Summary: | Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy
Lihong V. Wang, Editor, 499 pages +xx, ISBN: 978-1-4200-
5991-5, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton,
Florida (2009), $149.95, hardcover.
Reviewed by Barry R. Masters, Visiting Scientist, Department of
Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and Visiting Scholar, Department of the History of Science,
Harvard University, Fellow of AAAS, OSA, and SPIE.
Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy is a multiauthored reference
book that presents an advanced series of disparate chapters
on the mathematical foundations, instrumentation, and applications
of photoacoustic and thermoacoustic imaging. Lihong Wang, an
eminent author, educator, scientist, and leader in the field of photoacoustic
imaging and spectroscopy, is the editor of this book. Clearly
this field is extremely active as evidenced by the diversity, the
scope, and the quality of the field’s published literature. Nevertheless,
I was surprised to read the back cover, which I think
is overreaching with the claim that photoacoustics may make
as dynamic a contribution to modern medicine as the discovery
of the x ray once did. While this may be a “typical”
overstatement by the publisher’s marketing team, it should be
noted that within one year of the discovery of x rays there
were more than one thousand publications related to the topic.