Summary: | © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. LEO satellites are growing rapidly in number, but also in configurability of the payload, which presents new challenges of how to allocate the satellite's resources. We present an algorithm to solve two subproblems of the resource allocation problem for multi-beam satellites in large LEO constellations. Our approach produces a static beam placement and a static frequency plan, taking into account the user demands and interference conditions, respectively. We provide an easy to implement and fast approximation for the beam placement problem, which is converted into an Edge Clique Cover problem using graph theory. The frequency assignment problem is translated into a constraint satisfaction problem, which is later solved with a first-fit heuristic. We apply our algorithm to a scenario based on SpaceX's Starlink constellation, and when compared to two different baselines, we show that our method requires 40% fewer beams while being able to provide service to 2% more users.