Shrnutí: | © 2018 American Physical Society. Efficient lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) is demonstrated at densities up to ne≈1.5×1020 m-3 in diverted plasmas on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak by operating at increased plasma current - and therefore reduced Greenwald density fraction. This density exceeds the nominal "LH density limit" at ne≈1.0×1020 m-3 reported previously, above which an anomalous loss of current drive efficiency was observed. The recovery of current drive efficiency to a level consistent with engineering scalings is correlated with a reduction in density shoulders and turbulence levels in the far scrape-off layer. Concurrently, rf wave interaction with the edge and/or scrape-off-layer plasma is reduced, as indicated by a minimal broadening of the wave frequency spectrum measured at the plasma edge. These results have important implications for sustaining steady-state tokamak operation and indicate a pathway forward for implementing efficient LHCD in a reactor.