Summary: | The development of new
hampered by exhaustive researc
several alternative production
need for a tool which can prov
guide the selection of the mos
identify the critical areas of
process most efficient. This
hydrogen manufacture, consider
future of synfuels technology,
flowsheet simulation can fill
chemical processes is often
h into many variations in
methods. There is a real
ide early information to help
t promising routes and
research to make the final
study uses the example of
ed very important for the
to demonstrate how computer
this need.
Three different hydrogen production processes were
modeled with the ASPEN flowsheet simulation system. Steam
reforming and partial oxidation of methane were studied
separately and then compared. For each model the process
efficiency, defined in terms of product purity, yield, and
cost, was analyzed as a function of the operating
conditions. Trends in behavior were plotted and
methodologies for process optimization found. On comparing
the processes, steam reforming was identified as the more
cost effective process. Partial oxidation, although
resulting in lower initial capital investment for the same
size plant, has higher operating costs associated with the
need for a pure oxygen feed. This process is competitive
with steam reforming only if a very low cost source of
oxygen is available.
The third process simulated was electrolysis of
water. This demonstrated the method by which flowsheet
simulation can be used to compare processes based on very
different technologies. It was found that because of the
cost of the large amount of electricity needed,
electrolysis produces hydrogen at several times the cost as
that of the steam reforming process. In addition, the
capital expenditure for a large scale electrolysis plant is
much higher than the same size steam reforming facility
because of the high cost of the necessary electrolysis
equipment. This suggests that electrolysis is not a viable
alternative for hydrogen manufacture on the scale needed
for future synfuels processes.