z.
Bartók, M.
Raics, P.
Trocsanyi, Z. L.
Ujvari, B.
Choudhury, S.
Komaragiri, J. R.
Bahinipati, S.
Bhowmik, S.
Mal, P.
Mandal, K.
Nayak, A.
Sahoo, D. K.
Sahoo, N.
Swain, S. K.
Bansal, S.
Beri, S. B.
Bhatnagar, V.
Chawla, R.
Dhingra, N.
Kalsi, A. K.
Kaur, A.
Kaur, M.
Kaur, S.
Kumar, R.
Kumari, P.
Mehta, A.
Singh, J. B.
Walia, G.
Kumar, Ashok
Shah, Aashaq
Bhardwaj, A.
Chauhan, S.
Choudhary, B. C.
Garg, R. B.
Keshri, S.
Kumar, A.
Malhotra, S.
Naimuddin, M.
Ranjan, K.
Sharma, R.
Bhardwaj, R.
Bhattacharya, R.
Bhattacharya, S.
Bhawandeep, U.
Dey, S.
Dutt, S.
Dutta, S.
Ghosh, S.
Majumdar, N.
Modak, A.
Mondal, K.
Mukhopadhyay, S.
Nandan, S.
Purohit, A.
Roy, A.
Roy, D.
Roy Chowdhury, S.
Sarkar, S.
Sharan, M.
Thakur, S.
Behera, P. K.
Chudasama, R.
Dutta, D.
Jha, V.
Kumar, V.
Mohanty, A. K.
Netrakanti, P. K.
Pant, L. M.
Shukla, P.
Topkar, A.
Aziz, T.
Dugad, S.
Mahakud, B.
Mitra, S.
Mohanty, G. B.
Sur, N.
Sutar, B.
Banerjee, S.
Bhattacharya, S.
Chatterjee, S.
Das, P.
Guchait, M.
Jain, Sa.
Kumar, S.
Maity, M.
Majumder, G.
Mazumdar, K.
Sarkar, T.
Wickramage, N.
Chauhan, S.
Dube, S.
Hegde, V.
Kapoor, A.
Kothekar, K.
Pandey, S.
Rane, A.
Sharma, S.
Chenarani, S.
Eskandari Tadavani, E.
Etesami, S. M.
Khakzad, M.
Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.
Naseri, M.
Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S.
Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F.
Safarzadeh, B.
Zeinali, M.
Felcini, M.
Grunewald, M.
Abbrescia, M.
Calabria, C.
Colaleo, A.
Creanza, D.
Cristella, L.
De Filippis, N.
De Palma, M.
Errico, F.
Fiore, L.
Iaselli, G.
Lezki, S.
Maggi, G.
Maggi, M.
Miniello, G.
My, S.
Nuzzo, S.
Pompili, A.
Pugliese, G.
Radogna, R.
Ranieri, A.
Selvaggi, G.
Sharma, A.
Silvestris, L.
Venditti, R.
Verwilligen, P.
Abbiendi, G.
Battilana, C.
Bonacorsi, D.
Borgonovi, L.
Braibant-Giacomelli, S.
Campanini, R.
Capiluppi, P.
Castro, A.
Cavallo, F. R.
Chhibra, S. S.
Codispoti, G.
Cuffiani, M.
Dallavalle, G. M.
Fabbri, F.
Fanfani, A.
Fasanella, D.
Giacomelli, P.
Grandi, C.
Guiducci, L.
Marcellini, S.
Masetti, G.
Montanari, A.
Navarria, F. L.
Perrotta, A.
Rossi, A. M.
Rovelli, T.
Siroli, G. P.
Tosi, N.
Albergo, S.
Costa, S.
Di Mattia, A.
Giordano, F.
Potenza, R.
Tricomi, A.
Tuve, C.
Barbagli, G.
Chatterjee, K.
Ciulli, V.
Civinini, C.
D’Alessandro, R.
Focardi, E.
Lenzi, P.
Meschini, M.
Paoletti, S.
Russo, L.
Sguazzoni, G.
Strom, D.
Viliani, L.
Benussi, L.
Bianco, S.
Fabbri, F.
Piccolo, D.
Primavera, F.
Calvelli, V.
Ferro, F.
Robutti, E.
Tosi, S.
Benaglia, A.
Brianza, L.
Brivio, F.
Ciriolo, V.
Dinardo, M. E.
Fiorendi, S.
Gennai, S.
Ghezzi, A.
Govoni, P.
Malberti, M.
Malvezzi, S.
Manzoni, R. A.
Menasce, D.
Moroni, L.
Paganoni, M.
Pauwels, K.
Pedrini, D.
Pigazzini, S.
Ragazzi, S.
Redaelli, N.
Tabarelli de Fatis, T.
Buontempo, S.
Cavallo, N.
Di Guida, S.
Fabozzi, F.
Fienga, F.
Iorio, A. O. M.
Khan, W. A.
Lista, L.
Meola, S.
Paolucci, P.
Sciacca, C.
Thyssen, F.
Azzi, P.
Bacchetta, N.
Benato, L.
Bisello, D.
Boletti, A.
Carlin, R.
Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A.
Checchia, P.
Dall’Osso, M.
De Castro Manzano, P.
Dorigo, T.
Dosselli, U.
Gozzelino, A.
Lacaprara, S.
Lujan, P.
Margoni, M.
Meneguzzo, A. T.
Montecassiano, F.
Pozzobon, N.
Ronchese, P.
Rossin, R.
Simonetto, F.
Torassa, E.
Zanetti, M.
Zotto, P.
Zumerle, G.
Braghieri, A.
Magnani, A.
Montagna, P.
Ratti, S. P.
Re, V.
Ressegotti, M.
Riccardi, C.
Salvini, P.
Vai, I.
Vitulo, P.
Alunni Solestizi, L.
Biasini, M.
Bilei, G. M.
Cecchi, C.
Ciangottini, D.
Fanò, L.
Lariccia, P.
Leonardi, R.
Manoni, E.
Mantovani, G.
Mariani, V.
Menichelli, M.
Rossi, A.
Santocchia, A.
Spiga, D.
Androsov, K.
Azzurri, P.
Bagliesi, G.
Boccali, T.
Borrello, L.
Castaldi, R.
Ciocci, M. A.
Dell’Orso, R.
Fedi, G.
Giannini, L.
Giassi, A.
Grippo, M. T.
Ligabue, F.
Lomtadze, T.
Manca, E.
Mandorli, G.
Martini, L.
Messineo, A.
Palla, F.
Rizzi, A.
Savoy-Navarro, A.
Spagnolo, P.
Tenchini, R.
Tonelli, G.
Venturi, A.
Verdini, P. G.
Barone, L.
Cavallari, F.
Cipriani, M.
Daci, N.
Del Re, D.
Di Marco, E.
Diemoz, M.
Gelli, S.
Longo, E.
Margaroli, F.
Marzocchi, B.
Meridiani, P.
Organtini, G.
Paramatti, R.
Preiato, F.
Rahatlou, S.
Rovelli, C.
Santanastasio, F.
Amapane, N.
Arcidiacono, R.
Argiro, S.
Arneodo, M.
Bartosik, N.
Bellan, R.
Biino, C.
Cartiglia, N.
Cenna, F.
Costa, M.
Covarelli, R.
Degano, A.
Demaria, N.
Kiani, B.
Mariotti, C.
Maselli, S.
Migliore, E.
Monaco, V.
Monteil, E.
Monteno, M.
Obertino, M. M.
Pacher, L.
Pastrone, N.
Pelliccioni, M.
Pinna Angioni, G. L.
Ravera, F.
Romero, A.
Ruspa, M.
Sacchi, R.
Shchelina, K.
Sola, V.
Solano, A.
Staiano, A.
Traczyk, P.
Belforte, S.
Casarsa, M.
Cossutti, F.
Della Ricca, G.
Zanetti, A.
Kim, D. H.
Kim, G. N.
Kim, M. S.
Lee, J.
Lee, S.
Lee, S. W.
Moon, C. S.
Oh, Y. D.
Sekmen, S.
Son, D. C.
Yang, Y. C.
Lee, A.
Kim, H.
Moon, D. H.
Oh, G.
Brochero Cifuentes, J. A.
Goh, J.
Kim, T. J.
Cho, S.
Choi, S.
Go, Y.
Gyun, D.
Ha, S.
Hong, B.
Jo, Y.
Kim, Y.
Lee, K.
Lee, K. S.
Lee, S.
Lim, J.
Park, S. K.
Roh, Y.
Almond, J.
Kim, J.
Kim, J. S.
Lee, H.
Lee, K.
Nam, K.
Oh, S. B.
Radburn-Smith, B. C.
Seo, S. h.
Yang, U. K.
Yoo, H. D.
Yu, G. B.
Choi, M.
Kim, H.
Kim, J. H.
Lee, J. S. H.
Park, I. C.
Choi, Y.
Hwang, C.
Lee, J.
Yu, I.
Dudenas, V.
Juodagalvis, A.
Vaitkus, J.
Ahmed, I.
Ibrahim, Z. A.
Md Ali, M. A. B.
Mohamad Idris, F.
Wan Abdullah, W. A. T.
Yusli, M. N.
Zolkapli, Z.
Reyes-Almanza, R
Ramirez-Sanchez, G.
Duran-Osuna, M. C.
Castilla-Valdez, H.
De La Cruz-Burelo, E.
Heredia-De La Cruz, I.
Rabadan-Trejo, R. I.
Lopez-Fernandez, R.
Mejia Guisao, J.
Sanchez-Hernandez, A.
Carrillo Moreno, S.
Oropeza Barrera, C.
Vazquez Valencia, F.
Pedraza, I.
Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.
Uribe Estrada, C.
Morelos Pineda, A.
Krofcheck, D.
Butler, P. H.
Ahmad, A.
Ahmad, M.
Hassan, Q.
Hoorani, H. R.
Saddique, A.
Shah, M. A.
Shoaib, M.
Waqas, M.
Bialkowska, H.
Bluj, M.
Boimska, B.
Frueboes, T.
Górski, M.
Kazana, M.
Nawrocki, K.
Szleper, M.
Zalewski, P.
Bunkowski, K.
Byszuk, A.
Doroba, K.
Kalinowski, A.
Konecki, M.
Krolikowski, J.
Misiura, M.
Olszewski, M.
Pyskir, A.
Walczak, M.
Bargassa, P.
Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.
Di Francesco, A.
Faccioli, P.
Galinhas, B.
Gallinaro, M.
Hollar, J.
Leonardo, N.
Lloret Iglesias, L.
Nemallapudi, M. V.
Seixas, J.
Strong, G.
Toldaiev, O.
Vadruccio, D.
Varela, J.
Afanasiev, S.
Bunin, P.
Gavrilenko, M.
Golutvin, I.
Gorbunov, I.
Kamenev, A.
Karjavin, V.
Lanev, A.
Malakhov, A.
Matveev, V.
Palichik, V.
Perelygin, V.
Shmatov, S.
Shulha, S.
Skatchkov, N.
Smirnov, V.
Voytishin, N.
Zarubin, A.
Ivanov, Y.
Kim, V.
Kuznetsova, E.
Levchenko, P.
Murzin, V.
Oreshkin, V.
Smirnov, I.
Sulimov, V.
Uvarov, L.
Vavilov, S.
Vorobyev, A.
Andreev, Yu.
Dermenev, A.
Gninenko, S.
Golubev, N.
Karneyeu, A.
Kirsanov, M.
Krasnikov, N.
Pashenkov, A.
Tlisov, D.
Toropin, A.
Epshteyn, V.
Gavrilov, V.
Lychkovskaya, N.
Popov, V.
Pozdnyakov, I.
Safronov, G.
Spiridonov, A.
Stepennov, A.
Toms, M.
Vlasov, E.
Zhokin, A.
Aushev, T.
Bylinkin, A.
Chadeeva, M.
Markin, O.
Parygin, P.
Philippov, D.
Polikarpov, S.
Rusinov, V.
Andreev, V.
Azarkin, M.
Dremin, I.
Kirakosyan, M.
Terkulov, A.
Baskakov, A.
Belyaev, A.
Boos, E.
Demiyanov, A.
Ershov, A.
Gribushin, A.
Kodolova, O.
Korotkikh, V.
Lokhtin, I.
Miagkov, I.
Obraztsov, S.
Petrushanko, S.
Savrin, V.
Snigirev, A.
Vardanyan, I.
Blinov, V.
Skovpen, Y.
Shtol, D.
Azhgirey, I.
Bayshev, I.
Bitioukov, S.
Elumakhov, D.
Kachanov, V.
Kalinin, A.
Konstantinov, D.
Mandrik, P.
Petrov, V.
Ryutin, R.
Sobol, A.
Troshin, S.
Tyurin, N.
Uzunian, A.
Volkov, A.
Adzic, P.
Cirkovic, P.
Devetak, D.
Dordevic, M.
Milosevic, J.
Rekovic, V.
Alcaraz Maestre, J.
Barrio Luna, M.
Cerrada, M.
Colino, N.
De La Cruz, B.
Delgado Peris, A.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Fernandez Bedoya, C.
Fernández Ramos, J. P.
Flix, J.
Fouz, M. C.
Gonzalez Lopez, O.
Goy Lopez, S.
Hernandez, J. M.
Josa, M. I.
Moran, D.
Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.
Puerta Pelayo, J.
Quintario Olmeda, A.
Redondo, I.
Romero, L.
Soares, M. S.
Álvarez Fernández, A.
de Trocóniz, J. F.
Missiroli, M.
Cuevas, J.
Erice, C.
Fernandez Menendez, J.
Gonzalez Caballero, I.
González Fernández, J. R.
Palencia Cortezon, E.
Sanchez Cruz, S.
Vischia, P.
Vizan Garcia, J. M.
Cabrillo, I. J.
Calderon, A.
Chazin Quero, B.
Curras, E.
Duarte Campderros, J.
Fernandez, M.
Garcia-Ferrero, J.
Gomez, G.
Lopez Virto, A.
Marco, J.
Martinez Rivero, C.
Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.
Matorras, F.
Piedra Gomez, J.
Rodrigo, T.
Ruiz-Jimeno, A.
Scodellaro, L.
Trevisani, N.
Vila, I.
Vilar Cortabitarte, R.
Abbaneo, D.
Akgun, B.
Auffray, E.
Baillon, P.
Ball, A. H.
Barney, D.
Bianco, M.
Bloch, P.
Bocci, A.
Botta, C.
Camporesi, T.
Castello, R.
Cepeda, M.
Cerminara, G.
Chapon, E.
Chen, Y.
d’Enterria, D.
Dabrowski, A.
Daponte, V.
David, A.
De Gruttola, M.
De Roeck, A.
Deelen, N.
Dobson, M.
du Pree, T.
Dünser, M.
Dupont, N.
Elliott-Peisert, A.
Everaerts, P.
Fallavollita, F.
Franzoni, G.
Fulcher, J.
Funk, W.
Gigi, D.
Gilbert, A.
Gill, K.
Glege, F.
Gulhan, D.
Harris, P.
Hegeman, J.
Innocente, V.
Jafari, A.
Janot, P.
Karacheban, O.
Kieseler, J.
Knünz, V.
Kornmayer, A.
Kortelainen, M. J.
Krammer, M.
Lange, C.
Lecoq, P.
Lourenço, C.
Lucchini, M. T.
Malgeri, L.
Mannelli, M.
Martelli, A.
Meijers, F.
Merlin, J. A.
Mersi, S.
Meschi, E.
Milenovic, P.
Moortgat, F.
Mulders, M.
Neugebauer, H.
Ngadiuba, J.
Orfanelli, S.
Orsini, L.
Pape, L.
Perez, E.
Peruzzi, M.
Petrilli, A.
Petrucciani, G.
Pfeiffer, A.
Pierini, M.
Rabady, D.
Racz, A.
Reis, T.
Rolandi, G.
Rovere, M.
Sakulin, H.
Schäfer, C.
Schwick, C.
Seidel, M.
Selvaggi, M.
Sharma, A.
Silva, P.
Sphicas, P.
Stakia, A.
Steggemann, J.
Stoye, M.
Tosi, M.
Treille, D.
Triossi, A.
Tsirou, A.
Veckalns, V.
Verweij, M.
Zeuner, W. D.
Bertl, W.
Caminada, L.
Deiters, K.
Erdmann, W.
Horisberger, R.
Ingram, Q.
Kaestli, H. C.
Kotlinski, D.
Langenegger, U.
Rohe, T.
Wiederkehr, S. A.
Backhaus, M.
Bäni, L.
Berger, P.
Bianchini, L.
Casal, B.
Dissertori, G.
Dittmar, M.
Donegà, M.
Dorfer, C.
Grab, C.
Heidegger, C.
Hits, D.
Hoss, J.
Kasieczka, G.
Klijnsma, T.
Lustermann, W.
Mangano, B.
Marionneau, M.
Meinhard, M. T.
Meister, D.
Micheli, F.
Musella, P.
Nessi-Tedaldi, F.
Pandolfi, F.
Pata, J.
Pauss, F.
Perrin, G.
Perrozzi, L.
Quittnat, M.
Reichmann, M.
Sanz Becerra, D. A.
Schönenberger, M.
Shchutska, L.
Tavolaro, V. R.
Theofilatos, K.
Vesterbacka Olsson, M. L.
Wallny, R.
Zhu, D. H.
Aarrestad, T. K.
Amsler, C.
Canelli, M. F.
De Cosa, A.
Del Burgo, R.
Donato, S.
Galloni, C.
Hreus, T.
Kilminster, B.
Pinna, D.
Rauco, G.
Robmann, P.
Salerno, D.
Schweiger, K.
Seitz, C.
Takahashi, Y.
Zucchetta, A.
Candelise, V.
Doan, T. H.
Jain, Sh.
Khurana, R.
Kuo, C. M.
Lin, W.
Pozdnyakov, A.
Yu, S. S.
Kumar, Arun
Chang, P.
Chao, Y.
Chen, K. F.
Chen, P. H.
Fiori, F.
Hou, W.-S.
Hsiung, Y.
Liu, Y. F.
Lu, R.-S.
Paganis, E.
Psallidas, A.
Steen, A.
Tsai, J. f.
Asavapibhop, B.
Kovitanggoon, K.
Singh, G.
Srimanobhas, N.
Boran, F.
Cerci, S.
Damarseckin, S.
Demiroglu, Z. S.
Dozen, C.
Dumanoglu, I.
Girgis, S.
Gokbulut, G.
Guler, Y.
Hos, I.
Kangal, E. E.
Kara, O.
Kayis Topaksu, A.
Kiminsu, U.
Oglakci, M.
Onengut, G.
Ozdemir, K.
Sunar Cerci, D.
Tali, B.
Turkcapar, S.
Zorbakir, I. S.
Zorbilmez, C.
Bilin, B.
Karapinar, G.
Ocalan, K.
Yalvac, M.
Zeyrek, M.
Gülmez, E.
Kaya, M.
Kaya, O.
Tekten, S.
Yetkin, E. A.
Agaras, M. N.
Atay, S.
Cakir, A.
Cankocak, K.
Grynyov, B.
Levchuk, L.
Ball, F.
Beck, L.
Brooke, J. J.
Burns, D.
Clement, E.
Cussans, D.
Davignon, O.
Flacher, H.
Goldstein, J.
Heath, G. P.
Heath, H. F.
Jacob, J.
Kreczko, L.
Newbold, D. M.
Paramesvaran, S.
Sakuma, T.
Seif El Nasr-storey, S.
Smith, D.
Smith, V. J.
Belyaev, A.
Brew, C.
Brown, R. M.
Calligaris, L.
Cieri, D.
Cockerill, D. J. A.
Coughlan, J. A.
Harder, K.
Harper, S.
Olaiya, E.
Petyt, D.
Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.
Thea, A.
Tomalin, I. R.
Williams, T.
Auzinger, G.
Bainbridge, R.
Borg, J.
Breeze, S.
Buchmuller, O.
Bundock, A.
Casasso, S.
Citron, M.
Colling, D.
Corpe, L.
Dauncey, P.
Davies, G.
De Wit, A.
Della Negra, M.
Di Maria, R.
Elwood, A.
Haddad, Y.
Hall, G.
Iles, G.
James, T.
Lane, R.
Laner, C.
Lyons, L.
Magnan, A.-M.
Malik, S.
Mastrolorenzo, L.
Matsushita, T.
Nash, J.
Nikitenko, A.
Palladino, V.
Pesaresi, M.
Raymond, D. M.
Richards, A.
Rose, A.
Scott, E.
Seez, C.
Shtipliyski, A.
Summers, S.
Tapper, A.
Uchida, K.
Vazquez Acosta, M.
Virdee, T.
Wardle, N.
Winterbottom, D.
Wright, J.
Zenz, S. C.
Cole, J. E.
Hobson, P. R.
Khan, A.
Kyberd, P.
Reid, I. D.
Symonds, P.
Teodorescu, L.
Turner, M.
Zahid, S.
Borzou, A.
Call, K.
Dittmann, J.
Hatakeyama, K.
Liu, H.
Pastika, N.
Smith, C.
Bartek, R.
Dominguez, A.
Buccilli, A.
Cooper, S. I.
Henderson, C.
Rumerio, P.
West, C.
Arcaro, D.
Avetisyan, A.
Bose, T.
Gastler, D.
Rankin, D.
Richardson, C.
Rohlf, J.
Sulak, L.
Zou, D.
Benelli, G.
Cutts, D.
Garabedian, A.
Hadley, M.
Hakala, J.
Heintz, U.
Hogan, J. M.
Kwok, K. H. M.
Laird, E.
Landsberg, G.
Lee, J.
Mao, Z.
Narain, M.
Pazzini, J.
Piperov, S.
Sagir, S.
Syarif, R.
Yu, D.
Band, R.
Brainerd, C.
Burns, D.
Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.
Chertok, M.
Conway, J.
Conway, R.
Cox, P. T.
Erbacher, R.
Flores, C.
Funk, G.
Gardner, M.
Ko, W.
Lander, R.
Mclean, C.
Mulhearn, M.
Pellett, D.
Pilot, J.
Shalhout, S.
Shi, M.
Smith, J.
Stolp, D.
Tos, K.
Tripathi, M.
Wang, Z.
Bachtis, M.
Bravo, C.
Cousins, R.
Dasgupta, A.
Florent, A.
Hauser, J.
Ignatenko, M.
Mccoll, N.
Regnard, S.
Saltzberg, D.
Schnaible, C.
Valuev, V.
Bouvier, E.
Burt, K.
Clare, R.
Ellison, J.
Gary, J. W.
Ghiasi Shirazi, S. M. A.
Hanson, G.
Heilman, J.
Kennedy, E.
Lacroix, F.
Long, O. R.
Olmedo Negrete, M.
Paneva, M. I.
Si, W.
Wang, L.
Wei, H.
Wimpenny, S.
Yates, B. R.
Branson, J. G.
Cittolin, S.
Derdzinski, M.
Gerosa, R.
Gilbert, D.
Hashemi, B.
Holzner, A.
Klein, D.
Kole, G.
Krutelyov, V.
Letts, J.
Macneill, I.
Masciovecchio, M.
Olivito, D.
Padhi, S.
Pieri, M.
Sani, M.
Sharma, V.
Simon, S.
Tadel, M.
Vartak, A.
Wasserbaech, S.
Wood, J.
Würthwein, F.
Yagil, A.
Zevi Della Porta, G.
Amin, N.
Bhandari, R.
Bradmiller-Feld, J.
Campagnari, C.
Dishaw, A.
Dutta, V.
Franco Sevilla, M.
George, C.
Golf, F.
Gouskos, L.
Gran, J.
Heller, R.
Incandela, J.
Mullin, S. D.
Ovcharova, A.
Qu, H.
Richman, J.
Stuart, D.
Suarez, I.
Yoo, J.
Anderson, D.
Bendavid, J.
Bornheim, A.
Lawhorn, J. M.
Newman, H. B.
Nguyen, T.
Pena, C.
Spiropulu, M.
Vlimant, J. R.
Xie, S.
Zhang, Z.
Zhu, R. Y.
Andrews, M. B.
Ferguson, T.
Mudholkar, T.
Paulini, M.
Russ, J.
Sun, M.
Vogel, H.
Vorobiev, I.
Weinberg, M.
Cumalat, J. P.
Ford, W. T.
Jensen, F.
Johnson, A.
Krohn, M.
Leontsinis, S.
Mulholland, T.
Stenson, K.
Wagner, S. R.
Alexander, J.
Chaves, J.
Chu, J.
Dittmer, S.
Mcdermott, K.
Mirman, N.
Patterson, J. R.
Quach, D.
Rinkevicius, A.
Ryd, A.
Skinnari, L.
Soffi, L.
Tan, S. M.
Tao, Z.
Thom, J.
Tucker, J.
Wittich, P.
Zientek, M.
Abdullin, S.
Albrow, M.
Alyari, M.
Apollinari, G.
Apresyan, A.
Apyan, A.
Banerjee, S.
Bauerdick, L. A. T.
Beretvas, A.
Berryhill, J.
Bhat, P. C.
Bolla, G.
Burkett, K.
Butler, J. N.
Canepa, A.
Cerati, G. B.
Cheung, H. W. K.
Chlebana, F.
Cremonesi, M.
Duarte, J.
Elvira, V. D.
Freeman, J.
Gecse, Z.
Gottschalk, E.
Gray, L.
Green, D.
Grünendahl, S.
Gutsche, O.
Harris, R. M.
Hasegawa, S.
Hirschauer, J.
Hu, Z.
Jayatilaka, B.
Jindariani, S.
Johnson, M.
Joshi, U.
Klima, B.
Kreis, B.
Lammel, S.
Lincoln, D.
Lipton, R.
Liu, M.
Liu, T.
Lopes De Sá, R.
Lykken, J.
Maeshima, K.
Magini, N.
Marraffino, J. M.
Mason, D.
McBride, P.
Merkel, P.
Mrenna, S.
Nahn, S.
O’Dell, V.
Pedro, K.
Prokofyev, O.
Rakness, G.
Ristori, L.
Schneider, B.
Sexton-Kennedy, E.
Soha, A.
Spalding, W. J.
Spiegel, L.
Stoynev, S.
Strait, J.
Strobbe, N.
Taylor, L.
Tkaczyk, S.
Tran, N. V.
Uplegger, L.
Vaandering, E. W.
Vernieri, C.
Verzocchi, M.
Vidal, R.
Wang, M.
Weber, H. A.
Whitbeck, A.
Acosta, D.
Avery, P.
Bortignon, P.
Bourilkov, D.
Brinkerhoff, A.
Carnes, A.
Carver, M.
Curry, D.
Field, R. D.
Furic, I. K.
Gleyzer, S. V.
Joshi, B. M.
Konigsberg, J.
Korytov, A.
Kotov, K.
Ma, P.
Matchev, K.
Mei, H.
Mitselmakher, G.
Rank, D.
Shi, K.
Sperka, D.
Terentyev, N.
Thomas, L.
Wang, J.
Wang, S.
Yelton, J.
Joshi, Y. R.
Linn, S.
Markowitz, P.
Rodriguez, J. L.
Ackert, A.
Adams, T.
Askew, A.
Hagopian, S.
Hagopian, V.
Johnson, K. F.
Kolberg, T.
Martinez, G.
Perry, T.
Prosper, H.
Saha, A.
Santra, A.
Sharma, V.
Yohay, R.
Baarmand, M. M.
Bhopatkar, V.
Colafranceschi, S.
Hohlmann, M.
Noonan, D.
Roy, T.
Yumiceva, F.
Adams, M. R.
Apanasevich, L.
Berry, D.
Betts, R. R.
Cavanaugh, R.
Chen, X.
Evdokimov, O.
Gerber, C. E.
Hangal, D. A.
Hofman, D. J.
Jung, K.
Kamin, J.
Sandoval Gonzalez, I. D.
Tonjes, M. B.
Trauger, H.
Varelas, N.
Wang, H.
Wu, Z.
Zhang, J.
Bilki, B.
Clarida, W.
Dilsiz, K.
Durgut, S.
Gandrajula, R. P.
Haytmyradov, M.
Khristenko, V.
Merlo, J.-P.
Mermerkaya, H.
Mestvirishvili, A.
Moeller, A.
Nachtman, J.
Ogul, H.
Onel, Y.
Ozok, F.
Penzo, A.
Snyder, C.
Tiras, E.
Wetzel, J.
Yi, K.
Blumenfeld, B.
Cocoros, A.
Eminizer, N.
Fehling, D.
Feng, L.
Gritsan, A. V.
Maksimovic, P.
Roskes, J.
Sarica, U.
Swartz, M.
Xiao, M.
You, C.
Al-bataineh, A.
Baringer, P.
Bean, A.
Boren, S.
Bowen, J.
Castle, J.
Khalil, S.
Kropivnitskaya, A.
Majumder, D.
Mcbrayer, W.
Murray, M.
Royon, C.
Sanders, S.
Schmitz, E.
Tapia Takaki, J. D.
Wang, Q.
Ivanov, A.
Kaadze, K.
Maravin, Y.
Mohammadi, A.
Saini, L. K.
Skhirtladze, N.
Toda, S.
Rebassoo, F.
Wright, D.
Anelli, C.
Baden, A.
Baron, O.
Belloni, A.
Calvert, B.
Eno, S. C.
Feng, Y.
Ferraioli, C.
Hadley, N. J.
Jabeen, S.
Jeng, G. Y.
Kellogg, R. G.
Kunkle, J.
Mignerey, A. C.
Ricci-Tam, F.
Shin, Y. H.
Skuja, A.
Tonwar, S. C.
Benvenuti, A. C.
Chatterjee, R. M.
Evans, A.
Hansen, P.
Hiltbrand, J.
Kalafut, S.
Kubota, Y.
Lesko, Z.
Mans, J.
Nourbakhsh, S.
Ruckstuhl, N.
Rusack, R.
Turkewitz, J.
Wadud, M. A.
Acosta, J. G.
Oliveros, S.
Avdeeva, E.
Bloom, K.
Claes, D. R.
Fangmeier, C.
Gonzalez Suarez, R.
Kamalieddin, R.
Kravchenko, I.
Monroy, J.
Siado, J. E.
Snow, G. R.
Stieger, B.
Dolen, J.
Godshalk, A.
Harrington, C.
Iashvili, I.
Nguyen, D.
Parker, A.
Rappoccio, S.
Roozbahani, B.
Alverson, G.
Barberis, E.
Hortiangtham, A.
Massironi, A.
Morse, D. M.
Orimoto, T.
Teixeira De Lima, R.
Trocino, D.
Wood, D.
Bhattacharya, S.
Charaf, O.
Hahn, K. A.
Mucia, N.
Odell, N.
Pollack, B.
Schmitt, M. H.
Sung, K.
Trovato, M.
Velasco, M.
Dev, N.
Hildreth, M.
Hurtado Anampa, K.
Jessop, C.
Karmgard, D. J.
Kellams, N.
Lannon, K.
Loukas, N.
Marinelli, N.
Meng, F.
Mueller, C.
Musienko, Y.
Planer, M.
Reinsvold, A.
Ruchti, R.
Smith, G.
Taroni, S.
Wayne, M.
Wolf, M.
Woodard, A.
Alimena, J.
Antonelli, L.
Bylsma, B.
Durkin, L. S.
Flowers, S.
Francis, B.
Hart, A.
Hill, C.
Ji, W.
Liu, B.
Luo, W.
Puigh, D.
Winer, B. L.
Wulsin, H. W.
Cooperstein, S.
Driga, O.
Elmer, P.
Hardenbrook, J.
Hebda, P.
Higginbotham, S.
Lange, D.
Luo, J.
Marlow, D.
Mei, K.
Ojalvo, I.
Olsen, J.
Palmer, C.
Piroué, P.
Stickland, D.
Tully, C.
Malik, S.
Norberg, S.
Barker, A.
Barnes, V. E.
Das, S.
Folgueras, S.
Gutay, L.
Jha, M. K.
Jones, M.
Jung, A. W.
Khatiwada, A.
Miller, D. H.
Neumeister, N.
Peng, C. C.
Qiu, H.
Schulte, J. F.
Sun, J.
Wang, F.
Xie, W.
Cheng, T.
Parashar, N.
Stupak, J.
Adair, A.
Chen, Z.
Ecklund, K. M.
Freed, S.
Geurts, F. J. M.
Guilbaud, M.
Kilpatrick, M.
Li, W.
Michlin, B.
Northup, M.
Padley, B. P.
Roberts, J.
Rorie, J.
Shi, W.
Tu, Z.
Zabel, J.
Zhang, A.
Bodek, A.
de Barbaro, P.
Demina, R.
Duh, Y. t.
Ferbel, T.
Galanti, M.
Garcia-Bellido, A.
Han, J.
Hindrichs, O.
Khukhunaishvili, A.
Lo, K. H.
Tan, P.
Verzetti, M.
Ciesielski, R.
Goulianos, K.
Mesropian, C.
Agapitos, A.
Chou, J. P.
Gershtein, Y.
Gómez Espinosa, T. A.
Halkiadakis, E.
Heindl, M.
Hughes, E.
Kaplan, S.
Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R.
Kyriacou, S.
Lath, A.
Montalvo, R.
Nash, K.
Osherson, M.
Saka, H.
Salur, S.
Schnetzer, S.
Sheffield, D.
Somalwar, S.
Stone, R.
Thomas, S.
Thomassen, P.
Walker, M.
Delannoy, A. G.
Foerster, M.
Heideman, J.
Riley, G.
Rose, K.
Spanier, S.
Thapa, K.
Bouhali, O.
Castaneda Hernandez, A.
Celik, A.
Dalchenko, M.
De Mattia, M.
Delgado, A.
Dildick, S.
Eusebi, R.
Gilmore, J.
Huang, T.
Kamon, T.
Mueller, R.
Pakhotin, Y.
Patel, R.
Perloff, A.
Perniè, L.
Rathjens, D.
Safonov, A.
Tatarinov, A.
Ulmer, K. A.
Akchurin, N.
Damgov, J.
De Guio, F.
Dudero, P. R.
Faulkner, J.
Gurpinar, E.
Kunori, S.
Lamichhane, K.
Lee, S. W.
Libeiro, T.
Mengke, T.
Muthumuni, S.
Peltola, T.
Undleeb, S.
Volobouev, I.
Wang, Z.
Greene, S.
Gurrola, A.
Janjam, R.
Johns, W.
Maguire, C.
Melo, A.
Ni, H.
Padeken, K.
Sheldon, P.
Tuo, S.
Velkovska, J.
Xu, Q.
Arenton, M. W.
Barria, P.
Cox, B.
Hirosky, R.
Joyce, M.
Ledovskoy, A.
Li, H.
Neu, C.
Sinthuprasith, T.
Wang, Y.
Wolfe, E.
Xia, F.
Harr, R.
Karchin, P. E.
Poudyal, N.
Sturdy, J.
Thapa, P.
Zaleski, S.
Brodski, M.
Buchanan, J.
Caillol, C.
Dasu, S.
Dodd, L.
Duric, S.
Gomber, B.
Grothe, M.
Herndon, M.
Hervé, A.
Hussain, U.
Klabbers, P.
Lanaro, A.
Levine, A.
Long, K.
Loveless, R.
Polese, G.
Ruggles, T.
Savin, A.
Smith, N.
Smith, W. H.
Taylor, D.
Woods, N.
Abercrombie, Daniel Robert
Allen, Brandon Leigh
Azzolini, Virginia
Barbieri, Richard Alexander
Baty, Austin Alan
Bi, Ran
Brandt, Stephanie Akemi
Busza, Wit
Cali, Ivan Amos
D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria
Demiragli, Zeynep
Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo
Goncharov, Maxim
Hsu, Dylan George
Hu, Miao
Iiyama, Yutaro
Innocenti, Gian Michele
Klute, Markus
Kovalskyi, Dmytro
Lai, Yue Shi
Lee, Yen-Jie
Levin, Amy Elizabeth
Luckey Jr, P David
Maier, Benedikt
Marini, Andrea Carlo
McGinn, Christopher Francis
Mironov, Camelia Maria
Narayanan, Siddharth Madhavan
Niu, Xinmei
Paus, Christoph M. E.
Roland, Christof E
Roland, Gunther M
Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob Maxillian Henry
Stephans, George S. F.
Tatar, Kaya
Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru
Wang, Ta-Wei
Wyslouch, Boleslaw
author_sort Sirunyan, A. M.
collection MIT
description Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations.
first_indexed 2024-09-23T11:28:06Z
format Article
id mit-1721.1/114611
institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
language English
last_indexed 2024-09-23T11:28:06Z
publishDate 2018
publisher American Physical Society
record_format dspace
spelling mit-1721.1/1146112022-10-01T03:50:53Z Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV Sirunyan, A. M. Tumasyan, A. Adam, W. Ambrogi, F. Asilar, E. Bergauer, T. Brandstetter, J. Brondolin, E. Dragicevic, M. Erö, J. Flechl, M. Friedl, M. Frühwirth, R. Ghete, V. M. Grossmann, J. Hrubec, J. Jeitler, M. König, A. Krammer, N. Krätschmer, I. Liko, D. Madlener, T. Mikulec, I. Pree, E. Rad, N. Rohringer, H. Schieck, J. Schöfbeck, R. Spanring, M. Spitzbart, D. Waltenberger, W. Wittmann, J. Wulz, C.-E. Zarucki, M. Chekhovsky, V. Mossolov, V. Suarez Gonzalez, J. De Wolf, E. A. Di Croce, D. Janssen, X. Lauwers, J. Van Haevermaet, H. Van Mechelen, P. Van Remortel, N. Abu Zeid, S. Blekman, F. D’Hondt, J. De Bruyn, I. De Clercq, J. Deroover, K. Flouris, G. Lontkovskyi, D. Lowette, S. Moortgat, S. Moreels, L. Python, Q. Skovpen, K. Tavernier, S. Van Doninck, W. Van Mulders, P. Van Parijs, I. Beghin, D. Brun, H. Clerbaux, B. De Lentdecker, G. Delannoy, H. Dorney, B. Fasanella, G. Favart, L. Goldouzian, R. Grebenyuk, A. Karapostoli, G. Lenzi, T. Luetic, J. Maerschalk, T. Marinov, A. Randle-conde, A. Seva, T. Starling, E. Vander Velde, C. Vanlaer, P. Vannerom, D. Yonamine, R. Zenoni, F. Zhang, F. Cimmino, A. Cornelis, T. Dobur, D. Fagot, A. Gul, M. Khvastunov, I. Poyraz, D. Roskas, C. Salva, S. Tytgat, M. Verbeke, W. Zaganidis, N. Bakhshiansohi, H. Bondu, O. Brochet, S. Bruno, G. Caputo, C. Caudron, A. David, P. De Visscher, S. Delaere, C. Delcourt, M. Francois, B. Giammanco, A. Komm, M. Krintiras, G. Lemaitre, V. Magitteri, A. Mertens, A. Musich, M. Piotrzkowski, K. Quertenmont, L. Saggio, A. Vidal Marono, M. Wertz, S. Zobec, J. Beliy, N. Aldá Júnior, W. L. Alves, F. L. Alves, G. A. Brito, L. Correa Martins Junior, M. Hensel, C. Moraes, A. Pol, M. E. Rebello Teles, P. Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E. Carvalho, W. Chinellato, J. Coelho, E. Da Costa, E. M. Da Silveira, G. G. De Jesus Damiao, D. Fonseca De Souza, S. Huertas Guativa, L. M. Malbouisson, H. Melo De Almeida, M. Mora Herrera, C. Mundim, L. Nogima, H. Sanchez Rosas, L. J. Santoro, A. Sznajder, A. Thiel, M. Tonelli Manganote, E. J. Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F. Vilela Pereira, A. Ahuja, S. Bernardes, C. A. Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez Gregores, E. M. Mercadante, P. G. Novaes, S. F. Padula, Sandra S. Romero Abad, D. Ruiz Vargas, J. C. Aleksandrov, A. Hadjiiska, R. Iaydjiev, P. Misheva, M. Rodozov, M. Shopova, M. Sultanov, G. Dimitrov, A. Glushkov, I. Litov, L. Pavlov, B. Petkov, P. Fang, W. Gao, X. Yuan, L. Ahmad, M. Bian, J. G. Chen, G. M. Chen, H. S. Chen, M. Chen, Y. Jiang, C. H. Leggat, D. Liao, H. Liu, Z. Romeo, F. Shaheen, S. M. Spiezia, A. Tao, J. Wang, C. Wang, Z. Yazgan, E. Zhang, H. Zhang, S. Zhao, J. Ban, Y. Chen, G. Li, Q. Liu, S. Mao, Y. Qian, S. J. Wang, D. Xu, Z. Avila, C. Cabrera, A. Chaparro Sierra, L. F. Florez, C. González Hernández, C. F. Ruiz Alvarez, J. D. Courbon, B. Godinovic, N. Lelas, D. Puljak, I. Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M. Sculac, T. Antunovic, Z. Kovac, M. Brigljevic, V. Ferencek, D. Kadija, K. Mesic, B. Starodumov, A. Susa, T. Ather, M. W. Attikis, A. Mavromanolakis, G. Mousa, J. Nicolaou, C. Ptochos, F. Razis, P. A. Rykaczewski, H. Finger, M. Finger, M. Carrera Jarrin, E. Abdelalim, A. A. Mohammed, Y. Salama, E. Dewanjee, R. K. Kadastik, M. Perrini, L. Raidal, M. Tiko, A. Veelken, C. Eerola, P. Kirschenmann, H. Pekkanen, J. Voutilainen, M. Järvinen, T. Karimäki, V. Kinnunen, R. Lampén, T. Lassila-Perini, K. Lehti, S. Lindén, T. Luukka, P. Tuominen, E. Tuominiemi, J. Talvitie, J. Tuuva, T. Besancon, M. Couderc, F. Dejardin, M. Denegri, D. Faure, J. L. Ferri, F. Ganjour, S. Ghosh, S. Givernaud, A. Gras, P. Hamel de Monchenault, G. Jarry, P. Kucher, I. Leloup, C. Locci, E. Machet, M. Malcles, J. Negro, G. Rander, J. Rosowsky, A. Sahin, M. Ö. Titov, M. Abdulsalam, A. Amendola, C. Antropov, I. Baffioni, S. Beaudette, F. Busson, P. Cadamuro, L. Charlot, C. Granier de Cassagnac, R. Jo, M. Lisniak, S. Lobanov, A. Martin Blanco, J. Nguyen, M. Ochando, C. Ortona, G. Paganini, P. Pigard, P. Salerno, R. Sauvan, J. B. Sirois, Y. Stahl Leiton, A. G. Strebler, T. Yilmaz, Y. Zabi, A. Zghiche, A. Agram, J.-L. Andrea, J. Bloch, D. Brom, J.-M. Buttignol, M. Chabert, E. C. Chanon, N. Collard, C. Conte, E. Coubez, X. Fontaine, J.-C. Gelé, D. Goerlach, U. Jansová, M. Le Bihan, A.-C. Tonon, N. Van Hove, P. Gadrat, S. Beauceron, S. Bernet, C. Boudoul, G. Chierici, R. Contardo, D. Depasse, P. El Mamouni, H. Fay, J. Finco, L. Gascon, S. Gouzevitch, M. Grenier, G. Ille, B. Lagarde, F. Laktineh, I. B. Lethuillier, M. Mirabito, L. Pequegnot, A. L. Perries, S. Popov, A. Sordini, V. Vander Donckt, M. Viret, S. Khvedelidze, A. Tsamalaidze, Z. Autermann, C. Feld, L. Kiesel, M. K. Klein, K. Lipinski, M. Preuten, M. Schomakers, C. Schulz, J. Zhukov, V. Albert, A. Dietz-Laursonn, E. Duchardt, D. Endres, M. Erdmann, M. Erdweg, S. Esch, T. Fischer, R. Güth, A. Hamer, M. Hebbeker, T. Heidemann, C. Hoepfner, K. Knutzen, S. Merschmeyer, M. Meyer, A. Millet, P. Mukherjee, S. Pook, T. Radziej, M. Reithler, H. Rieger, M. Scheuch, F. Teyssier, D. Thüer, S. Flügge, G. Kargoll, B. Kress, T. Künsken, A. Müller, T. Nehrkorn, A. Nowack, A. Pistone, C. Pooth, O. Stahl, A. Aldaya Martin, M. Arndt, T. Asawatangtrakuldee, C. Beernaert, K. Behnke, O. Behrens, U. Bermúdez Martínez, A. Bin Anuar, A. A. Borras, K. Botta, V. Campbell, A. Connor, P. Contreras-Campana, C. Costanza, F. Diez Pardos, C. Eckerlin, G. Eckstein, D. Eichhorn, T. Eren, E. Gallo, E. Garay Garcia, J. Geiser, A. Gizhko, A. Grados Luyando, J. M. Grohsjean, A. Gunnellini, P. Guthoff, M. Harb, A. Hauk, J. Hempel, M. Jung, H. Kalogeropoulos, A. Kasemann, M. Keaveney, J. Kleinwort, C. Korol, I. Krücker, D. Lange, W. Lelek, A. Lenz, T. Leonard, J. Lipka, K. Lohmann, W. Mankel, R. Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A. Meyer, A. B. Mittag, G. Mnich, J. Mussgiller, A. Ntomari, E. Pitzl, D. Raspereza, A. Roland, B. Savitskyi, M. Saxena, P. Shevchenko, R. Spannagel, S. Stefaniuk, N. Van Onsem, G. P. Walsh, R. Wen, Y. Wichmann, K. Wissing, C. Zenaiev, O. Aggleton, R. Bein, S. Blobel, V. Centis Vignali, M. Dreyer, T. Garutti, E. Gonzalez, D. Haller, J. Hinzmann, A. Hoffmann, M. Karavdina, A. Klanner, R. Kogler, R. Kovalchuk, N. Kurz, S. Lapsien, T. Marchesini, I. Marconi, D. Meyer, M. Niedziela, M. Nowatschin, D. Pantaleo, F. Peiffer, T. Perieanu, A. Scharf, C. Schleper, P. Schmidt, A. Schumann, S. Schwandt, J. Sonneveld, J. Stadie, H. Steinbrück, G. Stober, F. M. Stöver, M. Tholen, H. Troendle, D. Usai, E. Vanelderen, L. Vanhoefer, A. Vormwald, B. Akbiyik, M. Barth, C. Baur, S. Butz, E. Caspart, R. Chwalek, T. Colombo, F. De Boer, W. Dierlamm, A. Freund, B. Friese, R. Giffels, M. Haitz, D. Harrendorf, M. A. Hartmann, F. Heindl, S. M. Husemann, U. Kassel, F. Kudella, S. Mildner, H. Mozer, M. U. Müller, Th. Plagge, M. Quast, G. Rabbertz, K. Schröder, M. Shvetsov, I. Sieber, G. Simonis, H. J. Ulrich, R. Wayand, S. Weber, M. Weiler, T. Williamson, S. Wöhrmann, C. Wolf, R. Anagnostou, G. Daskalakis, G. Geralis, T. Giakoumopoulou, V. A. Kyriakis, A. Loukas, D. Topsis-Giotis, I. Karathanasis, G. Kesisoglou, S. Panagiotou, A. Saoulidou, N. Kousouris, K. Evangelou, I. Foudas, C. Kokkas, P. Mallios, S. Manthos, N. Papadopoulos, I. Paradas, E. Strologas, J. Triantis, F. A. Csanad, M. Filipovic, N. Pasztor, G. Surányi, O. Veres, G. I. Bencze, G. Hajdu, C. Horvath, D. Hunyadi, Á. Sikler, F. Veszpremi, V. Zsigmond, A. J. Beni, N. Czellar, S. Karancsi, J. Makovec, A. Molnar, J. Szillasi, Z. Bartók, M. Raics, P. Trocsanyi, Z. L. Ujvari, B. Choudhury, S. Komaragiri, J. R. Bahinipati, S. Bhowmik, S. Mal, P. Mandal, K. Nayak, A. Sahoo, D. K. Sahoo, N. Swain, S. K. Bansal, S. Beri, S. B. Bhatnagar, V. Chawla, R. Dhingra, N. Kalsi, A. K. Kaur, A. Kaur, M. Kaur, S. Kumar, R. Kumari, P. Mehta, A. Singh, J. B. Walia, G. Kumar, Ashok Shah, Aashaq Bhardwaj, A. Chauhan, S. Choudhary, B. C. Garg, R. B. Keshri, S. Kumar, A. Malhotra, S. Naimuddin, M. Ranjan, K. Sharma, R. Bhardwaj, R. Bhattacharya, R. Bhattacharya, S. Bhawandeep, U. Dey, S. Dutt, S. Dutta, S. Ghosh, S. Majumdar, N. Modak, A. Mondal, K. Mukhopadhyay, S. Nandan, S. Purohit, A. Roy, A. Roy, D. Roy Chowdhury, S. Sarkar, S. Sharan, M. Thakur, S. Behera, P. K. Chudasama, R. Dutta, D. Jha, V. Kumar, V. Mohanty, A. K. Netrakanti, P. K. Pant, L. M. Shukla, P. Topkar, A. Aziz, T. Dugad, S. Mahakud, B. Mitra, S. Mohanty, G. B. Sur, N. Sutar, B. Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, S. Chatterjee, S. Das, P. Guchait, M. Jain, Sa. Kumar, S. Maity, M. Majumder, G. Mazumdar, K. Sarkar, T. Wickramage, N. Chauhan, S. Dube, S. Hegde, V. Kapoor, A. Kothekar, K. Pandey, S. Rane, A. Sharma, S. Chenarani, S. Eskandari Tadavani, E. Etesami, S. M. Khakzad, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi, M. Naseri, M. Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S. Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F. Safarzadeh, B. Zeinali, M. Felcini, M. Grunewald, M. Abbrescia, M. Calabria, C. Colaleo, A. Creanza, D. Cristella, L. De Filippis, N. De Palma, M. Errico, F. Fiore, L. Iaselli, G. Lezki, S. Maggi, G. Maggi, M. Miniello, G. My, S. Nuzzo, S. Pompili, A. Pugliese, G. Radogna, R. Ranieri, A. Selvaggi, G. Sharma, A. Silvestris, L. Venditti, R. Verwilligen, P. Abbiendi, G. Battilana, C. Bonacorsi, D. Borgonovi, L. Braibant-Giacomelli, S. Campanini, R. Capiluppi, P. Castro, A. Cavallo, F. R. Chhibra, S. S. Codispoti, G. Cuffiani, M. Dallavalle, G. M. Fabbri, F. Fanfani, A. Fasanella, D. Giacomelli, P. Grandi, C. Guiducci, L. Marcellini, S. Masetti, G. Montanari, A. Navarria, F. L. Perrotta, A. Rossi, A. M. Rovelli, T. Siroli, G. P. Tosi, N. Albergo, S. Costa, S. Di Mattia, A. Giordano, F. Potenza, R. Tricomi, A. Tuve, C. Barbagli, G. Chatterjee, K. Ciulli, V. Civinini, C. D’Alessandro, R. Focardi, E. Lenzi, P. Meschini, M. Paoletti, S. Russo, L. Sguazzoni, G. Strom, D. Viliani, L. Benussi, L. Bianco, S. Fabbri, F. Piccolo, D. Primavera, F. Calvelli, V. Ferro, F. Robutti, E. Tosi, S. Benaglia, A. Brianza, L. Brivio, F. Ciriolo, V. Dinardo, M. E. Fiorendi, S. Gennai, S. Ghezzi, A. Govoni, P. Malberti, M. Malvezzi, S. Manzoni, R. A. Menasce, D. Moroni, L. Paganoni, M. Pauwels, K. Pedrini, D. Pigazzini, S. Ragazzi, S. Redaelli, N. Tabarelli de Fatis, T. Buontempo, S. Cavallo, N. Di Guida, S. Fabozzi, F. Fienga, F. Iorio, A. O. M. Khan, W. A. Lista, L. Meola, S. Paolucci, P. Sciacca, C. Thyssen, F. Azzi, P. Bacchetta, N. Benato, L. Bisello, D. Boletti, A. Carlin, R. Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A. Checchia, P. Dall’Osso, M. De Castro Manzano, P. Dorigo, T. Dosselli, U. Gozzelino, A. Lacaprara, S. Lujan, P. Margoni, M. Meneguzzo, A. T. Montecassiano, F. Pozzobon, N. Ronchese, P. Rossin, R. Simonetto, F. Torassa, E. Zanetti, M. Zotto, P. Zumerle, G. Braghieri, A. Magnani, A. Montagna, P. Ratti, S. P. Re, V. Ressegotti, M. Riccardi, C. Salvini, P. Vai, I. Vitulo, P. Alunni Solestizi, L. Biasini, M. Bilei, G. M. Cecchi, C. Ciangottini, D. Fanò, L. Lariccia, P. Leonardi, R. Manoni, E. Mantovani, G. Mariani, V. Menichelli, M. Rossi, A. Santocchia, A. Spiga, D. Androsov, K. Azzurri, P. Bagliesi, G. Boccali, T. Borrello, L. Castaldi, R. Ciocci, M. A. Dell’Orso, R. Fedi, G. Giannini, L. Giassi, A. Grippo, M. T. Ligabue, F. Lomtadze, T. Manca, E. Mandorli, G. Martini, L. Messineo, A. Palla, F. Rizzi, A. Savoy-Navarro, A. Spagnolo, P. Tenchini, R. Tonelli, G. Venturi, A. Verdini, P. G. Barone, L. Cavallari, F. Cipriani, M. Daci, N. Del Re, D. Di Marco, E. Diemoz, M. Gelli, S. Longo, E. Margaroli, F. Marzocchi, B. Meridiani, P. Organtini, G. Paramatti, R. Preiato, F. Rahatlou, S. Rovelli, C. Santanastasio, F. Amapane, N. Arcidiacono, R. Argiro, S. Arneodo, M. Bartosik, N. Bellan, R. Biino, C. Cartiglia, N. Cenna, F. Costa, M. Covarelli, R. Degano, A. Demaria, N. Kiani, B. Mariotti, C. Maselli, S. Migliore, E. Monaco, V. Monteil, E. Monteno, M. Obertino, M. M. Pacher, L. Pastrone, N. Pelliccioni, M. Pinna Angioni, G. L. Ravera, F. Romero, A. Ruspa, M. Sacchi, R. Shchelina, K. Sola, V. Solano, A. Staiano, A. Traczyk, P. Belforte, S. Casarsa, M. Cossutti, F. Della Ricca, G. Zanetti, A. Kim, D. H. Kim, G. N. Kim, M. S. Lee, J. Lee, S. Lee, S. W. Moon, C. S. Oh, Y. D. Sekmen, S. Son, D. C. Yang, Y. C. Lee, A. Kim, H. Moon, D. H. Oh, G. Brochero Cifuentes, J. A. Goh, J. Kim, T. J. Cho, S. Choi, S. Go, Y. Gyun, D. Ha, S. Hong, B. Jo, Y. Kim, Y. Lee, K. Lee, K. S. Lee, S. Lim, J. Park, S. K. Roh, Y. Almond, J. Kim, J. Kim, J. S. Lee, H. Lee, K. Nam, K. Oh, S. B. Radburn-Smith, B. C. Seo, S. h. Yang, U. K. Yoo, H. D. Yu, G. B. Choi, M. Kim, H. Kim, J. H. Lee, J. S. H. Park, I. C. Choi, Y. Hwang, C. Lee, J. Yu, I. Dudenas, V. Juodagalvis, A. Vaitkus, J. Ahmed, I. Ibrahim, Z. A. Md Ali, M. A. B. Mohamad Idris, F. Wan Abdullah, W. A. T. Yusli, M. N. Zolkapli, Z. Reyes-Almanza, R Ramirez-Sanchez, G. Duran-Osuna, M. C. Castilla-Valdez, H. De La Cruz-Burelo, E. Heredia-De La Cruz, I. Rabadan-Trejo, R. I. Lopez-Fernandez, R. Mejia Guisao, J. Sanchez-Hernandez, A. Carrillo Moreno, S. Oropeza Barrera, C. Vazquez Valencia, F. Pedraza, I. Salazar Ibarguen, H. A. Uribe Estrada, C. Morelos Pineda, A. Krofcheck, D. Butler, P. H. Ahmad, A. Ahmad, M. Hassan, Q. Hoorani, H. R. Saddique, A. Shah, M. A. Shoaib, M. Waqas, M. Bialkowska, H. Bluj, M. Boimska, B. Frueboes, T. Górski, M. Kazana, M. Nawrocki, K. Szleper, M. Zalewski, P. Bunkowski, K. Byszuk, A. Doroba, K. Kalinowski, A. Konecki, M. Krolikowski, J. Misiura, M. Olszewski, M. Pyskir, A. Walczak, M. Bargassa, P. Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C. Di Francesco, A. Faccioli, P. Galinhas, B. Gallinaro, M. Hollar, J. Leonardo, N. Lloret Iglesias, L. Nemallapudi, M. V. Seixas, J. Strong, G. Toldaiev, O. Vadruccio, D. Varela, J. Afanasiev, S. Bunin, P. Gavrilenko, M. Golutvin, I. Gorbunov, I. Kamenev, A. Karjavin, V. Lanev, A. Malakhov, A. Matveev, V. Palichik, V. Perelygin, V. Shmatov, S. Shulha, S. Skatchkov, N. Smirnov, V. Voytishin, N. Zarubin, A. Ivanov, Y. Kim, V. Kuznetsova, E. Levchenko, P. Murzin, V. Oreshkin, V. Smirnov, I. Sulimov, V. Uvarov, L. Vavilov, S. Vorobyev, A. Andreev, Yu. Dermenev, A. Gninenko, S. Golubev, N. Karneyeu, A. Kirsanov, M. Krasnikov, N. Pashenkov, A. Tlisov, D. Toropin, A. Epshteyn, V. Gavrilov, V. Lychkovskaya, N. Popov, V. Pozdnyakov, I. Safronov, G. Spiridonov, A. Stepennov, A. Toms, M. Vlasov, E. Zhokin, A. Aushev, T. Bylinkin, A. Chadeeva, M. Markin, O. Parygin, P. Philippov, D. Polikarpov, S. Rusinov, V. Andreev, V. Azarkin, M. Dremin, I. Kirakosyan, M. Terkulov, A. Baskakov, A. Belyaev, A. Boos, E. Demiyanov, A. Ershov, A. Gribushin, A. Kodolova, O. Korotkikh, V. Lokhtin, I. Miagkov, I. Obraztsov, S. Petrushanko, S. Savrin, V. Snigirev, A. Vardanyan, I. Blinov, V. Skovpen, Y. Shtol, D. Azhgirey, I. Bayshev, I. Bitioukov, S. Elumakhov, D. Kachanov, V. Kalinin, A. Konstantinov, D. Mandrik, P. Petrov, V. Ryutin, R. Sobol, A. Troshin, S. Tyurin, N. Uzunian, A. Volkov, A. Adzic, P. Cirkovic, P. Devetak, D. Dordevic, M. Milosevic, J. Rekovic, V. Alcaraz Maestre, J. Barrio Luna, M. Cerrada, M. Colino, N. De La Cruz, B. Delgado Peris, A. Escalante Del Valle, A. Fernandez Bedoya, C. Fernández Ramos, J. P. Flix, J. Fouz, M. C. Gonzalez Lopez, O. Goy Lopez, S. Hernandez, J. M. Josa, M. I. Moran, D. Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A. Puerta Pelayo, J. Quintario Olmeda, A. Redondo, I. Romero, L. Soares, M. S. Álvarez Fernández, A. de Trocóniz, J. F. Missiroli, M. Cuevas, J. Erice, C. Fernandez Menendez, J. Gonzalez Caballero, I. González Fernández, J. R. Palencia Cortezon, E. Sanchez Cruz, S. Vischia, P. Vizan Garcia, J. M. Cabrillo, I. J. Calderon, A. Chazin Quero, B. Curras, E. Duarte Campderros, J. Fernandez, M. Garcia-Ferrero, J. Gomez, G. Lopez Virto, A. Marco, J. Martinez Rivero, C. Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P. Matorras, F. Piedra Gomez, J. Rodrigo, T. Ruiz-Jimeno, A. Scodellaro, L. Trevisani, N. Vila, I. Vilar Cortabitarte, R. Abbaneo, D. Akgun, B. Auffray, E. Baillon, P. Ball, A. H. Barney, D. Bianco, M. Bloch, P. Bocci, A. Botta, C. Camporesi, T. Castello, R. Cepeda, M. Cerminara, G. Chapon, E. Chen, Y. d’Enterria, D. Dabrowski, A. Daponte, V. David, A. De Gruttola, M. De Roeck, A. Deelen, N. Dobson, M. du Pree, T. Dünser, M. Dupont, N. Elliott-Peisert, A. Everaerts, P. Fallavollita, F. Franzoni, G. Fulcher, J. Funk, W. Gigi, D. Gilbert, A. Gill, K. Glege, F. Gulhan, D. Harris, P. Hegeman, J. Innocente, V. Jafari, A. Janot, P. Karacheban, O. Kieseler, J. Knünz, V. Kornmayer, A. Kortelainen, M. J. Krammer, M. Lange, C. Lecoq, P. Lourenço, C. Lucchini, M. T. Malgeri, L. Mannelli, M. Martelli, A. Meijers, F. Merlin, J. A. Mersi, S. Meschi, E. Milenovic, P. Moortgat, F. Mulders, M. Neugebauer, H. Ngadiuba, J. Orfanelli, S. Orsini, L. Pape, L. Perez, E. Peruzzi, M. Petrilli, A. Petrucciani, G. Pfeiffer, A. Pierini, M. Rabady, D. Racz, A. Reis, T. Rolandi, G. Rovere, M. Sakulin, H. Schäfer, C. Schwick, C. Seidel, M. Selvaggi, M. Sharma, A. Silva, P. Sphicas, P. Stakia, A. Steggemann, J. Stoye, M. Tosi, M. Treille, D. Triossi, A. Tsirou, A. Veckalns, V. Verweij, M. Zeuner, W. D. Bertl, W. Caminada, L. Deiters, K. Erdmann, W. Horisberger, R. Ingram, Q. Kaestli, H. C. Kotlinski, D. Langenegger, U. Rohe, T. Wiederkehr, S. A. Backhaus, M. Bäni, L. Berger, P. Bianchini, L. Casal, B. Dissertori, G. Dittmar, M. Donegà, M. Dorfer, C. Grab, C. Heidegger, C. Hits, D. Hoss, J. Kasieczka, G. Klijnsma, T. Lustermann, W. Mangano, B. Marionneau, M. Meinhard, M. T. Meister, D. Micheli, F. Musella, P. Nessi-Tedaldi, F. Pandolfi, F. Pata, J. Pauss, F. Perrin, G. Perrozzi, L. Quittnat, M. Reichmann, M. Sanz Becerra, D. A. Schönenberger, M. Shchutska, L. Tavolaro, V. R. Theofilatos, K. Vesterbacka Olsson, M. L. Wallny, R. Zhu, D. H. Aarrestad, T. K. Amsler, C. Canelli, M. F. De Cosa, A. Del Burgo, R. Donato, S. Galloni, C. Hreus, T. Kilminster, B. Pinna, D. Rauco, G. Robmann, P. Salerno, D. Schweiger, K. Seitz, C. Takahashi, Y. Zucchetta, A. Candelise, V. Doan, T. H. Jain, Sh. Khurana, R. Kuo, C. M. Lin, W. Pozdnyakov, A. Yu, S. S. Kumar, Arun Chang, P. Chao, Y. Chen, K. F. Chen, P. H. Fiori, F. Hou, W.-S. Hsiung, Y. Liu, Y. F. Lu, R.-S. Paganis, E. Psallidas, A. Steen, A. Tsai, J. f. Asavapibhop, B. Kovitanggoon, K. Singh, G. Srimanobhas, N. Boran, F. Cerci, S. Damarseckin, S. Demiroglu, Z. S. Dozen, C. Dumanoglu, I. Girgis, S. Gokbulut, G. Guler, Y. Hos, I. Kangal, E. E. Kara, O. Kayis Topaksu, A. Kiminsu, U. Oglakci, M. Onengut, G. Ozdemir, K. Sunar Cerci, D. Tali, B. Turkcapar, S. Zorbakir, I. S. Zorbilmez, C. Bilin, B. Karapinar, G. Ocalan, K. Yalvac, M. Zeyrek, M. Gülmez, E. Kaya, M. Kaya, O. Tekten, S. Yetkin, E. A. Agaras, M. N. Atay, S. Cakir, A. Cankocak, K. Grynyov, B. Levchuk, L. Ball, F. Beck, L. Brooke, J. J. Burns, D. Clement, E. Cussans, D. Davignon, O. Flacher, H. Goldstein, J. Heath, G. P. Heath, H. F. Jacob, J. Kreczko, L. Newbold, D. M. Paramesvaran, S. Sakuma, T. Seif El Nasr-storey, S. Smith, D. Smith, V. J. Belyaev, A. Brew, C. Brown, R. M. Calligaris, L. Cieri, D. Cockerill, D. J. A. Coughlan, J. A. Harder, K. Harper, S. Olaiya, E. Petyt, D. Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H. Thea, A. Tomalin, I. R. Williams, T. Auzinger, G. Bainbridge, R. Borg, J. Breeze, S. Buchmuller, O. Bundock, A. Casasso, S. Citron, M. Colling, D. Corpe, L. Dauncey, P. Davies, G. De Wit, A. Della Negra, M. Di Maria, R. Elwood, A. Haddad, Y. Hall, G. Iles, G. James, T. Lane, R. Laner, C. Lyons, L. Magnan, A.-M. Malik, S. Mastrolorenzo, L. Matsushita, T. Nash, J. Nikitenko, A. Palladino, V. Pesaresi, M. Raymond, D. M. Richards, A. Rose, A. Scott, E. Seez, C. Shtipliyski, A. Summers, S. Tapper, A. Uchida, K. Vazquez Acosta, M. Virdee, T. Wardle, N. Winterbottom, D. Wright, J. Zenz, S. C. Cole, J. E. Hobson, P. R. Khan, A. Kyberd, P. Reid, I. D. Symonds, P. Teodorescu, L. Turner, M. Zahid, S. Borzou, A. Call, K. Dittmann, J. Hatakeyama, K. Liu, H. Pastika, N. Smith, C. Bartek, R. Dominguez, A. Buccilli, A. Cooper, S. I. Henderson, C. Rumerio, P. West, C. Arcaro, D. Avetisyan, A. Bose, T. Gastler, D. Rankin, D. Richardson, C. Rohlf, J. Sulak, L. Zou, D. Benelli, G. Cutts, D. Garabedian, A. Hadley, M. Hakala, J. Heintz, U. Hogan, J. M. Kwok, K. H. M. Laird, E. Landsberg, G. Lee, J. Mao, Z. Narain, M. Pazzini, J. Piperov, S. Sagir, S. Syarif, R. Yu, D. Band, R. Brainerd, C. Burns, D. Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M. Chertok, M. Conway, J. Conway, R. Cox, P. T. Erbacher, R. Flores, C. Funk, G. Gardner, M. Ko, W. Lander, R. Mclean, C. Mulhearn, M. Pellett, D. Pilot, J. Shalhout, S. Shi, M. Smith, J. Stolp, D. Tos, K. Tripathi, M. Wang, Z. Bachtis, M. Bravo, C. Cousins, R. Dasgupta, A. Florent, A. Hauser, J. Ignatenko, M. Mccoll, N. Regnard, S. Saltzberg, D. Schnaible, C. Valuev, V. Bouvier, E. Burt, K. Clare, R. Ellison, J. Gary, J. W. Ghiasi Shirazi, S. M. A. Hanson, G. Heilman, J. Kennedy, E. Lacroix, F. Long, O. R. Olmedo Negrete, M. Paneva, M. I. Si, W. Wang, L. Wei, H. Wimpenny, S. Yates, B. R. Branson, J. G. Cittolin, S. Derdzinski, M. Gerosa, R. Gilbert, D. Hashemi, B. Holzner, A. Klein, D. Kole, G. Krutelyov, V. Letts, J. Macneill, I. Masciovecchio, M. Olivito, D. Padhi, S. Pieri, M. Sani, M. Sharma, V. Simon, S. Tadel, M. Vartak, A. Wasserbaech, S. Wood, J. Würthwein, F. Yagil, A. Zevi Della Porta, G. Amin, N. Bhandari, R. Bradmiller-Feld, J. Campagnari, C. Dishaw, A. Dutta, V. Franco Sevilla, M. George, C. Golf, F. Gouskos, L. Gran, J. Heller, R. Incandela, J. Mullin, S. D. Ovcharova, A. Qu, H. Richman, J. Stuart, D. Suarez, I. Yoo, J. Anderson, D. Bendavid, J. Bornheim, A. Lawhorn, J. M. Newman, H. B. Nguyen, T. Pena, C. Spiropulu, M. Vlimant, J. R. Xie, S. Zhang, Z. Zhu, R. Y. Andrews, M. B. Ferguson, T. Mudholkar, T. Paulini, M. Russ, J. Sun, M. Vogel, H. Vorobiev, I. Weinberg, M. Cumalat, J. P. Ford, W. T. Jensen, F. Johnson, A. Krohn, M. Leontsinis, S. Mulholland, T. Stenson, K. Wagner, S. R. Alexander, J. Chaves, J. Chu, J. Dittmer, S. Mcdermott, K. Mirman, N. Patterson, J. R. Quach, D. Rinkevicius, A. Ryd, A. Skinnari, L. Soffi, L. Tan, S. M. Tao, Z. Thom, J. Tucker, J. Wittich, P. Zientek, M. Abdullin, S. Albrow, M. Alyari, M. Apollinari, G. Apresyan, A. Apyan, A. Banerjee, S. Bauerdick, L. A. T. Beretvas, A. Berryhill, J. Bhat, P. C. Bolla, G. Burkett, K. Butler, J. N. Canepa, A. Cerati, G. B. Cheung, H. W. K. Chlebana, F. Cremonesi, M. Duarte, J. Elvira, V. D. Freeman, J. Gecse, Z. Gottschalk, E. Gray, L. Green, D. Grünendahl, S. Gutsche, O. Harris, R. M. Hasegawa, S. Hirschauer, J. Hu, Z. Jayatilaka, B. Jindariani, S. Johnson, M. Joshi, U. Klima, B. Kreis, B. Lammel, S. Lincoln, D. Lipton, R. Liu, M. Liu, T. Lopes De Sá, R. Lykken, J. Maeshima, K. Magini, N. Marraffino, J. M. Mason, D. McBride, P. Merkel, P. Mrenna, S. Nahn, S. O’Dell, V. Pedro, K. Prokofyev, O. Rakness, G. Ristori, L. Schneider, B. Sexton-Kennedy, E. Soha, A. Spalding, W. J. Spiegel, L. Stoynev, S. Strait, J. Strobbe, N. Taylor, L. Tkaczyk, S. Tran, N. V. Uplegger, L. Vaandering, E. W. Vernieri, C. Verzocchi, M. Vidal, R. Wang, M. Weber, H. A. Whitbeck, A. Acosta, D. Avery, P. Bortignon, P. Bourilkov, D. Brinkerhoff, A. Carnes, A. Carver, M. Curry, D. Field, R. D. Furic, I. K. Gleyzer, S. V. Joshi, B. M. Konigsberg, J. Korytov, A. Kotov, K. Ma, P. Matchev, K. Mei, H. Mitselmakher, G. Rank, D. Shi, K. Sperka, D. Terentyev, N. Thomas, L. Wang, J. Wang, S. Yelton, J. Joshi, Y. R. Linn, S. Markowitz, P. Rodriguez, J. L. Ackert, A. Adams, T. Askew, A. Hagopian, S. Hagopian, V. Johnson, K. F. Kolberg, T. Martinez, G. Perry, T. Prosper, H. Saha, A. Santra, A. Sharma, V. Yohay, R. Baarmand, M. M. Bhopatkar, V. Colafranceschi, S. Hohlmann, M. Noonan, D. Roy, T. Yumiceva, F. Adams, M. R. Apanasevich, L. Berry, D. Betts, R. R. Cavanaugh, R. Chen, X. Evdokimov, O. Gerber, C. E. Hangal, D. A. Hofman, D. J. Jung, K. Kamin, J. Sandoval Gonzalez, I. D. Tonjes, M. B. Trauger, H. Varelas, N. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Zhang, J. Bilki, B. Clarida, W. Dilsiz, K. Durgut, S. Gandrajula, R. P. Haytmyradov, M. Khristenko, V. Merlo, J.-P. Mermerkaya, H. Mestvirishvili, A. Moeller, A. Nachtman, J. Ogul, H. Onel, Y. Ozok, F. Penzo, A. Snyder, C. Tiras, E. Wetzel, J. Yi, K. Blumenfeld, B. Cocoros, A. Eminizer, N. Fehling, D. Feng, L. Gritsan, A. V. Maksimovic, P. Roskes, J. Sarica, U. Swartz, M. Xiao, M. You, C. Al-bataineh, A. Baringer, P. Bean, A. Boren, S. Bowen, J. Castle, J. Khalil, S. Kropivnitskaya, A. Majumder, D. Mcbrayer, W. Murray, M. Royon, C. Sanders, S. Schmitz, E. Tapia Takaki, J. D. Wang, Q. Ivanov, A. Kaadze, K. Maravin, Y. Mohammadi, A. Saini, L. K. Skhirtladze, N. Toda, S. Rebassoo, F. Wright, D. Anelli, C. Baden, A. Baron, O. Belloni, A. Calvert, B. Eno, S. C. Feng, Y. Ferraioli, C. Hadley, N. J. Jabeen, S. Jeng, G. Y. Kellogg, R. G. Kunkle, J. Mignerey, A. C. Ricci-Tam, F. Shin, Y. H. Skuja, A. Tonwar, S. C. Benvenuti, A. C. Chatterjee, R. M. Evans, A. Hansen, P. Hiltbrand, J. Kalafut, S. Kubota, Y. Lesko, Z. Mans, J. Nourbakhsh, S. Ruckstuhl, N. Rusack, R. Turkewitz, J. Wadud, M. A. Acosta, J. G. Oliveros, S. Avdeeva, E. Bloom, K. Claes, D. R. Fangmeier, C. Gonzalez Suarez, R. Kamalieddin, R. Kravchenko, I. Monroy, J. Siado, J. E. Snow, G. R. Stieger, B. Dolen, J. Godshalk, A. Harrington, C. Iashvili, I. Nguyen, D. Parker, A. Rappoccio, S. Roozbahani, B. Alverson, G. Barberis, E. Hortiangtham, A. Massironi, A. Morse, D. M. Orimoto, T. Teixeira De Lima, R. Trocino, D. Wood, D. Bhattacharya, S. Charaf, O. Hahn, K. A. Mucia, N. Odell, N. Pollack, B. Schmitt, M. H. Sung, K. Trovato, M. Velasco, M. Dev, N. Hildreth, M. Hurtado Anampa, K. Jessop, C. Karmgard, D. J. Kellams, N. Lannon, K. Loukas, N. Marinelli, N. Meng, F. Mueller, C. Musienko, Y. Planer, M. Reinsvold, A. Ruchti, R. Smith, G. Taroni, S. Wayne, M. Wolf, M. Woodard, A. Alimena, J. Antonelli, L. Bylsma, B. Durkin, L. S. Flowers, S. Francis, B. Hart, A. Hill, C. Ji, W. Liu, B. Luo, W. Puigh, D. Winer, B. L. Wulsin, H. W. Cooperstein, S. Driga, O. Elmer, P. Hardenbrook, J. Hebda, P. Higginbotham, S. Lange, D. Luo, J. Marlow, D. Mei, K. Ojalvo, I. Olsen, J. Palmer, C. Piroué, P. Stickland, D. Tully, C. Malik, S. Norberg, S. Barker, A. Barnes, V. E. Das, S. Folgueras, S. Gutay, L. Jha, M. K. Jones, M. Jung, A. W. Khatiwada, A. Miller, D. H. Neumeister, N. Peng, C. C. Qiu, H. Schulte, J. F. Sun, J. Wang, F. Xie, W. Cheng, T. Parashar, N. Stupak, J. Adair, A. Chen, Z. Ecklund, K. M. Freed, S. Geurts, F. J. M. Guilbaud, M. Kilpatrick, M. Li, W. Michlin, B. Northup, M. Padley, B. P. Roberts, J. Rorie, J. Shi, W. Tu, Z. Zabel, J. Zhang, A. Bodek, A. de Barbaro, P. Demina, R. Duh, Y. t. Ferbel, T. Galanti, M. Garcia-Bellido, A. Han, J. Hindrichs, O. Khukhunaishvili, A. Lo, K. H. Tan, P. Verzetti, M. Ciesielski, R. Goulianos, K. Mesropian, C. Agapitos, A. Chou, J. P. Gershtein, Y. Gómez Espinosa, T. A. Halkiadakis, E. Heindl, M. Hughes, E. Kaplan, S. Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R. Kyriacou, S. Lath, A. Montalvo, R. Nash, K. Osherson, M. Saka, H. Salur, S. Schnetzer, S. Sheffield, D. Somalwar, S. Stone, R. Thomas, S. Thomassen, P. Walker, M. Delannoy, A. G. Foerster, M. Heideman, J. Riley, G. Rose, K. Spanier, S. Thapa, K. Bouhali, O. Castaneda Hernandez, A. Celik, A. Dalchenko, M. De Mattia, M. Delgado, A. Dildick, S. Eusebi, R. Gilmore, J. Huang, T. Kamon, T. Mueller, R. Pakhotin, Y. Patel, R. Perloff, A. Perniè, L. Rathjens, D. Safonov, A. Tatarinov, A. Ulmer, K. A. Akchurin, N. Damgov, J. De Guio, F. Dudero, P. R. Faulkner, J. Gurpinar, E. Kunori, S. Lamichhane, K. Lee, S. W. Libeiro, T. Mengke, T. Muthumuni, S. Peltola, T. Undleeb, S. Volobouev, I. Wang, Z. Greene, S. Gurrola, A. Janjam, R. Johns, W. Maguire, C. Melo, A. Ni, H. Padeken, K. Sheldon, P. Tuo, S. Velkovska, J. Xu, Q. Arenton, M. W. Barria, P. Cox, B. Hirosky, R. Joyce, M. Ledovskoy, A. Li, H. Neu, C. Sinthuprasith, T. Wang, Y. Wolfe, E. Xia, F. Harr, R. Karchin, P. E. Poudyal, N. Sturdy, J. Thapa, P. Zaleski, S. Brodski, M. Buchanan, J. Caillol, C. Dasu, S. Dodd, L. Duric, S. Gomber, B. Grothe, M. Herndon, M. Hervé, A. Hussain, U. Klabbers, P. Lanaro, A. Levine, A. Long, K. Loveless, R. Polese, G. Ruggles, T. Savin, A. Smith, N. Smith, W. H. Taylor, D. Woods, N. Abercrombie, Daniel Robert Allen, Brandon Leigh Azzolini, Virginia Barbieri, Richard Alexander Baty, Austin Alan Bi, Ran Brandt, Stephanie Akemi Busza, Wit Cali, Ivan Amos D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria Demiragli, Zeynep Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo Goncharov, Maxim Hsu, Dylan George Hu, Miao Iiyama, Yutaro Innocenti, Gian Michele Klute, Markus Kovalskyi, Dmytro Lai, Yue Shi Lee, Yen-Jie Levin, Amy Elizabeth Luckey Jr, P David Maier, Benedikt Marini, Andrea Carlo McGinn, Christopher Francis Mironov, Camelia Maria Narayanan, Siddharth Madhavan Niu, Xinmei Paus, Christoph M. E. Roland, Christof E Roland, Gunther M Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob Maxillian Henry Stephans, George S. F. Tatar, Kaya Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru Wang, Ta-Wei Wyslouch, Boleslaw Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Science Abercrombie, Daniel Robert Allen, Brandon Leigh Azzolini, Virginia Barbieri, Richard Alexander Baty, Austin Alan Bi, Ran Brandt, Stephanie Akemi Busza, Wit Cali, Ivan Amos D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria Demiragli, Zeynep Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo Goncharov, Maxim Hsu, Dylan George Hu, Miao Iiyama, Yutaro Innocenti, Gian Michele Klute, Markus Kovalskyi, Dmytro Lai, Yue Shi Lee, Yen-Jie Levin, Amy Elizabeth Luckey Jr, P David Maier, Benedikt Marini, Andrea Carlo McGinn, Christopher Francis Mironov, Camelia Maria Narayanan, Siddharth Madhavan Niu, Xinmei Paus, Christoph M. E. Roland, Christof E Roland, Gunther M Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob Maxillian Henry Stephans, George S. F. Tatar, Kaya Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru Wang, J. Wang, Ta-Wei Wyslouch, Boleslaw Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations. National Science Foundation (U.S.) United States. Department of Energy 2018-04-09T13:34:43Z 2018-04-09T13:34:43Z 2018-04 2018-04-03T18:00:24Z Article 0031-9007 1079-7114 Sirunyan, A. M., et al. “Measurement of the Splitting Function in p p and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV.” Physical Review Letters, vol. 120, no. 14, Apr. 2018. © 2018 CERN for the CMS Collaboration en Physical Review Letters Creative Commons Attribution CERN application/pdf American Physical Society American Physical Society
spellingShingle Sirunyan, A. M.
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
Ambrogi, F.
Asilar, E.
Bergauer, T.
Brandstetter, J.
Brondolin, E.
Dragicevic, M.
Erö, J.
Flechl, M.
Friedl, M.
Frühwirth, R.
Ghete, V. M.
Grossmann, J.
Hrubec, J.
Jeitler, M.
König, A.
Krammer, N.
Krätschmer, I.
Liko, D.
Madlener, T.
Mikulec, I.
Pree, E.
Rad, N.
Rohringer, H.
Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
Spanring, M.
Spitzbart, D.
Waltenberger, W.
Wittmann, J.
Wulz, C.-E.
Zarucki, M.
Chekhovsky, V.
Mossolov, V.
Suarez Gonzalez, J.
De Wolf, E. A.
Di Croce, D.
Janssen, X.
Lauwers, J.
Van Haevermaet, H.
Van Mechelen, P.
Van Remortel, N.
Abu Zeid, S.
Blekman, F.
D’Hondt, J.
De Bruyn, I.
De Clercq, J.
Deroover, K.
Flouris, G.
Lontkovskyi, D.
Lowette, S.
Moortgat, S.
Moreels, L.
Python, Q.
Skovpen, K.
Tavernier, S.
Van Doninck, W.
Van Mulders, P.
Van Parijs, I.
Beghin, D.
Brun, H.
Clerbaux, B.
De Lentdecker, G.
Delannoy, H.
Dorney, B.
Fasanella, G.
Favart, L.
Goldouzian, R.
Grebenyuk, A.
Karapostoli, G.
Lenzi, T.
Luetic, J.
Maerschalk, T.
Marinov, A.
Randle-conde, A.
Seva, T.
Starling, E.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
Vannerom, D.
Yonamine, R.
Zenoni, F.
Zhang, F.
Cimmino, A.
Cornelis, T.
Dobur, D.
Fagot, A.
Gul, M.
Khvastunov, I.
Poyraz, D.
Roskas, C.
Salva, S.
Tytgat, M.
Verbeke, W.
Zaganidis, N.
Bakhshiansohi, H.
Bondu, O.
Brochet, S.
Bruno, G.
Caputo, C.
Caudron, A.
David, P.
De Visscher, S.
Delaere, C.
Delcourt, M.
Francois, B.
Giammanco, A.
Komm, M.
Krintiras, G.
Lemaitre, V.
Magitteri, A.
Mertens, A.
Musich, M.
Piotrzkowski, K.
Quertenmont, L.
Saggio, A.
Vidal Marono, M.
Wertz, S.
Zobec, J.
Beliy, N.
Aldá Júnior, W. L.
Alves, F. L.
Alves, G. A.
Brito, L.
Correa Martins Junior, M.
Hensel, C.
Moraes, A.
Pol, M. E.
Rebello Teles, P.
Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E.
Carvalho, W.
Chinellato, J.
Coelho, E.
Da Costa, E. M.
Da Silveira, G. G.
De Jesus Damiao, D.
Fonseca De Souza, S.
Huertas Guativa, L. M.
Malbouisson, H.
Melo De Almeida, M.
Mora Herrera, C.
Mundim, L.
Nogima, H.
Sanchez Rosas, L. J.
Santoro, A.
Sznajder, A.
Thiel, M.
Tonelli Manganote, E. J.
Torres Da Silva De Araujo, F.
Vilela Pereira, A.
Ahuja, S.
Bernardes, C. A.
Tomei, T. R. Fernandez Perez
Gregores, E. M.
Mercadante, P. G.
Novaes, S. F.
Padula, Sandra S.
Romero Abad, D.
Ruiz Vargas, J. C.
Aleksandrov, A.
Hadjiiska, R.
Iaydjiev, P.
Misheva, M.
Rodozov, M.
Shopova, M.
Sultanov, G.
Dimitrov, A.
Glushkov, I.
Litov, L.
Pavlov, B.
Petkov, P.
Fang, W.
Gao, X.
Yuan, L.
Ahmad, M.
Bian, J. G.
Chen, G. M.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M.
Chen, Y.
Jiang, C. H.
Leggat, D.
Liao, H.
Liu, Z.
Romeo, F.
Shaheen, S. M.
Spiezia, A.
Tao, J.
Wang, C.
Wang, Z.
Yazgan, E.
Zhang, H.
Zhang, S.
Zhao, J.
Ban, Y.
Chen, G.
Li, Q.
Liu, S.
Mao, Y.
Qian, S. J.
Wang, D.
Xu, Z.
Avila, C.
Cabrera, A.
Chaparro Sierra, L. F.
Florez, C.
González Hernández, C. F.
Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.
Courbon, B.
Godinovic, N.
Lelas, D.
Puljak, I.
Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M.
Sculac, T.
Antunovic, Z.
Kovac, M.
Brigljevic, V.
Ferencek, D.
Kadija, K.
Mesic, B.
Starodumov, A.
Susa, T.
Ather, M. W.
Attikis, A.
Mavromanolakis, G.
Mousa, J.
Nicolaou, C.
Ptochos, F.
Razis, P. A.
Rykaczewski, H.
Finger, M.
Finger, M.
Carrera Jarrin, E.
Abdelalim, A. A.
Mohammed, Y.
Salama, E.
Dewanjee, R. K.
Kadastik, M.
Perrini, L.
Raidal, M.
Tiko, A.
Veelken, C.
Eerola, P.
Kirschenmann, H.
Pekkanen, J.
Voutilainen, M.
Järvinen, T.
Karimäki, V.
Kinnunen, R.
Lampén, T.
Lassila-Perini, K.
Lehti, S.
Lindén, T.
Luukka, P.
Tuominen, E.
Tuominiemi, J.
Talvitie, J.
Tuuva, T.
Besancon, M.
Couderc, F.
Dejardin, M.
Denegri, D.
Faure, J. L.
Ferri, F.
Ganjour, S.
Ghosh, S.
Givernaud, A.
Gras, P.
Hamel de Monchenault, G.
Jarry, P.
Kucher, I.
Leloup, C.
Locci, E.
Machet, M.
Malcles, J.
Negro, G.
Rander, J.
Rosowsky, A.
Sahin, M. Ö.
Titov, M.
Abdulsalam, A.
Amendola, C.
Antropov, I.
Baffioni, S.
Beaudette, F.
Busson, P.
Cadamuro, L.
Charlot, C.
Granier de Cassagnac, R.
Jo, M.
Lisniak, S.
Lobanov, A.
Martin Blanco, J.
Nguyen, M.
Ochando, C.
Ortona, G.
Paganini, P.
Pigard, P.
Salerno, R.
Sauvan, J. B.
Sirois, Y.
Stahl Leiton, A. G.
Strebler, T.
Yilmaz, Y.
Zabi, A.
Zghiche, A.
Agram, J.-L.
Andrea, J.
Bloch, D.
Brom, J.-M.
Buttignol, M.
Chabert, E. C.
Chanon, N.
Collard, C.
Conte, E.
Coubez, X.
Fontaine, J.-C.
Gelé, D.
Goerlach, U.
Jansová, M.
Le Bihan, A.-C.
Tonon, N.
Van Hove, P.
Gadrat, S.
Beauceron, S.
Bernet, C.
Boudoul, G.
Chierici, R.
Contardo, D.
Depasse, P.
El Mamouni, H.
Fay, J.
Finco, L.
Gascon, S.
Gouzevitch, M.
Grenier, G.
Ille, B.
Lagarde, F.
Laktineh, I. B.
Lethuillier, M.
Mirabito, L.
Pequegnot, A. L.
Perries, S.
Popov, A.
Sordini, V.
Vander Donckt, M.
Viret, S.
Khvedelidze, A.
Tsamalaidze, Z.
Autermann, C.
Feld, L.
Kiesel, M. K.
Klein, K.
Lipinski, M.
Preuten, M.
Schomakers, C.
Schulz, J.
Zhukov, V.
Albert, A.
Dietz-Laursonn, E.
Duchardt, D.
Endres, M.
Erdmann, M.
Erdweg, S.
Esch, T.
Fischer, R.
Güth, A.
Hamer, M.
Hebbeker, T.
Heidemann, C.
Hoepfner, K.
Knutzen, S.
Merschmeyer, M.
Meyer, A.
Millet, P.
Mukherjee, S.
Pook, T.
Radziej, M.
Reithler, H.
Rieger, M.
Scheuch, F.
Teyssier, D.
Thüer, S.
Flügge, G.
Kargoll, B.
Kress, T.
Künsken, A.
Müller, T.
Nehrkorn, A.
Nowack, A.
Pistone, C.
Pooth, O.
Stahl, A.
Aldaya Martin, M.
Arndt, T.
Asawatangtrakuldee, C.
Beernaert, K.
Behnke, O.
Behrens, U.
Bermúdez Martínez, A.
Bin Anuar, A. A.
Borras, K.
Botta, V.
Campbell, A.
Connor, P.
Contreras-Campana, C.
Costanza, F.
Diez Pardos, C.
Eckerlin, G.
Eckstein, D.
Eichhorn, T.
Eren, E.
Gallo, E.
Garay Garcia, J.
Geiser, A.
Gizhko, A.
Grados Luyando, J. M.
Grohsjean, A.
Gunnellini, P.
Guthoff, M.
Harb, A.
Hauk, J.
Hempel, M.
Jung, H.
Kalogeropoulos, A.
Kasemann, M.
Keaveney, J.
Kleinwort, C.
Korol, I.
Krücker, D.
Lange, W.
Lelek, A.
Lenz, T.
Leonard, J.
Lipka, K.
Lohmann, W.
Mankel, R.
Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A.
Meyer, A. B.
Mittag, G.
Mnich, J.
Mussgiller, A.
Ntomari, E.
Pitzl, D.
Raspereza, A.
Roland, B.
Savitskyi, M.
Saxena, P.
Shevchenko, R.
Spannagel, S.
Stefaniuk, N.
Van Onsem, G. P.
Walsh, R.
Wen, Y.
Wichmann, K.
Wissing, C.
Zenaiev, O.
Aggleton, R.
Bein, S.
Blobel, V.
Centis Vignali, M.
Dreyer, T.
Garutti, E.
Gonzalez, D.
Haller, J.
Hinzmann, A.
Hoffmann, M.
Karavdina, A.
Klanner, R.
Kogler, R.
Kovalchuk, N.
Kurz, S.
Lapsien, T.
Marchesini, I.
Marconi, D.
Meyer, M.
Niedziela, M.
Nowatschin, D.
Pantaleo, F.
Peiffer, T.
Perieanu, A.
Scharf, C.
Schleper, P.
Schmidt, A.
Schumann, S.
Schwandt, J.
Sonneveld, J.
Stadie, H.
Steinbrück, G.
Stober, F. M.
Stöver, M.
Tholen, H.
Troendle, D.
Usai, E.
Vanelderen, L.
Vanhoefer, A.
Vormwald, B.
Akbiyik, M.
Barth, C.
Baur, S.
Butz, E.
Caspart, R.
Chwalek, T.
Colombo, F.
De Boer, W.
Dierlamm, A.
Freund, B.
Friese, R.
Giffels, M.
Haitz, D.
Harrendorf, M. A.
Hartmann, F.
Heindl, S. M.
Husemann, U.
Kassel, F.
Kudella, S.
Mildner, H.
Mozer, M. U.
Müller, Th.
Plagge, M.
Quast, G.
Rabbertz, K.
Schröder, M.
Shvetsov, I.
Sieber, G.
Simonis, H. J.
Ulrich, R.
Wayand, S.
Weber, M.
Weiler, T.
Williamson, S.
Wöhrmann, C.
Wolf, R.
Anagnostou, G.
Daskalakis, G.
Geralis, T.
Giakoumopoulou, V. A.
Kyriakis, A.
Loukas, D.
Topsis-Giotis, I.
Karathanasis, G.
Kesisoglou, S.
Panagiotou, A.
Saoulidou, N.
Kousouris, K.
Evangelou, I.
Foudas, C.
Kokkas, P.
Mallios, S.
Manthos, N.
Papadopoulos, I.
Paradas, E.
Strologas, J.
Triantis, F. A.
Csanad, M.
Filipovic, N.
Pasztor, G.
Surányi, O.
Veres, G. I.
Bencze, G.
Hajdu, C.
Horvath, D.
Hunyadi, Á.
Sikler, F.
Veszpremi, V.
Zsigmond, A. J.
Beni, N.
Czellar, S.
Karancsi, J.
Makovec, A.
Molnar, J.
Szillasi, Z.
Bartók, M.
Raics, P.
Trocsanyi, Z. L.
Ujvari, B.
Choudhury, S.
Komaragiri, J. R.
Bahinipati, S.
Bhowmik, S.
Mal, P.
Mandal, K.
Nayak, A.
Sahoo, D. K.
Sahoo, N.
Swain, S. K.
Bansal, S.
Beri, S. B.
Bhatnagar, V.
Chawla, R.
Dhingra, N.
Kalsi, A. K.
Kaur, A.
Kaur, M.
Kaur, S.
Kumar, R.
Kumari, P.
Mehta, A.
Singh, J. B.
Walia, G.
Kumar, Ashok
Shah, Aashaq
Bhardwaj, A.
Chauhan, S.
Choudhary, B. C.
Garg, R. B.
Keshri, S.
Kumar, A.
Malhotra, S.
Naimuddin, M.
Ranjan, K.
Sharma, R.
Bhardwaj, R.
Bhattacharya, R.
Bhattacharya, S.
Bhawandeep, U.
Dey, S.
Dutt, S.
Dutta, S.
Ghosh, S.
Majumdar, N.
Modak, A.
Mondal, K.
Mukhopadhyay, S.
Nandan, S.
Purohit, A.
Roy, A.
Roy, D.
Roy Chowdhury, S.
Sarkar, S.
Sharan, M.
Thakur, S.
Behera, P. K.
Chudasama, R.
Dutta, D.
Jha, V.
Kumar, V.
Mohanty, A. K.
Netrakanti, P. K.
Pant, L. M.
Shukla, P.
Topkar, A.
Aziz, T.
Dugad, S.
Mahakud, B.
Mitra, S.
Mohanty, G. B.
Sur, N.
Sutar, B.
Banerjee, S.
Bhattacharya, S.
Chatterjee, S.
Das, P.
Guchait, M.
Jain, Sa.
Kumar, S.
Maity, M.
Majumder, G.
Mazumdar, K.
Sarkar, T.
Wickramage, N.
Chauhan, S.
Dube, S.
Hegde, V.
Kapoor, A.
Kothekar, K.
Pandey, S.
Rane, A.
Sharma, S.
Chenarani, S.
Eskandari Tadavani, E.
Etesami, S. M.
Khakzad, M.
Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.
Naseri, M.
Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S.
Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F.
Safarzadeh, B.
Zeinali, M.
Felcini, M.
Grunewald, M.
Abbrescia, M.
Calabria, C.
Colaleo, A.
Creanza, D.
Cristella, L.
De Filippis, N.
De Palma, M.
Errico, F.
Fiore, L.
Iaselli, G.
Lezki, S.
Maggi, G.
Maggi, M.
Miniello, G.
My, S.
Nuzzo, S.
Pompili, A.
Pugliese, G.
Radogna, R.
Ranieri, A.
Selvaggi, G.
Sharma, A.
Silvestris, L.
Venditti, R.
Verwilligen, P.
Abbiendi, G.
Battilana, C.
Bonacorsi, D.
Borgonovi, L.
Braibant-Giacomelli, S.
Campanini, R.
Capiluppi, P.
Castro, A.
Cavallo, F. R.
Chhibra, S. S.
Codispoti, G.
Cuffiani, M.
Dallavalle, G. M.
Fabbri, F.
Fanfani, A.
Fasanella, D.
Giacomelli, P.
Grandi, C.
Guiducci, L.
Marcellini, S.
Masetti, G.
Montanari, A.
Navarria, F. L.
Perrotta, A.
Rossi, A. M.
Rovelli, T.
Siroli, G. P.
Tosi, N.
Albergo, S.
Costa, S.
Di Mattia, A.
Giordano, F.
Potenza, R.
Tricomi, A.
Tuve, C.
Barbagli, G.
Chatterjee, K.
Ciulli, V.
Civinini, C.
D’Alessandro, R.
Focardi, E.
Lenzi, P.
Meschini, M.
Paoletti, S.
Russo, L.
Sguazzoni, G.
Strom, D.
Viliani, L.
Benussi, L.
Bianco, S.
Fabbri, F.
Piccolo, D.
Primavera, F.
Calvelli, V.
Ferro, F.
Robutti, E.
Tosi, S.
Benaglia, A.
Brianza, L.
Brivio, F.
Ciriolo, V.
Dinardo, M. E.
Fiorendi, S.
Gennai, S.
Ghezzi, A.
Govoni, P.
Malberti, M.
Malvezzi, S.
Manzoni, R. A.
Menasce, D.
Moroni, L.
Paganoni, M.
Pauwels, K.
Pedrini, D.
Pigazzini, S.
Ragazzi, S.
Redaelli, N.
Tabarelli de Fatis, T.
Buontempo, S.
Cavallo, N.
Di Guida, S.
Fabozzi, F.
Fienga, F.
Iorio, A. O. M.
Khan, W. A.
Lista, L.
Meola, S.
Paolucci, P.
Sciacca, C.
Thyssen, F.
Azzi, P.
Bacchetta, N.
Benato, L.
Bisello, D.
Boletti, A.
Carlin, R.
Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A.
Checchia, P.
Dall’Osso, M.
De Castro Manzano, P.
Dorigo, T.
Dosselli, U.
Gozzelino, A.
Lacaprara, S.
Lujan, P.
Margoni, M.
Meneguzzo, A. T.
Montecassiano, F.
Pozzobon, N.
Ronchese, P.
Rossin, R.
Simonetto, F.
Torassa, E.
Zanetti, M.
Zotto, P.
Zumerle, G.
Braghieri, A.
Magnani, A.
Montagna, P.
Ratti, S. P.
Re, V.
Ressegotti, M.
Riccardi, C.
Salvini, P.
Vai, I.
Vitulo, P.
Alunni Solestizi, L.
Biasini, M.
Bilei, G. M.
Cecchi, C.
Ciangottini, D.
Fanò, L.
Lariccia, P.
Leonardi, R.
Manoni, E.
Mantovani, G.
Mariani, V.
Menichelli, M.
Rossi, A.
Santocchia, A.
Spiga, D.
Androsov, K.
Azzurri, P.
Bagliesi, G.
Boccali, T.
Borrello, L.
Castaldi, R.
Ciocci, M. A.
Dell’Orso, R.
Fedi, G.
Giannini, L.
Giassi, A.
Grippo, M. T.
Ligabue, F.
Lomtadze, T.
Manca, E.
Mandorli, G.
Martini, L.
Messineo, A.
Palla, F.
Rizzi, A.
Savoy-Navarro, A.
Spagnolo, P.
Tenchini, R.
Tonelli, G.
Venturi, A.
Verdini, P. G.
Barone, L.
Cavallari, F.
Cipriani, M.
Daci, N.
Del Re, D.
Di Marco, E.
Diemoz, M.
Gelli, S.
Longo, E.
Margaroli, F.
Marzocchi, B.
Meridiani, P.
Organtini, G.
Paramatti, R.
Preiato, F.
Rahatlou, S.
Rovelli, C.
Santanastasio, F.
Amapane, N.
Arcidiacono, R.
Argiro, S.
Arneodo, M.
Bartosik, N.
Bellan, R.
Biino, C.
Cartiglia, N.
Cenna, F.
Costa, M.
Covarelli, R.
Degano, A.
Demaria, N.
Kiani, B.
Mariotti, C.
Maselli, S.
Migliore, E.
Monaco, V.
Monteil, E.
Monteno, M.
Obertino, M. M.
Pacher, L.
Pastrone, N.
Pelliccioni, M.
Pinna Angioni, G. L.
Ravera, F.
Romero, A.
Ruspa, M.
Sacchi, R.
Shchelina, K.
Sola, V.
Solano, A.
Staiano, A.
Traczyk, P.
Belforte, S.
Casarsa, M.
Cossutti, F.
Della Ricca, G.
Zanetti, A.
Kim, D. H.
Kim, G. N.
Kim, M. S.
Lee, J.
Lee, S.
Lee, S. W.
Moon, C. S.
Oh, Y. D.
Sekmen, S.
Son, D. C.
Yang, Y. C.
Lee, A.
Kim, H.
Moon, D. H.
Oh, G.
Brochero Cifuentes, J. A.
Goh, J.
Kim, T. J.
Cho, S.
Choi, S.
Go, Y.
Gyun, D.
Ha, S.
Hong, B.
Jo, Y.
Kim, Y.
Lee, K.
Lee, K. S.
Lee, S.
Lim, J.
Park, S. K.
Roh, Y.
Almond, J.
Kim, J.
Kim, J. S.
Lee, H.
Lee, K.
Nam, K.
Oh, S. B.
Radburn-Smith, B. C.
Seo, S. h.
Yang, U. K.
Yoo, H. D.
Yu, G. B.
Choi, M.
Kim, H.
Kim, J. H.
Lee, J. S. H.
Park, I. C.
Choi, Y.
Hwang, C.
Lee, J.
Yu, I.
Dudenas, V.
Juodagalvis, A.
Vaitkus, J.
Ahmed, I.
Ibrahim, Z. A.
Md Ali, M. A. B.
Mohamad Idris, F.
Wan Abdullah, W. A. T.
Yusli, M. N.
Zolkapli, Z.
Reyes-Almanza, R
Ramirez-Sanchez, G.
Duran-Osuna, M. C.
Castilla-Valdez, H.
De La Cruz-Burelo, E.
Heredia-De La Cruz, I.
Rabadan-Trejo, R. I.
Lopez-Fernandez, R.
Mejia Guisao, J.
Sanchez-Hernandez, A.
Carrillo Moreno, S.
Oropeza Barrera, C.
Vazquez Valencia, F.
Pedraza, I.
Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.
Uribe Estrada, C.
Morelos Pineda, A.
Krofcheck, D.
Butler, P. H.
Ahmad, A.
Ahmad, M.
Hassan, Q.
Hoorani, H. R.
Saddique, A.
Shah, M. A.
Shoaib, M.
Waqas, M.
Bialkowska, H.
Bluj, M.
Boimska, B.
Frueboes, T.
Górski, M.
Kazana, M.
Nawrocki, K.
Szleper, M.
Zalewski, P.
Bunkowski, K.
Byszuk, A.
Doroba, K.
Kalinowski, A.
Konecki, M.
Krolikowski, J.
Misiura, M.
Olszewski, M.
Pyskir, A.
Walczak, M.
Bargassa, P.
Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.
Di Francesco, A.
Faccioli, P.
Galinhas, B.
Gallinaro, M.
Hollar, J.
Leonardo, N.
Lloret Iglesias, L.
Nemallapudi, M. V.
Seixas, J.
Strong, G.
Toldaiev, O.
Vadruccio, D.
Varela, J.
Afanasiev, S.
Bunin, P.
Gavrilenko, M.
Golutvin, I.
Gorbunov, I.
Kamenev, A.
Karjavin, V.
Lanev, A.
Malakhov, A.
Matveev, V.
Palichik, V.
Perelygin, V.
Shmatov, S.
Shulha, S.
Skatchkov, N.
Smirnov, V.
Voytishin, N.
Zarubin, A.
Ivanov, Y.
Kim, V.
Kuznetsova, E.
Levchenko, P.
Murzin, V.
Oreshkin, V.
Smirnov, I.
Sulimov, V.
Uvarov, L.
Vavilov, S.
Vorobyev, A.
Andreev, Yu.
Dermenev, A.
Gninenko, S.
Golubev, N.
Karneyeu, A.
Kirsanov, M.
Krasnikov, N.
Pashenkov, A.
Tlisov, D.
Toropin, A.
Epshteyn, V.
Gavrilov, V.
Lychkovskaya, N.
Popov, V.
Pozdnyakov, I.
Safronov, G.
Spiridonov, A.
Stepennov, A.
Toms, M.
Vlasov, E.
Zhokin, A.
Aushev, T.
Bylinkin, A.
Chadeeva, M.
Markin, O.
Parygin, P.
Philippov, D.
Polikarpov, S.
Rusinov, V.
Andreev, V.
Azarkin, M.
Dremin, I.
Kirakosyan, M.
Terkulov, A.
Baskakov, A.
Belyaev, A.
Boos, E.
Demiyanov, A.
Ershov, A.
Gribushin, A.
Kodolova, O.
Korotkikh, V.
Lokhtin, I.
Miagkov, I.
Obraztsov, S.
Petrushanko, S.
Savrin, V.
Snigirev, A.
Vardanyan, I.
Blinov, V.
Skovpen, Y.
Shtol, D.
Azhgirey, I.
Bayshev, I.
Bitioukov, S.
Elumakhov, D.
Kachanov, V.
Kalinin, A.
Konstantinov, D.
Mandrik, P.
Petrov, V.
Ryutin, R.
Sobol, A.
Troshin, S.
Tyurin, N.
Uzunian, A.
Volkov, A.
Adzic, P.
Cirkovic, P.
Devetak, D.
Dordevic, M.
Milosevic, J.
Rekovic, V.
Alcaraz Maestre, J.
Barrio Luna, M.
Cerrada, M.
Colino, N.
De La Cruz, B.
Delgado Peris, A.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Fernandez Bedoya, C.
Fernández Ramos, J. P.
Flix, J.
Fouz, M. C.
Gonzalez Lopez, O.
Goy Lopez, S.
Hernandez, J. M.
Josa, M. I.
Moran, D.
Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.
Puerta Pelayo, J.
Quintario Olmeda, A.
Redondo, I.
Romero, L.
Soares, M. S.
Álvarez Fernández, A.
de Trocóniz, J. F.
Missiroli, M.
Cuevas, J.
Erice, C.
Fernandez Menendez, J.
Gonzalez Caballero, I.
González Fernández, J. R.
Palencia Cortezon, E.
Sanchez Cruz, S.
Vischia, P.
Vizan Garcia, J. M.
Cabrillo, I. J.
Calderon, A.
Chazin Quero, B.
Curras, E.
Duarte Campderros, J.
Fernandez, M.
Garcia-Ferrero, J.
Gomez, G.
Lopez Virto, A.
Marco, J.
Martinez Rivero, C.
Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.
Matorras, F.
Piedra Gomez, J.
Rodrigo, T.
Ruiz-Jimeno, A.
Scodellaro, L.
Trevisani, N.
Vila, I.
Vilar Cortabitarte, R.
Abbaneo, D.
Akgun, B.
Auffray, E.
Baillon, P.
Ball, A. H.
Barney, D.
Bianco, M.
Bloch, P.
Bocci, A.
Botta, C.
Camporesi, T.
Castello, R.
Cepeda, M.
Cerminara, G.
Chapon, E.
Chen, Y.
d’Enterria, D.
Dabrowski, A.
Daponte, V.
David, A.
De Gruttola, M.
De Roeck, A.
Deelen, N.
Dobson, M.
du Pree, T.
Dünser, M.
Dupont, N.
Elliott-Peisert, A.
Everaerts, P.
Fallavollita, F.
Franzoni, G.
Fulcher, J.
Funk, W.
Gigi, D.
Gilbert, A.
Gill, K.
Glege, F.
Gulhan, D.
Harris, P.
Hegeman, J.
Innocente, V.
Jafari, A.
Janot, P.
Karacheban, O.
Kieseler, J.
Knünz, V.
Kornmayer, A.
Kortelainen, M. J.
Krammer, M.
Lange, C.
Lecoq, P.
Lourenço, C.
Lucchini, M. T.
Malgeri, L.
Mannelli, M.
Martelli, A.
Meijers, F.
Merlin, J. A.
Mersi, S.
Meschi, E.
Milenovic, P.
Moortgat, F.
Mulders, M.
Neugebauer, H.
Ngadiuba, J.
Orfanelli, S.
Orsini, L.
Pape, L.
Perez, E.
Peruzzi, M.
Petrilli, A.
Petrucciani, G.
Pfeiffer, A.
Pierini, M.
Rabady, D.
Racz, A.
Reis, T.
Rolandi, G.
Rovere, M.
Sakulin, H.
Schäfer, C.
Schwick, C.
Seidel, M.
Selvaggi, M.
Sharma, A.
Silva, P.
Sphicas, P.
Stakia, A.
Steggemann, J.
Stoye, M.
Tosi, M.
Treille, D.
Triossi, A.
Tsirou, A.
Veckalns, V.
Verweij, M.
Zeuner, W. D.
Bertl, W.
Caminada, L.
Deiters, K.
Erdmann, W.
Horisberger, R.
Ingram, Q.
Kaestli, H. C.
Kotlinski, D.
Langenegger, U.
Rohe, T.
Wiederkehr, S. A.
Backhaus, M.
Bäni, L.
Berger, P.
Bianchini, L.
Casal, B.
Dissertori, G.
Dittmar, M.
Donegà, M.
Dorfer, C.
Grab, C.
Heidegger, C.
Hits, D.
Hoss, J.
Kasieczka, G.
Klijnsma, T.
Lustermann, W.
Mangano, B.
Marionneau, M.
Meinhard, M. T.
Meister, D.
Micheli, F.
Musella, P.
Nessi-Tedaldi, F.
Pandolfi, F.
Pata, J.
Pauss, F.
Perrin, G.
Perrozzi, L.
Quittnat, M.
Reichmann, M.
Sanz Becerra, D. A.
Schönenberger, M.
Shchutska, L.
Tavolaro, V. R.
Theofilatos, K.
Vesterbacka Olsson, M. L.
Wallny, R.
Zhu, D. H.
Aarrestad, T. K.
Amsler, C.
Canelli, M. F.
De Cosa, A.
Del Burgo, R.
Donato, S.
Galloni, C.
Hreus, T.
Kilminster, B.
Pinna, D.
Rauco, G.
Robmann, P.
Salerno, D.
Schweiger, K.
Seitz, C.
Takahashi, Y.
Zucchetta, A.
Candelise, V.
Doan, T. H.
Jain, Sh.
Khurana, R.
Kuo, C. M.
Lin, W.
Pozdnyakov, A.
Yu, S. S.
Kumar, Arun
Chang, P.
Chao, Y.
Chen, K. F.
Chen, P. H.
Fiori, F.
Hou, W.-S.
Hsiung, Y.
Liu, Y. F.
Lu, R.-S.
Paganis, E.
Psallidas, A.
Steen, A.
Tsai, J. f.
Asavapibhop, B.
Kovitanggoon, K.
Singh, G.
Srimanobhas, N.
Boran, F.
Cerci, S.
Damarseckin, S.
Demiroglu, Z. S.
Dozen, C.
Dumanoglu, I.
Girgis, S.
Gokbulut, G.
Guler, Y.
Hos, I.
Kangal, E. E.
Kara, O.
Kayis Topaksu, A.
Kiminsu, U.
Oglakci, M.
Onengut, G.
Ozdemir, K.
Sunar Cerci, D.
Tali, B.
Turkcapar, S.
Zorbakir, I. S.
Zorbilmez, C.
Bilin, B.
Karapinar, G.
Ocalan, K.
Yalvac, M.
Zeyrek, M.
Gülmez, E.
Kaya, M.
Kaya, O.
Tekten, S.
Yetkin, E. A.
Agaras, M. N.
Atay, S.
Cakir, A.
Cankocak, K.
Grynyov, B.
Levchuk, L.
Ball, F.
Beck, L.
Brooke, J. J.
Burns, D.
Clement, E.
Cussans, D.
Davignon, O.
Flacher, H.
Goldstein, J.
Heath, G. P.
Heath, H. F.
Jacob, J.
Kreczko, L.
Newbold, D. M.
Paramesvaran, S.
Sakuma, T.
Seif El Nasr-storey, S.
Smith, D.
Smith, V. J.
Belyaev, A.
Brew, C.
Brown, R. M.
Calligaris, L.
Cieri, D.
Cockerill, D. J. A.
Coughlan, J. A.
Harder, K.
Harper, S.
Olaiya, E.
Petyt, D.
Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.
Thea, A.
Tomalin, I. R.
Williams, T.
Auzinger, G.
Bainbridge, R.
Borg, J.
Breeze, S.
Buchmuller, O.
Bundock, A.
Casasso, S.
Citron, M.
Colling, D.
Corpe, L.
Dauncey, P.
Davies, G.
De Wit, A.
Della Negra, M.
Di Maria, R.
Elwood, A.
Haddad, Y.
Hall, G.
Iles, G.
James, T.
Lane, R.
Laner, C.
Lyons, L.
Magnan, A.-M.
Malik, S.
Mastrolorenzo, L.
Matsushita, T.
Nash, J.
Nikitenko, A.
Palladino, V.
Pesaresi, M.
Raymond, D. M.
Richards, A.
Rose, A.
Scott, E.
Seez, C.
Shtipliyski, A.
Summers, S.
Tapper, A.
Uchida, K.
Vazquez Acosta, M.
Virdee, T.
Wardle, N.
Winterbottom, D.
Wright, J.
Zenz, S. C.
Cole, J. E.
Hobson, P. R.
Khan, A.
Kyberd, P.
Reid, I. D.
Symonds, P.
Teodorescu, L.
Turner, M.
Zahid, S.
Borzou, A.
Call, K.
Dittmann, J.
Hatakeyama, K.
Liu, H.
Pastika, N.
Smith, C.
Bartek, R.
Dominguez, A.
Buccilli, A.
Cooper, S. I.
Henderson, C.
Rumerio, P.
West, C.
Arcaro, D.
Avetisyan, A.
Bose, T.
Gastler, D.
Rankin, D.
Richardson, C.
Rohlf, J.
Sulak, L.
Zou, D.
Benelli, G.
Cutts, D.
Garabedian, A.
Hadley, M.
Hakala, J.
Heintz, U.
Hogan, J. M.
Kwok, K. H. M.
Laird, E.
Landsberg, G.
Lee, J.
Mao, Z.
Narain, M.
Pazzini, J.
Piperov, S.
Sagir, S.
Syarif, R.
Yu, D.
Band, R.
Brainerd, C.
Burns, D.
Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.
Chertok, M.
Conway, J.
Conway, R.
Cox, P. T.
Erbacher, R.
Flores, C.
Funk, G.
Gardner, M.
Ko, W.
Lander, R.
Mclean, C.
Mulhearn, M.
Pellett, D.
Pilot, J.
Shalhout, S.
Shi, M.
Smith, J.
Stolp, D.
Tos, K.
Tripathi, M.
Wang, Z.
Bachtis, M.
Bravo, C.
Cousins, R.
Dasgupta, A.
Florent, A.
Hauser, J.
Ignatenko, M.
Mccoll, N.
Regnard, S.
Saltzberg, D.
Schnaible, C.
Valuev, V.
Bouvier, E.
Burt, K.
Clare, R.
Ellison, J.
Gary, J. W.
Ghiasi Shirazi, S. M. A.
Hanson, G.
Heilman, J.
Kennedy, E.
Lacroix, F.
Long, O. R.
Olmedo Negrete, M.
Paneva, M. I.
Si, W.
Wang, L.
Wei, H.
Wimpenny, S.
Yates, B. R.
Branson, J. G.
Cittolin, S.
Derdzinski, M.
Gerosa, R.
Gilbert, D.
Hashemi, B.
Holzner, A.
Klein, D.
Kole, G.
Krutelyov, V.
Letts, J.
Macneill, I.
Masciovecchio, M.
Olivito, D.
Padhi, S.
Pieri, M.
Sani, M.
Sharma, V.
Simon, S.
Tadel, M.
Vartak, A.
Wasserbaech, S.
Wood, J.
Würthwein, F.
Yagil, A.
Zevi Della Porta, G.
Amin, N.
Bhandari, R.
Bradmiller-Feld, J.
Campagnari, C.
Dishaw, A.
Dutta, V.
Franco Sevilla, M.
George, C.
Golf, F.
Gouskos, L.
Gran, J.
Heller, R.
Incandela, J.
Mullin, S. D.
Ovcharova, A.
Qu, H.
Richman, J.
Stuart, D.
Suarez, I.
Yoo, J.
Anderson, D.
Bendavid, J.
Bornheim, A.
Lawhorn, J. M.
Newman, H. B.
Nguyen, T.
Pena, C.
Spiropulu, M.
Vlimant, J. R.
Xie, S.
Zhang, Z.
Zhu, R. Y.
Andrews, M. B.
Ferguson, T.
Mudholkar, T.
Paulini, M.
Russ, J.
Sun, M.
Vogel, H.
Vorobiev, I.
Weinberg, M.
Cumalat, J. P.
Ford, W. T.
Jensen, F.
Johnson, A.
Krohn, M.
Leontsinis, S.
Mulholland, T.
Stenson, K.
Wagner, S. R.
Alexander, J.
Chaves, J.
Chu, J.
Dittmer, S.
Mcdermott, K.
Mirman, N.
Patterson, J. R.
Quach, D.
Rinkevicius, A.
Ryd, A.
Skinnari, L.
Soffi, L.
Tan, S. M.
Tao, Z.
Thom, J.
Tucker, J.
Wittich, P.
Zientek, M.
Abdullin, S.
Albrow, M.
Alyari, M.
Apollinari, G.
Apresyan, A.
Apyan, A.
Banerjee, S.
Bauerdick, L. A. T.
Beretvas, A.
Berryhill, J.
Bhat, P. C.
Bolla, G.
Burkett, K.
Butler, J. N.
Canepa, A.
Cerati, G. B.
Cheung, H. W. K.
Chlebana, F.
Cremonesi, M.
Duarte, J.
Elvira, V. D.
Freeman, J.
Gecse, Z.
Gottschalk, E.
Gray, L.
Green, D.
Grünendahl, S.
Gutsche, O.
Harris, R. M.
Hasegawa, S.
Hirschauer, J.
Hu, Z.
Jayatilaka, B.
Jindariani, S.
Johnson, M.
Joshi, U.
Klima, B.
Kreis, B.
Lammel, S.
Lincoln, D.
Lipton, R.
Liu, M.
Liu, T.
Lopes De Sá, R.
Lykken, J.
Maeshima, K.
Magini, N.
Marraffino, J. M.
Mason, D.
McBride, P.
Merkel, P.
Mrenna, S.
Nahn, S.
O’Dell, V.
Pedro, K.
Prokofyev, O.
Rakness, G.
Ristori, L.
Schneider, B.
Sexton-Kennedy, E.
Soha, A.
Spalding, W. J.
Spiegel, L.
Stoynev, S.
Strait, J.
Strobbe, N.
Taylor, L.
Tkaczyk, S.
Tran, N. V.
Uplegger, L.
Vaandering, E. W.
Vernieri, C.
Verzocchi, M.
Vidal, R.
Wang, M.
Weber, H. A.
Whitbeck, A.
Acosta, D.
Avery, P.
Bortignon, P.
Bourilkov, D.
Brinkerhoff, A.
Carnes, A.
Carver, M.
Curry, D.
Field, R. D.
Furic, I. K.
Gleyzer, S. V.
Joshi, B. M.
Konigsberg, J.
Korytov, A.
Kotov, K.
Ma, P.
Matchev, K.
Mei, H.
Mitselmakher, G.
Rank, D.
Shi, K.
Sperka, D.
Terentyev, N.
Thomas, L.
Wang, J.
Wang, S.
Yelton, J.
Joshi, Y. R.
Linn, S.
Markowitz, P.
Rodriguez, J. L.
Ackert, A.
Adams, T.
Askew, A.
Hagopian, S.
Hagopian, V.
Johnson, K. F.
Kolberg, T.
Martinez, G.
Perry, T.
Prosper, H.
Saha, A.
Santra, A.
Sharma, V.
Yohay, R.
Baarmand, M. M.
Bhopatkar, V.
Colafranceschi, S.
Hohlmann, M.
Noonan, D.
Roy, T.
Yumiceva, F.
Adams, M. R.
Apanasevich, L.
Berry, D.
Betts, R. R.
Cavanaugh, R.
Chen, X.
Evdokimov, O.
Gerber, C. E.
Hangal, D. A.
Hofman, D. J.
Jung, K.
Kamin, J.
Sandoval Gonzalez, I. D.
Tonjes, M. B.
Trauger, H.
Varelas, N.
Wang, H.
Wu, Z.
Zhang, J.
Bilki, B.
Clarida, W.
Dilsiz, K.
Durgut, S.
Gandrajula, R. P.
Haytmyradov, M.
Khristenko, V.
Merlo, J.-P.
Mermerkaya, H.
Mestvirishvili, A.
Moeller, A.
Nachtman, J.
Ogul, H.
Onel, Y.
Ozok, F.
Penzo, A.
Snyder, C.
Tiras, E.
Wetzel, J.
Yi, K.
Blumenfeld, B.
Cocoros, A.
Eminizer, N.
Fehling, D.
Feng, L.
Gritsan, A. V.
Maksimovic, P.
Roskes, J.
Sarica, U.
Swartz, M.
Xiao, M.
You, C.
Al-bataineh, A.
Baringer, P.
Bean, A.
Boren, S.
Bowen, J.
Castle, J.
Khalil, S.
Kropivnitskaya, A.
Majumder, D.
Mcbrayer, W.
Murray, M.
Royon, C.
Sanders, S.
Schmitz, E.
Tapia Takaki, J. D.
Wang, Q.
Ivanov, A.
Kaadze, K.
Maravin, Y.
Mohammadi, A.
Saini, L. K.
Skhirtladze, N.
Toda, S.
Rebassoo, F.
Wright, D.
Anelli, C.
Baden, A.
Baron, O.
Belloni, A.
Calvert, B.
Eno, S. C.
Feng, Y.
Ferraioli, C.
Hadley, N. J.
Jabeen, S.
Jeng, G. Y.
Kellogg, R. G.
Kunkle, J.
Mignerey, A. C.
Ricci-Tam, F.
Shin, Y. H.
Skuja, A.
Tonwar, S. C.
Benvenuti, A. C.
Chatterjee, R. M.
Evans, A.
Hansen, P.
Hiltbrand, J.
Kalafut, S.
Kubota, Y.
Lesko, Z.
Mans, J.
Nourbakhsh, S.
Ruckstuhl, N.
Rusack, R.
Turkewitz, J.
Wadud, M. A.
Acosta, J. G.
Oliveros, S.
Avdeeva, E.
Bloom, K.
Claes, D. R.
Fangmeier, C.
Gonzalez Suarez, R.
Kamalieddin, R.
Kravchenko, I.
Monroy, J.
Siado, J. E.
Snow, G. R.
Stieger, B.
Dolen, J.
Godshalk, A.
Harrington, C.
Iashvili, I.
Nguyen, D.
Parker, A.
Rappoccio, S.
Roozbahani, B.
Alverson, G.
Barberis, E.
Hortiangtham, A.
Massironi, A.
Morse, D. M.
Orimoto, T.
Teixeira De Lima, R.
Trocino, D.
Wood, D.
Bhattacharya, S.
Charaf, O.
Hahn, K. A.
Mucia, N.
Odell, N.
Pollack, B.
Schmitt, M. H.
Sung, K.
Trovato, M.
Velasco, M.
Dev, N.
Hildreth, M.
Hurtado Anampa, K.
Jessop, C.
Karmgard, D. J.
Kellams, N.
Lannon, K.
Loukas, N.
Marinelli, N.
Meng, F.
Mueller, C.
Musienko, Y.
Planer, M.
Reinsvold, A.
Ruchti, R.
Smith, G.
Taroni, S.
Wayne, M.
Wolf, M.
Woodard, A.
Alimena, J.
Antonelli, L.
Bylsma, B.
Durkin, L. S.
Flowers, S.
Francis, B.
Hart, A.
Hill, C.
Ji, W.
Liu, B.
Luo, W.
Puigh, D.
Winer, B. L.
Wulsin, H. W.
Cooperstein, S.
Driga, O.
Elmer, P.
Hardenbrook, J.
Hebda, P.
Higginbotham, S.
Lange, D.
Luo, J.
Marlow, D.
Mei, K.
Ojalvo, I.
Olsen, J.
Palmer, C.
Piroué, P.
Stickland, D.
Tully, C.
Malik, S.
Norberg, S.
Barker, A.
Barnes, V. E.
Das, S.
Folgueras, S.
Gutay, L.
Jha, M. K.
Jones, M.
Jung, A. W.
Khatiwada, A.
Miller, D. H.
Neumeister, N.
Peng, C. C.
Qiu, H.
Schulte, J. F.
Sun, J.
Wang, F.
Xie, W.
Cheng, T.
Parashar, N.
Stupak, J.
Adair, A.
Chen, Z.
Ecklund, K. M.
Freed, S.
Geurts, F. J. M.
Guilbaud, M.
Kilpatrick, M.
Li, W.
Michlin, B.
Northup, M.
Padley, B. P.
Roberts, J.
Rorie, J.
Shi, W.
Tu, Z.
Zabel, J.
Zhang, A.
Bodek, A.
de Barbaro, P.
Demina, R.
Duh, Y. t.
Ferbel, T.
Galanti, M.
Garcia-Bellido, A.
Han, J.
Hindrichs, O.
Khukhunaishvili, A.
Lo, K. H.
Tan, P.
Verzetti, M.
Ciesielski, R.
Goulianos, K.
Mesropian, C.
Agapitos, A.
Chou, J. P.
Gershtein, Y.
Gómez Espinosa, T. A.
Halkiadakis, E.
Heindl, M.
Hughes, E.
Kaplan, S.
Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, R.
Kyriacou, S.
Lath, A.
Montalvo, R.
Nash, K.
Osherson, M.
Saka, H.
Salur, S.
Schnetzer, S.
Sheffield, D.
Somalwar, S.
Stone, R.
Thomas, S.
Thomassen, P.
Walker, M.
Delannoy, A. G.
Foerster, M.
Heideman, J.
Riley, G.
Rose, K.
Spanier, S.
Thapa, K.
Bouhali, O.
Castaneda Hernandez, A.
Celik, A.
Dalchenko, M.
De Mattia, M.
Delgado, A.
Dildick, S.
Eusebi, R.
Gilmore, J.
Huang, T.
Kamon, T.
Mueller, R.
Pakhotin, Y.
Patel, R.
Perloff, A.
Perniè, L.
Rathjens, D.
Safonov, A.
Tatarinov, A.
Ulmer, K. A.
Akchurin, N.
Damgov, J.
De Guio, F.
Dudero, P. R.
Faulkner, J.
Gurpinar, E.
Kunori, S.
Lamichhane, K.
Lee, S. W.
Libeiro, T.
Mengke, T.
Muthumuni, S.
Peltola, T.
Undleeb, S.
Volobouev, I.
Wang, Z.
Greene, S.
Gurrola, A.
Janjam, R.
Johns, W.
Maguire, C.
Melo, A.
Ni, H.
Padeken, K.
Sheldon, P.
Tuo, S.
Velkovska, J.
Xu, Q.
Arenton, M. W.
Barria, P.
Cox, B.
Hirosky, R.
Joyce, M.
Ledovskoy, A.
Li, H.
Neu, C.
Sinthuprasith, T.
Wang, Y.
Wolfe, E.
Xia, F.
Harr, R.
Karchin, P. E.
Poudyal, N.
Sturdy, J.
Thapa, P.
Zaleski, S.
Brodski, M.
Buchanan, J.
Caillol, C.
Dasu, S.
Dodd, L.
Duric, S.
Gomber, B.
Grothe, M.
Herndon, M.
Hervé, A.
Hussain, U.
Klabbers, P.
Lanaro, A.
Levine, A.
Long, K.
Loveless, R.
Polese, G.
Ruggles, T.
Savin, A.
Smith, N.
Smith, W. H.
Taylor, D.
Woods, N.
Abercrombie, Daniel Robert
Allen, Brandon Leigh
Azzolini, Virginia
Barbieri, Richard Alexander
Baty, Austin Alan
Bi, Ran
Brandt, Stephanie Akemi
Busza, Wit
Cali, Ivan Amos
D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria
Demiragli, Zeynep
Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo
Goncharov, Maxim
Hsu, Dylan George
Hu, Miao
Iiyama, Yutaro
Innocenti, Gian Michele
Klute, Markus
Kovalskyi, Dmytro
Lai, Yue Shi
Lee, Yen-Jie
Levin, Amy Elizabeth
Luckey Jr, P David
Maier, Benedikt
Marini, Andrea Carlo
McGinn, Christopher Francis
Mironov, Camelia Maria
Narayanan, Siddharth Madhavan
Niu, Xinmei
Paus, Christoph M. E.
Roland, Christof E
Roland, Gunther M
Salfeld-Nebgen, Jakob Maxillian Henry
Stephans, George S. F.
Tatar, Kaya
Velicanu, Dragos Alexandru
Wang, Ta-Wei
Wyslouch, Boleslaw
Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
title Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
title_full Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
title_fullStr Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
title_full_unstemmed Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
title_short Measurement of the Splitting Function in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
title_sort measurement of the splitting function in pp and pb pb collisions at √snn 5 02 tev
work_keys_str_mv AT sirunyanam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tumasyana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT adamw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ambrogif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT asilare measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bergauert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brandstetterj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brondoline measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dragicevicm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eroj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT flechlm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT friedlm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fruhwirthr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ghetevm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grossmannj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hrubecj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jeitlerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT koniga measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krammern measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kratschmeri measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT likod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT madlenert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mikuleci measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT preee measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT radn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rohringerh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schieckj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schofbeckr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spanringm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spitzbartd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT waltenbergerw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wittmannj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wulzce measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zaruckim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chekhovskyv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mossolovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT suarezgonzalezj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dewolfea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dicroced measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT janssenx measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lauwersj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanhaevermaeth measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanmechelenp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanremorteln measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abuzeids measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blekmanf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dhondtj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT debruyni measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT declercqj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT derooverk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT flourisg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lontkovskyid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lowettes measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moortgats measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moreelsl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pythonq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT skovpenk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT taverniers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vandoninckw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanmuldersp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanparijsi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beghind measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brunh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT clerbauxb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delentdeckerg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delannoyh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dorneyb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fasanellag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT favartl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goldouzianr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grebenyuka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karapostolig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lenzit measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lueticj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maerschalkt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marinova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT randlecondea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sevat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT starlinge measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanderveldec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanlaerp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanneromd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yonaminer measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zenonif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhangf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cimminoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cornelist measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT doburd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fagota measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gulm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khvastunovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT poyrazd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roskasc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salvas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tytgatm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT verbekew measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zaganidisn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bakhshiansohih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bonduo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brochets measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brunog measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT caputoc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT caudrona measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT davidp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT devisschers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delaerec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delcourtm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT francoisb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT giammancoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kommm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krintirasg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lemaitrev measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT magitteria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mertensa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT musichm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT piotrzkowskik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT quertenmontl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT saggioa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vidalmaronom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wertzs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zobecj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beliyn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aldajuniorwl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alvesfl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alvesga measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT britol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT correamartinsjuniorm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT henselc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moraesa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT polme measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rebellotelesp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT belchiorbatistadaschagase measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carvalhow measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chinellatoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coelhoe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dacostaem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dasilveiragg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dejesusdamiaod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fonsecadesouzas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT huertasguativalm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malbouissonh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT melodealmeidam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moraherrerac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mundiml measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nogimah measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sanchezrosaslj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT santoroa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sznajdera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thielm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tonellimanganoteej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT torresdasilvadearaujof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vilelapereiraa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ahujas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bernardesca measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tomeitrfernandezperez measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gregoresem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mercadantepg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT novaessf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT padulasandras measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT romeroabadd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ruizvargasjc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aleksandrova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hadjiiskar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT iaydjievp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mishevam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rodozovm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shopovam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sultanovg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dimitrova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT glushkovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT litovl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pavlovb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT petkovp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fangw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gaox measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yuanl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ahmadm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bianjg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chengm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenhs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cheny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jiangch measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leggatd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liaoh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liuz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT romeof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shaheensm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spieziaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT taoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yazgane measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhangh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhangs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhaoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bany measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cheng measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lius measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maoy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT qiansj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT xuz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT avilac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cabreraa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chaparrosierralf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT florezc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gonzalezhernandezcf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ruizalvarezjd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT courbonb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT godinovicn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lelasd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT puljaki measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ribeirociprianopm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sculact measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT antunovicz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kovacm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brigljevicv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ferencekd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kadijak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mesicb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT starodumova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT susat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT athermw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT attikisa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mavromanolakisg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mousaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nicolaouc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ptochosf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT razispa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rykaczewskih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fingerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fingerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carrerajarrine measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abdelalimaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mohammedy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salamae measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dewanjeerk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kadastikm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perrinil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT raidalm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tikoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT veelkenc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eerolap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kirschenmannh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pekkanenj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT voutilainenm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jarvinent measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karimakiv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kinnunenr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lampent measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lassilaperinik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lehtis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lindent measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT luukkap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuominene measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuominiemij measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT talvitiej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuuvat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT besanconm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coudercf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dejardinm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT denegrid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT faurejl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ferrif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ganjours measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ghoshs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT givernauda measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grasp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hameldemonchenaultg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jarryp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kucheri measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leloupc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT loccie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT machetm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malclesj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT negrog measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT randerj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rosowskya measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sahinmo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT titovm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abdulsalama measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT amendolac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT antropovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baffionis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beaudettef measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bussonp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cadamurol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT charlotc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT granierdecassagnacr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lisniaks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lobanova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT martinblancoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nguyenm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ochandoc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ortonag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paganinip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pigardp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salernor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sauvanjb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT siroisy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stahlleitonag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT streblert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yilmazy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zabia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zghichea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT agramjl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT andreaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blochd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bromjm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buttignolm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chabertec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chanonn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT collardc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT contee measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coubezx measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fontainejc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT geled measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goerlachu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jansovam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lebihanac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tononn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanhovep measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gadrats measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beaucerons measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bernetc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boudoulg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chiericir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT contardod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT depassep measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT elmamounih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fayj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fincol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gascons measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gouzevitchm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grenierg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT illeb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lagardef measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT laktinehib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lethuillierm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mirabitol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pequegnotal measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perriess measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT popova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sordiniv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanderdoncktm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT virets measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khvedelidzea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tsamalaidzez measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT autermannc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT feldl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kieselmk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kleink measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lipinskim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT preutenm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schomakersc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schulzj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhukovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alberta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dietzlaursonne measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duchardtd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT endresm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT erdmannm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT erdwegs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT escht measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fischerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gutha measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hamerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hebbekert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heidemannc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hoepfnerk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT knutzens measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT merschmeyerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meyera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT milletp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mukherjees measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pookt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT radziejm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT reithlerh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT riegerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT scheuchf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT teyssierd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thuers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fluggeg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kargollb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kresst measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kunskena measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mullert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nehrkorna measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nowacka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pistonec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pootho measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stahla measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aldayamartinm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT arndtt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT asawatangtrakuldeec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beernaertk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT behnkeo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT behrensu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bermudezmartineza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT binanuaraa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT borrask measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bottav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT campbella measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT connorp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT contrerascampanac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT costanzaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT diezpardosc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eckerling measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ecksteind measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eichhornt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT erene measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT galloe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT garaygarciaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT geisera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gizhkoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gradosluyandojm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grohsjeana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gunnellinip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT guthoffm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harba measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT haukj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hempelm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jungh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kalogeropoulosa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kasemannm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT keaveneyj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kleinwortc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT koroli measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kruckerd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT langew measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leleka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lenzt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leonardj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lipkak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lohmannw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mankelr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT melzerpellmannia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meyerab measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mittagg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mnichj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mussgillera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ntomarie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pitzld measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rasperezaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rolandb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT savitskyim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT saxenap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shevchenkor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spannagels measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stefaniukn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanonsemgp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT walshr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT weny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wichmannk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wissingc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zenaievo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aggletonr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beins measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blobelv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT centisvignalim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dreyert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT garuttie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gonzalezd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hallerj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hinzmanna measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hoffmannm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karavdinaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT klannerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT koglerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kovalchukn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kurzs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lapsient measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marchesinii measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marconid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meyerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT niedzielam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nowatschind measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pantaleof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT peiffert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perieanua measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT scharfc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schleperp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schmidta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schumanns measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schwandtj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sonneveldj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stadieh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT steinbruckg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stoberfm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stoverm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tholenh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT troendled measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT usaie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanelderenl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vanhoefera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vormwaldb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT akbiyikm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barthc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baurs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT butze measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT caspartr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chwalekt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT colombof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deboerw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dierlamma measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT freundb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT frieser measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT giffelsm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT haitzd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harrendorfma measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hartmannf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heindlsm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT husemannu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kasself measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kudellas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mildnerh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mozermu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mullerth measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT plaggem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT quastg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rabbertzk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schroderm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shvetsovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sieberg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT simonishj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ulrichr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wayands measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT weberm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT weilert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT williamsons measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wohrmannc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wolfr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT anagnostoug measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT daskalakisg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT geralist measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT giakoumopoulouva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kyriakisa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT loukasd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT topsisgiotisi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karathanasisg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kesisoglous measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT panagiotoua measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT saoulidoun measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kousourisk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT evangeloui measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT foudasc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kokkasp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mallioss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT manthosn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT papadopoulosi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paradase measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT strologasj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT triantisfa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT csanadm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT filipovicn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pasztorg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT suranyio measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT veresgi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benczeg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hajduc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT horvathd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hunyadia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT siklerf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT veszpremiv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zsigmondaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT czellars measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karancsij measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT makoveca measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT molnarj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT szillasiz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bartokm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT raicsp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT trocsanyizl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ujvarib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT choudhurys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT komaragirijr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bahinipatis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhowmiks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mandalk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nayaka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sahoodk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sahoon measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT swainsk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bansals measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT berisb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhatnagarv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chawlar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dhingran measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kalsiak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaura measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaurm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaurs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumarr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumarip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mehtaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT singhjb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT waliag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumarashok measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shahaashaq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhardwaja measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chauhans measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT choudharybc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gargrb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT keshris measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumara measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malhotras measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT naimuddinm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ranjank measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharmar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhardwajr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhattacharyar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhattacharyas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhawandeepu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dutts measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duttas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ghoshs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT majumdarn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT modaka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mondalk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mukhopadhyays measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nandans measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT purohita measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roya measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT royd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roychowdhurys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sarkars measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharanm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thakurs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beherapk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chudasamar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duttad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jhav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumarv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mohantyak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT netrakantipk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pantlm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shuklap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT topkara measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT azizt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dugads measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mahakudb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mitras measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mohantygb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT surn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sutarb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT banerjees measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhattacharyas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chatterjees measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dasp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT guchaitm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jainsa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumars measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maitym measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT majumderg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mazumdark measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sarkart measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wickramagen measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chauhans measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dubes measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hegdev measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kapoora measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kothekark measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pandeys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ranea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharmas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenaranis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eskandaritadavanie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT etesamism measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khakzadm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mohammadinajafabadim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT naserim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paktinatmehdiabadis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rezaeihosseinabadif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT safarzadehb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zeinalim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT felcinim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grunewaldm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abbresciam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT calabriac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT colaleoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT creanzad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cristellal measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT defilippisn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT depalmam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT erricof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fiorel measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT iasellig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lezkis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maggig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maggim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT miniellog measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nuzzos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pompilia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT puglieseg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT radognar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ranieria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT selvaggig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharmaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT silvestrisl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vendittir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT verwilligenp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abbiendig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT battilanac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bonacorsid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT borgonovil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT braibantgiacomellis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT campaninir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT capiluppip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT castroa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cavallofr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chhibrass measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT codispotig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cuffianim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dallavallegm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fabbrif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fanfania measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fasanellad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT giacomellip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grandic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT guiduccil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marcellinis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT masettig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT montanaria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT navarriafl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perrottaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rossiam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rovellit measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT siroligp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tosin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT albergos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT costas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dimattiaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT giordanof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT potenzar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tricomia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuvec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barbaglig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chatterjeek measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ciulliv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT civininic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dalessandror measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT focardie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lenzip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meschinim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paolettis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT russol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sguazzonig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stromd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vilianil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benussil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT biancos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fabbrif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT piccolod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT primaveraf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT calvelliv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ferrof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT robuttie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tosis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benagliaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brianzal measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT briviof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ciriolov measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dinardome measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fiorendis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gennais measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ghezzia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT govonip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malbertim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malvezzis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT manzonira measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT menasced measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moronil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paganonim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pauwelsk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pedrinid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pigazzinis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ragazzis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT redaellin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tabarellidefatist measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buontempos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cavallon measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT diguidas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fabozzif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fiengaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT iorioaom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khanwa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT listal measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meolas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paoluccip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sciaccac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thyssenf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT azzip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bacchettan measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benatol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bisellod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bolettia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carlinr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carvalhoantunesdeoliveiraa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT checchiap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dallossom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT decastromanzanop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dorigot measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dosselliu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gozzelinoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lacapraras measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lujanp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT margonim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meneguzzoat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT montecassianof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pozzobonn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ronchesep measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rossinr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT simonettof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT torassae measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zanettim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zottop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zumerleg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT braghieria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT magnania measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT montagnap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rattisp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rev measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ressegottim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT riccardic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salvinip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vaii measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vitulop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alunnisolestizil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT biasinim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bileigm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cecchic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ciangottinid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fanol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT laricciap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leonardir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT manonie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mantovanig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marianiv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT menichellim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rossia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT santocchiaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spigad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT androsovk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT azzurrip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bagliesig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boccalit measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT borrellol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT castaldir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cioccima measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dellorsor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fedig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gianninil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT giassia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grippomt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ligabuef measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lomtadzet measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mancae measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mandorlig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT martinil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT messineoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pallaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rizzia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT savoynavarroa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spagnolop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tenchinir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tonellig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT venturia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT verdinipg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baronel measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cavallarif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ciprianim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dacin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delred measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dimarcoe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT diemozm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gellis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT longoe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT margarolif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marzocchib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meridianip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT organtinig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paramattir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT preiatof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rahatlous measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rovellic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT santanastasiof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT amapanen measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT arcidiaconor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT argiros measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT arneodom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bartosikn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bellanr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT biinoc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cartiglian measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cennaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT costam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT covarellir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deganoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT demarian measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kianib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mariottic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT masellis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT miglioree measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT monacov measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT monteile measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT montenom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT obertinomm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pacherl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pastronen measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pelliccionim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pinnaangionigl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT raveraf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT romeroa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ruspam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sacchir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shchelinak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT solav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT solanoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT staianoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT traczykp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT belfortes measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT casarsam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cossuttif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dellariccag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zanettia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimdh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimgn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimms measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lees measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leesw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mooncs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ohyd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sekmens measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sondc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yangyc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moondh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ohg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brocherocifuentesja measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gohj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimtj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chois measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gyund measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT has measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hongb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT joy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leek measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leeks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lees measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT limj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT parksk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rohy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT almondj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimjs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leeh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leek measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT namk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ohsb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT radburnsmithbc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT seosh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yanguk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yoohd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yugb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT choim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimjh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leejsh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT parkic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT choiy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hwangc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yui measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dudenasv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT juodagalvisa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vaitkusj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ahmedi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ibrahimza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mdalimab measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mohamadidrisf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wanabdullahwat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yuslimn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zolkapliz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT reyesalmanzar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ramirezsanchezg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duranosunamc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT castillavaldezh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delacruzbureloe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT herediadelacruzi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rabadantrejori measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lopezfernandezr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mejiaguisaoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sanchezhernandeza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carrillomorenos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT oropezabarrerac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vazquezvalenciaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pedrazai measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salazaribarguenha measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT uribeestradac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT morelospinedaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krofcheckd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT butlerph measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ahmada measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ahmadm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hassanq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hooranihr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT saddiquea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shahma measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shoaibm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT waqasm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bialkowskah measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blujm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boimskab measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT frueboest measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gorskim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kazanam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nawrockik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT szleperm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zalewskip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bunkowskik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT byszuka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dorobak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kalinowskia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT koneckim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krolikowskij measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT misiuram measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT olszewskim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pyskira measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT walczakm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bargassap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beiraodacruzesilvac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT difrancescoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT facciolip measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT galinhasb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gallinarom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hollarj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leonardon measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lloretiglesiasl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nemallapudimv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT seixasj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT strongg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT toldaievo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vadrucciod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT varelaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT afanasievs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buninp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gavrilenkom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT golutvini measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gorbunovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kameneva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karjavinv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT laneva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malakhova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT matveevv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT palichikv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perelyginv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shmatovs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shulhas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT skatchkovn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smirnovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT voytishinn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zarubina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ivanovy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kimv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kuznetsovae measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT levchenkop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT murzinv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT oreshkinv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smirnovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sulimovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT uvarovl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vavilovs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vorobyeva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT andreevyu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dermeneva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gninenkos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT golubevn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karneyeua measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kirsanovm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krasnikovn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pashenkova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tlisovd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT toropina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT epshteynv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gavrilovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lychkovskayan measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT popovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pozdnyakovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT safronovg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spiridonova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stepennova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tomsm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vlasove measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhokina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aushevt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bylinkina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chadeevam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT markino measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paryginp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT philippovd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT polikarpovs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rusinovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT andreevv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT azarkinm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dremini measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kirakosyanm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT terkulova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baskakova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT belyaeva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boose measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT demiyanova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ershova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gribushina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kodolovao measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT korotkikhv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lokhtini measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT miagkovi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT obraztsovs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT petrushankos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT savrinv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT snigireva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vardanyani measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blinovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT skovpeny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shtold measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT azhgireyi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bayshevi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bitioukovs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT elumakhovd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kachanovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kalinina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT konstantinovd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mandrikp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT petrovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ryutinr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sobola measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT troshins measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tyurinn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT uzuniana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT volkova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT adzicp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cirkovicp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT devetakd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dordevicm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT milosevicj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rekovicv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alcarazmaestrej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barriolunam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cerradam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT colinon measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delacruzb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delgadoperisa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT escalantedelvallea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fernandezbedoyac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fernandezramosjp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT flixj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fouzmc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gonzalezlopezo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goylopezs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hernandezjm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT josami measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT morand measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perezcaleroyzquierdoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT puertapelayoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT quintarioolmedaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT redondoi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT romerol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT soaresms measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alvarezfernandeza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT detroconizjf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT missirolim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cuevasj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ericec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fernandezmenendezj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gonzalezcaballeroi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gonzalezfernandezjr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT palenciacortezone measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sanchezcruzs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vischiap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vizangarciajm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cabrilloij measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT calderona measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chazinquerob measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT currase measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duartecampderrosj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fernandezm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT garciaferreroj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gomezg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lopezvirtoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marcoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT martinezriveroc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT martinezruizdelarbolp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT matorrasf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT piedragomezj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rodrigot measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ruizjimenoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT scodellarol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT trevisanin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vilai measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vilarcortabitarter measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abbaneod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT akgunb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT auffraye measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baillonp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ballah measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barneyd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT biancom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blochp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boccia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bottac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT camporesit measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT castellor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cepedam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cerminarag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chapone measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cheny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT denterriad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dabrowskia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dapontev measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT davida measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT degruttolam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deroecka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deelenn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dobsonm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dupreet measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dunserm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dupontn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT elliottpeiserta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT everaertsp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fallavollitaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT franzonig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fulcherj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT funkw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gigid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gilberta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gillk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT glegef measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gulhand measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harrisp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hegemanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT innocentev measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jafaria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT janotp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karachebano measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kieselerj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT knunzv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kornmayera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kortelainenmj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krammerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT langec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lecoqp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lourencoc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lucchinimt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT malgeril measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mannellim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT martellia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meijersf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT merlinja measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mersis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meschie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT milenovicp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moortgatf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT muldersm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT neugebauerh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ngadiubaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT orfanellis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT orsinil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT papel measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pereze measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT peruzzim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT petrillia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT petruccianig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pfeiffera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pierinim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rabadyd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT racza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT reist measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rolandig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roverem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sakulinh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schaferc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schwickc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT seidelm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT selvaggim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharmaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT silvap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sphicasp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stakiaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT steggemannj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stoyem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tosim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT treilled measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT triossia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tsiroua measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT veckalnsv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT verweijm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zeunerwd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bertlw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT caminadal measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deitersk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT erdmannw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT horisbergerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ingramq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaestlihc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kotlinskid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT langeneggeru measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rohet measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wiederkehrsa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT backhausm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT banil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bergerp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bianchinil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT casalb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dissertorig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dittmarm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT donegam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dorferc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grabc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heideggerc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hitsd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hossj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kasieczkag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT klijnsmat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lustermannw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT manganob measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marionneaum measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meinhardmt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meisterd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT michelif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT musellap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nessitedaldif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pandolfif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pataj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paussf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perring measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perrozzil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT quittnatm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT reichmannm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sanzbecerrada measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schonenbergerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shchutskal measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tavolarovr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT theofilatosk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vesterbackaolssonml measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wallnyr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhudh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aarrestadtk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT amslerc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT canellimf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT decosaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delburgor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT donatos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gallonic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hreust measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kilminsterb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pinnad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT raucog measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT robmannp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salernod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schweigerk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT seitzc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT takahashiy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zucchettaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT candelisev measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT doanth measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jainsh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khuranar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kuocm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT linw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pozdnyakova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yuss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kumararun measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT changp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chaoy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenkf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenph measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fiorif measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT houws measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hsiungy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liuyf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lurs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paganise measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT psallidasa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT steena measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tsaijf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT asavapibhopb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kovitanggoonk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT singhg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT srimanobhasn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boranf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cercis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT damarseckins measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT demirogluzs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dozenc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dumanoglui measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT girgiss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gokbulutg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gulery measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hosi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kangalee measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karao measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kayistopaksua measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kiminsuu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT oglakcim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT onengutg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ozdemirk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sunarcercid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT talib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT turkcapars measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zorbakiris measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zorbilmezc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bilinb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karapinarg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ocalank measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yalvacm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zeyrekm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gulmeze measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kayam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kayao measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tektens measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yetkinea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT agarasmn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT atays measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cakira measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cankocakk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grynyovb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT levchukl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ballf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beckl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brookejj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT burnsd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT clemente measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cussansd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT davignono measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT flacherh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goldsteinj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heathgp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heathhf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jacobj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kreczkol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT newbolddm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paramesvarans measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sakumat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT seifelnasrstoreys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithvj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT belyaeva measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brewc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brownrm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT calligarisl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cierid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cockerilldja measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coughlanja measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harderk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harpers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT olaiyae measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT petytd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shepherdthemistocleousch measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT theaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tomalinir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT williamst measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT auzingerg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bainbridger measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT borgj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT breezes measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buchmullero measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bundocka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT casassos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT citronm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT collingd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT corpel measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT daunceyp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT daviesg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dewita measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dellanegram measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dimariar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT elwooda measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT haddady measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hallg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ilesg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jamest measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT laner measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lanerc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lyonsl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT magnanam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maliks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mastrolorenzol measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT matsushitat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nashj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nikitenkoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT palladinov measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pesaresim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT raymonddm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT richardsa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rosea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT scotte measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT seezc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shtipliyskia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT summerss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tappera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT uchidak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vazquezacostam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT virdeet measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wardlen measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT winterbottomd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wrightj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zenzsc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coleje measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hobsonpr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kyberdp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT reidid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT symondsp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT teodorescul measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT turnerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zahids measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT borzoua measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT callk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dittmannj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hatakeyamak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liuh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pastikan measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bartekr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT domingueza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buccillia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coopersi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hendersonc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rumeriop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT westc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT arcarod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT avetisyana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT boset measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gastlerd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rankind measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT richardsonc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rohlfj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sulakl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zoud measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benellig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cuttsd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT garabediana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hadleym measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hakalaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heintzu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hoganjm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kwokkhm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lairde measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT landsbergg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maoz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT narainm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pazzinij measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT piperovs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sagirs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT syarifr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yud measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bandr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brainerdc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT burnsd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT calderondelabarcasanchezm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chertokm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT conwayj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT conwayr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coxpt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT erbacherr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT floresc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT funkg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gardnerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kow measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT landerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mcleanc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mulhearnm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pellettd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pilotj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shalhouts measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stolpd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tosk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tripathim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bachtism measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bravoc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cousinsr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dasguptaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT florenta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hauserj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ignatenkom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mccolln measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT regnards measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT saltzbergd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schnaiblec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT valuevv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bouviere measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT burtk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT clarer measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ellisonj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT garyjw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ghiasishirazisma measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hansong measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heilmanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kennedye measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lacroixf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT longor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT olmedonegretem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT panevami measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT siw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT weih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wimpennys measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yatesbr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bransonjg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cittolins measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT derdzinskim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gerosar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gilbertd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hashemib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT holznera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kleind measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT koleg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krutelyovv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lettsj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT macneilli measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT masciovecchiom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT olivitod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT padhis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pierim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sanim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharmav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT simons measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tadelm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vartaka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wasserbaechs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT woodj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wurthweinf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yagila measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zevidellaportag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT aminn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhandarir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bradmillerfeldj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT campagnaric measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dishawa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duttav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT francosevillam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT georgec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT golff measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gouskosl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT granj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hellerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT incandelaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mullinsd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ovcharovaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT quh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT richmanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stuartd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT suarezi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yooj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT andersond measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bendavidj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bornheima measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lawhornjm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT newmanhb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nguyent measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT penac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spiropulum measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vlimantjr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT xies measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhangz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhury measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT andrewsmb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fergusont measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mudholkart measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT paulinim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT russj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sunm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vogelh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vorobievi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT weinbergm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cumalatjp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fordwt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jensenf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT johnsona measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT krohnm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leontsiniss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mulhollandt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stensonk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wagnersr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alexanderj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chavesj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chuj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dittmers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mcdermottk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mirmann measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pattersonjr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT quachd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rinkeviciusa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ryda measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT skinnaril measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT soffil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tansm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT taoz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thomj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuckerj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wittichp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zientekm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abdullins measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT albrowm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alyarim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT apollinarig measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT apresyana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT apyana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT banerjees measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bauerdicklat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beretvasa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT berryhillj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhatpc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bollag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT burkettk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT butlerjn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT canepaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ceratigb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cheunghwk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chlebanaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cremonesim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duartej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT elviravd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT freemanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gecsez measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gottschalke measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grayl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT greend measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grunendahls measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gutscheo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harrisrm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hasegawas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hirschauerj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT huz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jayatilakab measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jindarianis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT johnsonm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT joshiu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT klimab measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kreisb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lammels measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lincolnd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liptonr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lium measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liut measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lopesdesar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lykkenj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maeshimak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maginin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marraffinojm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT masond measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mcbridep measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT merkelp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mrennas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nahns measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT odellv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pedrok measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT prokofyevo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT raknessg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ristoril measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schneiderb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sextonkennedye measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sohaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spaldingwj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spiegell measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stoynevs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT straitj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT strobben measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT taylorl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tkaczyks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT trannv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT upleggerl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vaanderingew measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vernieric measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT verzocchim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT vidalr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT weberha measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT whitbecka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT acostad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT averyp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bortignonp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bourilkovd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brinkerhoffa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carnesa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT carverm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT curryd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fieldrd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT furicik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gleyzersv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT joshibm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT konigsbergj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT korytova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kotovk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT map measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT matchevk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mitselmakherg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rankd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sperkad measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT terentyevn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thomasl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yeltonj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT joshiyr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT linns measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT markowitzp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rodriguezjl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ackerta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT adamst measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT askewa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hagopians measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hagopianv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT johnsonkf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kolbergt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT martinezg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perryt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT prosperh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sahaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT santraa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sharmav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yohayr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baarmandmm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhopatkarv measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT colafranceschis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hohlmannm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT noonand measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT royt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yumicevaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT adamsmr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT apanasevichl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT berryd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bettsrr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cavanaughr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenx measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT evdokimovo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gerberce measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hangalda measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hofmandj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jungk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaminj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sandovalgonzalezid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tonjesmb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT traugerh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT varelasn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wuz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhangj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bilkib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT claridaw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dilsizk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT durguts measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gandrajularp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT haytmyradovm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khristenkov measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT merlojp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mermerkayah measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mestvirishvilia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT moellera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nachtmanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ogulh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT onely measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ozokf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT penzoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT snyderc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tirase measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wetzelj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT yik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT blumenfeldb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT cocorosa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eminizern measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fehlingd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fengl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gritsanav measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maksimovicp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roskesj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT saricau measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT swartzm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT xiaom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT youc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT albataineha measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT baringerp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT beana measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT borens measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bowenj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT castlej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khalils measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kropivnitskayaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT majumderd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mcbrayerw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT murraym measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT royonc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sanderss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schmitze measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tapiatakakijd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ivanova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaadzek measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maraviny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mohammadia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sainilk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT skhirtladzen measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT todas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rebassoof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wrightd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT anellic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT badena measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barono measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bellonia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT calvertb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT enosc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fengy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ferraiolic measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hadleynj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jabeens measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jenggy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kelloggrg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kunklej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mignereyac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT riccitamf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shinyh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT skujaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tonwarsc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT benvenutiac measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chatterjeerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT evansa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hansenp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hiltbrandj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kalafuts measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kubotay measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leskoz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mansj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nourbakhshs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ruckstuhln measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rusackr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT turkewitzj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wadudma measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT acostajg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT oliveross measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT avdeevae measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bloomk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT claesdr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT fangmeierc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gonzalezsuarezr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kamalieddinr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kravchenkoi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT monroyj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT siadoje measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT snowgr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stiegerb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dolenj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT godshalka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harringtonc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT iashvilii measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nguyend measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT parkera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rappoccios measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roozbahanib measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alversong measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barberise measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hortiangthama measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT massironia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT morsedm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT orimotot measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT teixeiradelimar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT trocinod measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT woodd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bhattacharyas measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT charafo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hahnka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mucian measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT odelln measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pollackb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schmittmh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sungk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT trovatom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT velascom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT devn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hildrethm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hurtadoanampak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jessopc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karmgarddj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kellamsn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lannonk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT loukasn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marinellin measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mengf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT muellerc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT musienkoy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT planerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT reinsvolda measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ruchtir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT taronis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT waynem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wolfm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT woodarda measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT alimenaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT antonellil measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bylsmab measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT durkinls measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT flowerss measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT francisb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harta measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hillc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jiw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liub measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT luow measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT puighd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT winerbl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wulsinhw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coopersteins measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT drigao measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT elmerp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hardenbrookj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hebdap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT higginbothams measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT langed measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT luoj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT marlowd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meik measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ojalvoi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT olsenj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT palmerc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pirouep measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sticklandd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tullyc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maliks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT norbergs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barkera measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barnesve measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dass measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT folguerass measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gutayl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jhamk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jonesm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT jungaw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khatiwadaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT millerdh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT neumeistern measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pengcc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT qiuh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schultejf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sunj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT xiew measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chengt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT parasharn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stupakj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT adaira measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT chenz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ecklundkm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT freeds measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT geurtsfjm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT guilbaudm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kilpatrickm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT liw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT michlinb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT northupm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT padleybp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT robertsj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT roriej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT shiw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zabelj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zhanga measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bodeka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT debarbarop measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deminar measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duhyt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ferbelt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT galantim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT garciabellidoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hindrichso measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT khukhunaishvilia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lokh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tanp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT verzettim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ciesielskir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goulianosk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mesropianc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT agapitosa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT choujp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gershteiny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gomezespinosata measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT halkiadakise measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heindlm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hughese measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kaplans measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kunnawalkamelayavallir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kyriacous measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT latha measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT montalvor measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nashk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT oshersonm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sakah measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salurs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT schnetzers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sheffieldd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT somalwars measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stoner measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thomass measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thomassenp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT walkerm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delannoyag measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT foersterm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT heidemanj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rileyg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rosek measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT spaniers measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thapak measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT bouhalio measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT castanedahernandeza measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT celika measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dalchenkom measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT demattiam measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT delgadoa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dildicks measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT eusebir measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gilmorej measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT huangt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kamont measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT muellerr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pakhotiny measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT patelr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perloffa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT perniel measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rathjensd measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT safonova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tatarinova measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ulmerka measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT akchurinn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT damgovj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT deguiof measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT duderopr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT faulknerj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gurpinare measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kunoris measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lamichhanek measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leesw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT libeirot measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mengket measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT muthumunis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT peltolat measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT undleebs measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT volobouevi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangz measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT greenes measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gurrolaa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT janjamr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT johnsw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maguirec measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT meloa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT nih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT padekenk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sheldonp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tuos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT velkovskaj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT xuq measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT arentonmw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barriap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT coxb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hiroskyr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT joycem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT ledovskoya measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lih measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT neuc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sinthuprasitht measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangy measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wolfee measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT xiaf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT harrr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT karchinpe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT poudyaln measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT sturdyj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT thapap measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT zaleskis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brodskim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buchananj measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT caillolc measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dasus measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT doddl measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT durics measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gomberb measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT grothem measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT herndonm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hervea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hussainu measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT klabbersp measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lanaroa measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT levinea measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT longk measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT lovelessr measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT poleseg measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rugglest measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT savina measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT smithwh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT taylord measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT woodsn measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT abercrombiedanielrobert measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT allenbrandonleigh measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT azzolinivirginia measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT barbieririchardalexander measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT batyaustinalan measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT biran measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT brandtstephanieakemi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT buszawit measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT caliivanamos measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT dalfonsomariarosaria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT demiraglizeynep measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT gomezceballosguillelmo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT goncharovmaxim measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT hsudylangeorge measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT humiao measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT iiyamayutaro measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT innocentigianmichele measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT klutemarkus measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT kovalskyidmytro measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT laiyueshi measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT leeyenjie measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT levinamyelizabeth measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT luckeyjrpdavid measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT maierbenedikt measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mariniandreacarlo measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mcginnchristopherfrancis measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT mironovcameliamaria measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT narayanansiddharthmadhavan measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT niuxinmei measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT pauschristophme measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rolandchristofe measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT rolandguntherm measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT salfeldnebgenjakobmaxillianhenry measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT stephansgeorgesf measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT tatarkaya measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT velicanudragosalexandru measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wangtawei measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev
AT wyslouchboleslaw measurementofthesplittingfunctioninppandpbpbcollisionsatsnn502tev