Summary: | High vapor velocity condensation inside a tube was studied analytically. The von Karman universal velocity distribution was applied to the condensate flow, pressure drops were calculated using the Lockhart- Martinelli method, and heat transfer coefficients were calculated from the momentum and heat transfer analogy. Subsequently, the analysis was reduced to an accurate, but simplified form, to facilitate calculations. Experimental data for refrigerants R-12 and R-22 condensing in a 0.315 in. I. D. tube were obtained for mass fluxes from 1.2 x 105 to 11.3 x 105 lbm/hr-ft 2, qualities from 0.02 to 0.96, and saturation temperatures from 75 to 140*F. On the basis of the data and analysis, a simplified non-dimensional presentation of the results evolved. The agreement between the majority of the data and the analysis was within + 15 percent.