Shrnutí: | Using a sample of 122 × 10[superscript 6] Υ(3S) events recorded with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e[superscript +]e[superscript -] collider at SLAC, we search for the h[subscript b](1P) spin-singlet partner of the P-wave χ[subscript bJ](1P) states in the sequential decay Υ(3S) →π[superscript 0]h[subscript b](1P), h[subscript b] (1P) →γη[subscript b](1S). We observe an excess of events above background in the distribution of the recoil mass against the π0 at mass 9902±4(stat)±2(syst)MeV/c[superscript 2]. The width of the observed signal is consistent with experimental resolution, and its significance is 3.1σ, including systematic uncertainties. We obtain the value (4.3±1.1(stat) ±0.9(syst))×10[superscript - 4] for the product branching fraction B(Υ(3S)→π0h[subscript b])×B(h[subscript b] →γη[subscript b]).