Summary: | With a primary interest in how innovative approaches can improve healthcare delivery quality, this dissertation focuses on the crucial role that widely available technologies and improving organizational schemes can have on health outcomes. In the first paper, I analyze the effect of introducing common group chat apps on heart attack treatment coordination across hospitals. I document a large effect among hospitals that have a higher survival gap relative to the specialized centers they send patients to: survival rates increase by 29% (12 percentage points) and transfers by 85% (5 percentage points). In the second paper, in collaboration with Jonathan Gruber and Enrique Seira, we implement a novel deniers randomization evaluation of a private one-stop-shop model of care for one of the world’s deadliest health problems, diabetes. We estimate enormous impacts of the private supplement, increasing the share of those treated who are under control by 69%. The returns to private care do not appear to reflect more productive delivery but rather more attachment to medical care. Finally, the third paper presents a review of the medical and economic literature on HICT adoption. We find that HICT improves clinical outcomes and lowers healthcare costs, but (i) the effects are modest so far, (ii) it takes time for these effects to materialize, and (iii) there is much variation in the impact. Our own analysis on a novel labor market level dataset finds an increase in employment after HICT adoption, with managers benefiting more, and no negative effects on income.