Summary: | Abstract
The in-person workshop “Drug Dissolution in Oral Drug Absorption” was held on May 23–24, 2023, in Baltimore, MD, USA. The workshop was organized into lectures and breakout sessions. Three common topics that were re-visited by various lecturers were amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs), dissolution/permeation interplay, and in vitro methods to predict in vivo biopharmaceutics performance and risk. Topics that repeatedly surfaced across breakout sessions were the following: (1) meaning and assessment of “dissolved drug,” particularly of poorly water soluble drug in colloidal environments (e.g., fed conditions, ASDs); (2) potential limitations of a test that employs sink conditions for a poorly water soluble drug; (3) non-compendial methods (e.g., two-stage or multi-stage method, dissolution/permeation methods); (4) non-compendial conditions (e.g., apex vessels, non-sink conditions); and (5) potential benefit of having both a quality control method for batch release and a biopredictive/biorelevant method for biowaiver or bridging scenarios. An identified obstacle to non-compendial methods is the uncertainty of global regulatory acceptance of such methods.