Summary: | This report presents the results of a sectoral demand analysis for photo-
voltaic power systems used in the residential sector single family homes],
the service, commercial, and institutional sector [schools] and in the central
power sector. The results described are the output of a set of three normative
modeling activities carried out by the MIT Energy Laboratory, They are based
on the assumption that the actors, i.e., the utilities, schools, and homeowners,
will switch to photovoltaic power systems when they are cost-effective relative
to the competition, that is, centralized power generation using conventional
fuels. In each case the assumption is made that the market for photovoltaic
power systems will be a new market, not a retrofit market. As a result the
annual (total for utilities) sales potential at a given price is estimated
for each sector assuming a specific level of new installations in that sector,
i.e., new single-family homes, new schools, and additions to utility stocks.
As such, the results presented are maxima for a given application. While
the methodology presented does not allow for any early acceptors, it does
assume that once economic all new homeowners, school-builders, and utilities
will buy to a fixed level.