Summary: | Two aspects of an intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) for GFR service have been
investigated: (1) the intrinsic characteristics of the proposed compact printed circuit heat
exchanger (PCHE); and (2) a specific design optimizing economic and technical
efficiency while coupling a supercritical CO[subscript 2] Brayton power cycle to a helium cooled
fast reactor core. In particular, the wavy channel friction factor and the effective
conduction thickness between channels were evaluated by simulations using state of the
art software (Fluent[superscript TM]). To support the competitiveness of the PCHE, it was directly
compared to other potential IHX candidates with respect to performance and size for
identical operating conditions. All PCHE modeling conservatively assumed straight
channels and was carried out using an MIT in-house code. The PCHEs designed
specifically for the He/S-CO[subscript 2] cycle were designed to be deployed in a prestressed cast
iron reactor vessel (PCIV) pod and to permit a net cycle efficiency of at least 40%.
Optimization theory, sensitivity studies, and thermal-hydraulic constraints contributed to
shaping the final design.
The friction factor analysis showed that the correlations cited in the literature
overestimate the value by approximately a factor of two. As regards the effective
conduction thickness ratio, it was found to be around 0.6 for a 2.0 mm channel diameter.
Since the value of the ratio employed in the MIT in-house code is 1.0, the results
generated by the code should be conservative. Comparing the competing IHX types
clearly illustrated the advantages of using a compact design, thus favoring PCHEs and
plate-fin designs. A maximum net cycle efficiency of 40.9% was achieved for the
proposed cycle utilizing a low-pressure-drop reference core. The cost and core volume of
this 600 MWt PCHE design were estimated to be $2.4M and 16.4 m[superscript 3], respectively. The
largest uncertainty associated with the computations is whether the PCIV pod provides
sufficient space for deployment of the PCHE, a blower, and other ancillary equipment.
However, studies of PCHEs based on zig-zag channels indicate that the compactness can
be further enhanced by a factor of 2 to 3 thanks to the increased heat transfer capability of
the saw-tooth channel geometry. More research is needed to verify this projection.