Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]

A search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +]→pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript -] is reported using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0  fb[superscript -1] collected by the LHCb Collaboration. No significant signal is observed outside of t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Aaij, R., Adeva, B., Adinolfi, M., Ajaltouni, Z., Akar, S., Albrecht, J., Alessio, F., Alexander, M., Alfonso Albero, A., Ali, S., Alkhazov, G., Alvarez Cartelle, P., Alves, A. A., Amato, S., Amerio, S., Amhis, Y., An, L., Anderlini, L., Andreassi, G., Andreotti, M., Andrews, J. E., Appleby, R. B., Archilli, F., d’Argent, P., Arnau Romeu, J., Artamonov, A., Artuso, M., Aslanides, E., Atzeni, M., Auriemma, G., Baalouch, M., Babuschkin, I., Bachmann, S., Back, J. J., Badalov, A., Baesso, C., Baker, S., Balagura, V., Baldini, W., Baranov, A., Barlow, R. J., Barschel, C., Barsuk, S., Barter, W., Baryshnikov, F., Batozskaya, V., Battista, V., Bay, A., Beaucourt, L., Beddow, J., Bedeschi, F., Bediaga, I., Beiter, A., Bel, L. J., Beliy, N., Bellee, V., Belloli, N., Belous, K., Belyaev, I., Ben-Haim, E., Bencivenni, G., Benson, S., Beranek, S., Berezhnoy, A., Bernet, R., Berninghoff, D., Bertholet, E., Bertolin, A., Betancourt, C., Betti, F., Bettler, M. O., van Beuzekom, M., Bezshyiko, Ia., Bifani, S., Billoir, P., Birnkraut, A., Bizzeti, A., Bjørn, M., Blake, T., Blanc, F., Blusk, S., Bocci, V., Bondar, A., Bondar, N., Bordyuzhin, I., Borghi, S., Borisyak, M., Borsato, M., Bossu, F., Boubdir, M., Bowcock, T. J. V., Bowen, E., Bozzi, C., Braun, S., Brodzicka, J., Brundu, D., Buchanan, E., Burr, C., Bursche, A., Buytaert, J., Byczynski, W., Cadeddu, S., Cai, H., Calabrese, R., Calladine, R., Calvi, M., Calvo Gomez, M., Camboni, A., Campana, P., Campora Perez, D. H., Capriotti, L., Carbone, A., Carboni, G., Cardinale, R., Cardini, A., Carniti, P., Carson, L., Carvalho Akiba, K., Casse, G., Cassina, L., Cattaneo, M., Cavallero, G., Cenci, R., Chamont, D., Chapman, M. G., Charles, M., Charpentier, Ph., Chatzikonstantinidis, G., Chefdeville, M., Chen, S., Cheung, S. F., Chitic, S.-G., Chobanova, V., Chrzaszcz, M., Chubykin, A., Ciambrone, P., Cid Vidal, X., Ciezarek, G., Clarke, P. E. L., Clemencic, M., Cliff, H. V., Closier, J., Coco, V., Cogan, J., Cogneras, E., Cogoni, V., Cojocariu, L., Collins, P., Colombo, T., Comerma-Montells, A., Contu, A., Coombs, G., Coquereau, S., Corti, G., Corvo, M., Costa Sobral, C. M., Couturier, B., Cowan, G. A., Crocombe, A., Cruz Torres, M., Currie, R., D’Ambrosio, C., Da Cunha Marinho, F., Da Silva, C. L., Dall’Occo, E., Dalseno, J., Davis, A., De Aguiar Francisco, O., De Bruyn, K., De Capua, S., De Cian, M., De Miranda, J. M., De Paula, L., De Serio, M., De Simone, P., Dean, C. T., Decamp, D., Del Buono, L., Dembinski, H.-P., Demmer, M., Dendek, A., Derkach, D., Deschamps, O., Dettori, F., Dey, B., Di Canto, A., Di Nezza, P., Dijkstra, H., Dordei, F., Dorigo, M., Dosil Suárez, A., Douglas, L., Dovbnya, A., Dreimanis, K., Dufour, L., Dujany, G., Durante, P., Durham, J. M., Dutta, D., Dzhelyadin, R., Dziewiecki, M., Dziurda, A., Dzyuba, A., Easo, S., Egede, U., Egorychev, V., Eidelman, S., Eisenhardt, S., Eitschberger, U., Ekelhof, R., Eklund, L., Ely, S., Esen, S., Evans, H. M., Evans, T., Falabella, A., Farley, N., Farry, S., Fazzini, D., Federici, L., Ferguson, D., Fernandez, G., Fernandez Declara, P., Fernandez Prieto, A., Ferrari, F., Ferreira Lopes, L., Ferreira Rodrigues, F., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Filippov, S., Fini, R. A., Fiorini, M., Firlej, M., Fitzpatrick, C., Fiutowski, T., Fleuret, F., Fontana, M., Fontanelli, F., Forty, R., Franco Lima, V., Frank, M., Frei, C., Fu, J., Funk, W., Furfaro, E., Färber, C., Gabriel, E., Gallas Torreira, A., Galli, D., Gallorini, S., Gambetta, S., Gandelman, M., Gandini, P., Gao, Y., Garcia Martin, L. M., García Pardiñas, J., Garra Tico, J., Garrido, L., Gascon, D., Gaspar, C., Gavardi, L., Gazzoni, G., Gerick, D., Gersabeck, E., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Ghez, Ph., Gianì, S., Gibson, V., Girard, O. G., Giubega, L., Gizdov, K., Gligorov, V. V., Golubkov, D., Golutvin, A., Gomes, A., Gorelov, I. V., Gotti, C., Govorkova, E., Grabowski, J. P., Graciani Diaz, R., Granado Cardoso, L. A., Graugés, E., Graverini, E., Graziani, G., Grecu, A., Greim, R., Griffith, P., Grillo, L., Gruber, L., Gruberg Cazon, B. R., Grünberg, O., Gushchin, E., Guz, Yu., Gys, T., Göbel, C., Hadavizadeh, T., Hadjivasiliou, C., Haefeli, G., Haen, C., Haines, S. C., Hamilton, B., Han, X., Hancock, T. H., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Harnew, N., Harnew, S. T., Hasse, C., Hatch, M., He, J., Hecker, M., Heinicke, K., Heister, A., Hennessy, K., Henrard, P., Henry, L., van Herwijnen, E., Heß, M., Hicheur, A., Hill, D., Hopchev, P. H., Hu, W., Huang, W., Huard, Z. C., Hulsbergen, W., Humair, T., Hushchyn, M., Hutchcroft, D., Ibis, P., Idzik, M., Ilten, P., Jacobsson, R., Jalocha, J., Jans, E., Jawahery, A., Jezabek, M., Jiang, F., John, M., Johnson, D., Jones, C. R., Joram, C., Jost, B., Jurik, N., Kandybei, S., Karacson, M., Kariuki, J. M., Karodia, S., Kazeev, N., Kecke, M., Keizer, F., Kelsey, M., Kenzie, M., Ketel, T., Khairullin, E., Khanji, B., Khurewathanakul, C., Kim, K. E., Kirn, T., Klaver, S., Klimaszewski, K., Klimkovich, T., Koliiev, S., Kolpin, M., Kopecna, R., Koppenburg, P., Kosmyntseva, A., Kotriakhova, S., Kozeiha, M., Kravchuk, L., Kreps, M., Kress, F., Krokovny, P., Krzemien, W., Kucewicz, W., Kucharczyk, M., Kudryavtsev, V., Kuonen, A. K., Kvaratskheliya, T., Lacarrere, D., Lafferty, G., Lai, A., Lanfranchi, G., Langenbruch, C., Latham, T., Lazzeroni, C., Le Gac, R., Leflat, A., Lefrançois, J., Lefèvre, R., Lemaitre, F., Lemos Cid, E., Leroy, O., Lesiak, T., Leverington, B., Li, P.-R., Li, T., Li, Y., Li, Z., Liang, X., Likhomanenko, T., Lindner, R., Lionetto, F., Lisovskyi, V., Liu, X., Loh, D., Loi, A., Longstaff, I., Lopes, J. H., Lucchesi, D., Lucio Martinez, M., Luo, H., Lupato, A., Luppi, E., Lupton, O., Lusiani, A., Lyu, X., Machefert, F., Maciuc, F., Macko, V., Mackowiak, P., Maddrell-Mander, S., Maev, O., Maguire, K., Maisuzenko, D., Majewski, M. W., Malde, S., Malecki, B., Malinin, A., Maltsev, T., Manca, G., Mancinelli, G., Marangotto, D., Maratas, J., Marchand, J. F., Marconi, U., Marin Benito, C., Marinangeli, M., Marino, P., Marks, J., Martellotti, G., Martin, M., Martinelli, M., Martinez Santos, D., Martinez Vidal, F., Massafferri, A., Matev, R., Mathad, A., Mathe, Z., Matteuzzi, C., Mauri, A., Maurice, E., Maurin, B., Mazurov, A., McCann, M., McNab, A., McNulty, R., Mead, J. V., Meadows, B., Meaux, C., Meier, F., Meinert, N., Melnychuk, D., Merk, M., Merli, A., Michielin, E., Milanes, D. A., Millard, E., Minard, M.-N., Minzoni, L., Mitzel, D. S., Mogini, A., Molina Rodriguez, J., Mombächer, T., Monroy, I. A., Monteil, S., Morandin, M., Morello, M. J., Morgunova, O., Moron, J., Morris, A. B., Mountain, R., Muheim, F., Mulder, M., Müller, D., Müller, J., Müller, K., Müller, V., Naik, P., Nakada, T., Nandakumar, R., Nandi, A., Nasteva, I., Needham, M., Neri, N., Neubert, S., Neufeld, N., Neuner, M., Nguyen, T. D., Nguyen-Mau, C., Nieswand, S., Niet, R., Nikitin, N., Nikodem, T., Nogay, A., O’Hanlon, D. P., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Obraztsov, V., Ogilvy, S., Oldeman, R., Onderwater, C. J. G., Ossowska, A., Otalora Goicochea, J. M., Owen, P., Oyanguren, A., Pais, P. R., Palano, A., Palutan, M., Panshin, G., Papanestis, A., Pappagallo, M., Pappalardo, L. L., Parker, W., Parkes, C., Passaleva, G., Pastore, A., Patel, M., Patrignani, C., Pearce, A., Pellegrino, A., Penso, G., Pepe Altarelli, M., Perazzini, S., Pereima, D., Perret, P., Pescatore, L., Petridis, K., Petrolini, A., Petrov, A., Petruzzo, M., Picatoste Olloqui, E., Pietrzyk, B., Pietrzyk, G., Pikies, M., Pinci, D., Pisani, F., Pistone, A., Piucci, A., Placinta, V., Playfer, S., Plo Casasus, M., Polci, F., Poli Lener, M., Poluektov, A., Polyakov, I., Polycarpo, E., Pomery, G. J., Ponce, S., Popov, A., Popov, D., Poslavskii, S., Potterat, C., Price, E., Prisciandaro, J., Prouve, C., Pugatch, V., Puig Navarro, A., Pullen, H., Punzi, G., Qian, W., Qin, J., Quagliani, R., Quintana, B., Rachwal, B., Rademacker, J. H., Rama, M., Ramos Pernas, M., Rangel, M. S., Raniuk, I., Ratnikov, F., Raven, G., Ravonel Salzgeber, M., Reboud, M., Redi, F., Reichert, S., dos Reis, A. C., Remon Alepuz, C., Renaudin, V., Ricciardi, S., Richards, S., Rihl, M., Rinnert, K., Robbe, P., Robert, A., Rodrigues, A. B., Rodrigues, E., Rodriguez Lopez, J. A., Rogozhnikov, A., Roiser, S., Rollings, A., Romanovskiy, V., Romero Vidal, A., Rotondo, M., Rudolph, M. S., Ruf, T., Ruiz Valls, P., Ruiz Vidal, J., Saborido Silva, J. J., Sadykhov, E., Sagidova, N., Saitta, B., Salustino Guimaraes, V., Sanchez Mayordomo, C., Sanmartin Sedes, B., Santacesaria, R., Santamarina Rios, C., Santimaria, M., Santovetti, E., Sarpis, G., Sarti, A., Satriano, C., Satta, A., Saunders, D. M., Savrina, D., Schael, S., Schellenberg, M., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Schmelling, M., Schmelzer, T., Schmidt, B., Schneider, O., Schopper, A., Schreiner, H. F., Schubiger, M., Schune, M. H., Schwemmer, R., Sciascia, B., Sciubba, A., Semennikov, A., Sepulveda, E. S., Sergi, A., Serra, N., Serrano, J., Sestini, L., Seyfert, P., Shapkin, M., Shcheglov, Y., Shears, T., Shekhtman, L., Shevchenko, V., Siddi, B. G., Silva Coutinho, R., Silva de Oliveira, L., Simi, G., Simone, S., Sirendi, M., Skidmore, N., Skwarnicki, T., Smith, I. T., Smith, J., Smith, M., Soares Lavra, l., Sokoloff, M. D., Soler, F. J. P., Souza De Paula, B., Spaan, B., Spradlin, P., Stagni, F., Stahl, M., Stahl, S., Stefko, P., Stefkova, S., Steinkamp, O., Stemmle, S., Stenyakin, O., Stepanova, M., Stevens, H., Stone, S., Storaci, B., Stracka, S., Stramaglia, M. E., Straticiuc, M., Straumann, U., Strokov, S., Sun, J., Sun, L., Swientek, K., Syropoulos, V., Szumlak, T., Szymanski, M., T’Jampens, S., Tayduganov, A., Tekampe, T., Tellarini, G., Teubert, F., Thomas, E., van Tilburg, J., Tilley, M. J., Tisserand, V., Tobin, M., Tolk, S., Tomassetti, L., Tonelli, D., Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R., Tournefier, E., Traill, M., Tran, M. T., Tresch, M., Trisovic, A., Tsaregorodtsev, A., Tsopelas, P., Tully, A., Tuning, N., Ukleja, A., Usachov, A., Ustyuzhanin, A., Uwer, U., Vacca, C., Vagner, A., Vagnoni, V., Valassi, A., Valat, S., Valenti, G., Vazquez Gomez, R., Vazquez Regueiro, P., Vecchi, S., van Veghel, M., Velthuis, J. J., Veltri, M., Veneziano, G., Venkateswaran, A., Verlage, T. A., Vernet, M., Vesterinen, M., Viana Barbosa, J. V., Vieira, D., Vieites Diaz, M., Viemann, H., Vilasis-Cardona, X., Vitti, M., Volkov, V., Vollhardt, A., Voneki, B., Vorobyev, A., Vorobyev, V., Voß, C., de Vries, J. A., Vázquez Sierra, C., Waldi, R., Walsh, J., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Ward, D. R., Wark, H. M., Watson, N. K., Websdale, D., Weiden, A., Whitehead, M., Wicht, J., Wilkinson, G., Wilkinson, M., Williams, M., Williams, T., Wilson, F. F., Wimberley, J., Winn, M., Wishahi, J., Wislicki, W., Witek, M., Wormser, G., Wotton, S. A., Wyllie, K., Xie, Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q., Xu, Z., Yang, Z., Yao, Y., Yin, H., Yu, J., Yuan, X., Yushchenko, O., Zarebski, K. A., Zavertyaev, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Zhelezov, A., Zheng, Y., Zhu, X., Zhukov, V., Zonneveld, J. B., Zucchelli, S., Boettcher, Thomas Julian, Craik, Daniel C, Weisser, Constantin, Williams, Michael
Other Authors: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Format: Article
Published: American Physical Society 2018
Online Access:
_version_ 1826209609394683904
author Aaij, R.
Adeva, B.
Adinolfi, M.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Akar, S.
Albrecht, J.
Alessio, F.
Alexander, M.
Alfonso Albero, A.
Ali, S.
Alkhazov, G.
Alvarez Cartelle, P.
Alves, A. A.
Amato, S.
Amerio, S.
Amhis, Y.
An, L.
Anderlini, L.
Andreassi, G.
Andreotti, M.
Andrews, J. E.
Appleby, R. B.
Archilli, F.
d’Argent, P.
Arnau Romeu, J.
Artamonov, A.
Artuso, M.
Aslanides, E.
Atzeni, M.
Auriemma, G.
Baalouch, M.
Babuschkin, I.
Bachmann, S.
Back, J. J.
Badalov, A.
Baesso, C.
Baker, S.
Balagura, V.
Baldini, W.
Baranov, A.
Barlow, R. J.
Barschel, C.
Barsuk, S.
Barter, W.
Baryshnikov, F.
Batozskaya, V.
Battista, V.
Bay, A.
Beaucourt, L.
Beddow, J.
Bedeschi, F.
Bediaga, I.
Beiter, A.
Bel, L. J.
Beliy, N.
Bellee, V.
Belloli, N.
Belous, K.
Belyaev, I.
Ben-Haim, E.
Bencivenni, G.
Benson, S.
Beranek, S.
Berezhnoy, A.
Bernet, R.
Berninghoff, D.
Bertholet, E.
Bertolin, A.
Betancourt, C.
Betti, F.
Bettler, M. O.
van Beuzekom, M.
Bezshyiko, Ia.
Bifani, S.
Billoir, P.
Birnkraut, A.
Bizzeti, A.
Bjørn, M.
Blake, T.
Blanc, F.
Blusk, S.
Bocci, V.
Bondar, A.
Bondar, N.
Bordyuzhin, I.
Borghi, S.
Borisyak, M.
Borsato, M.
Bossu, F.
Boubdir, M.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Bowen, E.
Bozzi, C.
Braun, S.
Brodzicka, J.
Brundu, D.
Buchanan, E.
Burr, C.
Bursche, A.
Buytaert, J.
Byczynski, W.
Cadeddu, S.
Cai, H.
Calabrese, R.
Calladine, R.
Calvi, M.
Calvo Gomez, M.
Camboni, A.
Campana, P.
Campora Perez, D. H.
Capriotti, L.
Carbone, A.
Carboni, G.
Cardinale, R.
Cardini, A.
Carniti, P.
Carson, L.
Carvalho Akiba, K.
Casse, G.
Cassina, L.
Cattaneo, M.
Cavallero, G.
Cenci, R.
Chamont, D.
Chapman, M. G.
Charles, M.
Charpentier, Ph.
Chatzikonstantinidis, G.
Chefdeville, M.
Chen, S.
Cheung, S. F.
Chitic, S.-G.
Chobanova, V.
Chrzaszcz, M.
Chubykin, A.
Ciambrone, P.
Cid Vidal, X.
Ciezarek, G.
Clarke, P. E. L.
Clemencic, M.
Cliff, H. V.
Closier, J.
Coco, V.
Cogan, J.
Cogneras, E.
Cogoni, V.
Cojocariu, L.
Collins, P.
Colombo, T.
Comerma-Montells, A.
Contu, A.
Coombs, G.
Coquereau, S.
Corti, G.
Corvo, M.
Costa Sobral, C. M.
Couturier, B.
Cowan, G. A.
Crocombe, A.
Cruz Torres, M.
Currie, R.
D’Ambrosio, C.
Da Cunha Marinho, F.
Da Silva, C. L.
Dall’Occo, E.
Dalseno, J.
Davis, A.
De Aguiar Francisco, O.
De Bruyn, K.
De Capua, S.
De Cian, M.
De Miranda, J. M.
De Paula, L.
De Serio, M.
De Simone, P.
Dean, C. T.
Decamp, D.
Del Buono, L.
Dembinski, H.-P.
Demmer, M.
Dendek, A.
Derkach, D.
Deschamps, O.
Dettori, F.
Dey, B.
Di Canto, A.
Di Nezza, P.
Dijkstra, H.
Dordei, F.
Dorigo, M.
Dosil Suárez, A.
Douglas, L.
Dovbnya, A.
Dreimanis, K.
Dufour, L.
Dujany, G.
Durante, P.
Durham, J. M.
Dutta, D.
Dzhelyadin, R.
Dziewiecki, M.
Dziurda, A.
Dzyuba, A.
Easo, S.
Egede, U.
Egorychev, V.
Eidelman, S.
Eisenhardt, S.
Eitschberger, U.
Ekelhof, R.
Eklund, L.
Ely, S.
Esen, S.
Evans, H. M.
Evans, T.
Falabella, A.
Farley, N.
Farry, S.
Fazzini, D.
Federici, L.
Ferguson, D.
Fernandez, G.
Fernandez Declara, P.
Fernandez Prieto, A.
Ferrari, F.
Ferreira Lopes, L.
Ferreira Rodrigues, F.
Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Filippov, S.
Fini, R. A.
Fiorini, M.
Firlej, M.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Fiutowski, T.
Fleuret, F.
Fontana, M.
Fontanelli, F.
Forty, R.
Franco Lima, V.
Frank, M.
Frei, C.
Fu, J.
Funk, W.
Furfaro, E.
Färber, C.
Gabriel, E.
Gallas Torreira, A.
Galli, D.
Gallorini, S.
Gambetta, S.
Gandelman, M.
Gandini, P.
Gao, Y.
Garcia Martin, L. M.
García Pardiñas, J.
Garra Tico, J.
Garrido, L.
Gascon, D.
Gaspar, C.
Gavardi, L.
Gazzoni, G.
Gerick, D.
Gersabeck, E.
Gersabeck, M.
Gershon, T.
Ghez, Ph.
Gianì, S.
Gibson, V.
Girard, O. G.
Giubega, L.
Gizdov, K.
Gligorov, V. V.
Golubkov, D.
Golutvin, A.
Gomes, A.
Gorelov, I. V.
Gotti, C.
Govorkova, E.
Grabowski, J. P.
Graciani Diaz, R.
Granado Cardoso, L. A.
Graugés, E.
Graverini, E.
Graziani, G.
Grecu, A.
Greim, R.
Griffith, P.
Grillo, L.
Gruber, L.
Gruberg Cazon, B. R.
Grünberg, O.
Gushchin, E.
Guz, Yu.
Gys, T.
Göbel, C.
Hadavizadeh, T.
Hadjivasiliou, C.
Haefeli, G.
Haen, C.
Haines, S. C.
Hamilton, B.
Han, X.
Hancock, T. H.
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harnew, N.
Harnew, S. T.
Hasse, C.
Hatch, M.
He, J.
Hecker, M.
Heinicke, K.
Heister, A.
Hennessy, K.
Henrard, P.
Henry, L.
van Herwijnen, E.
Heß, M.
Hicheur, A.
Hill, D.
Hopchev, P. H.
Hu, W.
Huang, W.
Huard, Z. C.
Hulsbergen, W.
Humair, T.
Hushchyn, M.
Hutchcroft, D.
Ibis, P.
Idzik, M.
Ilten, P.
Jacobsson, R.
Jalocha, J.
Jans, E.
Jawahery, A.
Jezabek, M.
Jiang, F.
John, M.
Johnson, D.
Jones, C. R.
Joram, C.
Jost, B.
Jurik, N.
Kandybei, S.
Karacson, M.
Kariuki, J. M.
Karodia, S.
Kazeev, N.
Kecke, M.
Keizer, F.
Kelsey, M.
Kenzie, M.
Ketel, T.
Khairullin, E.
Khanji, B.
Khurewathanakul, C.
Kim, K. E.
Kirn, T.
Klaver, S.
Klimaszewski, K.
Klimkovich, T.
Koliiev, S.
Kolpin, M.
Kopecna, R.
Koppenburg, P.
Kosmyntseva, A.
Kotriakhova, S.
Kozeiha, M.
Kravchuk, L.
Kreps, M.
Kress, F.
Krokovny, P.
Krzemien, W.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucharczyk, M.
Kudryavtsev, V.
Kuonen, A. K.
Kvaratskheliya, T.
Lacarrere, D.
Lafferty, G.
Lai, A.
Lanfranchi, G.
Langenbruch, C.
Latham, T.
Lazzeroni, C.
Le Gac, R.
Leflat, A.
Lefrançois, J.
Lefèvre, R.
Lemaitre, F.
Lemos Cid, E.
Leroy, O.
Lesiak, T.
Leverington, B.
Li, P.-R.
Li, T.
Li, Y.
Li, Z.
Liang, X.
Likhomanenko, T.
Lindner, R.
Lionetto, F.
Lisovskyi, V.
Liu, X.
Loh, D.
Loi, A.
Longstaff, I.
Lopes, J. H.
Lucchesi, D.
Lucio Martinez, M.
Luo, H.
Lupato, A.
Luppi, E.
Lupton, O.
Lusiani, A.
Lyu, X.
Machefert, F.
Maciuc, F.
Macko, V.
Mackowiak, P.
Maddrell-Mander, S.
Maev, O.
Maguire, K.
Maisuzenko, D.
Majewski, M. W.
Malde, S.
Malecki, B.
Malinin, A.
Maltsev, T.
Manca, G.
Mancinelli, G.
Marangotto, D.
Maratas, J.
Marchand, J. F.
Marconi, U.
Marin Benito, C.
Marinangeli, M.
Marino, P.
Marks, J.
Martellotti, G.
Martin, M.
Martinelli, M.
Martinez Santos, D.
Martinez Vidal, F.
Massafferri, A.
Matev, R.
Mathad, A.
Mathe, Z.
Matteuzzi, C.
Mauri, A.
Maurice, E.
Maurin, B.
Mazurov, A.
McCann, M.
McNab, A.
McNulty, R.
Mead, J. V.
Meadows, B.
Meaux, C.
Meier, F.
Meinert, N.
Melnychuk, D.
Merk, M.
Merli, A.
Michielin, E.
Milanes, D. A.
Millard, E.
Minard, M.-N.
Minzoni, L.
Mitzel, D. S.
Mogini, A.
Molina Rodriguez, J.
Mombächer, T.
Monroy, I. A.
Monteil, S.
Morandin, M.
Morello, M. J.
Morgunova, O.
Moron, J.
Morris, A. B.
Mountain, R.
Muheim, F.
Mulder, M.
Müller, D.
Müller, J.
Müller, K.
Müller, V.
Naik, P.
Nakada, T.
Nandakumar, R.
Nandi, A.
Nasteva, I.
Needham, M.
Neri, N.
Neubert, S.
Neufeld, N.
Neuner, M.
Nguyen, T. D.
Nguyen-Mau, C.
Nieswand, S.
Niet, R.
Nikitin, N.
Nikodem, T.
Nogay, A.
O’Hanlon, D. P.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A.
Obraztsov, V.
Ogilvy, S.
Oldeman, R.
Onderwater, C. J. G.
Ossowska, A.
Otalora Goicochea, J. M.
Owen, P.
Oyanguren, A.
Pais, P. R.
Palano, A.
Palutan, M.
Panshin, G.
Papanestis, A.
Pappagallo, M.
Pappalardo, L. L.
Parker, W.
Parkes, C.
Passaleva, G.
Pastore, A.
Patel, M.
Patrignani, C.
Pearce, A.
Pellegrino, A.
Penso, G.
Pepe Altarelli, M.
Perazzini, S.
Pereima, D.
Perret, P.
Pescatore, L.
Petridis, K.
Petrolini, A.
Petrov, A.
Petruzzo, M.
Picatoste Olloqui, E.
Pietrzyk, B.
Pietrzyk, G.
Pikies, M.
Pinci, D.
Pisani, F.
Pistone, A.
Piucci, A.
Placinta, V.
Playfer, S.
Plo Casasus, M.
Polci, F.
Poli Lener, M.
Poluektov, A.
Polyakov, I.
Polycarpo, E.
Pomery, G. J.
Ponce, S.
Popov, A.
Popov, D.
Poslavskii, S.
Potterat, C.
Price, E.
Prisciandaro, J.
Prouve, C.
Pugatch, V.
Puig Navarro, A.
Pullen, H.
Punzi, G.
Qian, W.
Qin, J.
Quagliani, R.
Quintana, B.
Rachwal, B.
Rademacker, J. H.
Rama, M.
Ramos Pernas, M.
Rangel, M. S.
Raniuk, I.
Ratnikov, F.
Raven, G.
Ravonel Salzgeber, M.
Reboud, M.
Redi, F.
Reichert, S.
dos Reis, A. C.
Remon Alepuz, C.
Renaudin, V.
Ricciardi, S.
Richards, S.
Rihl, M.
Rinnert, K.
Robbe, P.
Robert, A.
Rodrigues, A. B.
Rodrigues, E.
Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.
Rogozhnikov, A.
Roiser, S.
Rollings, A.
Romanovskiy, V.
Romero Vidal, A.
Rotondo, M.
Rudolph, M. S.
Ruf, T.
Ruiz Valls, P.
Ruiz Vidal, J.
Saborido Silva, J. J.
Sadykhov, E.
Sagidova, N.
Saitta, B.
Salustino Guimaraes, V.
Sanchez Mayordomo, C.
Sanmartin Sedes, B.
Santacesaria, R.
Santamarina Rios, C.
Santimaria, M.
Santovetti, E.
Sarpis, G.
Sarti, A.
Satriano, C.
Satta, A.
Saunders, D. M.
Savrina, D.
Schael, S.
Schellenberg, M.
Schiller, M.
Schindler, H.
Schmelling, M.
Schmelzer, T.
Schmidt, B.
Schneider, O.
Schopper, A.
Schreiner, H. F.
Schubiger, M.
Schune, M. H.
Schwemmer, R.
Sciascia, B.
Sciubba, A.
Semennikov, A.
Sepulveda, E. S.
Sergi, A.
Serra, N.
Serrano, J.
Sestini, L.
Seyfert, P.
Shapkin, M.
Shcheglov, Y.
Shears, T.
Shekhtman, L.
Shevchenko, V.
Siddi, B. G.
Silva Coutinho, R.
Silva de Oliveira, L.
Simi, G.
Simone, S.
Sirendi, M.
Skidmore, N.
Skwarnicki, T.
Smith, I. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, M.
Soares Lavra, l.
Sokoloff, M. D.
Soler, F. J. P.
Souza De Paula, B.
Spaan, B.
Spradlin, P.
Stagni, F.
Stahl, M.
Stahl, S.
Stefko, P.
Stefkova, S.
Steinkamp, O.
Stemmle, S.
Stenyakin, O.
Stepanova, M.
Stevens, H.
Stone, S.
Storaci, B.
Stracka, S.
Stramaglia, M. E.
Straticiuc, M.
Straumann, U.
Strokov, S.
Sun, J.
Sun, L.
Swientek, K.
Syropoulos, V.
Szumlak, T.
Szymanski, M.
T’Jampens, S.
Tayduganov, A.
Tekampe, T.
Tellarini, G.
Teubert, F.
Thomas, E.
van Tilburg, J.
Tilley, M. J.
Tisserand, V.
Tobin, M.
Tolk, S.
Tomassetti, L.
Tonelli, D.
Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R.
Tournefier, E.
Traill, M.
Tran, M. T.
Tresch, M.
Trisovic, A.
Tsaregorodtsev, A.
Tsopelas, P.
Tully, A.
Tuning, N.
Ukleja, A.
Usachov, A.
Ustyuzhanin, A.
Uwer, U.
Vacca, C.
Vagner, A.
Vagnoni, V.
Valassi, A.
Valat, S.
Valenti, G.
Vazquez Gomez, R.
Vazquez Regueiro, P.
Vecchi, S.
van Veghel, M.
Velthuis, J. J.
Veltri, M.
Veneziano, G.
Venkateswaran, A.
Verlage, T. A.
Vernet, M.
Vesterinen, M.
Viana Barbosa, J. V.
Vieira, D.
Vieites Diaz, M.
Viemann, H.
Vilasis-Cardona, X.
Vitti, M.
Volkov, V.
Vollhardt, A.
Voneki, B.
Vorobyev, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Voß, C.
de Vries, J. A.
Vázquez Sierra, C.
Waldi, R.
Walsh, J.
Wang, J.
Wang, Y.
Ward, D. R.
Wark, H. M.
Watson, N. K.
Websdale, D.
Weiden, A.
Whitehead, M.
Wicht, J.
Wilkinson, G.
Wilkinson, M.
Williams, M.
Williams, T.
Wilson, F. F.
Wimberley, J.
Winn, M.
Wishahi, J.
Wislicki, W.
Witek, M.
Wormser, G.
Wotton, S. A.
Wyllie, K.
Xie, Y.
Xu, M.
Xu, Q.
Xu, Z.
Xu, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yao, Y.
Yin, H.
Yu, J.
Yuan, X.
Yushchenko, O.
Zarebski, K. A.
Zavertyaev, M.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Y.
Zhelezov, A.
Zheng, Y.
Zhu, X.
Zhukov, V.
Zonneveld, J. B.
Zucchelli, S.
Boettcher, Thomas Julian
Craik, Daniel C
Weisser, Constantin
Williams, Michael
author2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
author_facet Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics
Aaij, R.
Adeva, B.
Adinolfi, M.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Akar, S.
Albrecht, J.
Alessio, F.
Alexander, M.
Alfonso Albero, A.
Ali, S.
Alkhazov, G.
Alvarez Cartelle, P.
Alves, A. A.
Amato, S.
Amerio, S.
Amhis, Y.
An, L.
Anderlini, L.
Andreassi, G.
Andreotti, M.
Andrews, J. E.
Appleby, R. B.
Archilli, F.
d’Argent, P.
Arnau Romeu, J.
Artamonov, A.
Artuso, M.
Aslanides, E.
Atzeni, M.
Auriemma, G.
Baalouch, M.
Babuschkin, I.
Bachmann, S.
Back, J. J.
Badalov, A.
Baesso, C.
Baker, S.
Balagura, V.
Baldini, W.
Baranov, A.
Barlow, R. J.
Barschel, C.
Barsuk, S.
Barter, W.
Baryshnikov, F.
Batozskaya, V.
Battista, V.
Bay, A.
Beaucourt, L.
Beddow, J.
Bedeschi, F.
Bediaga, I.
Beiter, A.
Bel, L. J.
Beliy, N.
Bellee, V.
Belloli, N.
Belous, K.
Belyaev, I.
Ben-Haim, E.
Bencivenni, G.
Benson, S.
Beranek, S.
Berezhnoy, A.
Bernet, R.
Berninghoff, D.
Bertholet, E.
Bertolin, A.
Betancourt, C.
Betti, F.
Bettler, M. O.
van Beuzekom, M.
Bezshyiko, Ia.
Bifani, S.
Billoir, P.
Birnkraut, A.
Bizzeti, A.
Bjørn, M.
Blake, T.
Blanc, F.
Blusk, S.
Bocci, V.
Bondar, A.
Bondar, N.
Bordyuzhin, I.
Borghi, S.
Borisyak, M.
Borsato, M.
Bossu, F.
Boubdir, M.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Bowen, E.
Bozzi, C.
Braun, S.
Brodzicka, J.
Brundu, D.
Buchanan, E.
Burr, C.
Bursche, A.
Buytaert, J.
Byczynski, W.
Cadeddu, S.
Cai, H.
Calabrese, R.
Calladine, R.
Calvi, M.
Calvo Gomez, M.
Camboni, A.
Campana, P.
Campora Perez, D. H.
Capriotti, L.
Carbone, A.
Carboni, G.
Cardinale, R.
Cardini, A.
Carniti, P.
Carson, L.
Carvalho Akiba, K.
Casse, G.
Cassina, L.
Cattaneo, M.
Cavallero, G.
Cenci, R.
Chamont, D.
Chapman, M. G.
Charles, M.
Charpentier, Ph.
Chatzikonstantinidis, G.
Chefdeville, M.
Chen, S.
Cheung, S. F.
Chitic, S.-G.
Chobanova, V.
Chrzaszcz, M.
Chubykin, A.
Ciambrone, P.
Cid Vidal, X.
Ciezarek, G.
Clarke, P. E. L.
Clemencic, M.
Cliff, H. V.
Closier, J.
Coco, V.
Cogan, J.
Cogneras, E.
Cogoni, V.
Cojocariu, L.
Collins, P.
Colombo, T.
Comerma-Montells, A.
Contu, A.
Coombs, G.
Coquereau, S.
Corti, G.
Corvo, M.
Costa Sobral, C. M.
Couturier, B.
Cowan, G. A.
Crocombe, A.
Cruz Torres, M.
Currie, R.
D’Ambrosio, C.
Da Cunha Marinho, F.
Da Silva, C. L.
Dall’Occo, E.
Dalseno, J.
Davis, A.
De Aguiar Francisco, O.
De Bruyn, K.
De Capua, S.
De Cian, M.
De Miranda, J. M.
De Paula, L.
De Serio, M.
De Simone, P.
Dean, C. T.
Decamp, D.
Del Buono, L.
Dembinski, H.-P.
Demmer, M.
Dendek, A.
Derkach, D.
Deschamps, O.
Dettori, F.
Dey, B.
Di Canto, A.
Di Nezza, P.
Dijkstra, H.
Dordei, F.
Dorigo, M.
Dosil Suárez, A.
Douglas, L.
Dovbnya, A.
Dreimanis, K.
Dufour, L.
Dujany, G.
Durante, P.
Durham, J. M.
Dutta, D.
Dzhelyadin, R.
Dziewiecki, M.
Dziurda, A.
Dzyuba, A.
Easo, S.
Egede, U.
Egorychev, V.
Eidelman, S.
Eisenhardt, S.
Eitschberger, U.
Ekelhof, R.
Eklund, L.
Ely, S.
Esen, S.
Evans, H. M.
Evans, T.
Falabella, A.
Farley, N.
Farry, S.
Fazzini, D.
Federici, L.
Ferguson, D.
Fernandez, G.
Fernandez Declara, P.
Fernandez Prieto, A.
Ferrari, F.
Ferreira Lopes, L.
Ferreira Rodrigues, F.
Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Filippov, S.
Fini, R. A.
Fiorini, M.
Firlej, M.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Fiutowski, T.
Fleuret, F.
Fontana, M.
Fontanelli, F.
Forty, R.
Franco Lima, V.
Frank, M.
Frei, C.
Fu, J.
Funk, W.
Furfaro, E.
Färber, C.
Gabriel, E.
Gallas Torreira, A.
Galli, D.
Gallorini, S.
Gambetta, S.
Gandelman, M.
Gandini, P.
Gao, Y.
Garcia Martin, L. M.
García Pardiñas, J.
Garra Tico, J.
Garrido, L.
Gascon, D.
Gaspar, C.
Gavardi, L.
Gazzoni, G.
Gerick, D.
Gersabeck, E.
Gersabeck, M.
Gershon, T.
Ghez, Ph.
Gianì, S.
Gibson, V.
Girard, O. G.
Giubega, L.
Gizdov, K.
Gligorov, V. V.
Golubkov, D.
Golutvin, A.
Gomes, A.
Gorelov, I. V.
Gotti, C.
Govorkova, E.
Grabowski, J. P.
Graciani Diaz, R.
Granado Cardoso, L. A.
Graugés, E.
Graverini, E.
Graziani, G.
Grecu, A.
Greim, R.
Griffith, P.
Grillo, L.
Gruber, L.
Gruberg Cazon, B. R.
Grünberg, O.
Gushchin, E.
Guz, Yu.
Gys, T.
Göbel, C.
Hadavizadeh, T.
Hadjivasiliou, C.
Haefeli, G.
Haen, C.
Haines, S. C.
Hamilton, B.
Han, X.
Hancock, T. H.
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harnew, N.
Harnew, S. T.
Hasse, C.
Hatch, M.
He, J.
Hecker, M.
Heinicke, K.
Heister, A.
Hennessy, K.
Henrard, P.
Henry, L.
van Herwijnen, E.
Heß, M.
Hicheur, A.
Hill, D.
Hopchev, P. H.
Hu, W.
Huang, W.
Huard, Z. C.
Hulsbergen, W.
Humair, T.
Hushchyn, M.
Hutchcroft, D.
Ibis, P.
Idzik, M.
Ilten, P.
Jacobsson, R.
Jalocha, J.
Jans, E.
Jawahery, A.
Jezabek, M.
Jiang, F.
John, M.
Johnson, D.
Jones, C. R.
Joram, C.
Jost, B.
Jurik, N.
Kandybei, S.
Karacson, M.
Kariuki, J. M.
Karodia, S.
Kazeev, N.
Kecke, M.
Keizer, F.
Kelsey, M.
Kenzie, M.
Ketel, T.
Khairullin, E.
Khanji, B.
Khurewathanakul, C.
Kim, K. E.
Kirn, T.
Klaver, S.
Klimaszewski, K.
Klimkovich, T.
Koliiev, S.
Kolpin, M.
Kopecna, R.
Koppenburg, P.
Kosmyntseva, A.
Kotriakhova, S.
Kozeiha, M.
Kravchuk, L.
Kreps, M.
Kress, F.
Krokovny, P.
Krzemien, W.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucharczyk, M.
Kudryavtsev, V.
Kuonen, A. K.
Kvaratskheliya, T.
Lacarrere, D.
Lafferty, G.
Lai, A.
Lanfranchi, G.
Langenbruch, C.
Latham, T.
Lazzeroni, C.
Le Gac, R.
Leflat, A.
Lefrançois, J.
Lefèvre, R.
Lemaitre, F.
Lemos Cid, E.
Leroy, O.
Lesiak, T.
Leverington, B.
Li, P.-R.
Li, T.
Li, Y.
Li, Z.
Liang, X.
Likhomanenko, T.
Lindner, R.
Lionetto, F.
Lisovskyi, V.
Liu, X.
Loh, D.
Loi, A.
Longstaff, I.
Lopes, J. H.
Lucchesi, D.
Lucio Martinez, M.
Luo, H.
Lupato, A.
Luppi, E.
Lupton, O.
Lusiani, A.
Lyu, X.
Machefert, F.
Maciuc, F.
Macko, V.
Mackowiak, P.
Maddrell-Mander, S.
Maev, O.
Maguire, K.
Maisuzenko, D.
Majewski, M. W.
Malde, S.
Malecki, B.
Malinin, A.
Maltsev, T.
Manca, G.
Mancinelli, G.
Marangotto, D.
Maratas, J.
Marchand, J. F.
Marconi, U.
Marin Benito, C.
Marinangeli, M.
Marino, P.
Marks, J.
Martellotti, G.
Martin, M.
Martinelli, M.
Martinez Santos, D.
Martinez Vidal, F.
Massafferri, A.
Matev, R.
Mathad, A.
Mathe, Z.
Matteuzzi, C.
Mauri, A.
Maurice, E.
Maurin, B.
Mazurov, A.
McCann, M.
McNab, A.
McNulty, R.
Mead, J. V.
Meadows, B.
Meaux, C.
Meier, F.
Meinert, N.
Melnychuk, D.
Merk, M.
Merli, A.
Michielin, E.
Milanes, D. A.
Millard, E.
Minard, M.-N.
Minzoni, L.
Mitzel, D. S.
Mogini, A.
Molina Rodriguez, J.
Mombächer, T.
Monroy, I. A.
Monteil, S.
Morandin, M.
Morello, M. J.
Morgunova, O.
Moron, J.
Morris, A. B.
Mountain, R.
Muheim, F.
Mulder, M.
Müller, D.
Müller, J.
Müller, K.
Müller, V.
Naik, P.
Nakada, T.
Nandakumar, R.
Nandi, A.
Nasteva, I.
Needham, M.
Neri, N.
Neubert, S.
Neufeld, N.
Neuner, M.
Nguyen, T. D.
Nguyen-Mau, C.
Nieswand, S.
Niet, R.
Nikitin, N.
Nikodem, T.
Nogay, A.
O’Hanlon, D. P.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A.
Obraztsov, V.
Ogilvy, S.
Oldeman, R.
Onderwater, C. J. G.
Ossowska, A.
Otalora Goicochea, J. M.
Owen, P.
Oyanguren, A.
Pais, P. R.
Palano, A.
Palutan, M.
Panshin, G.
Papanestis, A.
Pappagallo, M.
Pappalardo, L. L.
Parker, W.
Parkes, C.
Passaleva, G.
Pastore, A.
Patel, M.
Patrignani, C.
Pearce, A.
Pellegrino, A.
Penso, G.
Pepe Altarelli, M.
Perazzini, S.
Pereima, D.
Perret, P.
Pescatore, L.
Petridis, K.
Petrolini, A.
Petrov, A.
Petruzzo, M.
Picatoste Olloqui, E.
Pietrzyk, B.
Pietrzyk, G.
Pikies, M.
Pinci, D.
Pisani, F.
Pistone, A.
Piucci, A.
Placinta, V.
Playfer, S.
Plo Casasus, M.
Polci, F.
Poli Lener, M.
Poluektov, A.
Polyakov, I.
Polycarpo, E.
Pomery, G. J.
Ponce, S.
Popov, A.
Popov, D.
Poslavskii, S.
Potterat, C.
Price, E.
Prisciandaro, J.
Prouve, C.
Pugatch, V.
Puig Navarro, A.
Pullen, H.
Punzi, G.
Qian, W.
Qin, J.
Quagliani, R.
Quintana, B.
Rachwal, B.
Rademacker, J. H.
Rama, M.
Ramos Pernas, M.
Rangel, M. S.
Raniuk, I.
Ratnikov, F.
Raven, G.
Ravonel Salzgeber, M.
Reboud, M.
Redi, F.
Reichert, S.
dos Reis, A. C.
Remon Alepuz, C.
Renaudin, V.
Ricciardi, S.
Richards, S.
Rihl, M.
Rinnert, K.
Robbe, P.
Robert, A.
Rodrigues, A. B.
Rodrigues, E.
Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.
Rogozhnikov, A.
Roiser, S.
Rollings, A.
Romanovskiy, V.
Romero Vidal, A.
Rotondo, M.
Rudolph, M. S.
Ruf, T.
Ruiz Valls, P.
Ruiz Vidal, J.
Saborido Silva, J. J.
Sadykhov, E.
Sagidova, N.
Saitta, B.
Salustino Guimaraes, V.
Sanchez Mayordomo, C.
Sanmartin Sedes, B.
Santacesaria, R.
Santamarina Rios, C.
Santimaria, M.
Santovetti, E.
Sarpis, G.
Sarti, A.
Satriano, C.
Satta, A.
Saunders, D. M.
Savrina, D.
Schael, S.
Schellenberg, M.
Schiller, M.
Schindler, H.
Schmelling, M.
Schmelzer, T.
Schmidt, B.
Schneider, O.
Schopper, A.
Schreiner, H. F.
Schubiger, M.
Schune, M. H.
Schwemmer, R.
Sciascia, B.
Sciubba, A.
Semennikov, A.
Sepulveda, E. S.
Sergi, A.
Serra, N.
Serrano, J.
Sestini, L.
Seyfert, P.
Shapkin, M.
Shcheglov, Y.
Shears, T.
Shekhtman, L.
Shevchenko, V.
Siddi, B. G.
Silva Coutinho, R.
Silva de Oliveira, L.
Simi, G.
Simone, S.
Sirendi, M.
Skidmore, N.
Skwarnicki, T.
Smith, I. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, M.
Soares Lavra, l.
Sokoloff, M. D.
Soler, F. J. P.
Souza De Paula, B.
Spaan, B.
Spradlin, P.
Stagni, F.
Stahl, M.
Stahl, S.
Stefko, P.
Stefkova, S.
Steinkamp, O.
Stemmle, S.
Stenyakin, O.
Stepanova, M.
Stevens, H.
Stone, S.
Storaci, B.
Stracka, S.
Stramaglia, M. E.
Straticiuc, M.
Straumann, U.
Strokov, S.
Sun, J.
Sun, L.
Swientek, K.
Syropoulos, V.
Szumlak, T.
Szymanski, M.
T’Jampens, S.
Tayduganov, A.
Tekampe, T.
Tellarini, G.
Teubert, F.
Thomas, E.
van Tilburg, J.
Tilley, M. J.
Tisserand, V.
Tobin, M.
Tolk, S.
Tomassetti, L.
Tonelli, D.
Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R.
Tournefier, E.
Traill, M.
Tran, M. T.
Tresch, M.
Trisovic, A.
Tsaregorodtsev, A.
Tsopelas, P.
Tully, A.
Tuning, N.
Ukleja, A.
Usachov, A.
Ustyuzhanin, A.
Uwer, U.
Vacca, C.
Vagner, A.
Vagnoni, V.
Valassi, A.
Valat, S.
Valenti, G.
Vazquez Gomez, R.
Vazquez Regueiro, P.
Vecchi, S.
van Veghel, M.
Velthuis, J. J.
Veltri, M.
Veneziano, G.
Venkateswaran, A.
Verlage, T. A.
Vernet, M.
Vesterinen, M.
Viana Barbosa, J. V.
Vieira, D.
Vieites Diaz, M.
Viemann, H.
Vilasis-Cardona, X.
Vitti, M.
Volkov, V.
Vollhardt, A.
Voneki, B.
Vorobyev, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Voß, C.
de Vries, J. A.
Vázquez Sierra, C.
Waldi, R.
Walsh, J.
Wang, J.
Wang, Y.
Ward, D. R.
Wark, H. M.
Watson, N. K.
Websdale, D.
Weiden, A.
Whitehead, M.
Wicht, J.
Wilkinson, G.
Wilkinson, M.
Williams, M.
Williams, T.
Wilson, F. F.
Wimberley, J.
Winn, M.
Wishahi, J.
Wislicki, W.
Witek, M.
Wormser, G.
Wotton, S. A.
Wyllie, K.
Xie, Y.
Xu, M.
Xu, Q.
Xu, Z.
Xu, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yao, Y.
Yin, H.
Yu, J.
Yuan, X.
Yushchenko, O.
Zarebski, K. A.
Zavertyaev, M.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Y.
Zhelezov, A.
Zheng, Y.
Zhu, X.
Zhukov, V.
Zonneveld, J. B.
Zucchelli, S.
Boettcher, Thomas Julian
Craik, Daniel C
Weisser, Constantin
Williams, Michael
author_sort Aaij, R.
collection MIT
description A search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +]→pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript -] is reported using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0  fb[superscript -1] collected by the LHCb Collaboration. No significant signal is observed outside of the dimuon mass regions around the ϕ and ω resonances, and an upper limit is placed on the branching fraction of B(Λ[subscript c][superscript +]→pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript -])<7.7(9.6)×10[superscript -8] at  90%(95%) confidence level. A significant signal is observed in the ω dimuon mass region for the first time.
first_indexed 2024-09-23T14:25:10Z
format Article
id mit-1721.1/117263
institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
language English
last_indexed 2024-09-23T14:25:10Z
publishDate 2018
publisher American Physical Society
record_format dspace
spelling mit-1721.1/1172632022-09-29T09:22:30Z Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −] Aaij, R. Adeva, B. Adinolfi, M. Ajaltouni, Z. Akar, S. Albrecht, J. Alessio, F. Alexander, M. Alfonso Albero, A. Ali, S. Alkhazov, G. Alvarez Cartelle, P. Alves, A. A. Amato, S. Amerio, S. Amhis, Y. An, L. Anderlini, L. Andreassi, G. Andreotti, M. Andrews, J. E. Appleby, R. B. Archilli, F. d’Argent, P. Arnau Romeu, J. Artamonov, A. Artuso, M. Aslanides, E. Atzeni, M. Auriemma, G. Baalouch, M. Babuschkin, I. Bachmann, S. Back, J. J. Badalov, A. Baesso, C. Baker, S. Balagura, V. Baldini, W. Baranov, A. Barlow, R. J. Barschel, C. Barsuk, S. Barter, W. Baryshnikov, F. Batozskaya, V. Battista, V. Bay, A. Beaucourt, L. Beddow, J. Bedeschi, F. Bediaga, I. Beiter, A. Bel, L. J. Beliy, N. Bellee, V. Belloli, N. Belous, K. Belyaev, I. Ben-Haim, E. Bencivenni, G. Benson, S. Beranek, S. Berezhnoy, A. Bernet, R. Berninghoff, D. Bertholet, E. Bertolin, A. Betancourt, C. Betti, F. Bettler, M. O. van Beuzekom, M. Bezshyiko, Ia. Bifani, S. Billoir, P. Birnkraut, A. Bizzeti, A. Bjørn, M. Blake, T. Blanc, F. Blusk, S. Bocci, V. Bondar, A. Bondar, N. Bordyuzhin, I. Borghi, S. Borisyak, M. Borsato, M. Bossu, F. Boubdir, M. Bowcock, T. J. V. Bowen, E. Bozzi, C. Braun, S. Brodzicka, J. Brundu, D. Buchanan, E. Burr, C. Bursche, A. Buytaert, J. Byczynski, W. Cadeddu, S. Cai, H. Calabrese, R. Calladine, R. Calvi, M. Calvo Gomez, M. Camboni, A. Campana, P. Campora Perez, D. H. Capriotti, L. Carbone, A. Carboni, G. Cardinale, R. Cardini, A. Carniti, P. Carson, L. Carvalho Akiba, K. Casse, G. Cassina, L. Cattaneo, M. Cavallero, G. Cenci, R. Chamont, D. Chapman, M. G. Charles, M. Charpentier, Ph. Chatzikonstantinidis, G. Chefdeville, M. Chen, S. Cheung, S. F. Chitic, S.-G. Chobanova, V. Chrzaszcz, M. Chubykin, A. Ciambrone, P. Cid Vidal, X. Ciezarek, G. Clarke, P. E. L. Clemencic, M. Cliff, H. V. Closier, J. Coco, V. Cogan, J. Cogneras, E. Cogoni, V. Cojocariu, L. Collins, P. Colombo, T. Comerma-Montells, A. Contu, A. Coombs, G. Coquereau, S. Corti, G. Corvo, M. Costa Sobral, C. M. Couturier, B. Cowan, G. A. Crocombe, A. Cruz Torres, M. Currie, R. D’Ambrosio, C. Da Cunha Marinho, F. Da Silva, C. L. Dall’Occo, E. Dalseno, J. Davis, A. De Aguiar Francisco, O. De Bruyn, K. De Capua, S. De Cian, M. De Miranda, J. M. De Paula, L. De Serio, M. De Simone, P. Dean, C. T. Decamp, D. Del Buono, L. Dembinski, H.-P. Demmer, M. Dendek, A. Derkach, D. Deschamps, O. Dettori, F. Dey, B. Di Canto, A. Di Nezza, P. Dijkstra, H. Dordei, F. Dorigo, M. Dosil Suárez, A. Douglas, L. Dovbnya, A. Dreimanis, K. Dufour, L. Dujany, G. Durante, P. Durham, J. M. Dutta, D. Dzhelyadin, R. Dziewiecki, M. Dziurda, A. Dzyuba, A. Easo, S. Egede, U. Egorychev, V. Eidelman, S. Eisenhardt, S. Eitschberger, U. Ekelhof, R. Eklund, L. Ely, S. Esen, S. Evans, H. M. Evans, T. Falabella, A. Farley, N. Farry, S. Fazzini, D. Federici, L. Ferguson, D. Fernandez, G. Fernandez Declara, P. Fernandez Prieto, A. Ferrari, F. Ferreira Lopes, L. Ferreira Rodrigues, F. Ferro-Luzzi, M. Filippov, S. Fini, R. A. Fiorini, M. Firlej, M. Fitzpatrick, C. Fiutowski, T. Fleuret, F. Fontana, M. Fontanelli, F. Forty, R. Franco Lima, V. Frank, M. Frei, C. Fu, J. Funk, W. Furfaro, E. Färber, C. Gabriel, E. Gallas Torreira, A. Galli, D. Gallorini, S. Gambetta, S. Gandelman, M. Gandini, P. Gao, Y. Garcia Martin, L. M. García Pardiñas, J. Garra Tico, J. Garrido, L. Gascon, D. Gaspar, C. Gavardi, L. Gazzoni, G. Gerick, D. Gersabeck, E. Gersabeck, M. Gershon, T. Ghez, Ph. Gianì, S. Gibson, V. Girard, O. G. Giubega, L. Gizdov, K. Gligorov, V. V. Golubkov, D. Golutvin, A. Gomes, A. Gorelov, I. V. Gotti, C. Govorkova, E. Grabowski, J. P. Graciani Diaz, R. Granado Cardoso, L. A. Graugés, E. Graverini, E. Graziani, G. Grecu, A. Greim, R. Griffith, P. Grillo, L. Gruber, L. Gruberg Cazon, B. R. Grünberg, O. Gushchin, E. Guz, Yu. Gys, T. Göbel, C. Hadavizadeh, T. Hadjivasiliou, C. Haefeli, G. Haen, C. Haines, S. C. Hamilton, B. Han, X. Hancock, T. H. Hansmann-Menzemer, S. Harnew, N. Harnew, S. T. Hasse, C. Hatch, M. He, J. Hecker, M. Heinicke, K. Heister, A. Hennessy, K. Henrard, P. Henry, L. van Herwijnen, E. Heß, M. Hicheur, A. Hill, D. Hopchev, P. H. Hu, W. Huang, W. Huard, Z. C. Hulsbergen, W. Humair, T. Hushchyn, M. Hutchcroft, D. Ibis, P. Idzik, M. Ilten, P. Jacobsson, R. Jalocha, J. Jans, E. Jawahery, A. Jezabek, M. Jiang, F. John, M. Johnson, D. Jones, C. R. Joram, C. Jost, B. Jurik, N. Kandybei, S. Karacson, M. Kariuki, J. M. Karodia, S. Kazeev, N. Kecke, M. Keizer, F. Kelsey, M. Kenzie, M. Ketel, T. Khairullin, E. Khanji, B. Khurewathanakul, C. Kim, K. E. Kirn, T. Klaver, S. Klimaszewski, K. Klimkovich, T. Koliiev, S. Kolpin, M. Kopecna, R. Koppenburg, P. Kosmyntseva, A. Kotriakhova, S. Kozeiha, M. Kravchuk, L. Kreps, M. Kress, F. Krokovny, P. Krzemien, W. Kucewicz, W. Kucharczyk, M. Kudryavtsev, V. Kuonen, A. K. Kvaratskheliya, T. Lacarrere, D. Lafferty, G. Lai, A. Lanfranchi, G. Langenbruch, C. Latham, T. Lazzeroni, C. Le Gac, R. Leflat, A. Lefrançois, J. Lefèvre, R. Lemaitre, F. Lemos Cid, E. Leroy, O. Lesiak, T. Leverington, B. Li, P.-R. Li, T. Li, Y. Li, Z. Liang, X. Likhomanenko, T. Lindner, R. Lionetto, F. Lisovskyi, V. Liu, X. Loh, D. Loi, A. Longstaff, I. Lopes, J. H. Lucchesi, D. Lucio Martinez, M. Luo, H. Lupato, A. Luppi, E. Lupton, O. Lusiani, A. Lyu, X. Machefert, F. Maciuc, F. Macko, V. Mackowiak, P. Maddrell-Mander, S. Maev, O. Maguire, K. Maisuzenko, D. Majewski, M. W. Malde, S. Malecki, B. Malinin, A. Maltsev, T. Manca, G. Mancinelli, G. Marangotto, D. Maratas, J. Marchand, J. F. Marconi, U. Marin Benito, C. Marinangeli, M. Marino, P. Marks, J. Martellotti, G. Martin, M. Martinelli, M. Martinez Santos, D. Martinez Vidal, F. Massafferri, A. Matev, R. Mathad, A. Mathe, Z. Matteuzzi, C. Mauri, A. Maurice, E. Maurin, B. Mazurov, A. McCann, M. McNab, A. McNulty, R. Mead, J. V. Meadows, B. Meaux, C. Meier, F. Meinert, N. Melnychuk, D. Merk, M. Merli, A. Michielin, E. Milanes, D. A. Millard, E. Minard, M.-N. Minzoni, L. Mitzel, D. S. Mogini, A. Molina Rodriguez, J. Mombächer, T. Monroy, I. A. Monteil, S. Morandin, M. Morello, M. J. Morgunova, O. Moron, J. Morris, A. B. Mountain, R. Muheim, F. Mulder, M. Müller, D. Müller, J. Müller, K. Müller, V. Naik, P. Nakada, T. Nandakumar, R. Nandi, A. Nasteva, I. Needham, M. Neri, N. Neubert, S. Neufeld, N. Neuner, M. Nguyen, T. D. Nguyen-Mau, C. Nieswand, S. Niet, R. Nikitin, N. Nikodem, T. Nogay, A. O’Hanlon, D. P. Oblakowska-Mucha, A. Obraztsov, V. Ogilvy, S. Oldeman, R. Onderwater, C. J. G. Ossowska, A. Otalora Goicochea, J. M. Owen, P. Oyanguren, A. Pais, P. R. Palano, A. Palutan, M. Panshin, G. Papanestis, A. Pappagallo, M. Pappalardo, L. L. Parker, W. Parkes, C. Passaleva, G. Pastore, A. Patel, M. Patrignani, C. Pearce, A. Pellegrino, A. Penso, G. Pepe Altarelli, M. Perazzini, S. Pereima, D. Perret, P. Pescatore, L. Petridis, K. Petrolini, A. Petrov, A. Petruzzo, M. Picatoste Olloqui, E. Pietrzyk, B. Pietrzyk, G. Pikies, M. Pinci, D. Pisani, F. Pistone, A. Piucci, A. Placinta, V. Playfer, S. Plo Casasus, M. Polci, F. Poli Lener, M. Poluektov, A. Polyakov, I. Polycarpo, E. Pomery, G. J. Ponce, S. Popov, A. Popov, D. Poslavskii, S. Potterat, C. Price, E. Prisciandaro, J. Prouve, C. Pugatch, V. Puig Navarro, A. Pullen, H. Punzi, G. Qian, W. Qin, J. Quagliani, R. Quintana, B. Rachwal, B. Rademacker, J. H. Rama, M. Ramos Pernas, M. Rangel, M. S. Raniuk, I. Ratnikov, F. Raven, G. Ravonel Salzgeber, M. Reboud, M. Redi, F. Reichert, S. dos Reis, A. C. Remon Alepuz, C. Renaudin, V. Ricciardi, S. Richards, S. Rihl, M. Rinnert, K. Robbe, P. Robert, A. Rodrigues, A. B. Rodrigues, E. Rodriguez Lopez, J. A. Rogozhnikov, A. Roiser, S. Rollings, A. Romanovskiy, V. Romero Vidal, A. Rotondo, M. Rudolph, M. S. Ruf, T. Ruiz Valls, P. Ruiz Vidal, J. Saborido Silva, J. J. Sadykhov, E. Sagidova, N. Saitta, B. Salustino Guimaraes, V. Sanchez Mayordomo, C. Sanmartin Sedes, B. Santacesaria, R. Santamarina Rios, C. Santimaria, M. Santovetti, E. Sarpis, G. Sarti, A. Satriano, C. Satta, A. Saunders, D. M. Savrina, D. Schael, S. Schellenberg, M. Schiller, M. Schindler, H. Schmelling, M. Schmelzer, T. Schmidt, B. Schneider, O. Schopper, A. Schreiner, H. F. Schubiger, M. Schune, M. H. Schwemmer, R. Sciascia, B. Sciubba, A. Semennikov, A. Sepulveda, E. S. Sergi, A. Serra, N. Serrano, J. Sestini, L. Seyfert, P. Shapkin, M. Shcheglov, Y. Shears, T. Shekhtman, L. Shevchenko, V. Siddi, B. G. Silva Coutinho, R. Silva de Oliveira, L. Simi, G. Simone, S. Sirendi, M. Skidmore, N. Skwarnicki, T. Smith, I. T. Smith, J. Smith, M. Soares Lavra, l. Sokoloff, M. D. Soler, F. J. P. Souza De Paula, B. Spaan, B. Spradlin, P. Stagni, F. Stahl, M. Stahl, S. Stefko, P. Stefkova, S. Steinkamp, O. Stemmle, S. Stenyakin, O. Stepanova, M. Stevens, H. Stone, S. Storaci, B. Stracka, S. Stramaglia, M. E. Straticiuc, M. Straumann, U. Strokov, S. Sun, J. Sun, L. Swientek, K. Syropoulos, V. Szumlak, T. Szymanski, M. T’Jampens, S. Tayduganov, A. Tekampe, T. Tellarini, G. Teubert, F. Thomas, E. van Tilburg, J. Tilley, M. J. Tisserand, V. Tobin, M. Tolk, S. Tomassetti, L. Tonelli, D. Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R. Tournefier, E. Traill, M. Tran, M. T. Tresch, M. Trisovic, A. Tsaregorodtsev, A. Tsopelas, P. Tully, A. Tuning, N. Ukleja, A. Usachov, A. Ustyuzhanin, A. Uwer, U. Vacca, C. Vagner, A. Vagnoni, V. Valassi, A. Valat, S. Valenti, G. Vazquez Gomez, R. Vazquez Regueiro, P. Vecchi, S. van Veghel, M. Velthuis, J. J. Veltri, M. Veneziano, G. Venkateswaran, A. Verlage, T. A. Vernet, M. Vesterinen, M. Viana Barbosa, J. V. Vieira, D. Vieites Diaz, M. Viemann, H. Vilasis-Cardona, X. Vitti, M. Volkov, V. Vollhardt, A. Voneki, B. Vorobyev, A. Vorobyev, V. Voß, C. de Vries, J. A. Vázquez Sierra, C. Waldi, R. Walsh, J. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Ward, D. R. Wark, H. M. Watson, N. K. Websdale, D. Weiden, A. Whitehead, M. Wicht, J. Wilkinson, G. Wilkinson, M. Williams, M. Williams, T. Wilson, F. F. Wimberley, J. Winn, M. Wishahi, J. Wislicki, W. Witek, M. Wormser, G. Wotton, S. A. Wyllie, K. Xie, Y. Xu, M. Xu, Q. Xu, Z. Xu, Z. Yang, Z. Yang, Z. Yao, Y. Yin, H. Yu, J. Yuan, X. Yushchenko, O. Zarebski, K. A. Zavertyaev, M. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Zhelezov, A. Zheng, Y. Zhu, X. Zhukov, V. Zonneveld, J. B. Zucchelli, S. Boettcher, Thomas Julian Craik, Daniel C Weisser, Constantin Williams, Michael Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Science Boettcher, Thomas Julian Craik, Daniel C Weisser, Constantin Williams, Michael A search for the flavor-changing neutral-current decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +]→pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript -] is reported using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0  fb[superscript -1] collected by the LHCb Collaboration. No significant signal is observed outside of the dimuon mass regions around the ϕ and ω resonances, and an upper limit is placed on the branching fraction of B(Λ[subscript c][superscript +]→pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript -])<7.7(9.6)×10[superscript -8] at  90%(95%) confidence level. A significant signal is observed in the ω dimuon mass region for the first time. National Science Foundation (U.S.) 2018-08-01T14:54:25Z 2018-08-01T14:54:25Z 2018-05 2017-12 2018-05-04T18:00:14Z Article 2470-0010 2470-0029 Aaij, R., et al. “Search for the Rare Decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −].” Physical Review D, vol. 97, no. 9, May 2018. © 2018 CERN, for the LHCb Collaboration en Physical Review D Creative Commons Attribution CERN application/pdf American Physical Society American Physical Society
spellingShingle Aaij, R.
Adeva, B.
Adinolfi, M.
Ajaltouni, Z.
Akar, S.
Albrecht, J.
Alessio, F.
Alexander, M.
Alfonso Albero, A.
Ali, S.
Alkhazov, G.
Alvarez Cartelle, P.
Alves, A. A.
Amato, S.
Amerio, S.
Amhis, Y.
An, L.
Anderlini, L.
Andreassi, G.
Andreotti, M.
Andrews, J. E.
Appleby, R. B.
Archilli, F.
d’Argent, P.
Arnau Romeu, J.
Artamonov, A.
Artuso, M.
Aslanides, E.
Atzeni, M.
Auriemma, G.
Baalouch, M.
Babuschkin, I.
Bachmann, S.
Back, J. J.
Badalov, A.
Baesso, C.
Baker, S.
Balagura, V.
Baldini, W.
Baranov, A.
Barlow, R. J.
Barschel, C.
Barsuk, S.
Barter, W.
Baryshnikov, F.
Batozskaya, V.
Battista, V.
Bay, A.
Beaucourt, L.
Beddow, J.
Bedeschi, F.
Bediaga, I.
Beiter, A.
Bel, L. J.
Beliy, N.
Bellee, V.
Belloli, N.
Belous, K.
Belyaev, I.
Ben-Haim, E.
Bencivenni, G.
Benson, S.
Beranek, S.
Berezhnoy, A.
Bernet, R.
Berninghoff, D.
Bertholet, E.
Bertolin, A.
Betancourt, C.
Betti, F.
Bettler, M. O.
van Beuzekom, M.
Bezshyiko, Ia.
Bifani, S.
Billoir, P.
Birnkraut, A.
Bizzeti, A.
Bjørn, M.
Blake, T.
Blanc, F.
Blusk, S.
Bocci, V.
Bondar, A.
Bondar, N.
Bordyuzhin, I.
Borghi, S.
Borisyak, M.
Borsato, M.
Bossu, F.
Boubdir, M.
Bowcock, T. J. V.
Bowen, E.
Bozzi, C.
Braun, S.
Brodzicka, J.
Brundu, D.
Buchanan, E.
Burr, C.
Bursche, A.
Buytaert, J.
Byczynski, W.
Cadeddu, S.
Cai, H.
Calabrese, R.
Calladine, R.
Calvi, M.
Calvo Gomez, M.
Camboni, A.
Campana, P.
Campora Perez, D. H.
Capriotti, L.
Carbone, A.
Carboni, G.
Cardinale, R.
Cardini, A.
Carniti, P.
Carson, L.
Carvalho Akiba, K.
Casse, G.
Cassina, L.
Cattaneo, M.
Cavallero, G.
Cenci, R.
Chamont, D.
Chapman, M. G.
Charles, M.
Charpentier, Ph.
Chatzikonstantinidis, G.
Chefdeville, M.
Chen, S.
Cheung, S. F.
Chitic, S.-G.
Chobanova, V.
Chrzaszcz, M.
Chubykin, A.
Ciambrone, P.
Cid Vidal, X.
Ciezarek, G.
Clarke, P. E. L.
Clemencic, M.
Cliff, H. V.
Closier, J.
Coco, V.
Cogan, J.
Cogneras, E.
Cogoni, V.
Cojocariu, L.
Collins, P.
Colombo, T.
Comerma-Montells, A.
Contu, A.
Coombs, G.
Coquereau, S.
Corti, G.
Corvo, M.
Costa Sobral, C. M.
Couturier, B.
Cowan, G. A.
Crocombe, A.
Cruz Torres, M.
Currie, R.
D’Ambrosio, C.
Da Cunha Marinho, F.
Da Silva, C. L.
Dall’Occo, E.
Dalseno, J.
Davis, A.
De Aguiar Francisco, O.
De Bruyn, K.
De Capua, S.
De Cian, M.
De Miranda, J. M.
De Paula, L.
De Serio, M.
De Simone, P.
Dean, C. T.
Decamp, D.
Del Buono, L.
Dembinski, H.-P.
Demmer, M.
Dendek, A.
Derkach, D.
Deschamps, O.
Dettori, F.
Dey, B.
Di Canto, A.
Di Nezza, P.
Dijkstra, H.
Dordei, F.
Dorigo, M.
Dosil Suárez, A.
Douglas, L.
Dovbnya, A.
Dreimanis, K.
Dufour, L.
Dujany, G.
Durante, P.
Durham, J. M.
Dutta, D.
Dzhelyadin, R.
Dziewiecki, M.
Dziurda, A.
Dzyuba, A.
Easo, S.
Egede, U.
Egorychev, V.
Eidelman, S.
Eisenhardt, S.
Eitschberger, U.
Ekelhof, R.
Eklund, L.
Ely, S.
Esen, S.
Evans, H. M.
Evans, T.
Falabella, A.
Farley, N.
Farry, S.
Fazzini, D.
Federici, L.
Ferguson, D.
Fernandez, G.
Fernandez Declara, P.
Fernandez Prieto, A.
Ferrari, F.
Ferreira Lopes, L.
Ferreira Rodrigues, F.
Ferro-Luzzi, M.
Filippov, S.
Fini, R. A.
Fiorini, M.
Firlej, M.
Fitzpatrick, C.
Fiutowski, T.
Fleuret, F.
Fontana, M.
Fontanelli, F.
Forty, R.
Franco Lima, V.
Frank, M.
Frei, C.
Fu, J.
Funk, W.
Furfaro, E.
Färber, C.
Gabriel, E.
Gallas Torreira, A.
Galli, D.
Gallorini, S.
Gambetta, S.
Gandelman, M.
Gandini, P.
Gao, Y.
Garcia Martin, L. M.
García Pardiñas, J.
Garra Tico, J.
Garrido, L.
Gascon, D.
Gaspar, C.
Gavardi, L.
Gazzoni, G.
Gerick, D.
Gersabeck, E.
Gersabeck, M.
Gershon, T.
Ghez, Ph.
Gianì, S.
Gibson, V.
Girard, O. G.
Giubega, L.
Gizdov, K.
Gligorov, V. V.
Golubkov, D.
Golutvin, A.
Gomes, A.
Gorelov, I. V.
Gotti, C.
Govorkova, E.
Grabowski, J. P.
Graciani Diaz, R.
Granado Cardoso, L. A.
Graugés, E.
Graverini, E.
Graziani, G.
Grecu, A.
Greim, R.
Griffith, P.
Grillo, L.
Gruber, L.
Gruberg Cazon, B. R.
Grünberg, O.
Gushchin, E.
Guz, Yu.
Gys, T.
Göbel, C.
Hadavizadeh, T.
Hadjivasiliou, C.
Haefeli, G.
Haen, C.
Haines, S. C.
Hamilton, B.
Han, X.
Hancock, T. H.
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harnew, N.
Harnew, S. T.
Hasse, C.
Hatch, M.
He, J.
Hecker, M.
Heinicke, K.
Heister, A.
Hennessy, K.
Henrard, P.
Henry, L.
van Herwijnen, E.
Heß, M.
Hicheur, A.
Hill, D.
Hopchev, P. H.
Hu, W.
Huang, W.
Huard, Z. C.
Hulsbergen, W.
Humair, T.
Hushchyn, M.
Hutchcroft, D.
Ibis, P.
Idzik, M.
Ilten, P.
Jacobsson, R.
Jalocha, J.
Jans, E.
Jawahery, A.
Jezabek, M.
Jiang, F.
John, M.
Johnson, D.
Jones, C. R.
Joram, C.
Jost, B.
Jurik, N.
Kandybei, S.
Karacson, M.
Kariuki, J. M.
Karodia, S.
Kazeev, N.
Kecke, M.
Keizer, F.
Kelsey, M.
Kenzie, M.
Ketel, T.
Khairullin, E.
Khanji, B.
Khurewathanakul, C.
Kim, K. E.
Kirn, T.
Klaver, S.
Klimaszewski, K.
Klimkovich, T.
Koliiev, S.
Kolpin, M.
Kopecna, R.
Koppenburg, P.
Kosmyntseva, A.
Kotriakhova, S.
Kozeiha, M.
Kravchuk, L.
Kreps, M.
Kress, F.
Krokovny, P.
Krzemien, W.
Kucewicz, W.
Kucharczyk, M.
Kudryavtsev, V.
Kuonen, A. K.
Kvaratskheliya, T.
Lacarrere, D.
Lafferty, G.
Lai, A.
Lanfranchi, G.
Langenbruch, C.
Latham, T.
Lazzeroni, C.
Le Gac, R.
Leflat, A.
Lefrançois, J.
Lefèvre, R.
Lemaitre, F.
Lemos Cid, E.
Leroy, O.
Lesiak, T.
Leverington, B.
Li, P.-R.
Li, T.
Li, Y.
Li, Z.
Liang, X.
Likhomanenko, T.
Lindner, R.
Lionetto, F.
Lisovskyi, V.
Liu, X.
Loh, D.
Loi, A.
Longstaff, I.
Lopes, J. H.
Lucchesi, D.
Lucio Martinez, M.
Luo, H.
Lupato, A.
Luppi, E.
Lupton, O.
Lusiani, A.
Lyu, X.
Machefert, F.
Maciuc, F.
Macko, V.
Mackowiak, P.
Maddrell-Mander, S.
Maev, O.
Maguire, K.
Maisuzenko, D.
Majewski, M. W.
Malde, S.
Malecki, B.
Malinin, A.
Maltsev, T.
Manca, G.
Mancinelli, G.
Marangotto, D.
Maratas, J.
Marchand, J. F.
Marconi, U.
Marin Benito, C.
Marinangeli, M.
Marino, P.
Marks, J.
Martellotti, G.
Martin, M.
Martinelli, M.
Martinez Santos, D.
Martinez Vidal, F.
Massafferri, A.
Matev, R.
Mathad, A.
Mathe, Z.
Matteuzzi, C.
Mauri, A.
Maurice, E.
Maurin, B.
Mazurov, A.
McCann, M.
McNab, A.
McNulty, R.
Mead, J. V.
Meadows, B.
Meaux, C.
Meier, F.
Meinert, N.
Melnychuk, D.
Merk, M.
Merli, A.
Michielin, E.
Milanes, D. A.
Millard, E.
Minard, M.-N.
Minzoni, L.
Mitzel, D. S.
Mogini, A.
Molina Rodriguez, J.
Mombächer, T.
Monroy, I. A.
Monteil, S.
Morandin, M.
Morello, M. J.
Morgunova, O.
Moron, J.
Morris, A. B.
Mountain, R.
Muheim, F.
Mulder, M.
Müller, D.
Müller, J.
Müller, K.
Müller, V.
Naik, P.
Nakada, T.
Nandakumar, R.
Nandi, A.
Nasteva, I.
Needham, M.
Neri, N.
Neubert, S.
Neufeld, N.
Neuner, M.
Nguyen, T. D.
Nguyen-Mau, C.
Nieswand, S.
Niet, R.
Nikitin, N.
Nikodem, T.
Nogay, A.
O’Hanlon, D. P.
Oblakowska-Mucha, A.
Obraztsov, V.
Ogilvy, S.
Oldeman, R.
Onderwater, C. J. G.
Ossowska, A.
Otalora Goicochea, J. M.
Owen, P.
Oyanguren, A.
Pais, P. R.
Palano, A.
Palutan, M.
Panshin, G.
Papanestis, A.
Pappagallo, M.
Pappalardo, L. L.
Parker, W.
Parkes, C.
Passaleva, G.
Pastore, A.
Patel, M.
Patrignani, C.
Pearce, A.
Pellegrino, A.
Penso, G.
Pepe Altarelli, M.
Perazzini, S.
Pereima, D.
Perret, P.
Pescatore, L.
Petridis, K.
Petrolini, A.
Petrov, A.
Petruzzo, M.
Picatoste Olloqui, E.
Pietrzyk, B.
Pietrzyk, G.
Pikies, M.
Pinci, D.
Pisani, F.
Pistone, A.
Piucci, A.
Placinta, V.
Playfer, S.
Plo Casasus, M.
Polci, F.
Poli Lener, M.
Poluektov, A.
Polyakov, I.
Polycarpo, E.
Pomery, G. J.
Ponce, S.
Popov, A.
Popov, D.
Poslavskii, S.
Potterat, C.
Price, E.
Prisciandaro, J.
Prouve, C.
Pugatch, V.
Puig Navarro, A.
Pullen, H.
Punzi, G.
Qian, W.
Qin, J.
Quagliani, R.
Quintana, B.
Rachwal, B.
Rademacker, J. H.
Rama, M.
Ramos Pernas, M.
Rangel, M. S.
Raniuk, I.
Ratnikov, F.
Raven, G.
Ravonel Salzgeber, M.
Reboud, M.
Redi, F.
Reichert, S.
dos Reis, A. C.
Remon Alepuz, C.
Renaudin, V.
Ricciardi, S.
Richards, S.
Rihl, M.
Rinnert, K.
Robbe, P.
Robert, A.
Rodrigues, A. B.
Rodrigues, E.
Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.
Rogozhnikov, A.
Roiser, S.
Rollings, A.
Romanovskiy, V.
Romero Vidal, A.
Rotondo, M.
Rudolph, M. S.
Ruf, T.
Ruiz Valls, P.
Ruiz Vidal, J.
Saborido Silva, J. J.
Sadykhov, E.
Sagidova, N.
Saitta, B.
Salustino Guimaraes, V.
Sanchez Mayordomo, C.
Sanmartin Sedes, B.
Santacesaria, R.
Santamarina Rios, C.
Santimaria, M.
Santovetti, E.
Sarpis, G.
Sarti, A.
Satriano, C.
Satta, A.
Saunders, D. M.
Savrina, D.
Schael, S.
Schellenberg, M.
Schiller, M.
Schindler, H.
Schmelling, M.
Schmelzer, T.
Schmidt, B.
Schneider, O.
Schopper, A.
Schreiner, H. F.
Schubiger, M.
Schune, M. H.
Schwemmer, R.
Sciascia, B.
Sciubba, A.
Semennikov, A.
Sepulveda, E. S.
Sergi, A.
Serra, N.
Serrano, J.
Sestini, L.
Seyfert, P.
Shapkin, M.
Shcheglov, Y.
Shears, T.
Shekhtman, L.
Shevchenko, V.
Siddi, B. G.
Silva Coutinho, R.
Silva de Oliveira, L.
Simi, G.
Simone, S.
Sirendi, M.
Skidmore, N.
Skwarnicki, T.
Smith, I. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, M.
Soares Lavra, l.
Sokoloff, M. D.
Soler, F. J. P.
Souza De Paula, B.
Spaan, B.
Spradlin, P.
Stagni, F.
Stahl, M.
Stahl, S.
Stefko, P.
Stefkova, S.
Steinkamp, O.
Stemmle, S.
Stenyakin, O.
Stepanova, M.
Stevens, H.
Stone, S.
Storaci, B.
Stracka, S.
Stramaglia, M. E.
Straticiuc, M.
Straumann, U.
Strokov, S.
Sun, J.
Sun, L.
Swientek, K.
Syropoulos, V.
Szumlak, T.
Szymanski, M.
T’Jampens, S.
Tayduganov, A.
Tekampe, T.
Tellarini, G.
Teubert, F.
Thomas, E.
van Tilburg, J.
Tilley, M. J.
Tisserand, V.
Tobin, M.
Tolk, S.
Tomassetti, L.
Tonelli, D.
Tourinho Jadallah Aoude, R.
Tournefier, E.
Traill, M.
Tran, M. T.
Tresch, M.
Trisovic, A.
Tsaregorodtsev, A.
Tsopelas, P.
Tully, A.
Tuning, N.
Ukleja, A.
Usachov, A.
Ustyuzhanin, A.
Uwer, U.
Vacca, C.
Vagner, A.
Vagnoni, V.
Valassi, A.
Valat, S.
Valenti, G.
Vazquez Gomez, R.
Vazquez Regueiro, P.
Vecchi, S.
van Veghel, M.
Velthuis, J. J.
Veltri, M.
Veneziano, G.
Venkateswaran, A.
Verlage, T. A.
Vernet, M.
Vesterinen, M.
Viana Barbosa, J. V.
Vieira, D.
Vieites Diaz, M.
Viemann, H.
Vilasis-Cardona, X.
Vitti, M.
Volkov, V.
Vollhardt, A.
Voneki, B.
Vorobyev, A.
Vorobyev, V.
Voß, C.
de Vries, J. A.
Vázquez Sierra, C.
Waldi, R.
Walsh, J.
Wang, J.
Wang, Y.
Ward, D. R.
Wark, H. M.
Watson, N. K.
Websdale, D.
Weiden, A.
Whitehead, M.
Wicht, J.
Wilkinson, G.
Wilkinson, M.
Williams, M.
Williams, T.
Wilson, F. F.
Wimberley, J.
Winn, M.
Wishahi, J.
Wislicki, W.
Witek, M.
Wormser, G.
Wotton, S. A.
Wyllie, K.
Xie, Y.
Xu, M.
Xu, Q.
Xu, Z.
Xu, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yang, Z.
Yao, Y.
Yin, H.
Yu, J.
Yuan, X.
Yushchenko, O.
Zarebski, K. A.
Zavertyaev, M.
Zhang, L.
Zhang, Y.
Zhelezov, A.
Zheng, Y.
Zhu, X.
Zhukov, V.
Zonneveld, J. B.
Zucchelli, S.
Boettcher, Thomas Julian
Craik, Daniel C
Weisser, Constantin
Williams, Michael
Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]
title Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]
title_full Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]
title_fullStr Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]
title_full_unstemmed Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]
title_short Search for the rare decay Λ[subscript c][superscript +] → pμ[superscript +]μ[superscript −]
title_sort search for the rare decay λ subscript c superscript pμ superscript μ superscript
work_keys_str_mv AT aaijr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT adevab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT adinolfim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ajaltouniz searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT akars searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT albrechtj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alessiof searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alexanderm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alfonsoalberoa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alkhazovg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alvarezcartellep searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT alvesaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT amatos searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT amerios searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT amhisy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT anl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT anderlinil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT andreassig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT andreottim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT andrewsje searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT applebyrb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT archillif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dargentp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT arnauromeuj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT artamonova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT artusom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT aslanidese searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT atzenim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT auriemmag searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT baalouchm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT babuschkini searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bachmanns searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT backjj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT badalova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT baessoc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bakers searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT balagurav searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT baldiniw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT baranova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT barlowrj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT barschelc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT barsuks searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT barterw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT baryshnikovf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT batozskayav searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT battistav searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT baya searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT beaucourtl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT beddowj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bedeschif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bediagai searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT beitera searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bellj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT beliyn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT belleev searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bellolin searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT belousk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT belyaevi searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT benhaime searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bencivennig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bensons searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT beraneks searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT berezhnoya searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bernetr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT berninghoffd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bertholete searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bertolina searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT betancourtc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bettif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bettlermo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vanbeuzekomm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bezshyikoia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bifanis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT billoirp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT birnkrauta searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bizzetia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bjørnm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT blaket searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT blancf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT blusks searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bocciv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bondara searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bondarn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bordyuzhini searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT borghis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT borisyakm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT borsatom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bossuf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT boubdirm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bowcocktjv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bowene searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT bozzic searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT brauns searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT brodzickaj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT brundud searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT buchanane searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT burrc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT burschea searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT buytaertj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT byczynskiw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cadeddus searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT caih searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT calabreser searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT calladiner searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT calvim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT calvogomezm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cambonia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT campanap searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT camporaperezdh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT capriottil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT carbonea searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT carbonig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cardinaler searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cardinia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT carnitip searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT carsonl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT carvalhoakibak searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT casseg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cassinal searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cattaneom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cavallerog searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cencir searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chamontd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chapmanmg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT charlesm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT charpentierph searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chatzikonstantinidisg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chefdevillem searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chens searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cheungsf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chiticsg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chobanovav searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chrzaszczm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT chubykina searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ciambronep searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cidvidalx searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ciezarekg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT clarkepel searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT clemencicm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cliffhv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT closierj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cocov searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT coganj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cognerase searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cogoniv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cojocariul searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT collinsp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT colombot searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT comermamontellsa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT contua searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT coombsg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT coquereaus searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cortig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT corvom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT costasobralcm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT couturierb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cowanga searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT crocombea searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT cruztorresm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT currier searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dambrosioc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dacunhamarinhof searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dasilvacl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dalloccoe searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dalsenoj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT davisa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT deaguiarfranciscoo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT debruynk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT decapuas searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT decianm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT demirandajm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT depaulal searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT deseriom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT desimonep searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT deanct searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT decampd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT delbuonol searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dembinskihp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT demmerm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dendeka searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT derkachd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT deschampso searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dettorif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT deyb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dicantoa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dinezzap searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dijkstrah searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dordeif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dorigom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dosilsuareza searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT douglasl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dovbnyaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dreimanisk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dufourl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dujanyg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT durantep searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT durhamjm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT duttad searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dzhelyadinr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dziewieckim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dziurdaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dzyubaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT easos searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT egedeu searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT egorychevv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT eidelmans searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT eisenhardts searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT eitschbergeru searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ekelhofr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT eklundl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT elys searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT esens searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT evanshm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT evanst searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT falabellaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT farleyn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT farrys searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fazzinid searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT federicil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fergusond searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fernandezg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fernandezdeclarap searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fernandezprietoa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ferrarif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ferreiralopesl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ferreirarodriguesf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ferroluzzim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT filippovs searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT finira searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fiorinim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT firlejm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fitzpatrickc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fiutowskit searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fleuretf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fontanam searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fontanellif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fortyr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT francolimav searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT frankm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT freic searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT fuj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT funkw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT furfaroe searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT farberc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gabriele searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gallastorreiraa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gallid searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gallorinis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gambettas searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gandelmanm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gandinip searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gaoy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT garciamartinlm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT garciapardinasj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT garraticoj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT garridol searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gascond searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gasparc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gavardil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gazzonig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gerickd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gersabecke searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gersabeckm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gershont searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ghezph searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gianis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gibsonv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT girardog searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT giubegal searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gizdovk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gligorovvv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT golubkovd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT golutvina searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gomesa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT goreloviv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gottic searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT govorkovae searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT grabowskijp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gracianidiazr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT granadocardosola searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT graugese searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT graverinie searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT grazianig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT grecua searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT greimr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT griffithp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT grillol searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gruberl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT grubergcazonbr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT grunbergo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gushchine searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT guzyu searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gyst searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT gobelc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hadavizadeht searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hadjivasiliouc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT haefelig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT haenc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hainessc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hamiltonb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hanx searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hancockth searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hansmannmenzemers searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT harnewn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT harnewst searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hassec searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hatchm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hej searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT heckerm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT heinickek searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT heistera searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hennessyk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT henrardp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT henryl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vanherwijnene searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT heßm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hicheura searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hilld searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hopchevph searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT huw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT huangw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT huardzc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hulsbergenw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT humairt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hushchynm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT hutchcroftd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ibisp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT idzikm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT iltenp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jacobssonr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jalochaj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT janse searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jawaherya searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jezabekm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jiangf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT johnm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT johnsond searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jonescr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT joramc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jostb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT jurikn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kandybeis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT karacsonm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kariukijm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT karodias searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kazeevn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT keckem searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT keizerf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kelseym searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kenziem searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ketelt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT khairulline searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT khanjib searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT khurewathanakulc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kimke searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kirnt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT klavers searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT klimaszewskik searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT klimkovicht searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT koliievs searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kolpinm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kopecnar searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT koppenburgp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kosmyntsevaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kotriakhovas searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kozeiham searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kravchukl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT krepsm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kressf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT krokovnyp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT krzemienw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kucewiczw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kucharczykm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kudryavtsevv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kuonenak searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT kvaratskheliyat searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lacarrered searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT laffertyg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT laia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lanfranchig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT langenbruchc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lathamt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lazzeronic searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT legacr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT leflata searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lefrancoisj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lefevrer searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lemaitref searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lemoscide searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT leroyo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lesiakt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT leveringtonb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lipr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lit searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT liy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT liz searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT liangx searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT likhomanenkot searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lindnerr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lionettof searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lisovskyiv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT liux searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lohd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT loia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT longstaffi searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lopesjh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lucchesid searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT luciomartinezm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT luoh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lupatoa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT luppie searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT luptono searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lusiania searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT lyux searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT machefertf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maciucf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mackov searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mackowiakp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maddrellmanders searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maevo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maguirek searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maisuzenkod searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT majewskimw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maldes searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maleckib searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT malinina searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maltsevt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mancag searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mancinellig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marangottod searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maratasj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marchandjf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marconiu searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marinbenitoc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marinangelim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marinop searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT marksj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT martellottig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT martinm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT martinellim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT martinezsantosd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT martinezvidalf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT massafferria searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT matevr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mathada searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mathez searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT matteuzzic searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mauria searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mauricee searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT maurinb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mazurova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mccannm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mcnaba searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mcnultyr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT meadjv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT meadowsb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT meauxc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT meierf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT meinertn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT melnychukd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT merkm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT merlia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT michieline searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT milanesda searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT millarde searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT minardmn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT minzonil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mitzelds searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT moginia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT molinarodriguezj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mombachert searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT monroyia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT monteils searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT morandinm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT morellomj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT morgunovao searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT moronj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT morrisab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mountainr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT muheimf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mulderm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mullerd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mullerj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mullerk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT mullerv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT naikp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nakadat searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nandakumarr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nandia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nastevai searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT needhamm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nerin searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT neuberts searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT neufeldn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT neunerm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nguyentd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nguyenmauc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nieswands searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nietr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nikitinn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nikodemt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT nogaya searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ohanlondp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT oblakowskamuchaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT obraztsovv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ogilvys searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT oldemanr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT onderwatercjg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ossowskaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT otaloragoicocheajm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT owenp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT oyangurena searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT paispr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT palanoa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT palutanm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT panshing searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT papanestisa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pappagallom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pappalardoll searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT parkerw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT parkesc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT passalevag searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pastorea searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT patelm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT patrignanic searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pearcea searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pellegrinoa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pensog searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pepealtarellim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT perazzinis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pereimad searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT perretp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pescatorel searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT petridisk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT petrolinia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT petrova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT petruzzom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT picatosteolloquie searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pietrzykb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pietrzykg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pikiesm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pincid searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pisanif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pistonea searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT piuccia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT placintav searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT playfers searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT plocasasusm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT polcif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT polilenerm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT poluektova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT polyakovi searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT polycarpoe searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pomerygj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ponces searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT popova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT popovd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT poslavskiis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT potteratc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pricee searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT prisciandaroj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT prouvec searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pugatchv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT puignavarroa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT pullenh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT punzig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT qianw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT qinj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT quaglianir searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT quintanab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rachwalb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rademackerjh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ramam searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ramospernasm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rangelms searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT raniuki searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ratnikovf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT raveng searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ravonelsalzgeberm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT reboudm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT redif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT reicherts searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT dosreisac searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT remonalepuzc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT renaudinv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ricciardis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT richardss searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rihlm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rinnertk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT robbep searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT roberta searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rodriguesab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rodriguese searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rodriguezlopezja searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rogozhnikova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT roisers searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rollingsa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT romanovskiyv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT romerovidala searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rotondom searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT rudolphms searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ruft searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ruizvallsp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ruizvidalj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT saboridosilvajj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sadykhove searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sagidovan searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT saittab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT salustinoguimaraesv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sanchezmayordomoc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sanmartinsedesb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT santacesariar searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT santamarinariosc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT santimariam searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT santovettie searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sarpisg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sartia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT satrianoc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sattaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT saundersdm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT savrinad searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schaels searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schellenbergm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schillerm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schindlerh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schmellingm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schmelzert searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schmidtb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schneidero searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schoppera searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schreinerhf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schubigerm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schunemh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT schwemmerr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sciasciab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sciubbaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT semennikova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sepulvedaes searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sergia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT serran searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT serranoj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sestinil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT seyfertp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT shapkinm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT shcheglovy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT shearst searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT shekhtmanl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT shevchenkov searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT siddibg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT silvacoutinhor searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT silvadeoliveiral searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT simig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT simones searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sirendim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT skidmoren searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT skwarnickit searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT smithit searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT smithj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT smithm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT soareslavral searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sokoloffmd searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT solerfjp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT souzadepaulab searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT spaanb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT spradlinp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stagnif searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stahlm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stahls searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stefkop searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stefkovas searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT steinkampo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stemmles searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stenyakino searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stepanovam searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stevensh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stones searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT storacib searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT strackas searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT stramagliame searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT straticiucm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT straumannu searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT strokovs searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sunj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT sunl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT swientekk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT syropoulosv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT szumlakt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT szymanskim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tjampenss searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tayduganova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tekampet searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tellarinig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT teubertf searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT thomase searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vantilburgj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tilleymj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tisserandv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tobinm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tolks searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tomassettil searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tonellid searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tourinhojadallahaouder searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tournefiere searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT traillm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tranmt searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT treschm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT trisovica searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tsaregorodtseva searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tsopelasp searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tullya searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT tuningn searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT uklejaa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT usachova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT ustyuzhanina searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT uweru searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vaccac searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vagnera searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vagnoniv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT valassia searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT valats searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT valentig searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vazquezgomezr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vazquezregueirop searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vecchis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vanveghelm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT velthuisjj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT veltrim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT venezianog searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT venkateswarana searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT verlageta searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vernetm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vesterinenm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vianabarbosajv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vieirad searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vieitesdiazm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT viemannh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vilasiscardonax searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vittim searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT volkovv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vollhardta searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vonekib searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vorobyeva searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vorobyevv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT voßc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT devriesja searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT vazquezsierrac searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT waldir searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT walshj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wangj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wangy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT warddr searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT warkhm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT watsonnk searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT websdaled searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT weidena searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT whiteheadm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wichtj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wilkinsong searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wilkinsonm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT williamsm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT williamst searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wilsonff searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wimberleyj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT winnm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wishahij searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wislickiw searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT witekm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wormserg searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wottonsa searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT wylliek searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT xiey searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT xum searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT xuq searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT xuz searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT xuz searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yangz searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yangz searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yaoy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yinh searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yuj searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yuanx searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT yushchenkoo searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zarebskika searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zavertyaevm searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zhangl searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zhangy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zhelezova searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zhengy searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zhux searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zhukovv searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zonneveldjb searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT zucchellis searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT boettcherthomasjulian searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT craikdanielc searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT weisserconstantin searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript
AT williamsmichael searchfortheraredecaylsubscriptcsuperscriptpmsuperscriptmsuperscript