要約: | Abstract
We present a simple method of discretely modeling solutions of the classical wave and Klein-Gordon equations using variations of random walks on a graph. Consider a collection of particles executing random walks on an undirected bipartite graph embedded in
$$\mathbb {R}^{D}$$
at discrete times
$$\mathbb {Z}$$
, and assume those walks are “heat-like”, in the sense that a (conserved) density of particles obeys the heat equation in the continuum limit. If the particles possess a binary degree of freedom (so that they may be said to be either particles or “antiparticles”, i.e., “positive” or “negative), then there exist closely related branching random walks on the same graph that are “wave-like”, in the sense that their (also conserved) net density obeys the D-dimensional classical wave equation. Such wave-like paths can be generated even on random graphs. The transformation by which the heat-like random walks become wave-like branching random walks is as follows: at every time step, any “incoming” particle arriving at any node X of the graph along some edge eX creates a particle-antiparticle pair at that node, with the stipulation that the newly created particle with the opposite sign of the incoming particle must initially step (in “Huygens” back-propagation fashion) along eX in the reverse direction, while the other two take a step (in “Brownian” fashion) along any edge of X (including possibly eX) with equal likelihood, and chosen independently. An additional degree of freedom (resulting in “bra” and “ket” particles) leads to quasi-probability densities proportional to the square of the wave functions.