Summary: | The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is charged by Congress to prepare an Annual Report to Congress (ARC) which includes projections of energy supplies, consumption and prices, as well as the relation of energy to other economic activity. As an aid to users of ARC, the EIA Office of Analysis Oversight and Access (OAOA) is preparing "Analysis Quality Reports" on particular components of the energy information analysis system used in developing the ARC-78 projections. This report focuses on the Coal Supply Module used for the midterm projections of the ARC-78. The Coal Supply Module is part of the EIA's National Coal Model. The review and analysis presented here is based upon the MIT Energy Model Analysis Program's (EMAP) evaluation of the documentation and implementation of the Coal Supply Module sponsored by OAOA, and an indepth evaluation of a related model--the ICF Coal and Electric Utilities Model--which also employs the EIA Coal Supply Module. The indepth evaluation has been sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute.