Summary: | We examine methods for detecting and disrupting electronic arc faults, proposing an approach leveraging Internet of Things connectivity, artificial intelligence, and adaptive learning. We develop Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) taking Fourier coefficients, Mel-Frequency Cepstrum data, and Wavelet features as input for differentiating normal from malignant current measurements. We further discuss how hardware-accelerated signal capture facilitates real-time classification, enabling our classifier to reach 99.95% accuracy for binary classification and 95.61% for multi-device classification, with trigger-to-trip latency under 200 ms. Finally, we discuss how IoT supports aggregate and user-specific risk models and suggest how future versions of this system might effectively supervise multiple circuits. Keywords: Emerging applications and technology; Intelligent infrastructure; Ambient intelligence; Embedded intelligence; Distributed sensing; Arc fault detection; Real-time