Measurement of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations at 6–56 GeV with IceCube DeepCore
We present a measurement of the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters using three years of data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. The DeepCore infill array in the center of IceCube enables the detection and reconstruction of neutrinos produced by the interaction of cosmic rays in Earth’s...
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Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations at 6-56 GeV with IceCube DeepCore by Collaboration, I, Aartsen, MG, Ackermann, M, Adams, J, Aguilar, JA, Ahlers, M, Ahrens, M, Samarai, IA, Altmann, D, Andeen, K, Anderson, T, Ansseau, I, Anton, G, Argüelles, C, Auffenberg, J, Axani, S, Bagherpour, H, Bai, X, Barron, JP, Barwick, SW, Baum, V, Bay, R, Beatty, JJ, Tjus, JB, Becker, K-H, BenZvi, S, Berley, D, Bernardini, E, Besson, DZ, Binder, G, Bindig, D, Blaufuss, E, Blot, S, Bohm, C, Börner, M, Bos, F, Bose, D, Böser, S, Botner, O, Bourbeau, J, Bradascio, F, Braun, J, Brayeur, L, Brenzke, M, Bretz, H-P, Bron, S, Brostean-Kaiser, J, Burgman, A, Carver, T, Casey, J, Casier, M, Cheung, E, Chirkin, D, Christov, A, Clark, K, Classen, L, Coenders, S, Collin, GH, Conrad, JM, Cowen, DF, Cross, R, Day, M, André, JPAMD, Clercq, CD, DeLaunay, JJ, Dembinski, H, Ridder, SD, Desiati, P, Vries, KDD, Wasseige, GD, With, MD, DeYoung, T, Díaz-Vélez, JC, Lorenzo, VD, Dujmovic, H, Dumm, JP, Dunkman, M, Eberhardt, B, Ehrhardt, T, Eichmann, B, Eller, P, Evenson, PA, Fahey, S, Fazely, AR, Felde, J, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Flis, S, Franckowiak, A, Friedman, E, Fuchs, T, Gaisser, TK, Gallagher, J, Gerhardt, L, Ghorbani, K, Giang, W, Glauch, T, Glüsenkamp, T, Goldschmidt, A, Gonzalez, JG, Grant, D, Griffith, Z, Haack, C, Hallgren, A, Halzen, F, Hanson, K, Hebecker, D, Heereman, D, Helbing, K, Hellauer, R, Hickford, S, Hignight, J, Hill, GC, Hoffman, KD, Hoffmann, R, Hokanson-Fasig, B, Hoshina, K, Huang, F, Huber, M, Hultqvist, K, Hünnefeld, M, In, S, Ishihara, A, Jacobi, E, Japaridze, GS, Jeong, M, Jero, K, Jones, BJP, Kalaczynski, P, Kang, W, Kappes, A, Karg, T, Karle, A, Katz, U, Kauer, M, Keivani, A, Kelley, JL, Kheirandish, A, Kim, J, Kim, M, Kintscher, T, Kiryluk, J, Kittler, T, Klein, SR, Kohnen, G, Koirala, R, Kolanoski, H, Köpke, L, Kopper, C, Kopper, S, Koschinsky, JP, Koskinen, DJ, Kowalski, M, Krings, K, Kroll, M, Krückl, G, Kunnen, J, Kunwar, S, Kurahashi, N, Kuwabara, T, Kyriacou, A, Labare, M, Lanfranchi, JL, Larson, MJ, Lauber, F, Lennarz, D, Lesiak-Bzdak, M, Leuermann, M, Liu, QR, Lu, L, Lünemann, J, Luszczak, W, Madsen, J, Maggi, G, Mahn, KBM, Mancina, S, Maruyama, R, Mase, K, Maunu, R, McNally, F, Meagher, K, Medici, M, Meier, M, Menne, T, Merino, G, Meures, T, Miarecki, S, Micallef, J, Momenté, G, Montaruli, T, Moore, RW, Moulai, M, Nahnhauer, R, Nakarmi, P, Naumann, U, Neer, G, Niederhausen, H, Nowicki, SC, Nygren, DR, Pollmann, AO, Olivas, A, O'Murchadha, A, Palczewski, T, Pandya, H, Pankova, DV, Peiffer, P, Pepper, JA, Heros, CPDL, Pieloth, D, Pinat, E, Plum, M, Price, PB, Przybylski, GT, Raab, C, Rädel, L, Rameez, M, Rawlins, K, Rea, IC, Reimann, R, Relethford, B, Relich, M, Resconi, E, Rhode, W, Richman, M, Robertson, S, Rongen, M, Rott, C, Ruhe, T, Ryckbosch, D, Rysewyk, D, Sälzer, T, Herrera, SES, Sandrock, A, Sandroos, J, Sarkar, S, Sarkar, S, Satalecka, K, Schlunder, P, Schmidt, T, Schneider, A, Schoenen, S, Schöneberg, S, Schumacher, L, Seckel, D, Seunarine, S, Soedingrekso, J, Soldin, D, Song, M, Spiczak, GM, Spiering, C, Stachurska, J, Stamatikos, M, Stanev, T, Stasik, A, Stettner, J, Steuer, A, Stezelberger, T, Stokstad, RG, Stößl, A, Strotjohann, NL, Sullivan, GW, Sutherland, M, Taboada, I, Tatar, J, Tenholt, F, Ter-Antonyan, S, Terliuk, A, Tešić, G, Tilav, S, Toale, PA, Tobin, MN, Toscano, S, Tosi, D, Tselengidou, M, Tung, CF, Turcati, A, Turley, CF, Ty, B, Unger, E, Usner, M, Vandenbroucke, J, Driessche, WV, Eijndhoven, NV, Vanheule, S, Santen, JV, Vehring, M, Vogel, E, Vraeghe, M, Walck, C, Wallace, A, Wallraff, M, Wandler, FD, Wandkowsky, N, Waza, A, Weaver, C, Weiss, MJ, Wendt, C, Werthebach, J, Westerhoff, S, Whelan, BJ, Wiebe, K, Wiebusch, CH, Wille, L, Williams, DR, Wills, L, Wolf, M, Wood, J, Wood, TR, Woolsey, E, Woschnagg, K, Xu, DL, Xu, XW, Xu, Y, Yanez, JP, Yodh, G, Yoshida, S, Yuan, T, Zoll, M
Published 2018
Journal article
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