Summary: | Using first principles from inference, we design a set of functionals for the purposes of ranking joint probability distributions with respect to their correlations. Starting with a general functional, we impose its desired behavior through the Principle of Constant Correlations (PCC), which constrains the correlation functional to behave in a consistent way under statistically independent inferential transformations. The PCC guides us in choosing the appropriate design criteria for constructing the desired functionals. Since the derivations depend on a choice of partitioning the variable space into n disjoint subspaces, the general functional we design is the n-partite information (NPI), of which the total correlation and mutual information are special cases. Thus, these functionals are found to be uniquely capable of determining whether a certain class of inferential transformations, ρ→∗ρ′ , preserve, destroy or create correlations. This provides conceptual clarity by ruling out other possible global correlation quantifiers. Finally, the derivation and results allow us to quantify non-binary notions of statistical sufficiency. Our results express what percentage of the correlations are preserved under a given inferential transformation or variable mapping. Keywords: n-partite information; total correlation; mutual information; entropy; probability theory; correlation