First Results from CUORE: A Search for Lepton Number Violation via 0νββ Decay of [superscript 130]Te

The CUORE experiment, a ton-scale cryogenic bolometer array, recently began operation at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The array represents a significant advancement in this technology, and in this work we apply it for the first time to a high-sensitivity search for a lepton-numb...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Alduino, C., Alessandria, F., Alfonso, K., Andreotti, E., Arnaboldi, C., Avignone, F. T., Azzolini, O., Balata, M., Bandac, I., Banks, T. I., Bari, G., Barucci, M., Beeman, J. W., Bellini, F., Benato, G., Bersani, A., Biare, D., Biassoni, M., Bragazzi, F., Branca, A., Brofferio, C., Bryant, A., Buccheri, A., Bucci, C., Bulfon, C., Camacho, A., Caminata, A., Cao, X. G., Capelli, S., Capodiferro, M., Cappelli, L., Cardani, L., Cariello, M., Carniti, P., Carrettoni, M., Casali, N., Cassina, L., Cereseto, R., Ceruti, G., Chiarini, A., Chiesa, D., Chott, N., Clemenza, M., Conventi, D., Copello, S., Cosmelli, C., Cremonesi, O., Crescentini, C., Creswick, R. J., Cushman, J. S., D’Addabbo, A., D’Aguanno, D., Dafinei, I., Datskov, V., Davis, C. J., Del Corso, F., Dell’Oro, S., Deninno, M. M., Di Domizio, S., Di Vacri, M. L., Di Paolo, L., Drobizhev, A., Ejzak, L., Faccini, R., Fang, D. Q., Faverzani, M., Ferri, E., Ferroni, F., Fiorini, E., Franceschi, M. A., Freedman, S. J., Fujikawa, B. K., Gaigher, R., Giachero, A., Gironi, L., Giuliani, A., Goett, J., Gorla, P., Gotti, C., Guandalini, C., Guerzoni, M., Gutierrez, T. D., Haller, E. E., Han, K., Heeger, K. M., Hennings-Yeomans, R., Hickerson, K. P., Huang, H. Z., Iannone, M., Ioannucci, L., Kadel, R., Keppel, G., Kogler, L., Kolomensky, Yu. G., Ligi, C., Lim, K. E., Liu, X., Ma, Y. G., Maiano, C., Maino, M., Marini, L., Martinez, M., Martinez Amaya, C., Maruyama, R. H., Mei, Y., Moggi, N., Morganti, S., Mosteiro, P. J., Nagorny, S. S., Napolitano, T., Nastasi, M., Nisi, S., Nones, C., Norman, E. B., Novati, V., Nucciotti, A., Nutini, I., O’Donnell, T., Olcese, M., Olivieri, E., Orio, F., Orlandi, D., Pagliarone, C. E., Pallavicini, M., Palmieri, V., Pattavina, L., Pavan, M., Pedretti, M., Pedrotta, R., Pelosi, A., Pessina, G., Pettinacci, V., Piperno, G., Pira, C., Pirro, S., Pozzi, S., Previtali, E., Reindl, F., Rimondi, F., Risegari, L., Rosenfeld, C., Rossi, C., Rusconi, C., Sakai, M., Sala, E., Salvioni, C., Sangiorgio, S., Santone, D., Schaeffer, D., Schmidt, B., Schmidt, J., Scielzo, N. D., Singh, V., Sisti, M., Smith, A. R., Stivanello, F., Taffarello, L., Tatananni, L., Tenconi, M., Terranova, F., Tessaro, M., Tomei, C., Ventura, G., Vignati, M., Wagaarachchi, S. L., Wallig, J., Wang, B. S., Wang, H. W., Welliver, B., Wilson, J., Wilson, K., Wise, T., Zanotti, L., Zarra, C., Zhang, G. Q., Zhu, B. X., Zimmermann, S., Zucchelli, S., Canonica, Lucia, Gladstone, Laura, Hansen, E. V., Leder, Alexander Friedrich, Ouellet, Jonathan L, Winslow, Lindley
Other Authors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Format: Article
Published: American Physical Society 2018
Online Access:
Summary:The CUORE experiment, a ton-scale cryogenic bolometer array, recently began operation at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. The array represents a significant advancement in this technology, and in this work we apply it for the first time to a high-sensitivity search for a lepton-number-violating process: [superscript 130]Te neutrinoless double-beta decay. Examining a total TeO[subscript 2] exposure of 86.3 kg yr, characterized by an effective energy resolution of (7.7±0.5)  keV FWHM and a background in the region of interest of (0.014±0.002)  counts/(keV kg yr), we find no evidence for neutrinoless double-beta decay. Including systematic uncertainties, we place a lower limit on the decay half-life of T[subscript 1/2][supsercript 0ν]([superscript 130]Te)>1.3×10[superscript 25] yr (90% C.L.); the median statistical sensitivity of this search is 7.0×10^{24}  yr. Combining this result with those of two earlier experiments, Cuoricino and CUORE-0, we find T[subscript 1/[superscript 0ν]([superscript 130]Te)>1.5×10[superscript 25] yr (90% C.L.), which is the most stringent limit to date on this decay. Interpreting this result as a limit on the effective Majorana neutrino mass, we find m[subscript ββ]<(110-520)  meV, where the range reflects the nuclear matrix element estimates employed.